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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Wonderland, SAndee and Ruth I so agree with yous that working out and being health helps in so many ways.  I continued yoga through out my surgery and rads and do believe that it helped along with my walking.  Ruth I feel as you do when I see people who do not take care of themselves.  My childhood best friend almost died of an agressive lung cancer spent months at MD Anderson and finally went into remission, that was six years ago and she has gone back to all her old ways of abusing her body.  I just want to shake her sometimes.

    Did my yoga class tonight.  It was nice a warm as it got in the high 80's today.  Sorry for all of you still having snow storms.

    Had my first mammo today and it was all clear.  Still have calcifications from when this stuff started, some were remove with my tumor but others are still there.  They have not changed so I am clear for 6 months until my MRI or if I decide to have the MX that my BS and my gyno are recommending.  If I do that it will probably be in July or August.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    High 80's????? Oy!!! I will placate myself by telling myself that would be too hot to walk to work in wihout having to shower and change!

    so glad things went well Sherry....

    As for friends who revert back to old ways...a galpal of mine was just diagnosed with diabetes..her mom had it and so did my mom....her mom was wheel chair blind...both our moms had friend has had her stomach stapled in the past but she is a large woman....and I do not hear of her going to aerobics or classes any more...makes me sad. She was my jogging partner all through high school!!! Surely your own health will spur you on to make the changes?.Hard to watch.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Sandee I am so glad that you are feeling better and walking.  I know this heart attach through you for a loop.  Hopefully the dr's will let you get back to the gym soon.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Did 30 minutes of weights; 700 leg lifts with resistance bands; 250 stomach crunches.  Down 17 1/2 pounds since I started exercising in mid-January.  Only 35 to go.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Jen that is fantastic, congratulations. Carol glad to see you hobbling around. Sherry congrats on the clear mammo. Wonderland so glad to hear that you are safe, those storms were truly harrowing. Sandee hope you get the all clear to go back to the gym or at least yoga class.  Ruth please just take care of yourself - I do believe sitting in the chair and pointing the clicker at the tv is considered finger exercisingSurprised

    Tonight I did two classes back to back Body Attack and then Body Pump, one of Hannahs friends asked me to help her as she wanted to take the Body Pump class but was scared to come into the group room, so I set her up and went in front of her so she could follow me, it was fun.  Nite all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    good morning all, sorry you're sidelined Ruth and glad to see you out & about Carol.  I started a walking program last year to recover from surgery and combat the effects of chemo.  Now I'm trying to make healthier choices all around and walking is part of that.  This group helps keep me motivated - way to go everyone!

    Walked 4.6 miles (7,895 steps) yesterday including a noon walk in the Capitol, where to my surprise and delight I was serenaded by the Waukesha West High School choir (they were GREAT!!) accompanied by piano.  I love choirs, what a treat!

    Have a Tartly Tuesday everyone!  {{hugs}} to all

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Hi all....

    Well did my back to back classes last night. Sleek and strong was like bootcamp torture. The instructor said she gained five lbs on weekend so we would pay lol. Then it was zumba. Only one kore week after this for his session of classes and then one week off. I am stiff today so glad it is yoga. Aqua fit is getting too nice. I might buy some new goggles and swim laps instead. Want to get outside more so waiting for snow to melt.

    Today I am dyeing eggs with kindergarten...should be hairy lol


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Carol - so glad you were able to get out to nature, at least for a bit. Wonderland - glad to hear you are safe, but my heart breaks for the others who lost loved ones and homes.  Sherry - congrats on the all clear mammo!  Jen - you are like the Energizer Bunny - wow!   Cheryl- good for you for showing the young 'uns how it's done!  Laughing  Badger - the choir sounds like fun - what fun surprise to brighten up a day.  Wendy - so, how did the egg dyeing go?  Did some actually get on the eggs, or did most of it end up on the kids and you??  Tongue out

    Dug daylilies after work last night - got three black garbage bags full and ready to take up to the cabin.  40 minute neighborhood walk this am.  I wasn't very good about eating this weekend, so I'm worried about the Wednesday Weigh In tomorrow.  Embarassed


  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2011

    Going to yoga at lunch today then a 4 mile run after work. I be damned if this caner is going to come back. Come on ladies....can I get a HELL YEAH!!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    HELL YEAH, Sandbar.  Good for you.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2011

    Hi all-

    I'm reading, lurking, proud of everyone, and SANDBAR hell yeah back at you!

    I am blown away by my fear, depression, etc. that seemed to come out of nowhere-today is my one year surgery date-lumpectomy taking out one teeny tiny poky IDC (4mm) and 2.5cm of high grade comedo DCIS.  Good margins, good biomarkers blah blah blah.  

    I look at all of you guys, especially on here, and I am blown away.  We are all so similar, trying like hell to do the best we can to stay fit.  I could kick myself for not being on here more.  This is the only place I can go where people truly understand this fight.

    Tomorrow starts my check up vigil.  Med Onc first...then Gyno following week...then BS the next week...then mammo or MRI depending on what everyone thinks...maybe Rad Onc who seems to be my favorite sandwiched in there.

    I read all these posts and I think "did I do the right thing?  Should I have just gotten it over with and had a BMX so I don't have to go through this mind F*&@ every six months?  Yes, I know, that doesn't guarantee anything.  And they are hell as well.  But I am second guessing everything.  I haven't done that up until now, a year out.  

    And I keep thinking am I normal?  Am I depressed?  This isn't like me!  I was working out like a banshee last week-4 mile runs, weights, gardening up the ying yang, and now I feel like I am paralyzed.  It was my birthday this weekend and all I could think about were my upcoming appointments.  I have the blessing of having my dx be almost on my birthday...

    Oh guys, I am sorry I have been whining about this!  I just can't figure out why this is all getting to me so much.  Maybe this is just how it is and I have to get used to it.  I'm not sure I ever went through the depression part of this situation...maybe that is it.

    Thanks for listening.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Walked just under 8977 steps today  (3.47 according to my pedometer)...walked to school in the rain and ried to memorize the two new songs...good luck with that! Seeing my GP thursday am for a bloodwork requisition and plan on broaching the gym discussion with her. Still waiting to hear back for the head office re. my Pt refund....

    Packjen- 17.5!!! congratulations!!!

    Cheryl/Sherry- tried to get to yoga at 4:30...even brought my stuff ..but a student grabbed me for a five minute chat than ended up in a twenty minute complaint so....bubye yoga!

    Sanbra- HELL YEAH (or HELL No?@??)....go for it!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Kim... not much to say but I understand.  And -- as you know -- let it go.  For me that sometimes means letting myself feel like crap for however long -- but once I make the decision to just let it be and let it go, it seems to mend itself.

    I didn't truly process everything that happened to me until after I was well out of treatment.  I suspect that's pretty normal.  But normal doesn't mean it doesn't suck!   And, FWIW, I do think it gets a bit better with time.  At least for me that seems to be the case.  Either that or I've got my finely-honed denial working overtime :)

    I made the best decision, given what I knew, what was recommended, and (most of all) what my gut told me -- for me -- and so did you.  That's all we can ever do.

    Upcoming mammos, etc. always make me squirrelly (I have one in May and I'm doing my best not to think about it).  I don't know if we ever get past that, and sometimes I'm almost afraid to feel good (because it's an invitation for the other shoe to drop -- although I don't really believe in that kind of thinking -- but then I do it anyway!). 

    All that being said, do also consider all you've been through even without BC -- that would be enough to make anyone grabbed by all you're feeling.  Add the lovely gift-that-never-stops-giving of BC and no wonder you feel down.  So if it really doesn't abate, outside help (a therapist or whatever works for you) is always an option.

    Big warm hug, Kim.  You are amazing and wonderful and you'll get through this.

    I didn't walk today (rainy) but my ankle is doing better and I hope to get back to regular walks soon.

    Hugs to all.  Ruth, keep taking gentle care.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Naturegurrl- glad to hear it gets better...not so glad to hear the mammograms don't get easier..I never feared them but not looking forward to even knowing when it is (though I am hopin gfor May instead of June, you know?)

    Kim- hang in there....24 hour rule my dear....this too shall pass.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2011

    Woop!  woop!  I finally got on the eliptical machine tonight for 35 minutes!   Granted I felt like I was going to have a heat stroke afterwards, but I did it!  And I walked 1.5 miles for my half-hour lunch break at work. 

    We had health assessments at work today as part of an insurance wellness thing.  I discovered I have high cholesterol!!  I've always had perfect cholesterol until now!  Shocked me like a kick in the pants!  I have to get my life back in order!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    faithroad- re you on tamoxifen as well? Did they suggest you see a dr about medications or emphasize diet and more exercize?

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2011

    Sandeeonherown ,

    I was on Tamoxifan, but had an alergy to it. Switched to Anastrozole about 1.5 months ago.

    No one has suggested I see a dr. about mediation or emphasize diet and more exercise.

    Hmmm....would that just be a regular Dietician?

    My thyroid was borderline low again so they are trying to up that med as well.  Wondered if the hysterectomy messed things up?

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011


    Even if you'd never had BC I can see how all you would think about is the upcoming tests.  That's a lot of appointments all at once.  Won't they back off that schedule eventually?  I also understand the anniversary anxiety.  I have been thinking the last few days -- wow, one year ago I was recovering from my BMX and deciding whether or not to do chemo.  And 11 months ago all my hair was falling out.  I was travelling with my family on the anniversary of my DX so I didn't think about it, but other thoughts keep creeping in.  So now I look in the mirror and wonder how long my lovely chemo curl will last.  I celebrated when I could fit back into my pre-cancer pants.  The 17th anniversary of meeting my wonderful husband at a Pink Floyd concert is this Thursday.  I choose to celebrate the good stuff rather than mourn the bad stuff.  It doesn't meen I didn't cry when I saw a video the other day of a woman getting her 3D tattooed nipples -- hoping that I will feel as good when my reconstruction is finished.  It is very hard for any of us to gain closure -- as Carol says, it is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Give yourself some time.  Also, if you are on Tamoxifen or Arimadex you are messing with your natural hormone balance and that can be havoc to your emotions (and let's not even get started on the hot flashes!).  Take it one day at a time and one appointment at a time.  Celebrate any little success, and if you need to, talk to someone or get anti-depressants.  It is not a crime to be down, but it's good that you are acknowledging your feelings and reaching out.  Hang in there.


    I did 200 stomach crunches and 35 minutes on the eliptical.


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Walked/jogged 2 miles.

    Peace to everyone's emotions.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    One brief flyby (will catch up on everyone's activities later) - found this article in the N.Y. Times online.  It outlines the benefits of exercise.

    Sorry, I can't get the link to work, and I'm rushing out of here . . . note that the first part talks about the Butterfly, then goes into the benefits.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Kim, Carol is right. Never, ever second guess your treatment decisions. Each of us made the best choices we could at the time with the information we had, advice of our doctors and our own gut feelings. And any of the choices at that point were crappy ones, each one with downsides of their own. Do not let your mind go there at all......ever. That being said, I, who keep records of EVERYTHING, can not tell you the exact date of my surgery (actually, surgeries because I had to go back twice...the first one was on President's Day and the second was during spring break; my DS was on a band trip and I thought it would be better to do it when he was gone doing something fun and not home being worried about me and seeing me all laid up), but I am too superstitious to go back into my records and look up what the actual dates were. I can't do it. How weird is that?!

    Well, I felt better after only exercising the remote control last night; today I tried to think of something I could do that wouldn't be as 'poundy' as my usual routine (as it is the walking around, treadmill etc. that makes the hernia more uncomfortable as the day goes on). So tonight I went with my DH to his gym & they let me in for free (potential customer) where I did the elliptical slowly for an hour, which didn't make me feel any worse. I may have to do that a few times this week (I can go for $3.00 on a drop-by basis) and maybe after the surgery too until I can get back to normal.  

    Stay positive, ladies. Can we make great things happen for ourselves? HELL YEAH! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Hell Yeah ruth. You have inspired me..if you can do it with a darn hernia, I can do it after aheart attack. It was four weeks ago for goodness sake...i can't wait ten week for their frigging program...i will be inspired by you instead!(thought i am not good on the elliptical)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Sandee, don't do anything against your doctor's orders...remember I am more than a little obsessive my crazy 'must exercise or else' thoughts!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Kim I second what everyone has said, and there is absolutely nothing wrong in getting help for depression, 10 years ago when I was going through menopause I would be driving along and think to myself "I could just drive into that block wall and kill myself I've got no friends, no one would miss me, no one would come to my funeral" this black cloud used to just descend and that's what would pop into my head - crazy hormones. Remember, we made the best decisions at the time with the information we were given and as for anniversaries, well we get our mammos the same time each year and for me my surgery date was 9/11 - try forgetting that one!!!!

    Ruth I'm moving to ND - it's between $10.00 to $15.00 for a drop in at gyms around here, and I know one where it's $25.00 I guess they have to make it up somewhere as they lose money on meSmile  Nats, I'm loving BL in NZ, it is such a beautiful country and when I was there I was lucky enough to hitch a ride in a private plane to Milford Sound, it was one of the best days of my life we flew sideways up the Sound OMG it was truly spectacular and I'm so glad Brett is back, I love him, I would so choose him as my trainerKiss.

    Tonight I did Body Step class, and I'm "feeling my butt" from all those squats I did last night in Pump class owwweeee.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    good morning all and HELL YEAH Sanbar!

    Kim, in my masters program I took a class on death & dying and used DABDA to remember Kubler-Ross' stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.  I know I went through all those stages with my cancer dx, and I believe that depression is a normal part of grieving for our health, our breasts, our pre-BC lives, our sense of being safe in the world, etc.  And it's not a linear progression, you can go back and forth between the stages of grief.  So maybe it helps to know that depression is natural on this path we are all on. 

    As for tests etc, my March 2010 chemo group calls it stupidbreastcanceranxiety.

    Julie, thanks for the info, I will look at it tonight.  BTW, once you paste the URL for something you want to post, try putting the cursor at the end of the string and hitting the space bar or enter key, that might activate the link.

    Walked 4.1 miles (7,050 steps) yesterday incl a 2-mile walk in the Capitol at noon.  I think the cops are getting used to me coming over.  Sorry I will NEVER get used to the idea of passing through security to visit my state Capitol.  It was rotten here weather-wise, a mix of rain - sleet - snow that was awful to drive home in.  Could not face getting in the car to drive anywhere for supper so DH and I ordered Chinese and had date night at home.

    Keep up the good work everyone!  {{hugs}} to all

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Ouch Cheryl that dropin price is crazy. For my son and I to have a full gym membership....classes,cardio weight room, pool, is 74 bux a month I have to pay one dollar extra for each fitness class I attend.

    Yesterday did body balance and some cardio room. You should see mykiddo go to town on the elliptical. Tonight I am doing my double class...sleek and strong and zumba.

    Egg dyeing went fine. Now to get them home safe.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Kim - as everyone says, you can't look back at your decisions.  We all made the best decisions we could at the time with the info we had on hand.  That's all anyone can do.  Hang in there and keep coming back here when you need to vent or have a good old fashioned pity party - I know I've done it enough here, and it really helps because all of us get it - we've been there and we understand. 

    Faith - good for you for getting on the elliptical!!!  As for the high cholestoral, unfortunately AIs can wreak havoc with lipids. 

    Ruth & Sandee - I know both of you are rarin' to go, but don't overdo.  You both are an inspiration!

    Cheryl - yes, your surgery date is memorable for some reason.  My biopsy was on my birthday which is also Christmas Eve, and I got my results on New Year's Eve.  All memorable days.  Undecided  How neat that you've gone to Milford Sound - it looked spectacular.  Apparently the big thing in New Zealand is to fling yourself off of buildings, bridges, and cliffs.  Tongue out  Next week should be makeover week - I can't wait to see how they're going to tame Austin's hair!

    30 minutes on the ellliptical last night while watching Biggest Loser - it seemed appropriate.  40 minute walk this morning. Heard a hawk screaming, but couldn't see him.  

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    hell yeah Sanbar!!

    haven't exercised in 4 days due to nonstop rain, surgeon's ban on yoga Yell and weight training Yell.l did walk 2 miles this morning, however. 4th grade boys on sleepover + 6:30am wakeup + said 4th graders whining "we're borrrrred" @ 8am = mile hike to coffee (and back)!

    hope to go on a faster walk later, but it's starting to rain AGAIN...

    yes, ruth and sandee, you are inspiring. ruth, your surgery is next monday, correct?

    kim: you aren't whining. you are just feeling the "new normal" - which, some days, still feels like the cancerland rollercoaster from Hell. i'm thinking of writing an article about how breast cancer survivors/patients --I'm sure anyone with a serious illness-- experience PTSD. you so poignantly described the volatility of emotion: one day, we feel fearless, making all the "healthy" choices, living life, etc., and the next day: doom and gloom. I'm 18 months out and still grappling with it.....I guess we always will, but hopefully it gets easier. hugs to you!

    hugs to all-


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011
    Just ate a big lunch with lots of carbs.I know I know I am going to the gym to burn it off right now.Tongue outInnocent
  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2011

    You guys are so great! I feel better today, and all because of YOUKiss

    Med Onc today-it's sunny here, which helps so much it is surprising.  

    Badger, you are so right-and is the process of getting to some sort of acceptance.  I work out with a trainer who has thyroid disease.  One day when I was achy, tired and sore I was teary.  She told me that she felt I hadn't really accepted the "new" me yet-a person that had experienced cancer.  She said she observed me "fighting" through all my exercises, pushing really hard on everything.  While she said that was generally good, she felt I didn't cut myself much slack for the armpit burn/lump. scar, swelling and most of all the drug I am on.  I remembering thinking 'I'm not going to let that stop me" but now I can see what she means.  

    It's not that I can't be fit, it's that I have to accommodate a new standard of health.  I have to laugh; I don't think I am very realistic most of the time.

    Anyway, enough about me.  I'm going to try to be a better board member and see what the BEST THREAD ON is up to.  You guys are just the best.

