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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Glad to see so many of you are interested in the cake recipe! The "good" thing (if there is a good thing about something so fattening) is that you really can't eat a lot of it because it is so rich. What I usually do with recipes like this is bake them, then DH takes them into work. This helps keep me fit.

    Sandee: So you'll have at least three of us in your backpack - Ruth, Carol and myself! I am so envious of you going there; think I'll do some googling and read more about it. Again, the meditation sounds just great.

    Renrel: Welcome! Glad you are enjoying your Chanuka wii and that it makes exercising fun. Your weight goal sounds a lot like mine. I'm going to try to get to 115, which is what I was in high school.

    Badger: Have the rafters stopped rattling in Wisconsin? Sounds like folks are thinking of recalling some congresspeople; should be interesting. And 4.8 miles, then 1.8 miles? Perfect! Good for all of you. Hope you enjoyed your Yoga class. Sounds like you've been good about sticking to your diet!

    Mary Louise: 16 pounds is fantastic! Regarding the cake, I think if you first make the cake and let it cool completely before scooping out the center, you'll be fine. The glaze and mousse are pretty easy to make. If you want, you could buy some Jello chocolate mousse and use that instead! The main thing is not to scorch the chocolate when melting it; if you use a stove burner to melt it, you'll need to keep the burner on very low heat and constantly stir it.

    Ronna: If you have time, maybe you could share your son's experiences in Instanbul? That part of the world is on my "to visit" list, along with Nepal.

    hbCheryl: The cute boy compliment is SO gratifying! Gotta love it!

    Sherryc: Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    Ruth: Glad you ditched your "to do" list and walked, then did FIRM. No calories gained from looking!

    Mary: Glad to see your post again! Losing weight - YEA!!!!!

    patoo:  Glad you're feeling better and marching along!

    All of you never cease to motivate me with your weight loss. Before I was diagnosed with DCIS, I had hit a weight plateau, and I honestly never thought I'd lose as much as I did. So, between this thread and a bit more determination, I've dropped some pounds.

    Work is going okay. When I came in Monday, I was asked to do some coding, which is right up my alley. Also, I got a verbal kudo for completing a project. These little things . . .

    I'll try to check back later tonight and post those recipe additions.

    Did about 5 miles at noon today at work, will do resistance training tonight.

    Happy Exercising!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    thanks Julie, My Dad starts rads tomorrow and will finish on April 8th and start chemo on  April 11th.  I hope the rads takes care of his pain he is having.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie, Ruth, Carol- Hop in ladies...just found out that Bahrain's King has declared martial law.....and my flight form istanbul to doha goes through there....not sure if I should ditch it now and buy another ticket and deal with visa later or wait it out and hope they reroute the plane...was told when I called today that they would decide closer to the date and would 'TRY' to accomodate us by putting us on other flights is a month away so I might just leave it and see what they do with other flights routed through Bahrain....I NEVER book / plan things in advance...and this time I thought I was being smart...ah well....we shall see....if I worry about it and don't sleep the next few nights and cannot change it, I will go from there. In the meantime, the Nepal part has been booked apparently!

    Ruth- thanks for the encouragement....don't feel like I am doing all that well but feel like I am coming out the other side of these past 18 months of 'persona growth' ...guess at 4'10" and age 48,I should be grateful for the growth spurt hmm?

    Sherry- I hope the rads help your dad...dealing with pain and fear combined is not a good thing..hard to stay positiv ewhen you hurt.

    No exercize today- chiropractor instead. My health insurance has run out (apparently only pays $210 annually for chiropractory) now it is straight out of pocket....ARGH...back at the gym tomorrow and Friday

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Took my dog for a long walk. When she sees other dogs she gives me an extra workout. haha

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Sandee, it's so great that you're going on adventures.  I'm a bit envious.  My DH runs a small business so we hardly ever go anywhere.  Maybe I need to find a traveling companion.  Or hop in your virtual backpack to Nepal?

    Julie, there were 100,000 people there last Sat the 12th but it's calmed down considerably during the week.  There are people walking the capitol square each day yet.  And yes recalls are next. 

    Congrats to those who've lost weight, I am trying but it's so hard with the tamoxifen. 

    Walked three miles today (5,160 steps) and Weds is yoga class which I love.  There are only two more classes in this series and I'll miss it.  So I'm looking at a gym near where I work that has a yoga studio.  But I have to see if I can buy yoga classes 'a la carte' or if I have to spring for a full membership.

    Thanks for the motivation to move, ladies!  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Badger- Hop in my dear!~Might need some help carrying the bag with four of you in it but we can share the load....good for you walking that distance..not easy!! Join a goodlife gym if they have one in your town....they have flow classes and you can take 'em in whenever you want.

    Weight loss...if you have not gained, you have actually lost, I think....since I expected to gain, the fact that I have only lost 2pounds in two months still pleases me....I could potentially be 5 pounds heavier than when I started! (How is that for a positive spin??)

    Congrats on the weight loss Julie. I just joined the loseit site...interesting. I can't wait to see the graph going down!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Hi All, just finished off another great old FIRM tape; "Complete Aerobics & Weight Training".

    MZB1; besides walking, I do my exercises at home. Being a very vain person, I never left the house without the wig on; so walked in it etc.  I had a wig you could actually swim while wearing, so that I could go to the lake, waterparks etc. What did you other more 'gymly' people do?

    Sandee, gee, with all the crazy things going on in the world you may have more of an adventure than you are bargaining for. Yikes!!

    Mary, sending congratulations to you SIL. Everyone is different, but after chemo I found radiation to be a piece of cake. Did she ever check out BCO?

    I am being very good and having a midnight snack of oatmeal, yogurt and strawberries (trying to atone for two weeks of day of being good should do it, right? Tongue out)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Sherryc: I hope the rads take care of his pain, too. Again, my best to all of you. Who is walking whom :)

    Sandee: Oh, my goodness, what a thing to happen! Martial law in Bahrain? I would think they would be able to reroute you; I'll keep my fingers crossed. Sorry about your health insurance not paying, hopefully you won't need the chiropractor much longer. Thanks for the congrats on the weight loss. I just need to keep up the pace while working.

    badger: Glad you got out and walked again; keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll start losing weight.

    Ruth: Good for you, eating well; Happy St. Paddy's Day to you as well.

    I seem to keep running out of time to post the cake variations; please bear with me, since I've started working time slips by too quickly.

    Have a Good Evening.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Top O' the Mornin' to all my Irish (and not so Irish) Friends on this fine St. Patrick's Day!

    My daughter and friend actually made the cake and extras, and when it was cooled, I put it all together (and licked all the bowls, hahaha!).  It looks great and what I DID taste, tasted awesome!  We will be having it tonight for my DD's birthday!

    Off to work..... Everyone have a GREAT, SAFE (if you are drinking green beer (or something else)) day!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Maybe I'll have green tea today and toast to my DH irish roots.  Would be a healthier choice.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Happy St. Patrick's day to all. My DH made sure he was dressed in green for work. (We are Jewish, but two of our kids are married to spouses with Irish descent.)

    I will try and get some stories from Istanbul from DS, however, he just loved it I will get him to spill stories. The day after he came back he had to return to his job as a teacher.

    Nats, welcome back.

    Sherry C, Continued prayers keep going for your Dad.

    After three continuous days of zumba, I had to pass on yesterday's class. No way. Plus I had my crazy hair blown out for vol/work so did not walk to mess that up. Does anyone else have problems doing hair with arms???

    Went for a weigh in at JC., Lost 1 lb, but better than gaining. So I am not complaining. I can't stay away from snacks. Plus, I blame weight gain on Femara/Arimidex.

    If anyone is on FB, I have videos of the zumba marathon on there. Again, it was for a great cause.

    Renral: Welcome.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Had lunchtime yoga class yesterday, then dh and I walked 2 miles last night. Of course that walk was down to our local Mexican restaurant where I had chips AND margaritas, so it kind of undid the benefit of the walk! Surprised  15 minutes Lebed and 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning.  

    Sandee - I agree that not gaining weight with active treatment or AIs is a victory in and of itself! 

    MZB - I just wore baseball caps when I was bald - I guess I just didn't care what people thought.   One of my favorites was a white Washington Nationals cap with a pink ribbon on it.  People can't help noticing a bald woman - that's just the way it is.  I felt that the pink ribbon pretty much explained everything - after a glance, most people just went about their business, although I did have a few survivors come up and give me encouragement, which was great - seeing these vital women with full heads of hair telling me that they'd been in the same place 2, 3, 5, or even 10+ years ago really gave me hope and courage during that time.  

    Ruth - SIL did check out BCO and said her month's chemo thread was really helpful.  But I think she was more of a lurker than a poster.   

    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! (I'm 9/16th Irish - yes my 100% Irish mother figured that one out!) Cool

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Happy St. Patrick's, everyone!  It's also my brother's birthday and I had an awkward moment trying to send him birthday wishes -- how do you wish someone "happy" anything when the spouse just died? -- but I got over it because I knew it was important to let him know I was thinking of him.

    mzb, I was a bald-all-the-time person, so I can't help you... it wasn't that I liked how I looked, it was that I couldn't stand anything on my head, especially wigs.  I would say to do whatever you'll be most comfortable with, whether that's wearing a wig, hat, scarf, or going bald. 

    Mary Louise, yum! on the cake!!  Happy birthday to your DD!!

    Sherry, green tea sounds like a good idea!  I hope your father gets relief soon.  Constant pain makes it so hard to deal with anything.

    Cheryl, love your exercise family.  Patoo, look what a great habit you've created (I see the bedroom and just want to read!).  Mary, congrats to your SIL on reaching that milestone.  I hope rads are easy for her.  Sandee, hopefully things will work out well for your trip... I never thought about having to fly through that part of the world.  But think about this:  with all of us in your backpack, you'll be losing lots of weight!  Smile  How's Mudpie?  Badger, I never seem to go anywhere either since I became single again, but I love to travel, we can be travel buddies :)  Julie, work does have a way of interfering with our personal lives!  Sounds like it's going well for you, yes?  Ronna, my problem with my hair isn't my arms or wrists, just my all-thumbs-ness with hair, but my recent cut is holding up well and I'm happy with how easy it is to manage.

    I've had a real lack of motivation this week, I don't get it, I wake up feeling good and full of energy, and ready to exercise (but work interferes with that since I still can't get up early enough), and by the time I get home... I'm just having to practically pick myself up and throw myself out the door. It's not that I'm tired, I just don't feel like it.  What a wimpy reason.  I had a great walk Sunday and a power-walk Monday with interval stuff, but since then have just been barely getting out there.  I hear your voices... which is the only reason I'm doing anything at all.  Don't know what my problem is.

    Anyway, y'all do keep me inspired and motivated, thank you!  Hugs to all!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS, for Mary and all the baseball fans, two of my favorite spring quotes, because opening day is almost here:

    That's the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball.  ~Bill Veeck

    People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.  ~Rogers Hornsby

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Top ‘o the morning everyone, did Body Combat class last night but I took it easy as my feet kept going numb, think I have to buy new shoes again, shouldn't complain I do give them a pounding. Nats yes I am still a BL fan, it's the one night I actually have control of the tv, my friend is here until next week and he likes CSI, Criminal Minds, Law & Order (every franchise) but Tuesday night I win and it's nice to see people actually supporting each other but of course it's all going to change soon and I love the new trainers but then again I'm biased cause I love martial arts. So good to hear your SIL has finished her chemo and with the rads she may be tired but she'll at least have an end goal in sight. Mary Louise wish your DD "Happy Birthday" and mmmm bowl licking best part of the processSealed. Ronna if you don't gain on the AI you're ahead of the game cause you sure read some horror stories, when I put the little mustard pill in my mouth for the first time I was terrified. Julie now that you're back at work you have to remember to take care of yourself. Badger most gyms do offer classes for a fee without being a member you just have to sign a waiver, it depends on how many classes you take as opposed to paying per class, as you all know my gym loses money on my membership Carol I'll admit yesterday I came home from work and sat down and had a 15 minute power nap but I am such a creature of habit that I woke at 5.30pm got my gear on and went to class. Have a great day everyone - hmmmm wonder what fun activity Ruth is doing at school today, I think I'd actually go back to school if she was my teacher!!!!!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited March 2011

    hbcheryl, that Body Combat course sounds fun!  I am 7 weeks post BMX and have been fatigued from colds, a wound that is refusing to heal and just started Tamoxifen.  Lots of things going on in my body!

    I decided to start working out this week.  Two days ago walked on treadmill for 3.5 miles and some easy stretching.  Rested yesterday (muscles were so sore from almost 3 months of inactivity).  Today did 20 minutes stretching, stomach crunches and light weights for some arm work.  Walked 4 miles on treadmill and could have gone even more, but the bottom of my feet started to hurt.

    I ordered the P90X system and I am eagerly waiting the arrival.  Once I start working out, I have tons of energy and can keep going for hours - its just a matter of starting! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    hi everyone and welcome to slinky, mzb1, and Renrel.  Did four miles today (6,905 steps) including a noon power walk.

    mzb1, I went 'commando' most of the time when I was bald from chemo.  When I walked, I wore a Milwaukee Brewers baseball cap.  That's normal around here, less conspicuous than a scarf, and it kept my head from getting sunburned.

    slinky, have you tried gel insoles?  I wear adidas raziya shoes because they are so comfy.  They have a mesh upper that lets my toes flex (critical when losing toenails to chemo), and a gel insole -- heaven for my poor beat-up feet.  And they're not expensive, under fifty bucks.

    Carol, I'm game.  Last year I spent all my vacation time on stupidbreastcancer.  This year I'm ready to do something else (anything else LOL).  Even if it means (temporarily) ditching my DH and heading out.

    ooh, the Iron Chefs are presenting their dishes - see ya tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Good Evening All! I am still being good, eating right (only because my Book Club got postponed tonight because the hostess has the flu!). Just finished 40 minutes on the treadmill and 20 of abs.

    Welcome, Slinky. Everyone remember to get some good shoes and change them before you start to have feet problems. And those insert things (like the Dr. Scholl ones you can get at stand on the machine and it tells you what padding you need) work very well for me. Need that extra cushion.

    Cheryl, since you asked; for St. Patrick's Day I always tell a little story to encourage kids to ask their older relatives about their family tree. I have an Irish Great Great Grandmother. Her name was Kathryn & she was born in Indiana in 1846. When she was 12 years old, she and her father walked 50 miles into Illinois and heard Abraham Lincoln speak! Later she married and moved to Wisconsin, where they farmed. She lived to the amazing age of 102 (only being sick for two weeks before she died). My mother was born on her birthday, was named for her, and knew her well (being 16 when her great gramma died). I have a four generation picture taken when my mom was a baby that I show the kids, plus a doll quilt she made for my mom.....a quilt made by someone who SAW Abraham Lincoln! And there is your history lesson for the night! Cool

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Ruthbru/Julie- Well....yeah.,..excitement like that I don't think I need. Am going to give it a few more days and then may just book another ticket and work a bit extra to make it up...don't want to fly into Bahrain regardless of the situation if it is in officiallockdown..I heard fo rthe next three months! sheesh. I am trying to relax here! I have so many students form the middle east and a number of friends there that I really want to see it..but not sure that I want to work there.... a visit is fine.

    Natureguurl- Mudpie is better thanks..but skinny....worries me but all I can do is cuddle and feed her and make sur eshe is comfortable... She is a very old girl now so ....fingers crossed she has awhile yet.

    Natsfan/Ronna- one pound or maintaining is a great thing I figure. Congrats Ronna

    I went to the gym today for ano hour and had more weight added on ...still had energy to come home and then walk downtown (and back) for dinner with a pal ...about 30 minutes both ways...figure I got my cardio in tonight!!! and  I have the blisters to prove it!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I've been MIA lately because my DD dropped my laptop and cracked the screen. OUCH Yell.

    I went back to the gym for the first time since my exchange surgery 13 days ago.  I was a little afraid to step on the scale, but it turns out I lost 3 pounds since I was last at the gym.  I figure this is really quite good because my new silicone foobs weigh more than the TEs I had before the surgery.  I am just doing as much workout as I can do without engaging the pecs.  I think I'll wait a couple of more weeks before resuming weight lifting for that area of my body.

    My grand total since I started exercising 8 weeks ago is a loss of 16 pounds!!  But now I am back to my pre-cancer (overweight) weight and I figure it will start getting harder from here on.  I've been at this weight for several years so I need my body to figure out that 185 is not where I want to be.

    Did 20 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches and 500 leg lifts with resist bands.

    This morning when I went down to the local variety store to get a couple of little treats for my girls for St. Patty's Day, the woman at the store put a shamrock sticker on my cheek.  I asked if I could have a couple extra for my kids, then I drove to their school and waited for them to come out to lunch.  I told them that after I dropped them at the bus this morning I went home and went back to sleep.  When I woke up I found I had been kissed by a leprechaun and that he left me kisses for them.  So I kissed them and placed a shamrock sticker on their cheeks.  It was so cute to hear them when I walked away -- "My mommy got kissed by a leprechaun!!!"   ---Sometimes eight-year-old girls can be sassy little pains, but then there are those moments...

    Wishing you all more of those moments!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Jenn, that is so sweet and so creative of you to think of leprechaun kisses!!!  Love it!

    Sandee, give Mudpie a hug from me.  Sassy is only about 5 # but the most she ever weighed was 7, so as long as she's eating and active (as active as an old cat gets, anyway) I try not to worry.  Love those kitties.

    Ruth, great story... I'm thinking there are some interesting stories in all our backgrounds (I know I had greatgrandparents that immigrated from Germany on one side, and on my mom's side they've been in the US a lot longer but we have traced her tree back to England/Ireland/Scotland) but I know my family didn't pass a lot down, except for a few tidbits, so it's really wonderful that your family thought to make sure those things got passed down.  No wonder you like history!

    Slinky, welcome!  And you're doing great!

    I'm visiting a friend this afternoon and want to take a loaf of bread so I have to get that started, then I'm going for a power walk from the house.  I like days when I can work out in the morning, it makes all the difference!

    Hugs, tarts!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Ronna - good for you for the wearin o the green yesterday - you absolutely do not have to be Irish to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!  Just about everyone in my office was wearing some sort of green yesterday, and probably only about 10% of them were Irish at all!  It was great to see.Cool  Jenn - love the leprechan kisses, but I have this vision of what your daughters said getting repeated wrongly, like in the old game of "telephone" - who knows what the story circulating the school says now about who kissed you!!?? Surprised  Hey, it's good to have a little scandal going now and then! Laughing

    Sandee - I think I missed about Mudpie - is that a sick or old kitty?  I'm an animal person - we are currently owned by a big ol' orange tabby cat and a Chihuahua - quite a combo, I must say.  Hugs to Mudpie, and Carol, hugs to your oldtimer Sassy too.  Have you seen the dog video from Japan, where rescuers found a dog after the devastation, but the dog refused to leave the side of his canine friend?  (A translation of what they're saying is below the video.) With all the devastating video coming out of Japan, it was good to see even a small bit of good news. 

    Ruth - cool story about your ancestry!  My dh did some noodling around in ancestor research, and found that he had a great-great-great (not sure how many greats) who died at Gettysburg, then found out his family were French Huguenots who had to flee France in the late 1600's.  And before that, in the mid-1600s, he had an ancestor who was really a pirate captain!  I haven't found anything nearly as exciting on my side yet - although my widowed grandmother did run a saloon in a small town in Wisconsin during Prohibition, so maybe that counts as something different.   Wink

    Walked 2 miles after work yesterday in the beautiful spring weather. This morning I did 15 minutes Lebed and 20 minutes Pilates. It's SUCH a difference getting the truncal LE under control - my clothes are fitting again!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Did my yoga class last night and decided to walk there and back for a little extra exercise.  I finished rads on Jan 24th and yesterday the muscle from my breast to my armpit started to be very tight (does not feel or look like cording).  The girl next to me is a PT student graduating next month and noticed I was rubbing it last night and asked me about it later.  She said that it is very common with rads and that I need to keep it stretched so that it does not contract.  She said they are seeing this alot with lumpectomies as well.  Gee I just love the side effects I continue to have and I am a pretty healthy person.  She gave me some stretching exercises I can do at the office to try to stay on top of this.

    Ruth what a cool story about your family.  I am really into genealogy and have come across some interesting things over the years as well.  My family loves to hear about my finds but they don't want to help me research.

    Jen what a cool think to do with your kids and congrats on the continues weight loss.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Sherry, your surgeon and/or rad oncol should have talked to you about the tightening and given you exercises.  I was told by both to "spider walk" my hand up the shower wall when I took a shower to keep that stretched out -- mine was tight at first too, but I did the stretches every day and it made a huge difference and I have 100% mobility in that arm. It's not about how healthy you are, it's just nature of all you've gone through, so hang in there and keep up the good work.  You're doing so much to help yourself and youwill feel better.   I still do stretches once in awhile to keep things from tightening up again. 

    Mary, that video brought tears to my eyes... talk about loyalty.  

    Got in my power walk during the first bread rise, now it's baking... yum!  But it's not for me!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Naturegrrl thanks so much.  I think all these Dr's are so used to this stuff and they forget that we are new at it and do not know unless they tell us.  I am so thankful for these boards and the info I have found here.  I will see my MO next Friday and will have him take a look at it just to be on the safe side and in the mean time stretch, stretch, stretch

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    You're right -- I think they do forget -- and yes, the boards are wonderful!!  (as is your PT friend!!)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Mmmmm Carol fresh baked bread, my downfallKiss. Sherry I think our docs do forget, they have so much going on it's in their head and they seem to think we can read their minds, thank goodness for your PT in training how wonderful that she not only noticed but spoke up and was able to give you a little advice, and a big YES thank goodness for BCO.  Mary I had seen that video, it was heartbreaking but the upside is that both were rescued, a tiny glimmer in such awful tragedy. Jen they grow up so fast but they'll have sweet memories as these are the things that stay in their mind. Ruth what a wonderful teacher you are, my great x 5. Grandfather was transported as a convict to Australia in the second fleet on the "Neptune" when you read the details of their journey they lived through hell and came out the other side. Sandee walking home from a restaurant negates the calories eaten - at least in my worldSurprised.

    Okay had an adventure last night, went to my gym and was sitting on my bike warming up pre class to do Spin and my "boyfriends" came in and said they had called Pasadena gym and were going to drive up and do Body Jam class, now we all know a girl's gotta dance, so off I hopped and we drove in peak hour traffic and made the class in time and it was so much fun, it's one of those classes I truly miss.

    Oh you know we haven't seen Retrievermom for ages either, hope she's okay and just busy with her pups.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Hi Tarts-

    I feel really bad because I am so behind I can't catch up with all you lovely, wonderful people.

    I kind of hit the wall this past month.  Between the estranged son-who is now being charged with two felonies, my beloved Moby (yellow lab) passing, and Japan (my husband had THREE guys from Japan here when the disaster struck; it was heart wrenching to watch them worry-and the Japanese men don't typically show that much emotion.)

    My "cancerversary" (Gosh, I hate that phrase) is coming up at end of month and I just went into really sad, sad, sad mode.  I'm up in Tahoe now, trying to reboot a bit.  I got some counseling because I think much of this was delayed reaction to a bunch of stuff. 

    SORRY for this maudlin tone!  I'm gonna get it together, I promise!  You guys are my heroes, seriously.  There is no other group that can understand how weird it is to be a cancer...person.  I can't use any other word today to describe it.

    I posted a snarky post on Facebook because several people have called me and said "Are you afraid of the radiation coming from Japan to California?  Isn't it scary?"

    Oh. My. Lord. In. Heaven.

    I need to find some patience someplace.  I have got to get over my pity party and start being far more of an advocate for cancer in general and breast cancer in particular.  These are family and friends who KNOW I had radiation but can't seem to understand what is scary and what isn't.  OK girls, tell me I need to get my head on straight and be understanding!  I just don't think it is possible in many cases for people to empathize.

    I'm gonna point the finger back at my self and remember I need to do a much better job at empathizing with others.

    OK enough rant!
    I miss you guys and promise to behave better on my next post.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    ((((Kim)))) don't know what to say just offer you my friendship and understanding, you are wise to get help you know we're with you through good times and bad,  Take this time to just go outside and breath the beautiful mountain air and enjoy your surroundings.  We're here for you.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Kim ((((((((HUGS))))))))))))