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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    LOL then the ladies who do aerobics - Zumba - etc - are dancing queens?

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    Hey All!

    Actually got out tonight with my 2 DD's and dog.  Felt wonderful to walk outside again! 

    Welcome to all the Newbies!  Great thread - great place to stay motivated for moving! 

    (((Hugs))) to everyone who needs one!  There have been a lot of events happening since I have been on this thread.  I am trying to keep up, but find it very hard to post right now...... I too seem to have fallen into a black hole, but will be good as new as soon as life settles down a bit here. 

    Always keeping you guys in my thoughts...... it's what actually makes me get up and do something!!  Thanks!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    fmakj- If you need a shovel, give a holler and we will help dig you out or toss down a rope ladder!! good for you getting out with the mutts..spring is in the air!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Hi everyone, no exercise today. I worked late after school trying to even start organize lesson plans so I can be gone for a week. Not an easy task; then I went to church and am now sitting in a recliner feeling 'hernia-ishy'. Thank goodness I got my appointment moved up & can get it taken care of, as I am pretty miserable. Cry

    Slinky, so sorry about your sister. It does, indeed, suck. You will be able to give her a lot of good advice and encouragement and be a good example of getting through treatment and coming out on the other side, which will help her alot.

    Faith, I think just making yourself exercise, especially when you don't feel like it, is what helps you get your energy back. Your body doesn't know if you FELT like exercising, it just knows if you have done it or not, and will (eventually) respond accordingly.

    Sandee, if you think your meds are screwing you up, get in there right away!!!

    Mary Louise, a big hug for you too!!! Every little bit helps.

    O.K. now I am going to sign off and read the hospital brochures about hernia surgery and all the 'exercise after hernia surgery' pages I have printed off from the Internet.

    Take Care, All! Ruth

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Did another double class...sleek and strong with zumba...then had a mini roll blizzard son's heart day...8 yrs ago he had open heart surgery to correct w serious defect. Now watching hockey...I live the Stanley cup play offs. My team is the penguins..even though Crosby nd Mallon are out...but I am also like the Canucks, and the habs of course. My son limes the sharks.... Gotta run watch the game.


  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    You ladies are so comforting - thank you for your kind thoughts for my sister and family.

    I did 3 miles on the treadmill (fast walking) and 15 minutes of the p90x ab ripper.  Working out was exactly the distraction I needed!

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited April 2011

    Swam for about 45 minutes, slow and easy with lots of stretching and relaxing!!!  Except for the the chlorine dries out my skin - I feel more relaxed and in a better mood when I'm done - going to try doing this 3 times a week.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Welcome Linda and Faith.  Mary Louise you need me to burrow up under the border and come and get ya outta that hole - you know for some reason I thought you were on vacation but now I remember it was Mum who went to Mexico dahhh anyway hope the funk lifts soon. Sandee wow no wonder you don't have any energy with that low BP. Faith you have to remember that your body is still in recovery mode and even if you only do 5 minutes just do it every day and eventually you build on it, honestly your stamina will come back. Oh Ruth I'm sorry you're feeling miserable and I'm so glad you were able to get the date moved up. Carol where are you???? Exercise your fingers please even if you can't exercise your body, hope the ankle is healing.  Slinky I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.

    Tonight I did my Body Combat class but I almost missed it as I was so tired after work I sat down and fell asleep, you see I'm minding my neighbors dogs while she's in Las Vegas and she gets up at 2.30am and has a cigarette and the dogs go out in the back yard - you guessed it at 2.30am got woken up with woofs and I was wandering around outside ready to throttle someoneUndecided

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Good Grief, we are under a winter storm warning for tomorrow with 4-8 inches of SNOW predicted Yell. Mary Louise, is there room in that hole for me? I'll grab a blanket and hop in with you!!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Slinky - I'm so sorry about your baby sister. Have you read the "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" book by Kris Carr?  She's a young woman who developed a rare deadly cancer when she was in her 20's.  She chronicled her journey, and this book is chock full of tips, written with a real kick-ass attitude.  I enjoyed it when I was first dx and I'm in my 50's, but recently a co-worker told me her 29 year old baby sister was dx with lymphoma and I recommended the book.  I didn't see her for a few weeks, then she called to tell me her sister loved the book, so much that when the author was doing a signing, they drove a couple of hours to see her.  She said that her sister loved having a book by a younger cancer survivor, because she always felt so alone and out of place at the oncologists, the infusion center, etc. cuz everyone there was 20-30 years older than she and she had no one to identify with. 

    Faith - welcome.  Walking is great exercise, so maybe just start with that. It sounds like your body isn't ready for a lot more at this time, so start slowly and work up. It really does get better, but it doesn't happen instantly.  And this group is great inspiration!

    Sandee - I'm impressed that you got your 10K steps in despite how you're feeling.  I wish they could asses you sooner - maybe you can call your cardiologist and at least get an answer on the yoga question.  Congrats on the weight loss!!!

    Mary Louise - it seems we all fall into that black hole now and then - I had a terrible time for a month or so this winter.  Just keep plugging away and keep checking in here - we'll grab you and keep you going!

    Oh oh - Ruth's doing research!! Is that going to make her the Hernia Queen?? Laughing

    Wendy - hugs to you and your son on his heart day!

    Linda - I've been thinking of doing some lap swimming this summer.  I used to do a lot of it in college  many years ago, but got out of the habit. And I know it's good for my LE as well.  I'll have to call our pool and see when the best early morning times are (I work for our Recreation Dept so I have an inside track!)

    Cheryl - I hope the dogs don't expect you to take up smoking at 2:30am!!!

    Ruth - SNOW????  Surprised

    Nats game last night - did my 40 minute round trip power walk from (distant) parking lot up the ramps to our upper deck seats.  Cheryl knows all about ramp walking at the ballpark after our outing at PETCO Park! No exercise this morning as I slept in, but hope to take a walk today after work as it's going to be 70 degrees today (sorry, Ruth).

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011
    Hah Nats that was me 40 years ago, the smokin', drinkin', dancin' on the table girl - wonder why kids think they invented fun, I sure had plenty of it in the "olden" daysSurprised   Yes Badger I was the original "Dancing Queen".  Ruth for goodness sake pack your bags and come for a visit, it's not hot but it's lovely and warm about 75 today, I just took the dogs for a walk at lunchtime and I'm in short sleeves.
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Julie, I apologize in PM, I realize you are from Cal, not from Wisc. So so sorry. More and more gals are joining this site, have to remember everything about everyone. I think of all of you every day, otherwise I would not be on this thread. Remember, you are all my inspiration, like WW checking in.

    Cheryl, I thought I was the Dancing Queen in the 70s. Lived in discos. right on, smoking, drinking and dancing, that was it.  Danced in Jersey till 3, then on to NY afterhours. Wow.

    Slinky: Thoughts to you and your family.

    Ruth more snow??? Even in Jersey today, too hot.

    Working out does distract us from our everyday challenges. I fully agree. In Zumba, I forget everything, got my pants today, and will use my Komen shoe laces as ties in back.Can't wait to shake my butt in zumba pants with strings a hanging.

    Wendy, congrats on anniversary of heart day.

    Girls, you know I am thinking of all of you today. DH still has cold, did nothing today but back to volunteering tomorrow afternoon.

    Our kitchen is a work in progress, still no sink, no nuke box, living like the Honeymooners with little sink in powder room. Using the oven occasionally but I wash dishes in powder room. Really ugh. Hopefully next week up and running.

    Love and Hugs to all,

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Ronna - we did the kitchen remodel thing a few years ago - the fridge and microwave were in the dining room for weeks, and all the dishes and pans and other cupboard stuff were piled everywhere.  The worst was the 10 day without running water while the plumbing was done - we were ecologically incorrect and used paper plates during that time.  Surprised

    Yep, disco dancing till all hours of the morning.  And all while wearing platform shoes! What WERE we thinking??? Tongue out

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2011

    Did an hour of Yoga today.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ruth- I have an appointment for next Thursday....will give these heart meds a few more days for my body to acclimatize...was told it would take a few I had more energy...only walked half way to work (it was raining) and the wind would not allow me to use my umbrella...good old halifax weather!

    Natsfan- the crazy sexy books are the first books I bought...she now has a cook book ou too. love how she writes...I am going to go see my dr. next Thursday . she already mentioned she thought yoga would be fine but I just wanted to talk to the having to figure out the gym..apparently they cannot put my $$ on hold (even with a dr. note)...I could cancel my contract and resign but I will only do that if all the sessions I have pad for and not had yet are able to be made up once this health crisis is is head office in Toronto so my Pt is checking it out for me.

    Didn't do many steps today but did walk in the rain half way to school..good enough...and hen ran up and down the school halls all day long

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    Back in the 70's I was more of the Roller Skating Queen..... as well as the drinking!!  Didn't start smoking till the eighties!! Embarassed

    Went for another walk outside this evening... gorgeous out!!  Ruth, we are expecting snow again overnight Saturday and Sunday, but am hoping it is the wet kind that disappears quickly!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    I was also a Disco Queen! although I never did smoke; I couldn't get the knack of flicking the ashes off the end of a cigerette while looking cool.

    It hasn't started to snow yet, but the wind is blowing like crazy & it is supposedly on it's way.

    I did 30 minutes very modified upper body and walked on the treadmill for a total of 30 minutes (15 minutes at a time because that's all I can stand). The good thing about feeling awful is that I am not second guessing about 'should I do it now or wait?' and I am totally LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING SURGERY.  It takes the whole worry/being scared about the procedure out of the equation. Weird.

    O.K. I better get some things done around here. Big hugs to All! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    Batten down the hatches Ruth, and get the shovel out!!   ((Ruth))  take it easy and let someone else do the shovelling!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    Natsfan, I just ordered this book! thanks for suggesting it. Hopefully my sister will find it insightful.

    I did 3 miles on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the stairmaster and worked out on various leg machines.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    I loved the 70's and disco was one reason.  Sure wasn't the hair or the clothing (polyester).

    welcome sanbar, I just got back from Thurs evening yoga class at a local church.

    Ronna, what are zumba pants?  Sounds like FUN!

    gonna go grab some supper, leftover spaghetti & meatballs with a nice salad.

    {{hugs}} to all - keep moving ladies!

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    thanks for the warm welcome, ladies!

    ruth, good luck on surgery. i'm happy you're psyched to do it and get it over with - you're in my thoughts and prayers for it!

    badger - what yoga do you like best?

    slinky - just joining in on thoughts for your baby sister, and you.

    walked 45 minutes today - my favorite walk, up a hill through our local park, then "down and around". i jogged it in my chemo days (sigh, think i'm going to take up jogging again), and it's somehow comforting to go the same path.

    hugs to all - good night!



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    janyce, I'd call it Hatha yoga.  Very basic practice that starts with relaxation and mindfulness (and of course breathing), then moves into poses (asanas), and ends with more relaxation.  Namaste!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    RPM class tonight, RPM is spin done to choreography, technically you're on a "ride" and I'm doing so much better at it, as it was much easier to jump out of the saddle and stand.  When I think back to my first time in that room I was so scared, felt that my heart was going to explode out of my chest, I'm so glad I went back in a second time.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Fly by:  I'm OK, still nursing the ankle and trying to be patient with the 4-6 week healing process. 

    I want to reply to everyone but am so far behind... know I'm sending empathy/sympathy/laughter/tears/joy for all your situations!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Ruth - one thing about going through all the b/c surgeries and stuff is that hospitals, doctors, undergoing anesthesia, medical procedures, etc. aren't the scary unknowns they used to be.  Small comfort, I know.   Undecided

    Slinky - I hope your sister likes the book. She's way too young to be dealing with cancer.  A friend who'd gone through colon cancer recommended it to me when I was dx - it really helped transform my attitude to being very pro-active and taking charge of my care - basically it helped me get a kick-butt attitude about the whole thing and to not accept anything but the best from my medical team.  Hopefully it will have a similarly empowering impact for your sister.  Please let us know how she's doing and tell her she's got a whole group of pink ribbon sisters pulling for her!

    So neat that so many of us take yoga.  I love my little Gentle Yoga class - we use blocks and straps to help us get into the proper positions.  It's really helped with the AI aches, and I can tell the difference the weeks when I have to miss class.   

    Cheryl - I would have joined that gym I went to this winter just for the spin class.  But the class was always fully reserved and it was almost impossible for me to get in.  The one time I actually managed to reserve a bike I loved it!  Maybe I'll check out another gym that might have more spin classes at times that work for me.   

    Two+ mile walk with dh after work yesterday, and I did 15 minutes Lebed and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  Off to the cabin for the weekend after work!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    We have having a SNOW DAY........did I fall asleep for 8 months and is it December again already?!!!!!?

    Mary, every night before the BC surgery I would lie on the bathroom floor & cry until I would have to quit or throw no, this is nothing at all....just annoyance.........

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Ruth I can't believe you are in a snow storm and it is 82 degrees here with sunshine.  A beautiful day.

    I did my yoga class last night.  Our instructor was sick but we had a sub.  A senior in High School.  She is doing her instructor training right now.  She gave us a good class.  Maybe I'll get some walking in this evening.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Badger: Classic Cargo

    I wear tank tops (usually bc related). Go to site.

    These are low wasted. I just put Komen shoe laces through back holes so they shake when I am shaking. (Just for fun). They sell all related zumba stuff. Pants are nylon. I don't like skin tight stretchy pants.

    When I did the charity spin a few weeks ago, it was choreographed to music. Being that I had not done a spin class in 10 years, I watched the class do their thing and I peddaled away basic.

    Ruth, sorry you are still in snow. We were spoiled yesterday in Jersey, but today it is back to being chilly.

    Just checking in. Will wear new zumba pants tomorrow. Too tired after work today.

    Love to all

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Haven't been on for awhile.

    Hugs to everybody. Really Ruth, snow? WOW!

    We are expecting a BIG storm (maybe your snow storm without the cold temps?) tomorrow. So this evening, I pushed mowed for 1 and 1/2 hours. My husband is finishing the backyard on the riding mower.

    Happy weekend!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    cool, thanks Ronna, they look comfy... I'm not big on the skin-tight stretch pants either.  I usually just wear sweatpants and a cotton t-shirt for yoga.  But it would be good for summer to have something lighter.  

    I do have a mat with a carrying strap, and a couple of blocks I got at Yoga for Survivors last summer through Breast Cancer Recovery, that's the class that started it all for me.  BTW they are partially-funded by Komen Madison.  Oh and I bought some yoga socks (with toes to hide my awful chemo-nails & little gripper dots so I don't slide around) and also have a strap for those lovely stretches.

    Am thinking of getting a blanket to fold up and sit on.  The teacher at Thurs class uses hers a lot and it looks like a good thing.  Anyone use one?  Is it a worthwhile purchase?  

    Walked at noon inside the Capitol today.  It is a beautiful place.  Today it was filled with children and laughter.  I loved that.  Some people were singing protest songs under the rotunda and it echoed off the granite and marble.  I loved that too.  They were actually pretty good. 

    Got in 3.7 miles today (6,380 steps) which put me over 800 miles walked - wahoo! 

    did I say welcome Linda, how's skin (and hair) holding up to the chlorine in the pool?

    hey Wonderland nice to see ya!

    Rainy windy & COLD here but no snow.  TG!  (sorry Ruth)  {{hugs}} to all