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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011


    Sorry, that recipe took an entire page!

    hbCheryl:  Put all of the whipped cream that you like onto this!  

    Good night, Everyone!

    {{{HUGS}}} and Sweet Chocolate Dreams.  


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011
    I am going to print this out - it sounds deliciousLaughing
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    hbCheryl:  Have fun with it.

    There is a variation that splits the cake into two layers, using a white-chocolate mousse and raspberries, as well as a kirsch syrup.  I'll type that up and load it here as well.

    Last, but not least, this recipe comes from the following cookbook:  "Bake and Freeze Chocolate Deserts" by Elinor Klivans.  I'm sure this cookbook comes in paperback, and I would think would offer used copies as well.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    mmmmm Julie, does that ever sound good!  Not gonna print it out though, as snacking is my diet downfall and if I have it in the house, I'll eat it - no willpower when it comes to chocolate!

    Did so well yesterday, oatmeal & blueberries for breakfast, no morning snack, 1/2 hour power walk at noon then tortilla soup for lunch, no afternoon snack, supper was roast pork loin (skipped the mashed potatoes & gravy) spinach salad and yellow squash, no dessert and no evening snack.  Total day was 4.2 miles / 7,210 steps.

    Cheryl, try taking your vitamin after a meal.  I take a one-a-day women's formula and used to take it with my morning coffee and then I'd have an upset stomach.  When onc nurse was reviewing my meds list, she asked if the vit upset my stomach and when I said yes she recommended I take it after a meal.  So now I take the multi-vit with my tamox after supper and volia, no more upset tummy every morning!

    Supposed to be 50f today, we're headed in the right direction.  We have snow crocus coming up!!  {hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Oh my, I gained 3 pounds just READING the recipe. Yum!!!

    We can't even ACCESS the paperwork, never-the-less do it by hand, without the computer program up and running. Sad world when your whole life revolves around the health and welfare of a MACHINE!

    Oh well, I will feel better after I track down a cup of coffee. Have a great day all! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Julie - what a recipe!!  I think I will print it off and then store it in the recipe box (don't even want to read the ingredients!)  I may gain weight just reading!

    Cheryl -  I may join you for your next "boy attack"  class!!  Wink

    Have a great day all - the sun is shining..... AGAIN!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Julie, thank you for recipes. Will keep it it my looseleaf of recipes. At this time, trying too hard to lose, today will be my first weigh in with JC since I got serious again. Hoping 3 days of zumba helped. Had every intention of spinning this morning, but woke up too late.

    My son just came back from Istanbul and loved it.

    Badger, keep up the good work with healthy eating and walking

    Sandy, never underwires, hut, but have plenty of bra extensions. My PS wants my bras as tight as possible for supportl.

    Just checking on, hugs to all,

    Keep on exercising.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Sandee Napal sounds like a wonderful trip.  You will have to share photos.

    Julie thanks for the recipe, I love to bake.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Badger thanks for the tip, I'll take it tonight after dinner maybe I'll change my vitamin regime so that way I'll remember!!!!

    Hahaha Mary Louise, lucky there was only one typo (but what a doozy) cause my post last night could have been full of ***^^&&&%%*** it was so frustrating, and I'm pretty good at deciphering accents but this one had me beat AND funny thing is that just before class started I was talking to a girl who I haven't seen in probably a year, and a very cute boy came in the room walked up behind me, started massaging my shoulders and leaned down and whispered in my ear, the girl I was talking too was like "huhhh" but here is what he whispered "I'm going to be late tomorrow night can you set up my step for me" ahhh but I'm going to keep up the illusion of cute boy likes old ladyInnocent

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Just a quick note - I typed up the recipe in a big hurry last night, so if any of you have questions, feel free to PM me.  

    I found several variations in the cookbook, will post them tonight.

    Happy Exercising!


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2011

    Went to Dr. today and received an awesome report. The  tumors from my spine are gone and the tumors in my femur and hip have shrunk substantilly to the point that my Dr. considers me in remission. I am off chemo for a few  weeks and then we will be discussing maintenance care. Praise the Lord God is so Good!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    ebann - Oh my, that is absolutely GREAT news!!!!  I just love it when our friends get good news.  So many times we open the site to something unhappy.

    Thanks so much for sharing.  We serve an AWESOME God.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Oh Elizabeth, I am so THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie- the cake sounds scary-good! WOW !!! no calories there. You had better come with me because oyu are going to need to walk off those calories.

    Ruth- you are welcome to come with me and jump into my backpack with Carol! I leave april 5 and return on the 28th...Julie you are 100% right....going because I want to go and because I want to see the people I adore for awhile...gets me to a part of the world i would otherwise have no reason to go and see...and I just turned down a few days in Playa del Carmen to assess a course...6 months ago I would have zoomed home and then gotten on anothe rplane because I I am not going to do it because I can choose...they will ask again I am certain.

    Cheryl- glad you got some alone is indeed essential!! so is people time when you live alone, as I currently do. Went to dinner with a friend and then out for a glass of red was not a pub but a restaurant between our wo places so we had to order food..ordered a piece of chocolate cake between us..wen twell with the red wine...nothing like the cake Julie has described so I am glad I left half of it behind!

    Patoo- you have done your heart smart steps!! YAY!! 10, 000 is no easy feet my dear. BRavo!

    Ruth, I think I know how you feel...I did an hour at the gym and felt better than I have in ages..woke up at 4am and fell back asleep at 5:30..up at 7:30....but felt more like me today....interesting.Spring?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Sandee, you are actually doing great. It took me a whole year (at least) before I could even start processing the whole wretched experience....and look at you, you are going to Nepal!!

    It was beautiful here today; I ditched all the things on the 'to do' list and went for a long walk (gaining extra credit for the dodging of the water puddles) and then did 30 FIRM sculpting minutes. I have evening things the next few nights so need to get ahead of the exercise.

    I have eaten badly all week, so am worried about stepping on the scale tomorrow. I will have to stay away from Julie's cake for now!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • Renrel
    Renrel Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2011

    We got a wii for Chanuka this year and in January I bought myself a Wii Fit Plus game.  I love it.  It is so much fun I forget I am exercing, and while it might not be as good a work out as an class at a gym it is much better than a class at the gym that I never go to.  I managed to at least a few minutes everyday for over 30 days straight and then broke only because of a vacation.

    Today I did about 20 minutes this morning - step, hula hoop, skate boarding, a few yoga moves is what I remember and this evening I fit in another 20 (which is unsual) 15 minutes/5 miles of free style biking, a yoga  routine (palm tree, downward dog, cobra and something where you bend at the waist with your feet in warrior pose. I tried to do a shoulder stand but I am definately not ready for it.), then I tried snow boarding and a few balance exercises that drive me crazy.  

     But even with all this work I am losing weight by the oz and not the pound.  I just bouce between 128 and 130, where precancer I was at around 125.  I want to get down to 120.  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Hey Elizabeth - great news! 

    Walked 4.8 miles yesterday (8415 steps)  including noon power walk.  It's .6 miles around the outside of the capitol so three times around is 1.8 miles.  There are four of us walking now and there are bound to be more as the weather improves. 

    Yoga class today, I'm looking forward to it.  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Elizabeth, wow, that's terrific news!!!  Happy dance, happy dance!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS  Welcome, Renrel!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Wow Elizabeth!!  What GREAT news!!  Praying you continue to get great news!  Thanks for sharing!

    Renrel - Welcome!  I too do the Wii fit Plus.  I am currently using only the fun stuff and it seems to be working for me.  I have lost 16 pounds since Christmas (when we got the Wii). I use the aerobic, balance and training (not sure what it's called right now, but the top choice) only.  I have modified the boxing one to make it more of a leg lunge type of excercise also.  For the step ones, I lift my legs higher while stepping on and off (got this idea from Patoo who marches almost nightly!).  I think that as long as it is working, continue to do it (I have not gotten bored yet!).

    Cheryl - hope you are enjoying your gym "boyfriends"!  Maybe THIS is the real reason you go to the gym so often??!?!?!?  Innocent

    Ruth - just weighed in and going to post now.......

    Sandee - enjoy your trip!

    Badger - the more the merrier!!  AND it also keeps you more motivated to have more people excercising with you!

    Patoo- Keep on Marchin!

    I did print the recipe off, but don't know if I would even attempt such a multi-step recipe.  How long does it actually take to make it??  My DD birthday is this weekend?? Is that worth blowing the diet for???? ........ Maybe!  Surprised

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary Louise, go for it! And save us all a bite! :)  One of my favorite quotes is by a runner, Don Kardong (I know nothing about him except he's a runner and his quotes are funny):  Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.  I like his attitude!  Wink  (Hey, maybe you could add fruit to the cake, like strawberries or raspberries on it, then it would be healthy, right?)  Innocent

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011
    Hi Renwel, some of us are also doing a' 'Wednesday Weigh In'; posting our weight each Wednesday to make us accountable & some of us are also using to monitor food and exercise. You can check those out too if you want. I have to go over now and post that I gained a half a pound Cry (probably from reading Julie's recipe Wink).
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Hello Ladies - I've been AWOL but got back just in time to read Elizabeth's great news - how wonderful!!!!!  I am so sorry for any news that I might have missed - there were so many pages to catch up on that I just kept postponing posting posting so I could catch up before posting again.  I'd gotten some lovely PMs from from the wonderful ladies here asking if I was OK, so I thought I'd better check back in and figure I could catch up on the news later.  I'm fine - my schedule got a bit crazy in February, but I've been able to settle back into a routine and should be able to check in more regularly. I missed all of you!

    Carol - thank you for your lovely PM.  I just skimmed some of the pages I missed and read the news about your dear SIL.  I am so sorry - please accept my belated condolences.  And Ruth - I saw the news about Ryan being off the vent.  That sounds like good progress to me.

    OK, my exercise - last night one hour of yoga, plus the 2 mile round trip walking. Today, 15 minutes Lebed stretching and 30 minutes on the elliptical.  So I really have been keeping up the exercise, ladies!  I'm down 5 pounds since I started recording everything on on February 5.   That is a great site - I love posting my exercise and seeing that calorie bar slide down!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Elizabeth WOOHOOOOOOO I am so happy for you.

    Mary wonderful to see you, we've really missed you and congrats on the weight loss, is your LE flaring or are you doing Lebed as a precaution? Badger thank you so much for the vitamin tip, I tried it last night and no nausea yeah, so I'm changing to where I take one Calcium D in the morning then everything else at night, I'll be honest I was taking a Calcium D in my morning regime and mostly forgetting the second one at night so now I'm going to get that second one in. Sandee you may have quite a few of us in your backpack I saw a documentary on Nepal a few months ago and it was fascinating. Mary Louise nah my boys are just a benefit, they are Vietnamese and when they first joined the gym they were soooooo hard to understand but over the past few months their english has improved dramatically so now they are comfortable conversing with everyone, the GX room really is a little family and I'm the grandma and I'm like the little engine that could I just keep plodding along. Welcome Renwel you'll find motivation here and it helps to post, as then you'll recognize that you are taking care of yourself.

    Last night did Body Step class, I love this new release I hope they keep it for a few weeks as I'm enjoying it so much. Have a great day everyone and once again Elizabeth WOOHOOOOOOO

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Welcome back Nats.  Congrats on the 5 lb loss.

    I did get up to 7500 steps last night.  Can't seem to walk into my bedroom at night without marching - the bed doesn't feel the same LOL.

    Ruth, I agree, that recipe alone puts on weight - yummy (I mean yikes).

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Elizabeth:  Great news!!!!!  So happy for you! Smile

    Just a quick fly-by for this moment - Mary Louise, the recipe does take about 2 hours to completely assemble.  

    I'll be back later with more details . . .and will check the individual posts.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Elizabeth what great news.  I am so happy for you. Doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!!!

  • mzb1
    mzb1 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2011

    Just wondering what everyone wears to gym? feeling like I want to go back but very self concious about no hair.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011
    OK so DD#2 have decided to tackle that cake recipe for my DD#1's Birthday party tomorrow night!!  I am sure there will be plenty of bowl/beater licking!!  (Good thing I weighed in today! Surprised)
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    OK, I'm doing my best to keep up now!! 

    Cheryl - unfortunately I was dx with truncal LE in February as well as the arm LE I've had for a couple of years.  My LE therapist really wanted me to do the Lebeds daily - at least the quick 15 minute lymphatic opening one, so I've incorporated it into my morning workout schedule.  Part of the 5 lb loss was moving out pooled lymphatic fluid - I lost 2 inches in my trunk after 3 weeks of therapy. Have you been watching BL? It's been a really different cast this year - I love that 21 year old who has dropped almost 200 pounds whose mom went home last night - she seems to have really gotten her act together.  

    Julie - that cake recipe is evil!!!  My birthday is in December, so I have plenty of time to drop some pounds before requesting that DH make it for my b-day cake!    Carol - I like the idea that if you add a bit of fruit it makes it healthy.  Even just a strawberry placed on the side for garnish counts, right???   Tongue out

    Update on my SIL - some of you may remember she was dx with b/c last year and was going through AC+T chemo.  She had her Chemo Graduation Day on Tuesday - hooray.  She gets a bit of a break for a few weeks, but now it looks like rads are next for her.  Frown  One step at a time, I guess.