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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    35 minutes of Wii fit plus and 30 minutes on treadmill..... had to get it in early today as tonight is choir practice again ("Tuneful Toning") Wink

    I usually try to add weights every 3 days (gives my muscles time to relax on the screaming!).  I usually just have hand weights and do a Firm workout with them - even though we do have actual gym equipment in the basement!  I too like cardio better, but know I will soon have to start toning!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    My understanding is that as you build muscle mass, your body burns more calories, so you lose weight easier/faster... or something like that :)  I know when I did Nautilus I lost weight and stayed slender (ah, the good ol' days, which weren't that long ago!).  So I'd actually like to do weights/weight machines for my whole body and do aerobic things (and yoga/tai chi), but I'm waiting to find a job, to know where I'm going to live, before I commit to a gym contract, so that part is on hold for me for now.

    Mary, you really are lucky.  I had a serious BF (? is that right for "boyfriend?") for 5 years and I thought we had something pretty great, but when he told me he didn't want to be with me if I ever got ill (and he was talking about relatively minor things), the relationship started unraveling and I finally left (I would never wish ill on anyone but there's a part of me that wonders how he would react if he got some kind of chronic or serious illness and his SO left him). And for all of you who have good husbands, we know there are plenty out there who ran when their wives were dx, so I actually considered myself better off alone than having to deal with that on top of cancer.  But I still have hopes for a wonderful SO some day, even at my age.  Give your DH a big hug from all of us! :)

    I didn't get out for a second walk but I really hope to keep getting up early to do the morning walks.  It served me well all day.

    I do have a bit of good news for me:  I'm down another 10#.  I don't like to post small drops because I'm never sure how firm they are (my weight fluctuates over a day/week by 3-5#) so I wait until I see that the average total drop has stayed for at least a week.  And it has.  So I'm pleased about that!  

    Happy Tuesday! :)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011

    NatureGrrl: way to go! A 10 pound loss is AWESOME!

    Just returned home from my 2 mile walk/run on the walking path at a nearby park. One forth of it is flat; another forth is slighly downhill, and the remaining half is all on an incline. It is a very pleasant evening at the park: 79 degrees, the sweet smell of Spring is in the air, lots of different people and a variety of spoken languages, Mom and Dads playing with their children. A wonderful evening indeed!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited March 2011

    No exercise yesterday or today.  Too busy being a wife and mother! I will start again tomorrow.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Just a brief fly-by; went out with a best friend today for healthy teriyaki chicken.  Then as I was about ready to go for my run, my boss arrived and we did some chatting.  No exercise this noon, but time with boss was well spent.

    Mary:  I completely understand about everything unravelling and the need to decompress however you do it.  We're all there at some time.  I'm glad you have a wonderful DH to help you through all this.  And new kitty got his last dose of meds last night.

    Carol:  Congratulations on your 10 lb loss!  Wonderful, wonderful news.  I'm hoping you can snag a job in either North or South Dakota.  As Ruth says, there are many wonderful people there who are willing to help . . . in fact, let me share a story about a friend's husband who got lost in Northern Minnesota while looking for her relatives.  The area was quite rural; he was sitting on his Harley, trying to get his bearings, when a lady stopped and gave him directions.  Knowing people back there, they would have invited him into their homes in case he couldn't find the relatives.  

    Patoo:  Take care of the arm.

    Wonderland:  I can smell the spring all the way out here!

    Debbie:  I've no doubt you can lose that weight.  I lost about 15 pounds and am still losing; I honestly never thought I'd get rid of it, but I have.  Now to keep it all off.

    Since I can't scroll back (FireFox won't let me copy and paste this), Happy Exercising to those of you who got out today.   Those of you with injury issues be careful. 

    By the way, I've been checking my reflection in the mirror to see if I'm glowing from the radiation fallout Smile  Just kidding - let's hope it's not serious.


  • ageorgiadeb
    ageorgiadeb Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2011

    Wow!  I feel like a wimp.  All this weight loss and exercising.  I finished rads 4 weeks ago and started Tamoxifen 3 weeks ago.  I have been exercsing but not like you guys.  Where do you get the energy?  I am curious as to how hard it is to lose weight on Tamoxifen. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Hi Debbie, hop on board. I think exercise (moderately) helps you get your energy back faster after treatment is over. And you really can lose weight if you work on it; even on anti-hormonals.

    We are in the middle of a blizzard; rained all day, turned to ice pellets and now a heavy wet snow (plus wind). They've already called off school for tomorrow (which is really saying something because we never call off school, and that means school Easter Monday Frown). I'm hoping the powerlines don't go down!

    I hate this scrolling business too. Who can we complain to?

    Carol, awesome on the ten pounds. Very impressive. At ten pounds it definitly shows on the clothes! Fargo and Bismarck are both very nice cities. And Julie is right about the people. In our last storm a couple weeks ago, it came up so fast that several hundred cars were stranded on the interstate. When the police rescued them, they brought them to the nearest small town, which opened up their school for the stranded travelers; and all the town's people brought them bedding for the night and food. Pretty cool.

    Mum, I always wondered how much exercise a person should get and what kind. Then I heard Richard Simmons talk and he said a person needs 4 hours of aerobic and 3 hours of toning a week (toning includes abs etc. not just weights). So that is what I've aimed for. A good thing about the FIRM (and I am sure there are other exercise DVDs that do the same) and classes that incorporate both aerobics and weights is that you build muscle faster if you are doing both. If you have more muscle, you burn more calories plus look thinner than the scale actually says both (a win-win situation).

    I did FIRM Hard Core Fusion (35 minutes) and 25 minutes on the treadmill. I ate fish for supper and oatmeal with berries for a snack tonight. If I don't have good cholestrol, blood pressure etc. etc. at my next checkup, it won't be from lack of trying!!!

    Keep up the great work everybody! Ruth

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011
    AGeorgiaDeb: You are not a wimp! Wipe that word out of your volcabulary. Look at what your body has just been through. It takes a lot of energy to go through treatments and then recuperate from them. Give yourself time. Do what you can when you can and praise yourself for doing it! Your energy level will increase further out from treatment. I just started posting in this thread. These ladies are wonderful so continue coming here for support.
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Just a second note - introduced new kitty to his 6 siblings - we have some fairly major hissing going on, but that usually settles down.  Ah, it's never dull . . .

    Ruth:  4 hours of aerobic and 3 hours of toning . . . that's a good rule of thumb, I think.  I'm beginning to think of my jogging/powerwalking as the way to keep my weight in check, and the toning to build muscle.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Something I heard on TV the other day:

    "My muscles are crying!"

    "Those aren't tears, that's called sweat."


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Julie, quick note:  you can copy and paste with firefox -- but you have to use the keyboard commands (control-c and control-v if you have a PC).  You get a pop-up box when you hit cntl-v and you have to paste into that and then hit "insert" -- at least, this works for me, where the right-click commands don't.  Enjoy the new kitty!

    FWIW, it takes me weeks and weeks to lose that 10#, it's not like I'm losing fast!

    Ruth -- rain, ice, then snow & wind -- I have to admit, not my favorite combination! Do be safe, and I hope your power holds.

    GeorgiaDeb, I was not exercising at all by the time I finished rads, and it took me a long time until I could get regular walks back into my routine. I took daily naps for several months after I finished rads, too.  Your energy will return and you'll be out there with the best of them!  Just be gentle with yourself.

    I'm up at 3 AM so I'm thinking getting up at 6 might not be in the cards -- well, like everything else I've been through, a step at a time!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Good morning all and welcome GeorgiaDeb.  I've been on tamox since last July and am finding it difficult but not impossible to lose weight.  In fact, I've lost approx 20 lbs that I put on during tx (chemo but not rads) and am now trying to shed the 20 lbs that I was overweight before I started tx.  I'm not doing anything extreme, just trying to eat sensibly and healthfully, and exercise.

    Did 6 miles (10,320 steps) yesterday including my first walk inside the capitol since the protests started back in Feb.  Today is yoga class but it's raining and cold, I know I won't feel like walking over there, but I will since it's the second to last class and I do love it so.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!  {{hugs}}

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    I did wake up at 6 but it was raining... I did a short walk with Leslie to get my blood moving and help establish the morning exercise thing. Definitely tired this morning but I need to do more later. 

    It's going to turn colder and rainy, and then down to 25 tonight with snow showers possible but no accumulation.  Gotta love March weather Undecided but I'm glad temps will be more normal for this time of year.

    Enjoy yoga tonight, badger!  And everyone, enjoy the day!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Last night wrote a long post and then bam - kicked off the internet, so I gave up but here it is almost 4.30am and I'm wide awake, must be something in the air, probably the rain and windSurprised.

    Did Body Step class last night and Body Attack on monday. My feet are giving me some trouble as they keep going numb but I just muddle through, probably need new shoes as I do give them a pounding!!  I don't know who mentioned earlier about drawing in your core but I will tell you that throughout every class the instructor says "tighten your abs" or "pull your belly button in" and as for weights I'm bad as I only do one weight class a week and I know I should be doing more but at the end of each class we do both regular and tricep push ups, core work and stretching and in the Attack class we do 64 push ups so my arms are pretty tight.

    Carol congratulations, 10lbs is fantastic - you go girl. Mary add me to the hug list for your DH, what a caring and thoughtful and understanding man he is and yes I'm still watching BL it's probably the only show I watch in real time I DVR most things but I just love BL and it looks like next week will be VERY interesting. Welcome Deb don't beat yourself up just do what you can, your body is in recovery mode but the recording of what you do does help as you will see your progress. Wow Ruth it must be bad for them to cancel school, we've had some incredible storms in the last few days. Badger I have to thank you as I've started taking my vitamins at night and voila - no more nausea, yeahSmile.  Happy hump day to all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Mary, great story you shared with us. Great DH you have.

    Having worked with trainers for 10 years, I had developed a nice pair of "guns", which have almost disappeared due to no upper strength training. Gone are the guns, Slightly noticeable. Just flab from the inside. Just can't do weights b/c aftraid of picking up anything heavy with wrists. I know I will eventually get there.

     Well here in NJ it is SNOWING AGAIN. Zumba on Monday, nothing till Sa. and off to Fl. Sun - Thurs to check on parents. I will get my last zumba class before leaving on Sat. morning.

    Hello to all. Hugs too.

    P.S. Welcome newbies to site.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011

    Okay  then I guess I need to use the weight machines mre often not just the aerobic part of my workout.Wish me luck ladies I would like to see results before my daughters wedding in June.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Snow Day! I am checking in quickly & then am going to do a pile of school work so MAYBE I can take Saturday off from doing school work.

    Cheryl, go out and buy those new shoes right now!

    Julie, good luck with the pet introductions. Three years later my crabby, old cat Henry still takes a swat at his little 'sister' anytime she gets near him (and she now outweighs him by quite a bit). I also who had a cat who was hoarse for a year after hissing so much at two new kittens (one of whom was Henry, so he should know better!).

    Remember to start light with any weights & work up. And the magic 7 HOURS doesn't have to be intense, lying on the ground in a puddle of sweat stuff, just done consistantly!

    O.K. I am going to put on a pot of coffee, a CD and get to work. Wish me luck! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Debbie-just keep after it.  I am 8 weeks out of rads.  I really started exercising right before surgery and worked really hard at walking/running between surgery and rads.  Got too fatigued during rads and had to quite running and push myself to walk after I would take a nap.  I was finally able to quit my naps about a month out of rads and now finally feel back to normal except my SE from tamoxifen.  Just try to keep it up even if it is something small, stay active.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Hi all, still just marching but, as I think of it, that's all I was doing for weeks before the tendonitis anyway.  At least I'm still moving and not gaining weight.  I really need to rev it up though because this is really getting me into a rut. 

    Ronna, have a good time in FL. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Carol - 10 pounds!!!  Wow!  Debbie - you're just out of active treatment, so start slowly -that's what most of us did.  I can remember getting on the elliptical 2 weeks after my last chemo - I lasted 5 whole minutes, and the machine kept blipping off because I was going so slowly!  Tongue out  I bet most of us here have similar stories.  Just start somewhere and see where it takes you.

    Boo Hiss on this Return of Winter.  It'd better not be cold on Opening Day a week from today!!!!

    Yoga class last night with the 2 mile round trip walk to the rec center and back.  30 minutes on the elliptical today, and 45 minutes of lunchtime yoga.  I also had a dentist appointment before work this morning - I think I should get exercise credit for clenching in the chair for an hour while they x-ray'd, cleaned, and did all that other stuff they do for a routine checkup.  Yell

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    I rode the bike for 30 minutes today for about 7 miles total.  Worked out with weights about 45 minutes.  Would like to walk but feet have all kinds of aches and pains....anyone else have those since starting Arimidex?  You girls with the big weight losses are giving me incentive!  Congrats.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    I'm on Arimidex & was pretty creaky at first but just walked through it. Keeping active seemed to diminish the achiness for me.

    Mary, we just bought tickets for a Twins game in June. My nephew is graduating from high school in the Twin Cities area; so of course, we have to take in a game at the same time. The tickets are going like crazy (and expensive), but we got some good ones on the third baseline. Since we'll probably only get to one, we were willing to cough up the money for good seats. Now I suppose I will have to get a second job to pay for concessions and a souvenir!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    encore, I second what Ruth said about staying active through the SE's of Arimidex.  My SE's came and went, a little milder each time, and exercise seemed to help a lot during flare-ups, and now (over a year out from starting) they're all gone -- so it should get better for you.  Also, you might want to be sure to do some weight-bearing exercise (walking, running, dancing, tennis, aerobics, etc.) to keep your bones in good shape -- A is hard on them.  Biking is terrific exercise but doesn't help with bone loss prevention.

    My weight loss may look big but remember I only post once I get and keep a chunk off, because it's normal for me to fluctuate up and down a few pounds over a day/week, so I can't count on a daily weigh-in to be all that accurate.  But once my average fluctuation is down 10# I'm excited!  It's taken me about a year to lose 20# so it sure hasn't been fast.

    Mary, I do a lot of that chair-clenching during dental appointments, too -- sure is fun.  Not!

    Ruth, laughed at your cat stories :)  (Sandee, how's Mudpie doing?)

    Ronna, hope you have a good trip to FL and that your parents are doing well. 

    It was over 70 here again (one last day before normal temps return) so I got out and did a power-walk outside, 45 minutes, and now I'm ready to relax for the evening.  After I get some chores done!

    Have a good evening, everyone... hugs!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Nature, it also took me over a year to drop the 'almost' 25' but it is doable.  I do post my loss/gain each week but for myself I also live to see it drop that 10.  I've been watching for a couple of weeks now and go under 180 and then back over and I know that before too long it will stay below and I will be doing the happy dance.

    Off to church - march on my friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011
    35 minutes of lying floor work (my favorite...because of the lying down part Wink), 25 on the treadmill and just a little sculpt & shovel as DH ran the snowblower. Things have settled down & the snowplows have been out; so Church is on, and off I go.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    3.4 miles walked (5,835 steps) plus 45-min yoga class today.  Thought about heading to the track for a few laps to get closer to 10,000 steps but warmth won out.  We're too far south for the snow that fell in WI but it's been rainy all day then temps dropped and we got freezing drizzle.  I hope my flower buds had the good sense to stay asleep a little while longer!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did Body Combat class tonight and only just made it to class.  We are having torrential downpours and I got caught in one heck of a storm - I looked like a drowned rat in the class.  Had a message from Bobbi and she asked me to let everyone know she will be back soon.  Julie our cat Samantha went from #3 cat to #1 and when Hannah brought home Frank 5 years ago as a 6 week old kitten she was not happy.  Poor Frank has lived every day of his life being hissed at, she never hits him just hisses at him, bless his heart he is 3 bricks short of a load and just thinks it's normal!!!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    I was awarded the "Excercise King" Badge on this morning!!  Hahahahaha  Amazing how you can go from hound to a king!!

    Yesterday I did 35 minutes of toning and 35 minutes on the treadmill. Only did about 5 minutes of shovel and sculpt!   It was a snow day here also yesterday for my kids - missing seeing the grass AGAIN!!  Just hoping that this was the last big snowfall for the year!

    The slower we take the weight off, the better chance we have to KEEP it off!  I know that I didn't get to be this weight overnight (cause I have always been overweight since I was 11!)  So, I am content with a steady, slow loss!   I am currently down 17 pounds since getting the Wii and treadmill at Christmas (14 of those pounds came off after I started at the end of January).  "Slow and steady wins the race!!"

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011

    Yesterday I went to the gym late afternoon and was suprised to see that the body pump class was by reservation only.It was that busy.I have now added weights to every workout that I do.

    Keep on Moving Tarts.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Cheryl, did you get some new shoes?  Love the kitty stories -- I had a "3 bricks short" cat, Spike, he was so sweet and a bit daffy (and we think a bit brain-injured so I tried not to laugh at him).  He would be walking along the top edge of a fence, cool as can be, and then a foot would slip off and he'd fall and look so confused -- or go to leap up on the couch and smack into the side of it instead.  Poor funny Spike.  He was the best curl-on-your-lap cat but always looked a bit addled.

    OK, this isn't the Kitty Thread, shut up Carol :) 

    I overslept this morning so no early morning walk but it's nice and crisp out today so I'm looking forward to a brisk walk later on.  I can tell I'm pushing myself a bit more (well, it helps that I have more energy lately!) because I'm feeling it, just a twinge, in my legs.  Good to make some progress.

    Off to design a poster -- the total opposite of accounting stuff -- I love having variety in my job!

    Hugs, Tarts!