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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did Body Step class this morning but for me it was one of those days where my left hand didn't know what my right foot was doing, but I muddled through.

    Absolutely bucketing it down here and really high winds but have just fired up the BBQ - I must be insane but it's what everyone wants for dinner!!!! 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    I've been AOL for a few days and am reading, trying to catch up on everyone's posts. We adopted a new kitty this weekend and we've been treating him for an upper respiratory infection, so that's been keeping us busy.

    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes at work. The first week wasn't too bad, and I can do some things that I really like to do, so it's "not just a job", at least for now. We'll see how it goes.

    Welcome to mzbq, slinky, Renrel, Rubyeye and Wonderland.

    Carol:  I'm glad your wrist is still improving.  Agree with you about crying when one thing "breaks the camel's back".  Hope you enjoyed your meditation walk.

    Ruth: Wow, a grandmother who lived to be 102 years old and only sick for two weeks out of her life! Quite a hardy survivor. Funny quotes; good to make us all laugh.

    Jen: Glad to see you back. Again, you inspired me to do leg lifts with resistance bands. I bet the girls loved the leprechaun kisses.

    Renrel: Absolutely no excuse for your boss's pettiness, even if you did lose some weight in the process. Hope you can let her "concern" slide off your back (I have a hard time dealing with micromanagers); good luck to you on that.

    Kim: As Carol says, rant and rave away. That's what we are here for. I'm so sorry about the estranged son-in-law, Moby's passing and the Japan issue, as well as your cancerversary. Too much stuff all at once; no wonder you are trying to decompress. Huge, huge {{{HUGS}}} to you. I understand about animals passing; one of our cats died on my watch a few weeks ago; it's so difficult when a beloved pet passes. Things WILL get better, although it certainly seems to take a long time before they do . . .

    Sandee: I'm so sorry to hear about your student's grandparents and your coworker's father . . . stuff just gets to us at times! And I don't think it matters about crying in the middle of your workout. Tears have a mind of their own and we can't control them at times. I know I'll end up crying at work one of these days (probably in front of colleagues). So be it. We're going through heck, all of us! {{{HUGS}}} to you as well. Hope you enjoyed your steak and veggies. And, am sorry about your boss as well. I'm fortunate in one respect - one of my boss's wives is going through treatment for breast cancer, so he understands. Good luck with your post-rads appt. tomorrow.  Hugs to Magpie; I know what it's like dealing with older cats. All we can do is love them and care for them. OUr vet continues to prescribe Prednizone for one of our cats, just to keep her feeling comfortable.

    patoo: I'm sorry about your son; you are so right - take care of yourself first and let tomorrow's worries take care of themselves. So true. {{{HUGS}}}} to you, too.

    Ronna: Diets were meant to be broken at times :) You can start again tomorrow.

    Ruby: I increased my exercise by a few minutes each day, and have started exercising on the weekends as well. I've been able to drop some weight due to this, even though I'm sitting here eating some jellybeans while I type this. Hopefully, you can do the same.

    Ran 5 miles Saturday and did resistance training for an hour afterwards. Spent quality time with newest kitty and DH. We're having power outages here in Southern California, due to the rainy, windy weather.

    hbCheryl: SO glad you're enjoying having your girl home! Good luck with the barbie tonight!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Good morning everyone, just a quick post as I'm running late this a.m.

    Carol you inspired me to get out yesterday for a meditation walk in the rain - OK the light drizzle - with my walkman sports (waterproof headphones) and hooded sweatshirt.  Got in 3.5 miles (5,956 steps) in the late afternoon and it was sooo nice.

    Have a great week tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Badger, good going!

    I've been inspired, too -- Patoo, last night when I popped in a DVD, I decided to march awhile!  

    And this morning, I didn't get up early enough for a real walk, but I decided 10 minutes is better than nothing, so I went out for that -- nice to hear the birds and the world waking up.  Now for a better walk later (but it's getting too warm already -- 70 -- that's about my upper limit of temp tolerance!  Yes, I have a love-hate thing with summer!)  Tongue out  Send some cool breezes our way, Ruth!

    Gotta run but thought I'd post my early morning add-on.

    Ta ta, Tarts! Smile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Carol, do you want snow along with the cool breezes? We are in a winter storm watch starting tomorrow morning at 1 a.m. going through Wednesday at 7 p.m.' Sculpt and Shovel, the Saga Continues'.......................Good Grief!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Went for a 3 mile walk yesterday.  This morning did 15 minutes on the elliptical.  Won't get to go to yoga tonight as I have the Relay for Life Survivors dinner. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Yes, send in the snow! :)  But I think I'm the only person left who isn't sick of it.  Do stay safe, Ruth... (my former employer and now friend was telling me to look for jobs in ND because the employment rate there is 3% and they can't find enough people to fill jobs... he and his wife grew up in the prairies of ND and I know I love it there but as much as I love winter, I do have hesitations about that much winter!!).

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Well, I just have to exercise on Sunday; I'm inspired by all of you who do so.

    Carol:  Winter is fun, even though DH and I opted for the West Coast.  But you are correct; the winters in the North seem to hang on a bit longer than anywhere else in the country.  (At least they did, to me.)  Our company has personnel in Rapid City, South Dakota, that area also seems to be growing by leaps and bounds.  Good luck with your job hunting.

    Sherryc:  You and family are still in our thoughts and prayers.  Enjoy the Relay for Life dinner.

    Badger:  Good for you; 3.5 miles is impressive.  I see a Wisconsin judge has blocked the law which the legislature rammed though.  More interesting stuff.

    It's raining on and off here right now (Carol, I think it's about 60 degrees or so, you're welcome to this weather!), but I'll get out and walk this noon.  



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Julie thanks.  so far my dads rads is going ok he had his port put in today and just spoke to him and everything went fine.  He said he is not sore of corse he takes tons of pain meds but hopefully by the end of this week rads will start helping and he can get rid of some of that.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Hey all!  Anyone having trouble with their pages coming on at the top?? I forget where I was and need to catch up on the topics, but wanted to say that I have been faithfully excercising still!  Not feeling the greatest today as I got almost no sleep last night!  Will hopefully get a nap in and then try for the treadmill tonight.  Already got the 35 minutes of Wii in today!

    Welcome to anyone new - this is a great thread to keep you motivated! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary Louise, they did some upgrades to the forums last week, and the not-going-back-to-last-read post is hitting several posters.  I assume it's being addressed but I'm not 100% sure.  Frustrating.

    Had a nice walk in the woods today after work, I have a feeling I'm going to be heading into the woods more often again, watching for those early wildflowers!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    I'm having that issue of the pages coming out on top, not where I left off as well.

    We were at the cabin this weekend - five mile hike Saturday in Catoctin Nat'l Park - part of it passed by Cunningham Falls - a small waterfall, but still fun to see.  Sunday we planted daylilies up at the cabin - the ground is very rocky, so my standard planting equipment includes a shovel and a 32" prybar to pry up rocks!  And there were some doozies yesterday - everything I own is sore today!  15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minute elliptical this am.

    Kim & Sandee and others who have posted about the down times, it's good to know that we're not alone in having things like that happen.  I was having a tough time in February - I think winter got to me, and I was doing so much exercise and dieting with so little to show for it, my AI aches were really bad and waking me up at night, my LE flared, etc.  Just your standard b/c pity party stuff.  Finally one day poor dh innocently asked if I was OK and did I want to talk about it.  Mistake!!!   I just exploded and let it all out - all about f-ing cancer and f-ing surgery and f-ing surgical scars and f-ing Femara and f-ing chemo/AI weight gain and f-ing lymphedema and just how f-ing tired I was of the whole f-ing cancer thing!  And believe me, I wasn't using "f" - I was dropping the whole f-bomb word, something I NEVER do.  Dh was so good - he let me get it all out as I ranted.  A few days later he was off work, and when I came home and he'd cooked up a special dinner, and set the dining room table with all the good china.  He had a really good bottle of champagne chilling and a nice cote de rhone wine decanting.  He said he didn't realize how much of a bad time I was having lately and just wanted to give me a treat.  We had the champagne and the red wine, and as you can imagine by the end of the evening I wasn't feeling any pain.  We had the music on a 70's station when "I Will Survive" came on.  I turned up the stereo full blast, grabbed my dh and we started dancing in the living room. I was singing at the top of my lungs and dancing with him and sobbing all at the same time. It sounds crazy, but it turned out to be the best thing in the world for me.  I got it all out of me.  I woke up the next morning with quite a headache (as you can imagine) but I felt better than I had in weeks.  I think sometimes we just need to cut loose and rage against what's happened to us.  Now I look back and wonder who that woman is that felt so bad in February - I feel 100% better now and back to my old self.  Here's to champagne for what ails us!!  Laughing

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Hi everyone.  I just joined the Wednesday weigh in thread and this topic was suggested for DAILY inspiration which is what I need to lose!  I am 55, just retired March 1, and looking to lose about 20 pounds.  I've also told myself that now that I have the time, I am going to finally concentrate on my overall health more.  I have been consistent in the past three weeks with going to the gym each day but it would really help to have you ladies to share my exercise trials with.  My usual day so far has been to get my son up for high school and then hit the gym M - F.  Some days are harder than others and I don't seem to be doing much on the weekends.  I may look for part time work here soon and it would really help if I could get into a routine that sticks!!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary, your post brought me to tears, your dh is a doll and you did just what you needed to do, how cathartic!!  Good for you!  I think "I Will Survive" would make a good Tart "our song!"  Here's a toast to you, to your sweet dh, and to all of us!

    Debbie, welcome!  This is a good place for motivation... getting that routine to stick is the hard part but they say once you hit 3 weeks you're on your way (I haven't found it quite that easy!).  If you pick a time and stick to it, it becomes part of your routine and your day a little easier.  I think it was actually easier for me to stick to my routine when I was working full time (just PT right now) because I had to be more scheduled.  Anyway, you're in the right place and there will be all sorts of good suggestions for you!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Mary, I cried too when I read your story.  What a darling man your husband is.  Make sure he knows he is getting compliments from your exercising cancer friends.  It is nice to tell them we are bragging about them.  I love the choice of song.  When you mentioned it I thought I could see myself doing the same thing -- pulling my DH up to dance.  Although in our house we don't talk much about cancer that could lead to death and surviving -- don't want to freak out the kids.

    Welcome Debbie.  If you are like me, you will soon find that you NEED to go to the gym to feel right.  I just started in the middle of January -- going 5 times per week -- and I have lost my cancer weight (16 lbs.) and am now working on the 35 lbs. I have been overweight for years.  Keep at it!

    I have not done any exercising in a few days because I found that I had overdone it and was in too much chest pain (exchange surgery 17 days ago).  So now I am going to give myself another week off so I don't screw anything up.

    When I was at the gym last week I asked the owner to show me another way to work my obliques because I need to mix it up.  She asked me to show her what I was doing and told me this important piece of info:  The stomach muscles are the one area where you can exercise them to be sticking out or exercise them to be sticking in -- SO MAKE SURE YOU PULL IN YOUR STOMACH MUSCLES WHEN YOU ARE EXERCISING THEM.  Good to know.



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Mary - your DH is a Keeper for sure!!  You had me in tears also with your story.  I think it is because I can really relate to the emotions!!  Some days are just down days now, but I am able to get over them pretty quickly, but there have been a few times where you just need that release of emotion!!  It is nice to know that this too can be NORMAL!!!  I do get a bit wound up around the DR appointments, but was told by the Onc's nurse that this is only to be expected behaviour - Nice to know I AM normal! AND so are the rest of you too - deal with the emotions by letting them go!

    Jen - congrats of the weight loss - thanks for the tip on stomach excercises!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Hi all.  Quick stop by as I need to put my arm back in the sling.  Got tendonitis in left shoulder (a big OUCH) and need to keep it steady for a week.  Look at that, can't even get myself a reason to not exercise since marching won't hurt - gee, can't get a break!

    Night friends.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2011

    OUCH !  Tendinitis can be so painful !  I was doing my Wii Yoga and stretched too far ....mildly pulled something !!  Hopefully tomorrow will be warm enough to walk

    Do you have to sleep in a sling Patoo?

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011
    ((Patoo)) - feel better!  Will it keep you off the scale tomorrow?? Wink
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Hi All! I walked on the treadmill for an hour. Now I am trying to convince myself to go and do 15 minutes of toning so I won't be over my calorie amount on loseit (only over by 15 calories, but still....)

    Welcome Debbie. Great to see you here!

    Carol, N.D. weather is 'challenging'; but of course I really don't mind it or I wouldn't still be here. The really good things about N.D. is that there are really good people here (and not too many of them) and you still really have a sense of community and also slower pace of life.

    Patoo, march away....just don't swing any punches!

    Mary, thank you for sharing your story. You will have to tell your DH that he has a group of secret admirers! I think the 'Swear/Cry/ then Drink Champagne' prescription is a great!!! I will add the champagne to the other two (which I already do around appointment times!) and I will vote for 'I Will Survive' as a theme song as long as we add another verse that says 'And I will THRIVE!" Kiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011
    Did the 15 minutes of abs/core......Innocent (angelicness).....
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    good morning all, welcome Debbie, and Mary I was in tears at your story too.  Your DH is a sweetie and reminds me to thank mine for helping me weather my own emotional storms (and subsequent cleansed brand-new feeling). 

    Took a noon power walk with just one other gal but she's the one who walks fast like me so we got in four laps in a half-hour.  Walked a bit after supper as well, so got in 6.3 miles (10,850 steps) yesterday.  If I can get in 3.2 miles today, I'll be at the 700 mile mark!

    Julie, yes there's a TRO on the law so it can't be published and enacted yet.  I'd write more but it's already 5:30 and I've got to get ready for work. 

    Date night tonight so see y'all tomorrow.  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Woke up early, had my coffee, now I'm off for a walk (in the dark, thanks to DST, but I won't go there again Sealed).  Actually, it's good it's dark because I won't shower until I get back so my hair looks a bit gruesome.

    Patoo, take good care of that shoulder.  Tendonitis is painful!

    Later, Tarts!  We Will Thrive!! :)

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011

    Mary you have a wonderful DH. Glad you shared with us.

    Houseguests have left I am back on schedule with the gym.Abs and weights I do every other workout.How often do you ladies use your weights?

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Ruth, ND actually sounds pretty good to me.  I'm going to check into things there (probably Fargo and Bismark).  I drove across ND a few years ago and loved the flat prairie grass areas... something about the landscape really touched me.  Anyway, life is a daring adventure, right!?!  I also love NM and some parts of AZ and of course the PNW.  And Montana and Wyoming. Idaho.  Minnesota.  Wisconsin.   In other words, I'm open to new places! :)

    My walk was GREAT, I feel so charged up, I love exercising in the morning! I hope I can keep getting up this early.   I did 40 min. of fast walking with some interval stuff, and I loved the fresh air and bird song.  Now I can go for a wildflower walk and not feel like I'm skimping on exercise.

    Badger, your milestone makes me want to track my own mileage, I think I'll start doing that.

    Jen, great work on the weight loss, keep up the good work!

    I have to meet with an accountant at work this morning to go over adjusting journal entries before our books are audited next week, I know it sounds dry and boring but I actually find it fun (so why don't I like to do my own taxes? Undecided ).  Time to put on my accounting hat!  TT, Tarts, and have a great day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS, mum, I just do some simple bicep & tricep stuff, and exercises to strengthen the muscles around my rotator cuff, mostly just basic curls and extensions. A little forearm stuff until I hurt my wrist but hopefully I can do that again soon.  I think I have 6 or so different things I do.  Right now I do 20-30 reps of each thing but only 3x a week, I need to do more.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    These threads are driving me crazy since they did the updates.  I have a hard time keeping up where I left off.

    mary I missed your post and what a wonderful DH you have.  He is a keeper as my DH would say!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Sherryc, ditto that - very annoying.  Our brain cells are already on overdrive from tx and now we have to scroll up and down to find where we left off.  Absolutely frustrating!

    Someone asked (oh, okay, scrolled up and saw it was Rubyeye) - no I don't sleep in the sling; I don't think it would stay in place without duct tape so why bother.  I just try and keep my arm perpendicular to my shoulder on a pillow.  I also take it out to drive - I'm sure other drivers are grateful!.  Typing right now it's in because Iwas starting to feel it.  I haven't taken anything for it since yesterday because my allergies are kicking up and so I need to take meds for that and don't know what shouldn't be mixed with what.  I think we all need to become certified as pharmacists because of all the meds.

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!  Up this morning and 35 minutes on the bike.  I'm trying to average 13 mph but I think I was a little bit shy of it this morning.  I rode about 6 miles.   Then came home and went through old boxes in the basement -- ugh.   


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Ruth - perfect cure for the blues - Curse/Cry/then Drink Champagne!!  And I definitely agree that "I Will Survive" with an "And I Will Thrive" end works as our theme song.

    Thanks for the kudos for my wonderful dh - I will pass them along.  He really has been so good to me through all this mess and somehow knows exactly what to do to get me out of a pity party.  The SIL I've talked about who is going through active treatment is his sister, so he's gotten a double b/c whammy over the last couple of years.  

    Debbie - good to hear from you!  Debbie and I are both Hopkins Breast Center "grads" so we've PM'd on mutual topics.  So glad you checked in - this is a fun group here.

    Patoo - ouch on the arm!!!  March gently!

    Badger - my Wisconsin cousins went to the big pro-labor rally that one Sunday - they said it was cold but heartwarming.  Interesting how this is all going to play out. 

    Mum - I try to do weights at least 2x a week.  I really should do more, but I like the aerobic stuff better as it just seems like more exercise.  

    Carol - my dh is an accountant and loves all the accounting stuff too.  And he even loves doing our taxes.  Each to his or her own I guess! Tongue out

    Jen - hooray on the weight loss!!!

    Ruby - careful on that Wii Fit!  I've strained some stuff doing some of the exercises too - it's so much fun it doesn't feel like work, I guess, so we overdo.

    Cheryl - there was an article in this week's Sports Illustrated on Rulon being on BL.  You can see the champion in him starting to come back.

    Julie - how's the URI on the new kitty?  All you want to do is to have him settle in, but instead you have to chase him down for meds a couple of times a day.  

    Sorry for anyone I missed!

    Two mile walk after work with dh last night.  15 minute Lebeds plus 30 minutes weights this morning.  It's yoga night tonight, and it's nice enough to walk there and back, so I'll sneak in another 2 miles.   You'd think we'd all be skinny as rails with all the exercise we do!!  Wink