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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Did Body Combat tonight and had an amazing workout, a great instructor really does help motivate you to work harder and tonight I gave 100% and I'm feeling so much better and Carol gave Eduardo a hug from youEmbarassed.

    Wendy what is aquacycle, cause the name has me intrigued?  Hope you are feeling better Wonderland.  Jen the girls sound precious are they identical, guess they'd have to be to be able to pull of their switch.  Sandee don't push yourself too much.  We've gone from rain, rain, rain to heatwave absolutely glorius today.   Nite all. 

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Aqua cycle is done in the deep end. You wear a floatation belt. You basically sit in the water like you are on a cycle and then work spin with one leg, two legs, frontward and backwards....good workout

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    I started laughing at myself this morning.  Yesterday I was all excited to say "play ball!"  But today is opening day, and I knew that.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I'm an idiot Tongue out

    Jen, your girls are a riot!  I hope they have a lot of fun with their switch.  I usually ruin stuff like that by laughing at the wrong time.  Like I said, I'm an idiot. Smile

    Cheryl, so kind of you to pass on my hug, I know that's hard for you Wink

    Wendy, aquacycle sounds like quite a workout!

    I'm going to try to get a walk in before the rain hits.   Library day, plus I have a long list of chores around here for the next few days.

    One year in my last professional job the admn. asso. and I went in to work really early and boobie-trapped everyone's office, silly things like a package on a desk full of shredded paper with the bottom cut out, so when they picked it up they got a pile of shredded paper on their desk, or taping the little bar under the receiver on their phones so when they picked it up they didn't get a line... we had something different for everyone, and "tricked" our own offices, too.  It took everyone a while to figure out who might have been in on the pranks.  It was great fun to set up and we laughed about it a lot, although in writing it, it sounds like of lame Undecided Anyone else do any April Fool's?

    April Fool's or not, do something fun today!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011
    badger, my PM isn't going through (or at least looks like it isn't, if you end up with multiple copies, I'm sorry!!) -- I'll try again later....  edited to add:  ha!  never fails -- as soon as I let someone know something isn't working and I'll try later, it works! Undecided
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    NaturGrrl I am going for my yearly galpal weekend.  WE are going to a resort spa in Austin.  Can't wait, have know these girls all my life and we just laugh and laugh when we get together.  I guess that will be my April foold fun time.  Had a great yoga workout last night.  I am sure I will eat too much this weekend so maybe Need to do a little more walking next week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited April 2011

    No April Fooling. I was at a Math Conference all day & they are so serious that they don't even serve COOKIES when you have a (very, very short) coffee break!!! Surprised

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Opening Day was wonderful - who cares that it was 41 degrees and drizzling all game - it was BASEBALL!!! 

    I had on 7 layers, plus multiple hats and hoods.  We had those hand warmer packets which really helped.  All was well until the 6th inning when I got one of those monster Femara hot flashes - those of you on AIs or tamox know exactly what I mean.  The gloves come flying off, the hoods and hats get ripped off, and I'm madly unzipping and unbuttoning every layer I could. DH was laughing his head off - here's everyone else in the stands bundled to the max, and I'm there with just a shirt on sweating like it's a summer day. 

    I was reasonably good for a ballgame - just one slice of thin crust pizza and two beers, plus we had our normal 40 minute round trip walk from our parking lot to our upper deck seats and back.  So I even squeezed in a tad of exercise.  Just Lebeds for me today - I was tired and slept in.

    Off to the cabin this weekend - we are NOT planning on hiking 14 miles!!  Then we tix for another Nats game Sunday, but fortunately the forecast is calling for 60 degrees and sunny.   

    Then I'm off to sunny San Diego for a software conference - I could use some warm weather!  I'm taking a laptop so I'll be able to check it - the conference hotel has a fitness center so I plan to take full advantage of it while I'm there.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited April 2011

    I want to go to San Diego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    I got off pretty easy on the fooling.... one year my kids put an elastic band around the "sprayer" on my kitchen sink so that when I turned on the water, I got soaked!!

    40 minutes Wii and 35 minutes Firm toning today.  It  is starting to get a little warmer everyday... hope it continues!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Mary Louise, that's a funny one -- as long as it doesn't happen to me  Smile  My younger brother and I went through a thing for awhile that when ever we visited one another's house we'd do something to the bed -- short-sheet it or pile a bunch of books in it or anything to be obnoxious.  And without being obvious (which wasn't easy once the tradition got going because we kept a close eye on each other).   My brother crawled into bed very late and tired one night after thinking he'd checked things but still got caught by the short sheeting and got mad (his own fault for not checking better, right? Innocent ) so we kind of stopped that.

    Ruth, no cookies??  That's inhumane.

    Mary, just laughed at you ripping your clothes off during the game... hot flashes, yuck!  Your suitcase may be full of fellow travelers, I'd love to spend some time in San Diego... and I LOVE Austin, Sherry!  Enjoy, both of you!

    I got in a decent walk, some errands, some chores, took a nap, and haven't done diddly since I woke up.  Nice dark rainy afternoon, cozy to be inside and lazy.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Carol -- I love those harmless "tricks".  Not lame at all.  I'll bet it was a really fun day at your office.

    Sherry -- Ooo.  Spa weekend sounds fabulous.  And remember, calories consumed when you are recharging your batteries with girlfriends DON'T COUNT.

    Just did lower body again today -- it feels like I have a bruised rib.  About 25 minutes of weights, 800 leg lifts with resistance band, 5 miles on the bike.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Natureguurl- Mudpie is doing great!! thanks...maybe the spring or maybe she did hav ethe flu..hard to know but she is perky these days and great company.

    My galpal flew in from Ottawa to be with me for the weekend and I had a walk by the ocean planned...nope...I am exhausted (what a change in 24 hours) and so is she and it was a weird combonation of ice pellets, sleet and rain today....exercized our yaps instead talking!

    Forgot it was April Fool's day! Love the antics though!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2011

    Naturegirl, I would love to do something like that at work but my co-workers, all 80 of them don't have a funny bone between them.  Don't know how I got hired there (5 years ago) because I don't have a serious bone in my body!  Oh well.    I love the kitchem sprayer gag - have to remember it.  Can I go to San Diego too, purleese!!!!  I can use a software conferance so maybe I'll learn what is all this stuff on my computer which makes it run soooooooooo slowly!

    Thanks all for your encouragement.  I just can't wait for warmer weather so I can get out on my walks again. 

    Have a great weekend friends.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Patoo, I'm with you in that I exercise best and most when I can get outside and do it.  I don't know why but it just resonates with me better.

    I didn't work today or I might have been tempted to try a few pranks, but the other 3 employees, while very good with humor, are all super-stressed right now for various reasons, so my humor might not have been appreciated.   So I'm glad I wasn't tempted  Innocent

    Sandee, glad Mudpie is well!!  Sassy has a lot more energy lately, too -- but my cats get like that every year when the days get longer.  Good to see her playing more.  She's 19 in a couple of weeks!  Staying off ice is a good idea -- the last thing you need is a broken arm or something!

    I've been cleaning out papers, files, books, and general junk from my parent's house... trying to get it down to stuff that we need to keep and stuff that someone might want.  Amazing how much I'm tossing. It's bittersweet but I think it's better me than my brothers -- I think they would toss everything without looking too closely -- I'm getting some nice memories and insights and pulling things to share with them.

    I'm chatty today.  Comes from having so much energy.  That's a good thing!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    I took today off work and had a lazy day myself.  Chilly dark rainy morning, cozy to be inside.  Gave myself a pedicure, read for a while, took a nap, then once the sun peeked out got in a 3 mile walk.  Still need to hit the grocery store but wanted to have supper first to avoid shopping while hungry. Money mouth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Mary, San Diego is a 90 minute drive for me and I'm willing to take a day off work next week if you have any spare time, I know those conferences are usually all day affairs, but I'm putting it out there, and boy do I know about those Femara hot flashes they sure do come at some inappropriate times.  I am not going to the gym today but I'm going outside in a few minutes to work in the garden, it's 90 degrees here today.  Carol I've been doing a clean out at my office my shredder has been working overtime.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Speaking of shredders, my girls and I are pulling Carol's joke on my husband.  We found a box he had that was mailed to him, cut the bottom out and filled with shredded paper.  It is sitting on the dining room table waiting for him to come home and pick it up.

    The girls had a great time today and their teachers played along and let them stay in each other's classroom for the first 20 minutes. :)

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Well did 50 mins on the exercise bike...or 13 miles....and 30 min weights today.

    The French tradition for April fool is poisson d' stick little fish to stuff lol. My kindergartens loved it.

    Happy friday

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    Done 55 minutes Wii fit and now it is off the vacuum the house (or at least SOME of it!)

    I have earned a couple of more badges today (heating up & on fire badges).  For calories burned for 2 and then 4 weeks.  I guess is making up some new badges.... I know it seems a little silly, but you know it is actually keeping me motivated to work out!! Kiss

    Wendy, I grew up in Quebec and I remember all of the "poisson d'avril"  that we stuck to our friends backs!! 

    Hope everyone is having a gorgeous day - beauty one here, but chilly.  OK..... NOW I am going to get the vacuum out!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Yesterday was wet so I did my yard work this morning... and I must say, what a difference a year makes!  Last year when I did yard work I'd get tired quickly and/or my back would start giving out... today, I did everything on my list and came away feeling fine.  Happy dance!!

    Lots of little green things are starting to poke up.  More happy dance! 

    It's really pretty out, mostly sunny, breezy, a bit cool but I like it like that, so I will be going for a long walk later.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    PS  Jen, how did the joke work out with the box?

    Love that the teachers let them play out their joke a little while :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    It was gorgeous here today so went for a nice long walk, starting with haircut appt this morning.  Walked there & back home, grabbed the Walkman and my 'bike tunes' cassette, and headed back out.  Ended up walking 6.5 miles (11,154 steps) and listened to both sides of the tape so 90 minutes!  No wonder my feet hurt.  But it feels so good to get out there and shake my tailfeathers.  I can tell my legs and butt are getting more muscular, and yoga is helping core muscles & posture so my stride is stronger.  Hope your day was as pleasant and productive!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,535
    edited April 2011

    Did not exercise yesterday. DH, I and some friends went to a spring dinner concert put on by a 50 voice men's choir. Very, very nice. We must be into themes around here because the theme was "A Fool for Love" and they sang songs such as 'Deep River Woman', 'The Longest Time, 'Unchained Melody'. Thanks to the fact that there was not one drop of food available at the Math Conference, I was able to enjoy the meal & a couple glasses of wine without totally blowing the diet.

    I did 'get' my badges from loseit....that does make it more fun and now I don't have to be jealous of Mary Louise Wink.

    Today I walked outside for 75 minutes & did 30 of toning. I am glad to announce that SPRING must be actually on the way here because I saw and heard many geese flying north (we are on one of the North American Flyways), saw 5 robins; and our evil neighbor cat, TIGGER, was sculking around in our yard for the first time since November (I had kind of hoped that she might have been raptured up to the big kitty litter box in the sky, but no such luck!).

    Hope everyone is having a great, active weekend! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Today walked downtown and even tried out some hills! Walked 6915 steps and I hink that was pretty good considering. y pal reassured me I was not goin gexcessively slow....!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Did Body Combat class this morning and this afternoon spent a couple of hours ripping out the weed patch that I have cultivated over the winter and it's still not finished, lucky me I get to dig in the dirt again tomorrow.

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Heading to the gym bright and early 9 am to learn about the weight room from my friend and ex personal trainer, Keri! I am sure I will learn a lot. Yesterday was a bike and treadmill workout. Still plagued my snow. I want spring. Happy Sunday.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Got up early, had coffee, went out for my walk, made it about 1/2 mile, my foot went down on a nice chunk of gravel, I twisted my ankle and fell, skinning my knee, skinned the palm of my left hand (yes, I landed on the one that had inflammed tendons), and sprained my ankle.  So I sat on the pavement and cried awhile, then was able to get up and hobble home (25 minutes to do 1/2 mile but I made it).  I have a lump on one side of my ankle that looks like an egg; the other side just hurts.  I've iced it 3 times already and am keeping it elevated, but I'm frustrated and worn out and am having trouble walking now.  I pulled something in the bottom of my foot, too.  This will pass - I've sprained my ankle 4 times before. And in the overall scheme of things, no big deal. But it does suck a bit.  

    Lesson:  watch where you're walking!  I felt like such an idiot. A stupid piece of gravel.

    Ruth and Badger, good walking!!  Sandee, you're doing great.  Cheryl, weed patches can be so much fun (not!). Everyone, keep up the good work... 

    I don't know what to do for exercise right now except flail my arms around and do some weights but I should be walking againg before long.  

    Be more alert than I was, everyone!  As they used to say on Hill Street Blues, be careful out there! Cool

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Carol: Oh no!!! So sorry this has happened to you! I feel your frustration. Do you think you need to see a doctor? Hope you start seeing improvement soon. Keep up posted.

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Oh no :( hope it feels better soon! Icon for ten and off for ten.....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Oh Carol, ouch!  so sorry... road rash is the pits.  If we lived closer I'd bring you some homemade soup.  For the sprain, remember RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation - been there myself a time or two.

    Cheryl, I adore digging in the dirt and can hardly wait for it to warm up a bit more.

    Wonderland, how was the equestrian outing with the Girl Scouts this weekend?

    Got out for another long walk this afternoon, did 6 miles (10,301 steps) in 90 mins. 

    Have a good week Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all