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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Just back from the Nats game - the weather was much nicer than Opening Day, but the score wasn't.  Yell  Good thing it's a long season.

    Cheryl - I'd love to see you when I'm in SD!!  As it happens, somehow I managed not to have any sessions scheduled for after 2pm on Wednesday, and just by an amazing coincidence the San Diego Padres have a 3:35pm game that day.  I was planning on treating myself to a baseball game.  Don't know if you like baseball at all, but if so I'd love to have some company at the game!  Not sure what your schedule is as it would make a late day for you getting back to Long Beach.  As it happens, I'm actually planning on taking the Amtrak up to Fullerton on Thursday afternoon to see my SIL, but from what I hear the family has a pretty full schedule planned so I wouldn't get a chance to see you closer to home.  

    And everyone else - hop in the suitcase and join us!  I'm flying Southwest, so let's hope I don't get on the convertible plane.  Surprised

    Love all the April Fools jokes - you all are a creative bunch!

    Ruth - your men's concert sounds wonderful.  We had a men's chorus do the National Anthem and God Bless America today at the game and they were great.

    I got my badges too - they are silly but I do like them - I guess I do need some stinkin' badges!  (Apologies to Mel Brooks . . . ) 

    Carol - I hope the ankle is starting to improve.  Sounds like a nasty spill.  Sometimes it feels like every time we take a couple of steps forward we have to take a step back.  

    Sandee - good to hear the Mudpie is doing a bit better.  I think the warmer weather and longer days really helps them.    

    Gotta get packed.  Fortunately I booked myself a sane flight time and I don't leave till 11:30 tomorrow morning - I'm too darn old for those 6am flights anymore.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Yep, lots of ice :)  Thanks for the good wishes.  I've done this before so it's old hat.  As long as I can hobble a bit, there's no need for a doc (my own triage criteria) Undecided  I do hate how the swelling continues for the first several hours after; I'm up to a 4" diameter swollen ball now -- not that far OUT from the ankle but that big around -- & it's a lovely blue/red but I've had it worse and the swelling should be done.  I had a pity party for awhile this afternoon (I've been feeling so good, exercising more, all that good stuff and this is a setback, but a minor one) and then moved on. 

    Sorry to go on.  I haven't told my family because both my brothers have their own stuff going on so this is a good outlet.  

    Time to go put my foot up.  Better be a good movie on tonight :)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Mary, have a great time, and enjoy the b-ball and meeting Cheryl!  Safe trip!!

    & badger, thank you for the soup thought!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Carol so sorry about your fall.  Take care of yourself.

    Had a great weekend with my girlfriends, we laughed and ate and had massages.  Very relaxing weekend catching up.  DH decided to go see DS in west Texas so I made it home before he did,  I have not exercised since Thursday but mowed the lawn and planted my impatients when I got home.  So at least I burned up some calories.  My girlfriends where impressed on the results that yoga has had on me.  I think a couple of them are going to look into a class. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Sherry: sounds like you had a great time during your girl weekend. Love the idea of massages.

    Carol: hope you are now seeing some improvement with your ankle! Take care.

    Yesterday's outing with the Girl Scouts was awesome! The weather was cold but the girls still had a wonderful time. Many had never ridden a horse before. It became very windy towards the end of the riding and I was glad it was about to finish. The program was 3 hours and they earned the Horse Rider Badge.

    While the girls were with the horses, another leader and I walked around the camp for an hour. She had never been there before. So I walked at a nice stroll pace for an hour which was good because I still have a teeny tiny bit of my cold left. (Now my dh has it). No exercise today.

    Hope everyone is looking forward to a fun week!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Carol, keep the ankle up and iced. So frustrating!!! Last Tuesday the pianist who accompanies the men's choir I went to on Friday, fell when she was doing her usual early morning walk and broke her wrist. One of her piano students (who is a young adult) had to take her place with two day's notice (and did a great job). So be carefully everyone!!

    I walked up at the college with a friend (more protected from the cold wind) and then did some toning. Last year the temp was about 60 and today was 30. BRRRRR!!!

    I am jealous of Mary & Cheryl getting together. I would seriously love to get together with anyone and everyone of you!!!

    Mary, the Twins finally won a game today. I had to sit in the parking lot at the store for about half an hour listening to the end of the game because they were doing everything they could to give the game to the other team. Ouch!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011

    Carol so sorry about your ankle.Try and stay off it.Hope it heals fast.

    I am back in Mexico again so its beach walking every morning for me.Not a bad way to exercise.Tongue outMuch more interesting than my gym at home.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Woohoo Mary I don't know if you still have all my numbers but I'll PM them all to you and we can make plans. No I'm not a great sports fan but I can talk and you can watch or what time do you have to be up here on Thursday I could drive down and drive you back up but I have to be back in Huntington at 3.30pm as I'm car pooling with a couple of others down to the wonderful Eduardos class which is at 5pm so we meet at 3.45pm anyways we'll work something out.

    Carol, what are we going to do with you when you go out walking you're going to have to wear knee pads, wrist guards and a helmetSmile but I hope you are feeling better and take some Aleve or Advil before bed tonight and it should help.

    Sherry sounds like you had a perfect weekend. Badger I am absolutely covered in dirt spent all afternoon digging and I'm almost done, I think this is the 3rd time I have cleared out this patch but it was relatively easy as we've had so much rain it was soft dirt, now I just have to level it and get some sod, but some of my roses are blooming so I have a small vase of lovely fresh flowers. Mum enjoy Mexico, do you have a timeshare down there? Ruth can't believe it was so cold up there today, hopefully spring is just around the corner. Well today I did Body Step class, kind of, got to the gym and all the classes had been cancelled but one of the girls had done step training so she ran home got her CD and came back and did the best she could which was just fine by me I got my heart rate up and sweated a little.

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    I haven't worked out in 3 days - my knees are hurting.  Luckily I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I can find out if its the Tamoxifen or over-exersion of the knees.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

     Walked 8915 steps yesterday (5 miles) and 7.5 miles along a nature trail today. Beautiful day . Stopped for a lovely seafood chowder lunch midway through the day and then carried on walking and talking. Nothing like a soul sister to ease the heart and fears.

    Oh Carol!!!! My ankle gives out on me whenever I am exhausted...if it is possible to get a referral to a physiotherapist, do it so that this does not beome a problem area for you. Ice ice babbee!!! I feel your pain and frustration.....but good for you for getting back home!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Nats- yeah...Mudpie is back doin gwell again....eating, sleeping, purring...what she should be doing hmm? phew! another crisis averted!

    Sherryc- How was the girls' weekend?

    Ruth- How is Ryan doing?

    I have my first radiology appointment...delayed two weeks but I still hav elots of questions and a few did the rads affect my heart.? (it was ticked as other compicating factor beside heretidary onthe Cardiologist's report)....keep you posted

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Sandee you are amazing, your heart attack was a couple of weeks ago and you're walking 5/8 miles per day, you, my dear are truly a superwoman and that is an interesting question about rads and your heart, glad to hear Mudpie is doing so well.  Slinky I know what you mean about knees mine have been creaking for the past couple of weeks I just put it down to overuse it's good that you've got an appointment with your doc and hopefully you can get an answer.  Nite all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Good morning everyone. Back from Florida and as they say "Everything Is Just Fine". Came back Thur. night.

    Went to Zumba Sat. morning, too crowded of a class. I make sure I am up front always.

    Sunday I went for my "charity spin class". Of course, I did not do the "over the hills' and turns, but just pedaled at various speeds for a good cause. Had a window seat and that was the best part. The class was 10.00 for a half an hour. Felt great.

    I am now off for fun and games at the breast center for my mammo.

    More zumba tonight. Love to all. Hugs

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited April 2011

    How long after exchange surgery did you start with weights?  I'm at 3 weeks out and still sore.

    Any info



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Thanks Cheryl- I figure that walking is all I am allowed to do until I have had the stress test adn they tell me I can do weights I am going ot walk as much as I can. Plan on walking tomy radiology appointment in a couple of hours and then to the optometrist and then home....that is about 5 miles I least 10,000 steps and that is enough for today!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Mary you're probably at the airport but thought of this one through the night.  On thursday you could take Amtrak to San Juan Capistrano or Irvine (they are the stops before Fullerton) I could pick you up and you could come with us to do Body Pump and Combat with the wonderful Eduardo (5pm-7pm) and then I'll drive you to your family in Chino.  Ronna glad you had a safe trip and everything is good with your Dad, good luck with your mammo.  Jan I didn't have reconstruction but one of the girls will be along later to help you,


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Sandee my girlfriend weekend was great.  Laughed, Relaxed and got massages and laughed some more.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    I'm back from the Badger State.  The funeral went very well, and two friends from high school stopped by just to say "hi".  I'm always amazed by this, since I hadn't seen either one of them in years.  

    Ran 5 miles and did resistance training for another hour on Sunday.  Back at work today; did my 4.5 miles at noon, now to go home and do more resistance training.

    Carol:  Yikes!  What did I miss; you have a sprained ankle?  So sorry to hear that.  I hope you are healing well.

    Sandee:  You ARE amazing - out walking after your heart attack, and I'm glad Mudpie is doing better.

    Cheryl and Mary:  Enjoy your time together.

    Sherry:  Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

    Slinky:  Sorry about your knees.  Mine can be the worst at times (I am not taking Tamoxifen, though), and taking Gloucosamine - Chondroitin helps.  

    Ronna:  Glad to have you back safely.

    Mumayan:  Would love to join you in Mexico.

    Ruth:  Stay warm and I hope Ryan is doing well.

    Everyone Else:  Hugs and hope you are all okay.  Will catch up with everyone tomorrow.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Walked 8 miles today..decided it made better sense o walk to my radiology appointment than bus it...hate the bus..and then kept right on walking. Felt good going up hills and not feeling winded...had not realized how winded I had felt. Yowser!

    Sherry- Yay to girlfriend weekends!!!

    Juie- I am glad old friends came to see you...funerals are hard and friends can help to ease the path. hope you are doing ok.


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Jan, I am 4 weeks out from exchange and I have decided to wait until I am 6 weeks out until I do upper body exercises and weights.  I still have some pain in one side -- feels like a bruised rib near the site of some lipo.

    Carol, I am sorry about your fall and hope your swelling goes down quickly.  Have you tried Arnica?  I have used both oral and topical for swelling and it really helps.  The April Fools joke on Dad was OK.  He couldn't figure out why he had gotten a package and was about to open it with a knife -- without picking it up -- and I had to tell him to pick it up.  Then asked who was gonna clean it up.  Guess who?

    I went to the gym last night at 5 and as I walked in the door the lady said, "Sorry, we're closed".  Silly me.  I didn't know they closed that early on Sundays --- but I think I should get credit because I WAS going to work out.

    Today just lower body again.  20 minutes of weights and 5 sweaty miles on the bike.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    I am busy getting a report done tonight, so can't 'chat'. Did a really old 'Jazzercise' tape just for something different. I will catch up tomorrow. 'Night All! Ruth

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Zumba and a 30 min walk with my son outside....finished with 15 min resistance bands upper body

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Did Spin class tonight (dedicated it to you Bobbi) and now I am absolutely exhausted, ate my dinner and promptly fell asleep in my chair I'm going to put the laundry in the dryer and go to bed.  Nite all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    ... and good morning!  Walked 4 miles (6,885 steps) yesterday. 

    If running late counted as exercise, I'd be fit as a fiddle.  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    I had a great post already written but I'm working on a stupid laptop and hit something wrong and wiped out my entire post! Yell 

    Cheryl & I talked last night and she's coming down to the Padres game with me tomorrow - she's not even a baseball fan, but like so many of the women here, she's up to trying something new.  Pretty cool!!!  Thank you so much for doing this Cheryl.  Of course I worry that she's going to have me doing Body Combat moves during the 7th inning stretch! Laughing

    I'm signed up for the 6am yoga class here, then plan on hitting the fitness center before my first session.  And it's going to be 70 degrees and sunny here today - wow!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ok..I feel incredibly upset....was told on the phone at the cardio clinic that I will be expected to do 12weeks of exercize with them...and while that is ok (why not? free support), it is allllllll during the friggin' day!....9-3:30 so I will either have to have 12 weeks of leaving class early and then returning to work or leaving mid day...and it will depend on them and their assessment...more things out of my control. ..not sure what that means for me and my personal trainer but it may mean a 3 month hiatus while they decide what I can and cannot do..frustrating as all hell.

    Walked a bit today but not much..tired as I did not sleep great last night. Wierd dreams...

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Hi Jan 508,

    I had my exchange March 29, 2010. I was not permitted in the gym until June, 2010, and all I was allowed to do was go to a zumba class and definitely not bounce. After that I picked up 5 lbs, the most. With my wrists and hands affected by the Arimidex which I am no longer on, but Femara, I did not look forward to picking up anything.

    Things have since changed now for the better but I will take things slowly. I am also considering going back to my trainer.

    Hope this answers your question.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Hi gal:

    One hour zumba (high intensity last night). Love it.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Sandee - how frustrating.  It's great that you're getting the support at the cardiac clinic, but geez - don't they realize that some people actually have to work?  Do they really mean that you need to be there the whole time from 9-3:30 or are those just the hours they are open and you can schedule sessions during that time? 

    Ronna - you go girl!!

    And Cheryl - I can't believe your offered to share Eduardo!!  Too bad the timing isn't right for me to take advantage of that offer!

    One hour yoga class this morning at 6am (not as impressive as it sounds since it was 9 am my time and I'd been up for 2 hours), then I hit the fitness center for 45 minutes on the elliptical, all before the first session even started.  I have a bit of a break between sessions now, so I'm going to walk over to something called the Fashion Valley Mall - Nordstroms, Neiman, etc - obviously I'll just be window shopping!!  I could get used to this Southern California lifestyle!