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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ruth ...snow? No snow up here in least on the east coast where I live (phew!)...stay inside and read or do some yoga this weekend..leave the shovelling to someone else...

    Walked 5.4 miles today....beautiful morning walk and then another one this evening and kept the pedometer on all day at work to see how far I actually go all day long...lots of steps!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    we are waiting for snow too...sick of it. Took day off today..short walk and bike ride. Will likely hit gym tomorrow for treadmill and bike workout. Think I deserve a day off


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Did my 3 mile walk tonight and then DH grilled us some great pork steaks. I had stopped at our farmers market on the way home and bought new potatoes and a mix of lettuce for salad. I love the fresh veges

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    I've been gone for several days because the kids are off school this week so we went camping up on the Mendocino coast.  We roasted weanies and marshmallows, hiked the coast, went to Glass Beach, checked out tide pools, did some Geocaching, and had a great time.  Now we are home washing muddy clothes and cleaning everything from dishes to tarps.

    Anyway, today is six weeks out from my exchange and I was able to start working my upper body again.  Yay.  30 minutes on weights, 200 stomach crunches and 30 minutes on the rowing machine.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Did slow walking on the treadmill; light upper body & very light leg workout.

    We got a FOOT of wet, slushy snow much for the spring ball/track/soccer/golf/tennis seasons!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    I know what u mean Ruth....I am so depressed! Soccer is supposed to start in two weeks...doubt it...maybe baseball...they seem to play no matter what

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Did Body Combat class this morning.  Ruth it is hot, hot, hot here it's 10.15am and burnin' after class I had to pick up a job from one of my customers down on the peninsula in Newport, the beach is packed already!!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    30 minutes of rowing machine and 100 stomach crunches.

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Well did 30 min cardio and 15 min strength and then about 45 min of pool...stretching etc.looks like Christmas outside...wind howling and snow blowing....can't stand it anymore

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    The snow won't last is April. Not to fear!

    Walked only 2.5 miles today, mostly back and forth in the farmer's market...too tired to actually walk from my house to the market and back though...think I may have over done it a tad yesterday! ate well, talked lots...i fmy jaw could have been attached to the pedometer, I would have walked far more!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Well serves me right for gloating, we did get snow this morning after all.  Not enough to stick but enough to see how hard the wind was blowing.  Have to admit to not doing much today.  Woke up with a scratchy throat - there's something going around at work - so knew I wouldn't go out.  Took a really wonderful nap this afternoon.  Just made choc chip cookies and having some with a big glass of cold milk.  It's low-fat milk though.  :-)  Feeling better and thinking I made the right decision to just rest.  Hope you're all having a nice weekend!  {{hugs}} to all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Gargle with warm salt water, Badger. (After you finish the cookies, of course!).

    DH and I did something cool this morning. A local service group sponsered something called a 'Kids Against Hunger' event. "Kids Against Hunger' is a non-profit organization that uses volunteers to pack and prepare for shipment food packages that are sent around the world to feed impoverished children. They sent out 6,900,000 pounds of food last year! So we and a couple hundred other volunteers met at an old warehouse where tables were set up and worked in an assembly line assembling the packets (each bag has a scoop of vitamins, a scoop of dehydrated vegetables, a scoop of soy protein, and a scoop of rice, by adding boiling water it will make 6 serving of a healthy, hearty casserole (we got to taste it). In two hours we had made 50,000 bags, with two more shifts of volunteers to go. I believe our food is going to Haiti.

    I did errands all afternoon (including finding a very cute dress for Easter on sale Cool). Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & later dug out my old Richard Simmons tapes, which are very low impact & did a 30 minute 'Blast Off' tape.

    Crazy weather all over! Stay safe all! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Mary Louise: Glad to hear from you. Hope you get out of your black hole; no pressue to post. {{{HUGS}}} to you.

    Ruth: Again, good luck with surgery. We'll be there with you! Helping with "Kids Against Hunger" sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day. Very cool, and inspiring.

    WendY: Sounds like your son is doing okay? Hope you enjoyed the game.

    Linda: Welcome. THis thread definitely inspires me to work out every day, as well as weekends.

    Slinky: {{{HUGS}}} to you, your sister and family. Yes, exercise is theraputic - good escapism.

    Ronna: I was born and raised in WIsconsin, but am living in Southern California - no problem! Responded to your PM. Living like the Honeymooners? Ah, it's
    never dull, is it?

    Carol: Glad to hear from you, and I'm glad the ankle is healing.

    Badger: Sorry about more snow, but I'm sure it will be gone in no time. Chocolate-chip cookies sound great right. DH is going out for a Pinkberry yoghurt
    right now, but I've been eating junk all day. Oh well.

    Sandee: SO glad you are getting some exercise. Hope they get your blood pressure meds straightened out soon.

    hbCheryl: Yes, it was warm today, but we get the ocean breezes here in Torrance. That always helps me when running, even in the hottest weather.

    Mary: Platform shoes? Hehehe - just bought a pair of heels that are 4" high, and they are platform. Some stuff never goes out of style - they just reinvent it.

    I, too, was a Disco Queen. DH and I were always out on Friday (after "Dallas", of course!) and Saturday, dancing the hours away. Too much fun.

    Ran 5 miles today (Saturday), then did some resistance training, but decided I needed a break. Running alone may be more than enough exercise. Sending some of
    our warm weather to those with snow.

    {{{HUGS}}} to everyone else (my apologies for missing anyone).


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011


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    404 error. Season not found.

    Season "Spring" cannot be located. The season you are

    looking for might have been removed, had its named

    changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    LOL Ruth, excellent!  Feeling better today so will get out for a walk.  Not sure if it'll be the streets or the track... depends on the wind chill.  Although the sun is out and tempting, it's very windy and I hear no birds..

    Wonderland, hope you're OK, what with the bad storms in NC yesterday!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Badger: Thanks for asking. Luckily, our area is ok. DH and I had the tv on tracking the storm. A tornado warning for my county was posted. The storm came and we went to the basement! There were many deaths east of us. My dd goes to college in the eastern part of NC. All the students in her dorm were told to go to the inside hall on the first floor. She said she has never seen it rain as hard has it did.

    I just got back from my 2 mile walk/jog at the park near my house. There were 3 extremely obese young mothers there with their children. I usually jog a half a mile and walk a mile and a half. Today I jogged 3/4 mile and walked 1 and 1/4  mile. I guess deep down I was trying to send them a "get off your bottoms and walk with me!" message.

    I thought of all you ladies during my walk and admire all of you. I don't know what these obese women have been through, but I do know that all of you have gone through the emotional and physical aspects of bc and treatments for the disease. I do know that has not stopped you from getting back in shape/getting in shape/staying in shape. You know how much better you feel and miss it when you can't be physically active!

    Wish these 3 women can find out what we already know: put one foot in front of the other and get moving. Only you can make yourself do it. One day you may have your world pulled from under you. The better health you're in, the better you will be able to cope.

    Thanks for the rant - boy do I feel better!

    You ladies are awesome and I gather strength from you.

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Did a big workout today... 30 min treadmill with inclines, 15 min bike, 5 min elliptical ...hate it..and about 20 to 30 min of weights and stretches. Watching man vs food to gross me out lol


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Great post, Wonderland! I totally agree. I don't know that being in shape helps you get through treatment any easier (although I think there are some studies that suggest it actually does make chemo work better), but I know it FOR SURE helps you bounce back faster both physically and emotionally afterwards (plus reduces your BC recurrence risk, and the risk of a whole bunch of other health problems too. I get frustrated when I see people being careless about their health. I guess we know what a hard earned gift it is.

    I skipped church and worked at school all day. Geez, I will need to take a week off to recover from getting ready for a week off!!!!!!! I am trying to also get all my 'dragging stuff out//sorting/throwing/arranging for nexy year' stuff done too, so that I don't have to come back and try to do it when I might not feel great and/or shouldn't be lifting things. After I sit with my feet up for awhile I will do a little slow treadmill action....or maybe dance with Richard.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    It got nice so I ended up walking outside today logged 5.3 miles in 90 minutes.

    great post Wonderland!

    hope everyone has a good week ahead.  {{hugs}}

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Wonderland I am certain being in shape and healthy helps us to recover...I know it did for my breast cancer and I know it is for this heart event...can't imagine any of us would have recovered as well if we were not at the gym etc.

    Plan on asking my dr. if I can return to the gym this week.....would love to be able to go to at least yoga....startging to feel more like me...fewer symptoms today and my neck is not sore for the first time in two weeks....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Did 15 minutes on the treadmill & 30 minutes latin dancing with Richard Simmons.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011
    I think I will go to a bodyflow class today.See if I have the patience for that kind of class.Undecided
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2011

    Just got home from finishing my Easter shopping...... now will have to resist the assortment of chocolate that is now residing in my bedroom closet!!

    Am heading down RIGHT NOW to do a little Wii Fit Plus!   

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Walked to cardiac clinic this am and then to work and now to pracice ...and about 4000 steps while at school for 4.5 hours....all total 9892 steps so far...which I believe is just under 4miles with these little legs!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    No hiking this weekend at the cabin - with the rain we had I probably should have gotten started on an ark!

    It's now light enough where I feel comfortable walking in the morning again - woohoo!!!  Did my 40 minute morning walk for the first time in ages before work today - it felt great.  Heading out now to dig daylilies to transplant up to the cabin.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    I walked, I walked!  Woo hoo!

    I couldn't stand it any more and went to Clegg Botanical Garden and hobbled around for about an hour.  I forgot my walking stick so I was really careful (up and down a couple of wooded ravines, slightly rough paths) and stopped a lot and just went slow... I figure I went less than a mile, but at least I was moving!!  It was wonderful to be out!  Took a bunch of photos, too.  My ankle aches but not like last week so I'm happy happy!  Cool

    hugs to all!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Ha, Ruth, loved your April 16 post.  Where IS that darn Spring?  Seems like the rest of the country just keeps getting hammered with bad weather.

    Wonderland:  Glad you dodged the tornados there.  Can't tell you the number of times we headed to the basement when I lived in Wisconsin!  Understand about using different methods to coax non-exercisers into action.  Worked with a woman who indicated that she wanted to lose weight; I told her that even a few minutes/day counted as exercise.  We have to start somewhere . . . 

    Sandee:  Four miles!  Good for you!

    Carol:  Sounds like the "hobble" was worth it!  Good job!

    {{{HUGS}}} to Everyone Else.

    Did my 4.6 miles today at work; will do resistance training tonight.

    G'night, All!


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Thanks to everyone concerned about the tornadoes here. I'm so sad for the senseless deaths from this storm, for that matter, from any storm. I hold them in my heart and prayers.

    Carol: so glad you felt good enough to walk! You must be healing.

    Congratulations to all who are active! Way to go!!! I brought 10 Girl Scouts to our community college to have manicures by the cosmetology students. Then we went out to eat. So, I exercised my jaw eating. Tongue out I promise I'll do better tomorrow!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    We are in ANOTHER winter storm watch for tomorrow. I feel like I am in the movie 'Groundhog's Day'! I think I may have pushed the limit with my 'exercise and run around like a maniac getting things done' routine. Felt not so good in the hernia area today, so I am now sitting in the recliner with my feet up. I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but may have to can it until after the surgery. Not an idea that makes me happy Yell!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ruth- as you folks have told me...don't push it...give your body a bit of a break if it is hurting too much..sometimes 'no paon no gain' = more damage so go gently hmm?

    Julie- great job! 4.6 miles and resistance training! no slouch you?!

    wonderland- we are all entitled to a little cheating now and again. sounds like it was for a good cause!