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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Natsfan- I think it is when they have classes or sessions....they are at 9, 10:15, 12:45, 3:30 is the last I will have to sort out what it all means...everything I read says I should not be going back to work for weeks and weeks but honestly....I guess they assume I work for a company tha has more than 5 sick days a year....was also told an hour ago that I have to stop taking my tamoxifen right now as it can cause blood clots so I am tami free for 4-6 weeks...trying to see the up in that...but it also means a whole new drug to get used to 6 weeks from now....feeling overwhelmed suddenly...not being able to go and work this out at the gym is not helping....but I am returning to work half time tomorrow so will walk to work (assuming it is not raining or snowing...) and then bus it downtown and then walk back from downtown so I will get a good workout in...lots of hills in Halifax!

    Nordstroms...gee I wish we had one of those in Canada....good for you with the yoga class and elliptical! wow!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    I did 1/2 of a p90x program...other half later tonight with some ab work.  Knees still hurt, but doc said it is not an SE of Tamoxifen.  I am going to lay off of the treadmill for a while and just do low impact cardio. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Ankle improving, and I co-opted one of my mother's canes and learned out to use it.  Big help!  Although it REALLY makes me feel like an old lady.  Hrrmph!  Not sure if I'll use it in public or just hobble along without.

    I need a crash helmet, crash gloves, crash knee protectors, and crash ankle braces, Cheryl!  (after I rode my bike into a parked truck in college -- long story but picture hat with brim, head down, sailing along -- my younger brother gave me a football helmet for Christmas.  That was before people had bike helmets.  Turnabout, however, is very fair play -- he was running the Chicago half-marathon and ran into a telephone pole so he got the helmet back).  

    Sandee, I think the good news in all that is that they're monitoring you, and that's probably for the best, as frustrating as it is for you.  I suspect the 3 months will go quickly.  You're doing so great!  Try not to get discouraged.

    Mary, enjoy CA!!  I loved the shopping in WA/OR.... oh my.  And I'm not a  shopper!  (Guess in IN it's a bit harder to get excited when the selection isn't nearly as varied or as much fun). 

    Jen, sorry the joke didn't work out better... I guess a spouse has an easy time telling the perpetrator to clean up (more so than a co-worker, anyway!).  

    Julie, glad you're home, sending more hugs and healing thoughts.  

    No exercise to report, I can't lift my left arm more than about 1/2 way because I pulled muscles in it (and my wrist, but no inflamed tendons) so I haven't even been flailing my arms around.  I did find out about some good flexibility exercises to do for my ankle so I've started that in a very limited way.  Also, compression (wrapping) has NEVER made sense to me, if you compress to keep fluids from moving in (to lessen swelling) don't you also keep fluids from moving out (and thus slowing down the decrease of swelling)?? So this time I went with my gut and kept the wrap off and I swear the swelling is down quite a bit since yesterday.   Never goes down this fast.  So maybe I'm right -- or maybe it's just coincidence.  Don't you love non-scientific experiments? Cool

    Have a great evening, everyone!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011 ice babbyy...I iced then used heat on my shoulder Sunday night and it worked wonders! Using a cane could set a new trend Carol!

    You are right....the 3 months will go relatively quickly and I will be monitored so that canot be a bad thing...but coordinating everyone will be..........but there is nothing I can do except follow right now...just not my preference, you know? Just when I felt I was gettingsome control back over my life and my decisions .....was just starting to feel 'safe' again...then the heart attack and then being told to stop the meds...thrown me for a loop for sure....ah well...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Sandee, was it your oncologist who told you to stop? If he/she hasn't been in the loop since the heart stuff, you need to call & bring him/her up to speed. I did the hanging out at the nursing home thing, and have a meeting at 7:00, so I'm checking in now and will make myself do something when I get home. Take Care All! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Hi Ruth, Yes..the radiologist called the oncologist yesterday and shared the file with my new meds and the situation and I called and filled them in a bit more today...they are in the same department in the same department and do health plans together. The oncologist's nurse called to tell me he had said to stop and that she is making me an appointment for 4-6 weeks from now...that I first need time to heal from the heart attack and my body needs to acclimatize to the heart meds and then we need to discuss an alternative plan...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Well, that is good. Often I think medical specialists work in a if they are all on the same page, that is an encouraging thing.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Yes. At the breast clinic in Halifax, they are all on the same floor, everything is scheduled through the same number and they work as a team. My radiologist passed on my list of medications yesterday as soon as I gave them to him. I then left a message for the oncologist's nurse who called me back within a couple of hours after speaking to the oncologist...the heart dr's are in a different hospital in the city (just down the street really) but it is all in the same system....I am grateful for their connection...but I still feel like it is a lot to coordinate...eeeh...

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Sandee:  That IS a lot to deal with - a new drug and then having to exercise during the day . . . I can feel how frustrated you must be.  Many, many {{{HUGS}}} to you!  I'm glad that the breast clinic schedules everything as a team.  Get better very, very soon.

    Carol:  So sorry about your left arm and ankle; I'm glad the swelling is down.  Sending healing thoughts back at you.

    Slinky:  Sounds like a good decision; best not to overdo.

    Mary:  It's always fun to window-shop, isn't it?  I think you'll have good weather most of the week; it's supposed to rain on Friday, but only on Friday.  Glad you are getting a good workout.

    Sherry:  How are things going with your Dad?  Sounds like you've had a couple of nice weekends.

    Badger:  The weather back Home was pretty nice; even though the snowbanks were piled up 4 feet high in Central Wisconsin, we really didn't need hats or gloves.  I'm sure Spring is in the air back there.

    Wonderland:  I LOVE anything with horses!  I bet the girls had a great time.  Three hours riding seems to be a lot, but maybe not.  I haven't ridden a horse in years, but would like to do so again.

    Packjen:  Sounds like a good decision not to work with weights at this time.  I'm actually about 10 weeks post implant placement, and I still have a bit of pain on my left side when I've been running. I've decided not to do any upper body resistance training just yet.

    Ruth:  The math conference sounds interesting.  What level math is this?  One thing I'm planning on doing is working towards a degree in applied math very soon.  I haven't done math in over 10 years, but hopefully things haven't changed that much and I can get back in the groove.  And . . . how is Ryan doing?

    Wendy:  The aqua exercise sounds challenging.  I'll have to look into that.

    Ronna:  Front row of Zumba sounds good; I've often wondered how difficult it is to do something like that with many others in a class.

    Did my 4.6 miles today.  A bit depressed due to everything happening at once.  Then, I found out a coworker who just retired within the past couple of years passed on.  So sad.  He was enjoying himself and was going to join his SO in Texas.  Seems like it never ends at times.

    {{{HUGS}}} to all and my apologies if I've missed anyone.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Julie - how are You doing? thanks for the reminder..i am frustrated...excepeted to feel i tbut not today for some odd reason...then got more news that just threw me into a tail will be ok...just scary as I think of tamoxifen as an umbrella...those old  that came down around your always went WAY down on me since I am so pint sized but...what were they caled ...bumbershoots> they sell them onw and the kids all ove them (we were such trendsetters hmm>)so now that I have been reassured that I am still protected for 406 weeks while they work out the ocardiology stuff....we will refigure it out...24 hour rule....tomorrow will be better and I am going in for a half day....and then to the gym to stop paymens on all the money leaving my account when I cannot work a dr. note for that too,

    ladies, I am impressed with how much work you have done. I am going to prepost my 30 minute morning walk tomorrow...did nothing to speak of today so..high hopes for tomorrow

     Bed time..hugs to all!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Hey everyone...did my yoga pilates class and my waterfit. Put on a pair of pants I couldn't previously wear, so that is all good. Looking forward to getting my bike out and letting my hair blow in the breeze. Supposed to be 12 degrees Celsius here by the end of the week..that is shorts weather for we northerners.

    Ronna...I lobe zumba too...makes me smie

    Sandee that sux about the scheduling sorry:(


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Ryan is doing good. I will tell you more about him when I have more time.

    The Math Conference was the state math conference. There were workshop choices for all levels K-12, so something for everyone....except food!!!

    Went to a boring two hour meeting. Why did I agree to be on this board? The people in charge seem to enjoy the sound of their own voices more than anything else. I came home and did an hour on the treadmill. Tomorrow I am going to see my GP because I think I might have a hernia!! I will be very unhappy if that is the case, but when I google my 'symptoms' that is what keeps coming up. Frown

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011
    Having trouble with my internet so just a quick fly by.  Did Body Step class tonight.  Tomorrow afternoon I'm driving to San Diego to meet Nats and go to a baseball game I'm so excited to meet up with her I feel like a kid a christmasSealed
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Good morning!  Did 5.5 miles (9,438 steps) yesterday including noon power walk.

    Julie, it's greening up nicely here but there's still a gravel-y remnant of a once-monster snowbank at the edge of the high school parking lot.  I'm watching it melt a bit more each day.

    Carol, glad to hear you're on the mend.  If hugs would heal, we'd send you LOTS.

    Ruth, so you signed up for a 'bored' meeting?  (groan - sorry)  Good luck at dr today.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Sandyonherown: I hope you feel better and am glad the doctors are all in tune.

    Ladies I just had my mamo (one) side only and good results. I go back in 6 months for bilateral mamo.

    Wendy, zumba brings a smile to my face and I definitely feel better after the class.

     Julie, I agree with you, wait a little longer for upper body re: post exchange.

    I joined this thread to keep me motivated and that it does.

    Thank you all.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Julie my Dad is doing rads right now.  They were doing 3 weeks for pain control but so far he has not had any relief and this is his last week.  It has me a bit concerned.  He starts his chemo on Monday.  His spirits are good.  I think just finally finding out and trying to do something about his cancer makes him feel more in control.  How have you been? I have been thinking about you.

    Did my yoga class monday night but nothing yesterday.  Will do a 3 mile walk after work today.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2011

    Hi Tarts!

    Fly by HI!  New puppy, full time crazy.  Study in paper today says that estrogen only patients (no progesterones) LOWERED bc risk....???!!!  What the heck!

    I've got to go get some work done but have been thinking about all of you...had my one year dx date pass on 4/1/11-(yes, that's right, April Fools Day...)

    Miss you!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2011

    Quick look.  You all are really putting me to shame.  I'm still doing my daily "marching" and can't seem to get motivated to do much more.  On Sunday I did feel like I wanted to run but all my shoes are for walking.  So walked over to the sports store and looked at running shoes but then decided that it probably would be a waste of money so I just walked back home.   Probably need to leave my 'running' for when I get in the pool.

    Nice going all.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ronna- great news re. the mamogram!

    I walked to work today (first half day back since the heart attack) , then got a lift downtown and then walked home from there for a total of about 7.5 miles..not sure my pedometer is set right as there is NO WAY these short litle legs are doing a 3.7 stride! Need to sort that out once I find a measuring tape...but in any case, it was over 10,000 steps:)..better day today!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    I went to all day donor-retention workshop today, excellent, and in spite of my ankle I ended up walking about 10 blocks in pieces -- the workshop was on campus so the nearest parking was 2 blocks away.  My ankle protested some but when I left awhile ago it was much more flexible.  Time to relax and put it up now.  At least I'm getting  a bit of exercise.

    Kim, I was estrogen-only -- so I say HA!! I'm sure it's not research, it's just a look at population statistics and probably wasn't done in a way that took other things into account.  Good to see you!

    Ruth, boards can be the worst, especially if they don't understand the work they should be doing and micromanage instead.  And yes, boring!!  (On the other hand, I've seen some dynamic ones... but they seem to be the exception).

    Sherry, sorry your dad isn't getting relief, I hope his drs. know, although there may not be anything they can do?

    Badger, hugs must heal, that must be why I'm getting better so fast (although my ankle is still puffy and very ugly-looking).

    Keep inspiring me, everyone!  And be careful out there! Cool

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    I took the dog for a walk around the lake today -- a little over a mile, I think.  Then went to the gym and did 20 minutes of weights, 600 leg lifts with resistance band, 150 stomach crunches and 3 miles on the bike.

    Gotta go help one of my 8-year-olds with her report on the Humane Society.  Ta ta.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Hi Kim, glad to hear from you. What is the name/breed/sex/age etc. of your new addition to the family? I just roll my eyes at 'studies' as they put out big headlines, get everyone all crazy and then 'POOF' they disappear into the media blitz. So you can find some study that says almost anything at some point. (Since I am estrogen only, this one works for me. 'Ha!' also).

    Patoo, I never run but I always wear running shoes. The way I land on my feet make them more comfortable even for walking.

    Ronna, congratulations on the mammo. WHEW! Nice thing to cross off the list for awhile.

    Mary and Cheryl, I know you will be having so much fun together!!!

    Well, I went to my GP today; and I could be a good diagnostician, because I do, indeed, have a femoral hernia. BOO HOO. I will meet with a surgeon on the 18th for a consultation. I will need surgery. I'm not sure if I can put it off until the end of the school year (or if I even want to put it off as it is uncomfortable.....BUT I have so much to do at school before the end of the year....). It doesn't sound like it should be a particularly hard surgery or recovery (although any surgery done on one's own personal body is hard and uncomfortable!!!!!!!!). YUCK! GP says I can continue to exercise; so, of course, I will.

    I have church in half an hour & will do something later tonight. Take Care All! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    wow Ruth...good job with the diagnosis!!!!! We DO know our own bodies...thank goodness for being self aware!

    Sherry- Wish I knew what to say re. your dad. I know how hard it is seeing a father ill helpless it can leave you feeling. Wish the radiation was bringing him some pain relief...hopefully the chemo will go smoother for him.

    Patoo- sounds like maybe you should start with power walking, keep the same shoes and go around a different block:) Then you won't feel guilty about not running:)

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Did my zumba and weights but lacked energy tonight....just gonna have a walk outside tomorrow...kinda zapped today...maybe cuz I did quite a bit of dancing with my class.


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Ronna: Congratulations on your mammo results!

    Ruth: Oh no! So sorry you will be facing surgery in the near future.

    Carol: Hope your ankle feels better every day.

    Sandee: glad today was better for you

    Everyone else: way to go with all your activity. You keep me motivated.

    I'm over my cold so I'm back to harder movement. Our area had a terrible storm Monday night. Trees down, a few houses destroyed with trees landing on them. We were lucky. Just had sticks and limbs in the yard. So, I've been picking up sticks today! Then push mowed for 1 hour and 45 minutes. DH will finish the yard tomorrow. This is the first time mowing this year so tomorrow I'll be sore!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2011

    Ronna, so nice to see that good result!  I have my one sided squeeze...or possible MRI...coming up in about a month or so.  

    Ruthie, the dog is male, yellow lab, Ollie by name, crazy by nature, but a good dog overall, just a puppy with a lot of energy.  I was in tears this morning at 2:30 when he was yelping for an hour...long story, but he has been a little sick, so much better now and FULL of it!

    I'm going to have to google femoral are so smart about health issues!  You helped me so much with the "down under" stuff, now I have to check this out.  I think I need to come take care of you after surgery.  Never been to ND, although my first boyfriend was from Fargo.

    Carol, I have to go figure out what happened with your ankle?!? I'll come take care of you too, I am looking for a getaway, can you tell???? are in my prayers.  I know what it is like to have a sick father.

    The estrogen study...where is the eye rolling icon when you need it???  Actually, the best study I have seen is that some scientist figured out that there are over 54 genome issues that cause BC and they all interact with another to cause a different type of cancer.  Well, really?  Ya think?  We know that!  At least they are getting down to that level and soon will find blockers for aggressive cellular growth, etc.  

    What kills me about this stupid study is all these women I know around here are going to use it as a justification to use the vivelle patch without progesterone as the fountain of youth.  Isn't that the Susanne Somers line of thinking, or something like that???



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Hey ladies, had yoga class today with a new instructor who's a mellow teacher - YAY.

    Namaste' to my fellow yogis Mary, Wendy & slinky.  Anyone else doing yoga?

    Julie, it's greening up here so fast, I can hardly believe it.  A few more days of warmth and some rain, it will be breathtaking.  People will remember why we live here.

    Wonderland, I plan to dig in the dirt this weekend and will be sore too, and loving it.

    Ruth, that sounds serious, glad you got it checked out.  How long would recovery be?

    Carol, glad to hear the ankle is healing.  Ugly?  Fuggedaboutit!  Just take care!

    Sherry, best wishes and a prayer for your dad with rads and starting chemo Monday.

    Patoo, I quip that I'm built for comfort, not for speed.  So I walk, I don't run.  Walking is gentler on me and I can do it every day without special equipment. 

    Jen, you are inspiring.  Soon I will start toning too.  How'd the report come out?

    Kim, congrats on a year out, that's one ironic dx date.

    Ronna, congrats on the good mammo.

    Cheryl & Nats, hope you are having a blast together.  How was the game?

    Sandee, attawoman!  Just don't overdo, please and thank you.  LOL!

    You ladies are the best!  (sorry if I missed anyone) TTFN and {{hugs}} to all

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Back from the game - it was great!!  I had so much fun with Cheryl - we gabbed the whole game (probably drove the people behind us nuts).  I felt like I'd known her forever - it was like catching up with an old friend.  And she didn't even make me do too much Body Combat during the 7th inning stretch. Tongue out  It was a perfect time - I wish all of you could have been there.

    And we were soooo good - we took ramps and stairs and got lots of walking in!  Innocent

    It's late my time so I'll catch up with everyone later.  Hugs everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Did a very light workout. Pilates & a Cardio Dance, where I did all the low impact moves. Hernias are very common in men, but less so in woman. From what I've been reading tonight; surgery often can be done on an outpatient basis & most people can resume moderate exercise in about a week & normal activities in two weeks. I'll know more when I talk to the surgeon, but I'm thinking I might have it done ASAP instead of waiting because that will drive me crazy.

    Wonderland, my sister in NC said she was cleaning out some baskets in the backyard after the storm, and a SNAKE popped it's head out of one of them and almost gave her a heart attack!

    Give Ollie a chew toy from me, Kim. There is nothing like a puppy or kitten to bring life into the house (as they also drive you crazy Smile!)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Just back from San Diego and my meeting with Nats and I have to tell you all it was the most fantastic day, even though we'd never met before it was like we'd know each other foreverLaughing.

    Ow Ruth I'm so sorry about your hernia and I say get it taken care of sooner rather than later I'll bet it's like a toothache and it will just niggle and nag at you until it's taken care of. Kim I love the name Ollie how very cute but don't give him shoe chew toys cause he'll start chewing your shoes - won't be able to tell the difference. Ronna congrats on the clear mammo. Carol hope the ankle feels better, keep up the icing and elevation. Well I am off to bed now - Nats I had the best time today, hope we get to do it again.