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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011

    Did an hour on the treadmill & 15 minutes 'Buns of Steel'. Cheryl, our dessert was an angel food cake with ice cream and berries. Not unhealthy at all....if only I had been able to stay away from the wine, m & ms, nuts, jelly beans...........

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did Body Step class tonight, I'll be honest I didn't give it 100% as my knees were really feeling it but I did low options and still got a good workout and just to prove how really out of it I was last night I forgot to log that after Attack I did half an hour in the weight room doing an upper body workout.

    MaryLouise smoke damage is the absolute worst, my friend lost her home to a fire 2 years ago, we tried to salvage some clothes she brought them to my house and we washed and washed and washed them and hung them in the sun but ultimately almost everything was thrown out you just can't get rid of the smell, and I am so glad she got her cockateil that must have been such a relief for her. 

    Ruth, Angel food cake has no calories at all and you had fruit, that's good and I believe nuts are good for you and aren't M&Ms dark chocolate? see I can put a spin on anything, hey maybe I belong in politics.Laughing Sherry glad you are getting some much needed rain. Wonderland I hope you feel better soon. Wendy wow three classes in one day, you are a star. Nite all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Good morning ladies, just a quick post, where does the time go in the morning?  Did 3.5 miles (6,015 steps) yesterday then undid it with a nice dinner with wine for date night with DH.  Oh well, gotta live a little, today's a brand new day.

    Yoga class today.  Got good news that the class will be continued for another 8 weeks, just 25 bucks, that's a nice price point.  No wonder I'm spoiled LOL!  Have a wonderful Wednesday and {{hugs}} to all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ended up not doing any exercise yesterday.  Had to go to MIL to pay bills and set up FIL weekly meds and my MIL was all in a tissy because she thinks the Dr changed a med and can't remember, blah, blah, blah.  It talkes awhile to get the whole story from her.  So I was late getting home and did supper and went to bed. Will get clarification from the Dr. today.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Badger- Anne of Green Gables....Cavendish PEI...3 hours away. We take our students 2x per  year...I could likely jump on stage and join the musical! Maine reminds me more of my home province, Ontario, than Nova Scotia but it is not a far drive...walks on the beach aplenty if you ever get up here!

    Jen- acts of human were a gift to someone's soul this week.

    Exhausted today...did not sleep well at all, but am going to shower and go for a short walk and see how I do....nowhere near the energy of yesterday but to be expected. Talked to my personal trainer and asked her to take me out of her schedule at least until the week of the point in working with her until I know what the heart folks recommend....and I do not want to waste my time wih her walking on the treadmill.....I can do that all by myself:)

    Embrace those you love folks!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2011

    Yoga class last night, including the 2 mile round trip walk.  15 minutes Lebeds this morning plus 20 minutes elliptical. It's lunchtime yoga today - on my way in a few minutes!

    Cheryl - red girls sure made a big mistake on BL last night - couldn't believe they went for the spa treatments instead of trainer time, or even the pre-stocked kitchen.  It's going to be interesting next week to watch Jillian battle Rulon over his junk food habits - you just know that battle is coming after what happened this week.  

    Sherry - communicating with that generation about medical stuff is frustrating, isn't it?  My neighbor tells the story of receiving a call from his elderly dad letting him know that his mom was going in the hospital the next day for "a procedure."  When pressed for info, dad didn't know exactly what it was for, but the previous day the doctor has said mom needed this "procedure" so they were obeying the doctor.  Neither mom nor dad had any real idea what the procedure was for or why it was being done!  As you can guess, my neighbor hopped in the car and drove several hours to be there to find out what was going on!

    Opening Day for my Nationals is tomorrow - the forecast is for mid-40's and rain - we have tix of course.  I'm going to FREEZE out there, especially since I'm sure we'll have rain delays.  Apparently there's no Presidential first pitch this year, so at least there won't be all the long security lines to get in like there are when POTUS attends.  Cool  (sort of a Secret Service looking icon!)  I've seen 4 different Presidents throw out first pitches (Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama) - really a fun tradition, even if going through security is a pain.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Yikes, way behind on posts!  Quickly:  Mary Louise, hurray for the return of the bird!  Hope the missing people are found safe and sound.  Jenn, aww, good for you for taking care of the dog and getting him home safely!  Badger, I'll go to Maine with you if you can wait for me to get a FT job so I have some money! Undecided  Love that you can hear the owls at night, I miss that.  Mary, enjoy tomorrow!   Sandee, keep taking gentle care.  Julie, more hugs.  Sherry, I know those med/appointment/parent issues all too well.  I kept telling myself I was getting good lessons in patience!  Patoo, hope your muscle aches are better.  Everyone I've missed, hugs and hello!

    I've apparently upped my walking more than I realized because I actually had shin splints yesterday, not bad but enough that I didn't want to aggravate it more so decided to stay off my feet, did some yoga instead and called it good.  Back out there today!

    I'll try to catch up soon... everyone, take care, exercise well, and most of all, enjoy the day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Trying to go back and read more carefully, so a few more shout-outs:

    Wonder, hope you're feeling better and not getting sick!  Badger, jealous of your yoga class prices, most of the ones around here are closer to $25 a session unless you belong to a club (which I won't join until I find a job, and yes, still job hunting, still unselfishly sharing my resume) Wink .  I'm serious about Acadia but also serious about needing to find a job first... sigh.  Ruth, since hanging out is slang I'm not sure how the rules apply but I'm such an English nerd that I actually tried to research it, as near as I can find there's no formal past tense (although a few non-grammarians claimed there is) -- so "hung out" works just fine!   "Hanged" is only used if someone is hanged by the neck (then "hung" is incorrect).  Can you tell I wanted to be an English major?  Wendy, I haven't been to Canada in years (I was on a lake somewhere near Wawa, just N. of Lake Superior) but I fell in love with it when I was there and want to go back, over and over, there's so much to see there (and here). Cheryl, I have a few small things that were my dad's -- a paperweight and I still have an old shirt of his that I put on for comfort.  Julie, good that you're doing some exercise and packing stuff, you must be in WI now or close... my thoughts are with you.  Ronna, safe trip back from FL!

    OK, probably still missed some people but not intentionally!

    I got out for a walk and had so much fun, meant to go slow (to avoid further damage to my shins) but kept picking up the pace but it felt good.  Ran into a few people I know, chatted a few times.  As I was walking by a house my parents built around 1952 the owners were walking out, I introduced myself and told them my parents had built the house and we chatted a bit.  I still have an ad from when they built it that featured my parents' names (I think they got a slight discount for doing the ad) and I'm going to take a copy to them.  Walked all the way to Celery Bog through the bridge construction (the road is closed but all the construction folks were gone -- but I still kept waiting for the police to come yell at me for trespassing) -- it was perfectly safe and too nice a day to not go down to the water.  So I did.  Plus I love to look at construction sites.  Total nerd, yes? Undecided  I bring rocks and acorns home in my pockets, too.

    Anyway, good day, grateful for the energy, and grateful for all of you!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS  Bobbi, we miss you!!  Big hug!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Hey All!!  The board must have fixed the scrolling problem as I immediately was brought to the last post that I had read..... now must go back to read them!! 

    So far 40 minutes Wii - planning treadmill tonight. 

    In case anyone is interested, here is the aftermath of my MIL's apartment building.  There was also some footage that was pretty impressive!  MIL is now looking for another place to live, but still not sure about damage to her stuff!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Me, too!  Woo hoo!!  Thanks, BCO! 

    Wow, Mary Louise, that's just amazing... I'm so glad your MIL escaped without injury!!!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2011

    Cheryl...the yoga and pilates are one class....nice combo of both takes about 45 mins....I have lousy core muscles.

    Well off to zuuuuuumba my fav class. I like that it doesn't feel like a fitness class lol cuz I love the music.

    Melt snow melt... Sposed to rain tomorrow

    We went to PEI and the other maritime provinces last summer loved it...specially PEI..I could move there


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Walked two hours today in the 10+celsius was relatively slow going but I kept a steady pace and was prepared to rest if I needed to! More planned for tomorrow

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Hi all.  Just can't seem to find much time to get on lately.  I've been continuing my marching, even reaching 10,000 steps occasionally (read rarely!) but my eating is really bad.  Once you start 'bad' it's hard to stop.  Remember when we started the voices used to come at us - well, my friends, I need to hear those voices again so - speak up.

    Night all.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011
    PATOO!!!!  Put DOWN that snack and start MARCHIN'!  Innocent
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Patoo, I've never been a voice... until now.... YOU CAN  DO IT!!!  You are one of the ones from when I first joined, and one of the ones that inspired me, and still do!   So hang in there, and know I'm back here pushing for you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited March 2011


    Carol, thank you for being my 'grammar check'.....

    Mary Louise, wow, your MIL was, indeed, lucky to make it out O.K. What a frightening experience!

    I did an old 60 minute FIRM tape; cardio & toning.

    Dress warm for your game, Mary. BRRRR! That is the downside of an outdoor stadium. You will have to switch from beer to hot chocolate.

    Keep moving everyone! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    PATOO EAT YOUR VEGGIES AND KEEP ON MARCHING, YOU CAN DO IT GIRL, YOU KNOW THE WAY TO GET OVER THE MOUNTAIN IS ONE STEP AT A TIME (I'm shouting cause I'm 3000 miles from you). Mary Louise wow your MIL was indeed lucky to come out of that unscathed. Carol you naughty rule breaker you, and long as you enjoyed the walk who cares. Mary yes indeed those girls got it wrong they started out picking correctly and then the goodies kind of got in the way, the old "we know what we're doing" came back to bite them and yes I believe Roulon dodged a bullet this week. Rug up warm for opening day and pretend you're English and drink your beer warm.Surprised

    Tonight I did Body Combat class, it was pretty good still only gave about 80% I think I need either a nice soak in a tub or a spa day, have to get myself psyched up for Eduardo tomorrow night as you can't do his class half-assed and that's what I have been doing this week, sigh......

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Oh my gosh, Mary Louise, those pix are incredible.  Thank God your MIL escaped with her life!

    For those with yoga envy, sorry it's through the wellness program at work.  They find an instructor from the Y to teach an eight-week lunchtime class for $600 so as long as there are 24 people signed up, it's only $25.  But yeah, that's a bargain.  I checked out several places in downtown Madison and it would be at least $10 per class without a gym membership.

    Patoo, I am slooooowly headed down the scale and you are an inspiration to me.  Please don't beat yourself up, together you and I will work past 180 and we will stay there!!!

    Thinking of you Julie, we've had beautiful spring weather in WI this week.

    Carol, I would love to travel with you.  What's halfway between WI & IN - Chicago?

    In add'n to yoga class yesterday, did 3 miles walking (5,155 steps).  Came home, ate supper, and promptly fell asleep on the couch!  DH woke me up when he came home from work and I dragged my sorry butt to bed.  Now I have to drag my sorry butt into the shower and head to work.

    G'Day tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    badger, I'm about 2 1/2 hours from Chicago, it's probably a mid-point between here and Madison, so it depends on where you are from Madison... but I do love Chicago!

    Just had to come on to say..... Play ball!!  The Cubs are undefeated so far this year!  Go, Cubbies! Laughing   (and Nats!).

    Have fun tonight, Mary.... I went to an opening day in Chicago once that was chilly and wet.  We still had a good time but beer wasn't in order that day!

    Cheryl, give Eduardo a hug from me Wink

    Gotta run, have a great day, everyone!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Walked to work today and then around my much better than pre-heart attack walk the week before! Felt I was walking my usual pace but not too brisk! (so about 2 or 3 miles?)

    Patoo- keep logging your food and exercise on will inspire you one way or the other. you CAN do it:) Remember the 24 hour rule...forgive yourself today and start again tomorrow.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011

    Catching up with everyone. I've been nursing a cold, rather, I've been feeding a cold. Undecided Feeling much better and will start exercising again this weekend. Gotta get my "cold" weight off!

    Mary Louise: so thankful your MIL is safe. I'm sure she was terrified.

    Sandee: proud of you.

    Carol and Badger: that would be great if you two could get together!

    Patoo: repeat to yourself "If it is to be, it is up to me." You can do it.

    Have a nice evening, everyone.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    wonderland- a cold really drags you down....echinecea?

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited March 2011

    Sandee: I've been taking Mucinex, Vitamin C, Flonase spray, lots of clear fluids. I'm saving echinacea in case I need it. So far I don't! Now dh has the cold. He's doing the same as I have been doing.

    Last week the weather was in the low 80s. I was able to walk. This week it's been rainy and in the 40s. So, no walking outside for me. Plus, I'm sure the weather change (and staying up late with little sleep!) contributed to me catching the cold.

    I'm anxious to walk again but will wait one more day. Don't want to relapse.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011 have it all in hand my dear! We have a ton of teachers out this week so I am hapy not to be at work potentially adding that to my overtaxedimmune system. Sheesh! Hope you recover quickly. We had +10celsius(so what...43?farenheidt?) and I loved the walk...supposed to rain or snow tomorrow though so will stay put I think!...though I really want a beach walk this weekend!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Hey everyone..did a great body balance tonight...very good for toning and mental off to aqua cycle class...clothes are loosening up....increased my weights yesterday and feeling that...legs kinda achey....gonna go with a friend who used to be a personal trainer on the weekend.want to learn more free weight exercises

    Wendy...haven't done my DVD weeklies much

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Hi all, got in a nice after-work walk (had lunch with a friend so no noon power walk today) and totaled 4.7 miles (8,102 steps).  Gonna relax now and play some BCO games.  {{hugs}}

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Another perfect (to me) day here, high 40's low 50's, about as warm as I like it :)  Good walk.  Shin splints gone, but I feel a bit in my gluts, so I know I'm pushing.  Yea!

    Sandee, glad you're feeling better in your walks!  Love the 24-hour rule.  It's all about not beating ourselves up for what is done.  Upward and onward!  (how's Mudpie?)

    Wonder, keep taking care and do what feels right.  I'm a huge believer in being gentle with myself when I'm not feeling well. Pushing too hard never works well for me.

    Wendy, you rock!

    Badger, PM in the AM Smile but oh how I love the idea of a break from here!  I'll get back to you tomorrow!

    hugs, all!  Good night!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Hi ladies.  Did a short lower body workout so as not to stress the chest muscles.  Just 2 miles on the treadmill and a few minutes of weights.

    Right now I am listening to my 8 year old twins in thier bedroom -- they plan to dress as each other and go to each others class tomorrow for April Fools Day.  They have spent so much time figuring out how to do this.  Picking out clothes for each other (this will be the 2nd time in a year that one of my daughters has worn a dress -- and it's pink!); drawing diagrams of their classrooms so they know which desk to go to; trading scooters, helmets, backpacks and lunchbags.  Now they are practicing imitating each others voice.  "OK Abby, that was pretty good, but you're still a little high".  They crack me up sometimes.

    Nighty night.  And Happy April Fools Day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited April 2011

    A very quick post; had a long meeting, came home & did a couple FIRM DVDs. Now I'm in the middle of some 'stuff' that needs to get done tonight. Talk to you all later! Ruth