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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie- do what YOU need to do...exercize has helped me process my pains these past 18 helps you to focus and breathe through the are in my dad is also gone...twelve years now but he iw with me every day when I look in a mirror or hear myself say certain things....I can hear the relief in your 'voice' that he had someone with him when he passed. So much better.

    Wendy- Welcome....this is a great place to help keep you motivated and the gals here are terrifically supportive!

    naturguurl- i do the same though never really thought of it as meditation..taking pics helps to soothe my soul too

    Wonderland, ronna, ruth, folks are an inspiration!

    I only walked a bit today....went to an ;outdoor mall' with a girlfriend who came in to spend the night with me and we walked for more than the prescribed 5 minutes (seriously...5 minutes????)...found the stores too hot and the bass of the music they play too loud (usually love it) so sat outside in the -whatever temperature and breathed in and out gratefully

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    (((Julie))) - So sorry to hear about your Dad!! Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    This morning my MIL's apartment building had an explosion and fire.  She is physically ok, but very worried about her bird and all her stuff (ie: pictures of late husband).  What a WeekEnd!

    Only 40 minutes of Wii today.  Also have been eating chocolate chipits!  Embarassed

    Hope everyone is doing good and keeping on moving!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011

    Julie, I am so sorry about your dad, and will be thinking about you and your family this week especially. My mom died 8 years ago and, gosh, sometimes I rummage through the recipes she gave me just to see her handwriting again.

    Went over and saw Ryan and family. Big hugs all around and a few tears (mine). He is doing great. After all the testing; it turns out that it was, indeed, a case of pnemonia where everything that could go wrong...did. Thank God, he had great and prompt medical treatment available. He will be back in school Tuesday with no restrictions. So that is a very happy story to be able to pass along!!!!

    Only walked on the treadmill and did some light toning today. I ate too much all weekend too.

    Cheryl, glad Hannah has such a nice boyfriend, but remember that if it doesn't work out, my DS is available Wink.....although he says he is giving up women until he graduates and gets a job....the last one drained the bank account, I'm afraid.

    Big hugs to All! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Thanks to ALL of you for your condolences - hugs back.  Your support during this difficult time is very much appreciated.  Thanks to those who sent me a PM.

    Our relationship wasn't perfect, but I do have the consolation of having told him that I loved him before he went.  That helps.

    Will try to exercise tomorrow and Tuesday, then we're back to Wisconsin for the funeral and service. {{{HUGS}}} back.  Looks like we'll have good weather; these little things . . .


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Julie, safe trip... and more hugs. 

    Ruth, so glad Ryan is back to good health!

    Mary Louise -- yikes!  Glad your MIL is OK -- but what trauma this must be for her.  It's only "stuff" but it can be meaningful stuff nonetheless and I understand her concerns.

    badger, you had the best kind of Sunday :)

    Ronna, if you're reading from FL, hope your trip is going well.  I'm glad your wrists are better!  I had the cortisone shot, too, and although it wasn't an overnight fix, my wrist feels pretty normal now.  I did some lifting and carrying over the weekend with no effects -- final experiment, soon:  knitting! (that repetitive movement can be dangerous so I'm starting slow.)  Enjoy some sunshine and warmth for us!

    Wendy, teaching French immersion kindergarten sounds like fun.  Oui?  Smile   Not really related:  I saw someone totally mutilate c'est la vie the other day, it made me want to scream.  And I hate the way "voila!" has become "wah lah!" and other mutations. I guess I'm a grammar/spelling geek in any language (not that I'm perfect with either!). 

    Wonderland, I'll send you a pix link -- thanks for asking. 

    My walk yesterday was much windier than it looked from the kitchen window so it was hard to photograph much, but I tried... will download and look at my photos tonight to see if any turned out.  I'm still learning a new camera and its idiosyncrasies -- good exercise for my brain :)

    Today.... audit stuff at work, then taxes at home, so I'm going to need a good long walk today!  Maybe some tae bo, too!  Pow, zap, wow!  Cool

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Julie - so sorry about your dad. It sounds like he was doing something he loved till the very end - quick for him, but a shock for the rest of you.  Hugs to you and your family.  Mary Louise - I'm sorry about your dad's declining health.  That "role reversal" thing is rough when you have to take over the parental role for a parent.  Cheryl - it sounds like Hannah is doing as well as she could given the news about no more soccer.  Glad that her BF is being supportive.  Wendy - welcome - this is a fun group!  Ruth - amazingly good news about Ryan - no restrictions!  That's wonderful!!!!  And about going through your mom's recipe cards just to see her handwriting again - my mom's been gone over 30 years (b/c) and I still do that too - it's very comforting somehow.

    Dh and I are feeling very proud of ourselves.  Catoctin National Park, which is just a couple of miles from the cabin, is celebrating its 75th anniversary.  They have 25 miles of hiking trails, and as part of the anniversary celebration, they issued a hiking challenge for visitors to hike all 25 miles.  They had a trail log brochure with all the trails mapped out, and each time you hiked some trails, you could get your trail log for those trails stamped at the Visitor Center.  We've been knocking off the trails for the last month, and had finally gotten it down where we had two 7 mile hikes left.  We did the first 7 miles on Saturday, and were planning on doing the last 7 mile hike next Saturday.  But when we woke up Sunday we felt surprisingly good, so we got out and did the last 7 mile hike and got it finished!!  When we went to get our trail log stamped with the final trails, the ranger told us that we were the first people to finish the challenge, and we did it so quickly they didn't even have the award certificates printed up yet.  

    I feel so good about accomplishing that challenge!!!  I can remember during chemo it was exactly 25 steps from my desk to the bathroom at work, and I'd be so exhausted after dragging myself to the bathroom that I'd have to sit there on the toilet for several minutes just gathering enough energy to walk those 25 steps back to my desk.  Now I just knocked off 14 miles of mountain hiking in two days. For those of you who are still in active treatment or just finished it, hang in there and keep plugging away, doing a little at a time as you recover.  It does get better.   

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011
    Mary, WOO HOOO!!!  What a great accomplishment -- and what a FUN one!  Thank you for sharing that and for showing us all that it does get better!
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011
    Man Mary sounds like you had so much fun.Way to go I can't get my DH to go for a walk unless he thinks he will spot a bird.Undecided
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Mum - you can tell your DH we did accidentally wake a barred owl on one of the hikes - we must have come too close to where he was roosting cuz he flew out, landed on a nearby branch, and glared at us.  And believe me, you haven't been glared at until you've been glared at by an irritated owl!  Laughing

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Wow, Mary, your hikes just get cooler and cooler!  A barred owl -- I'd love to be glared at by one! :)

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Zumba is a blast...had a busy educational assistant was eating lindor chocolate in front of me and I wanted to day get behind me Satan lol...didn't have any. Waiting for the snow to go way up here in Ontario...north of Minnesota for you Americans :)


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    I got my taxes done (well, the draft; just need to copy them) and my resume polished and took a long walk at Celery Bog, haven't been there in awhile... hints of wildflowers but also my first great blue herons of the season!  Loved it!

    Wendy, you're funny :)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011
    Not exercising today. I had my first facial hair removal laser treatment since before my mx, chemo and rads (finished in 2007). Didn't need it then! Well, the hair has returned, although, not as bad - but bad enough to start treatments again. Surprised The technician told me not to exercise tonight. Aw shucks Wink
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011

    Mary, I officially bestow on you and your DH the 'Blaze A Trail Award' ! Way to go!!!

    I went & hung out with my dad after work & have my Book Club at 7:00.....maybe I will do something light for a few minutes right now and/or when I get home.....or maybe take a night off (which, then with my 'rules', I will have to make up Cry).

    We have your same snow, Wendy & I think it is still going to be here for awhile.

    Keep working hard everyone, and enjoy being able to do so!!!

    Big hugs! Ruth

    * for any grammarians, is 'hung' the correct form of the word? It doesn't sound right to me, but neither does anything else.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    I've been MIA for a few days.  Welcome WendyK - you're already a huge inspiration.  Julie75, so very sorry for your loss. 

    My arm has not been giving me problems but on Saturday helped put an L-shaped desk with hutch together for our church secretary.  I guess all the bending and twisting, supporting, etc. took it's toll because my thighs have become sorer and sorer to the point that I've just popped more ibuprofen and a sleep aid because of the pain.  Really wanted to go to the gym for a dip, only 5 mins or so, in the hot tub.  Sat on a heating pad instead but it still hurts.  Probably try ice before bed.

    No exercise Sunday.  But came home from work today and watched Dr Ox, marching for an hour and so got over 10,000 steps.

    Turning in.  Night friends. 

    BTW, hbcheryl, not funny about the cardboard in shoes because as a kid I really did that!  (who said about walking uphill both ways - LOL)

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Well my resistance bands arrived today and I am trying not to let them spring up and take out an eye. I tried a light weights and ball class last week but the instructor was a nazi and in my face. I had enough problems balancing in the damn stability ball...should call it a wobbly ball. ..let Aline lift weights with my head and shoulders resting on the ball. After falling off many times and apologizing to the lady next to me...I just laid there like a slug. Saw my chiro today to realign what I threw out. Anyways...waiting for the usual instructor to come back from vacation before I give it another shot. Tomorrow is pilots and yoga and waterfit. I have been doing the waterfit for a few years so it is much easier than the land classes I have been doing.

    Did I tell u my 8 year old is my trainer? He nags me to go and watches how many miles I walk or ride or whatever.

    Oh I make lots of typos because I use an iPad and the keyboard is sucky lol

    Patoo use ice on the arm...that is what my chiro says....

    Ruthbru...are you in the flood danger area?

    Naturegrrl... I live in the middle of the bush pretty much...lots of beauty here.

    Night night.....


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011

    East of where I live, they are very worried about flooding. Unless there is a major weather 'event', we should be OK where I am.

    I was able to squeeze in 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin in 15 minute increments.

    Ice, patoo!

    Need to do a few things before I go to bed. 'Night ladies!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Sandee - I am very glad you are OK.  I gather from your name that you probably live alone (?), so it's really good that you knew when to call for help.  Thanks for the info about collarbone pain.  I had never heard that.

    Julie - I am sorry for your loss, but second the thought that it is a blessing to go quickly and doing something you love.

    Ruth - I am so happy to hear that Ryan is home.  That was a long and scary time for his family, friends, teachers and all.

    I went back to the gym today (24 days post exchange surgery) and was trying to only do stuff on the lower half of my body.  I did some weights and then laid on the floor to do some stomach exercises.  Even though I kept my back flat on the floor, the muscles under my left arm started hurting from doing leg lifts (go figure).  So I stopped that and went on to do standing leg lifts with resistance bands - did 400.  Then went to walk on the treadmill and the muscles under my right arm started to hurt -- WTH?  Obviously I need to take a few more days away from the gym.  UGH.

    The good news is that I have only gained a half of a pound in the 3 weeks of no exercise post-surgery.

    The even better news is that driving home during rush hour traffic tonight I rescued a dog.  As I was driving down one of the busiest streets downtown I heard a horn honk and saw in my rear view mirror a dog crossing the street against the light.  I circled back and looked down a couple of streets until I found the dog.  I pulled over in a very busy intersection and put on my flashers.  I had to honk to keep the dog from bolting into traffic, but when I approached her she lay down and rolled over -- so sweet.  I opened my car door and she jumped right in.  Then I found a safe place to pull over and called the 2 phone numbers on her tag.  I got an answer on the 2nd try and the lady said "OMG, that's my girlfriend's dog and she just called me crying hysterically.  The dog jumped out of the car window when she was at the doctor."  ---Anyway, I was able to find the woman and reunite her with her dog.  The owner just called me again to thank me.  I just love happy endings and am a firm believer in karma, so I know that if my dog ever gets lost he will be kept safe and returned home to me.

    Tomorrow I am driving on a field trip to the Guide Dogs for the Blind HQ near here.  That should be a fun one.

    So even though I am not able to exercise right now I am still following your posts and am inpired by you all.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011
    Good for you for rescuing the puppy and finding its owner!!! That is a happy story, indeed! I am waiting for the dryer to 'bing' so I can get the sheets back on my bed & go to sleep! (Cat 'accident', which is why I am washing clothes late at night!)Frown
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Jen - I do indeed live alone at this point in time....not what I would choose but it is what it is. I am grateful that I recognizsed the signs..actually googled then 4 days beforehand as I was getting suspicious that it was not radiation fatigue. The pharmacist and my dr today both told me of women they know where the ONLY symptom was tooch pain! god....

    Went for a walk beside the ocean after my GP appointment.To heck with their 5+minutes today...walked for a good 45 minutes! the wind felt grand

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did Body Attack class tonight, really didn't feel like going to the gym but I just pulled on my clothes and I did feel much better after the class, I've got creaky knees and sore hips and I've woken up the past couple of nights and taken Advil but I just plod along and did my Attack at level 1.

    Julie thinking of you, it's going to be a rough couple of days and he'll always be with you in your heart. Carol you are such a good girl, I've got everything ready to do the taxes just need to sit down and do them, I really must get on and finish up. Ruth so pleased to hear that Ryan is home and with no restrictions, book club eh wonder what delicacy you'll be eating tonight!!!! Jen how lucky you came along, I can only imagine how terrified the poor owner was let alone the poor dog, and it was smart of you to just open up the door as most dogs who travel in cars will just hop on in. Wendy those 8 year old trainers are the best and I'll bet you get kisses if you do a good job. Patoo how do you think I knew about the cardboard - I got a pair of school shoes once a year and if I wore them out before the school year was up my Dad put cardboard in them, and when they got wet my Mum would dry them in the oven.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Jen, what a touching story, I love happy endings.  And thanks for supporting guide dogs for the blind.  You do indeed have good doggie karma!

    Sandee, I always loved the salt air when walking on the ocean shore.  Some day I will get to Acadia National Park in Maine, which looks close to Nova Scotia, well at least closer than Wisconsin!  I have a passport, maybe we can meet for a walk on the beach.  (I always wanted to visit PEI, from reading the Anne of Green Gables books as a girl.  Is that close to you?)

    Carol & mum, we have an owl of some sort living near our house.  I can hear him/her hooting late at night and early morning.

    Tempus fugit - time flies - gotta go get ready for work.  {{hugs}} to all

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Julie, please accept my sincere sadness for the loss of your Dad. I am now visiting my 85 year father in Fl. I consider these visits check in and make sure everything is ok and they certainly are not rest and relaxation.

    Down here, I have walked in between rain and more rain.

    Will be home on Friday. Will check in then.

    Love to all

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011
    Gosh last night I must have been in a trance.  Meant to say Mary Louise I'm glad that your Mum is okay, fire is scary and it is so sad when you lose possessions but as long as she is safe that is the main thing and Mary WOW what an amazing accomplishment, the next thing we'll be hearing is that you've signed up for a marathonSurprised and maybe the owl was really saying O O you go girl!!  Ha Ruth I put down new runner rugs and both the dog and one cat have both thrown up missing the rug and hitting the carpet - I explained the rugs were for "accidents" and I don't care but oh nooooo.  Ronna give your Dad an extra hug for those of us that have lost our beloved parents, 23 years for me and I miss my Dad every day, all I wanted from his estate was his letter opener, it's a silly little thing but I know he used it every day and now I use it daily and I always feel him with me.  Well off to start work, have a great day everyone.
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Wendy - good for you for resisting the Lindor chocolate - not sure if I could have been as good! Innocent  And be careful of those resistance bands!  And boo on that bad instructor - it's amazing the way a different instructor can turn a fun class into an aggravating one.  You may want to speak to the club's manager about the instructor's lack of sensitivity - it's clear you were doing the best you could and she should have been encouraging you not yelling at you. Carol - your first great blue heron of the season!  I love them - they're so majestic.  Jen - hooray for you rescuing the dog!!!  Ever since I worked at the local animal shelter, I always carry a spare leash and some doggie goodies in the care in case I come across a lost pooch.  So glad it was a happy ending for pooch and owner.  Cheryl - LOL on the dog and cat completely missing the new runners and hitting the carpet instead.  Been there, done that. But we love them anyway.

    20 minutes Lebed and 20 minutes elliptical this morning before work.  It's yoga night tonight after work!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Thanks again for your kind words and thoughts.  I don't know what I'd do without this thread and all of you!

    Did my hour run yesterday, followed by toning and resistance training for another hour.  Am back at work today; did my run at noon and will probably resistance train tonight.  Since exercise is so theraputic, I'm packing gloves, one of those stretch caps that pulls over your ears, a sweatshirt and sweatpants and my running shoes.  I think I can get an hour exercise back there, or just plain walking every day.

    Will catch up with your individual threads when I get back.  Till then, stay safe, healthy and Happy Exercising.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Had plans to walk 3 miles today after work but now it is raining.  But we need to rain so bad I am OK with that.  Maybe I'll get on my stationary bike instead of being lazy with an excuse of rain.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011

    Jen: So thankful that you went back to get the dog! I can just imagine how the owner felt when she realized her dog was safe and saved by a stranger. She probably has faith in humankind again.

    No exercise again tonight as I am just getting in from work. Plus I'm nursing a cold and hope it doesn't turn into a sinus infection. Undecided

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Did my yoga and pilates and a waterfit class...tired now.....tomorrow more zumba

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    My MIL's Cockatiel was returned to her safe and sound and in his own cage!  She is being put up at the Quality Inn for now and the bird is with her.  She feels much better now.  Still does not know if any damage - fire didn't get as far as her apartment, but the smoke and possibly water did.  They are still looking for 2 residents and no one is allowed anywhere near the building.

    Today I only got in 25 minutes on treadmill at a walk and yesterday I only got 40 minutes of Wii Fit Plus.  AND my eating has not been the greatest the last 2 days.  Not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow!

    Night All