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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Yes, my 'Happy Hernia Day' is Monday. After entertaining company all weekend, I will be ready to be knocked unconscious!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Nats, Ruth, are all right...just getting energy is returning, I am actually sleeping like the dead now that I am off tamoxifen and I want to lift really helped me through my BC diagnosis and helped me to feel strong ,you know? But...the walking is also helping...walked to the Stress class at the cardio clinic, then to work and then home...uphill(yay Halifax hills!)....that is the first time since pre-heart attack that I have walked both ways so I felt I had accomplished a lot today...and I get to drive my own car tomorrow....double yay...though I intend on continuing to walk to and from work most I can go and buy kitty litter!...Go to Gp tomorrow to get a requisition for bloodwork to check the heart meds and to ask a question or two like...can I go back and lift light weights now...puuuulease!?!??

    Janyse, I bought two books on PTSD when I got out of he hospital after the heart attack...figured,,,well if my partner leaving and BC didn't put me there, this might...may as well be informed. Haven't picked them up yet as I feel like I am coping well at the moment...but information helps me to process so they are there should the need arise.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Dazed and confused....yeah...acceptance is the hardest stage I you, I am pushing through eheart attack is more real to me still than breast cancer....i have spent my life preparing to not have a heart attack but never expected in a million years to ever be diagnosed with BC....yet did not go through the 'why me's...just said ' ok..this is my new life...get on with it!'...not sure that is acceptance though.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Julie, thanks for the NYT article, very interesting.  "What's the Best Exercise?"  Apparently I've been doing a form of interval training during walks inside the Capitol, going up and down staircases.  Here's the link in case anyone missed it or doesn't want to go back a page:

    Mary, I don't really follow MLB but looks like the Nats stomped the Brew Crew last week. :-)

    Yoga at noon today, third class with this teacher.  Either I'm finally getting it, or she's the best yet.  Nice walk over & back, but at my desk a lot today. Only 2 miles (3,500 steps) but every little bit counts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Lexapro added with aerobic exercise can be a wonderful best friend! Smile No need to suffer.

    Great link Badger!

    Walked/jogged 1.1 miles around the neighborhood. Now I'm hot and sweaty because it's so humid.

    Off to cook a quick supper than watch American Idol.

    Ya'll are the greatest!

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2011

    2 miles...uphill :)

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2011

    whoops...chemo brain...ran 2 miles.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Kim: Just sent you a PM. You are definitely not whining; I have second-guessed myself many times, and it just isn't worth it. Here's hoping you'll get through the appointments; I know you'll let us know what's going on.

    Carol: Good words of wisdom for all of us. Glad the ankle is healing and you are doing some walking.

    Sanbar: Good for you! HELL YEAH, you go!

    Sandee: Read you PM; haven't responded just yet. I will do so. Good to see you out exercising (on those little legs!)

    Faith: My Cholestrol has always been on the high side, but my G.P. uses the "good versus bad" ratio. As mine stands now, I have less than a 30% chance of getting a heart attack or stroke. Hopefully you can get yours in order.

    Jen: So true - other thoughts keep creeping in. More good words of wisdom as well.

    Ruth: Glad you are not overdoing. And yes, we can make great things happen for ourselves. Good luck with surgery Monday.

    Cheryl: Sent you another wave as I was jogging Sunday :). Squats are good; I've been trying to work up the motivation to do those as well.

    Badger: Wanting to send you (and those with bad weather as well) some of our sunshine. I'm not wild about the security around the WI State Capitol, either! Thanks for redoing my link.

    Wendy: Hope double class went well; and I hope the eggs got where they were supposed to go safely!

    {{{HUGS}}} to everyone else.

    Thinking about second-guessing decisions - I believe everything is a matter of timing, at least for me. Maybe some of those decisions weren't so bad, after all, looking back at them!

    Did 4.6 miles today at work; will do free-weight resistance training and treadmill tonight.

    A coworker and I will be going to class up at UCLA tomorrow night; President Obama is supposed to be in the same area around 6:00 p.m. Gee whiz . . . traffic will NOT be good. But then, we're taking the bus, so neither one of us has to drive. We'll see.


  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2011

    I've heard it said that "normal is just a setting on a dryer".  Lol!
    Everyone in my office just thinks everything is fine with me now, because most of the surgeries are over.  They don't know how different I feel sometimes.  They don't know what I look like.  I think, there is no real normal.  There's just "who we are".  And "who we are" is just fine.  Some days I'm happy, some days I'm down and tired.  It just is what it is.  I'm trying to just walk the road. Make the most of the journey.  I love this site, because I find people who are walking a simular road as me.  This is a place to learn, get and give encouragment, or just write what your feeling and hang out.

    Question for anyone:  When I'm exercising on the eliptical, after about 30 minutes, my face gets super hot and I start to get chills and a little nauseous.  Does that happen to anyone else? 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011
    faithroad: sounds like you're getting overheated. You may be getting your heart rate too high and also getting dehydrated. If this is happening, slow down the next time you exercise and be sure to drink water.
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2011

    Hi all.  Popping in to give you all the high-five on your exercising efforts.  Hopefully with the better weather I'll get back into the routine.  Did 10,000 steps this evenign so I'm a happy camper.  Need to keep that up for a few weeks to make the weight start to go down again.

    Night friends.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2011

    Thanks Wonderland,
    I'll take your advice.

    I take an anitdepressent that has a SE of heat sensitivity & heat stroke. I notice I overheat quickly in the summer sun.  Just surprised I could overheat while exercising in my cool basement. Thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Drink, drink, drink (water Wink), don't wait until you feel thirsty. Went back to the gym with DH & did 30 minutes on the elliptical & 30 on a bike.

    I just got done reading a powerful book called 'Still Alice' written through the eyes of a 49 year old woman who has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's diease (the author, Lisa Genova has a PHD in neuroscience, works with the Alzheimer's Association and consulted with patients she knows to get the tone right).  One of the things that put things in a different and stark perspective for me was when the main character, in her fear and frustration, wishes that she had gotten cancer instead. 'With cancer, she'd have something she could fight. There was surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. There was the chance that she could win.......Alzheimer's disease was an entirely different kind of beast. There were no weapons that could slay one got out alive." Made me think AND count my blessings. Among which are all of you! Ruth

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Stayed in my PJs all day studying, so I decide to forgo the family dinner table and do a class.  Did a Pilates Core class plus an extra 400 leg lifts with resistance bands.  I don't know if my pecs will ever feel normal though.  I am 7 weeks out from exchange but I had to keep stopping and rubbing my boobs.  Not sure if it was entertaining for the other women in the class or not Laughing

    Cheers, my friends.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Ruth- Great true...something to fight. I remember working with women at the transition house who used to say to me "if he had hit me sooner, I would have left earlier. really..."....same idea to it is not scary or emotionally hard it if doesn't physically hurt...why is that? Why do we value the pain that others are experiencing more than we value our own? How many of us say " oh it's nothing...I'm fine!" and blow this off....? Anyhow...just thoughts...somewhat disconnected, I guess....not really exercize related, hmm? so...

     Yes...water..hydrate!...and push yourself but don't overdo it...I am going to check in to see if I can do weights a bit....or at least yoga (which I don't particularly care for....I don't realllllllly want to think any more than I already am....)so I guess it is probably what I need hm?Need to work on the cognitive stress busters...have the action ones all in a row already!

    packjen- 400 extra leg lifts..are you kidding me? Bravo!!!

    Patoo- congrats on the 10.000 steps..ges easier doesn't it...sort of!

    Faithroad- love that expression!!!!! Can I borrow it?!I used to have a 'why be normal?' button when I was 21 and working as a bank teller...stopped wearing it when a customer yelled at me telling me there was nothing wrong with normal and she wishes her daughter was etc....I remember saying something like "I just mean it is ok to be yourself!!"...but I like your expression.People need to believe we are ok....I get the same thing and, to be honest, I tell them I am fine. Some days I am not and I widge a bit or I ask for a drive home but mostly, I tell them at work that I am fine....thikn I am afraid it will affect how they see me, what comes my way and whether or not they will want to find a way to 'put me out to pasture'...interesting where our thoughts take us

    Julie You  live in an interesting place...OBama might be in the vicinity? Nothing anywhere near that interesting or inspiring in Canadian politics...might be worth the busride!

    Badger- EVERY little bit was not 'only' moved...good for you:)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Faith, yes, yes, yes drink more water by the time you feel thirsty you're already dehydrated and if you feel nauseous when you're exercising it's because you're dehydrated so try and hydrate before you start. Julie nothing worse than when a President is visiting LA as they close everything down it's a nightmare to get around but it's good that you're on a bus and you don't have to drive, what kind of lecture is it that you're going to? Patoo glad to see you, I was starting to worry about you, are you ready for your Bahamas trip? Ruth wow talk about putting things into perspective and I too count you all as blessings in my life. Jen I had a right mastectomy I am a 42C on the left and a 32A on the right - no reconstruction and when I started back doing weights I used to get so scared I would think "what's going on" cause it felt sore in the wrong place and you know where the mind goes and it feels like my pecs start in my armpits - does that make sense???

    Tonight did Body Combat class then afterwards a whole group of us stood around and lamented how much we miss Eduardo in out gym as the new girl is nice but class was very dancy and we want grrrrrrr fight, we were spoiled and we know itFrown.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Plus he was so cute to look at!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Jen: I do the rubbing thing with my boobs during zumba and with all the mirrors around everyone can see. For my co-zumba classmates, they must think I am crazy constantly adjusting bra and rubbing.

    Ruth, wishing you a good luck surgery.

    I have the armpit problem with implants. So refraining from lifting for awhile.

    No zumba until Sat. Taking it ez.

    Love to all.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011


    Please drink water if you feel sick.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011

    Ruth goodluck with your surgery next week.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    ruth: great thought for the day - thanks for sharing that perspective. and your comment re: hosting all weekend and being knocked unconscious is hilarious. you're on the prayer list!

    badger: ahh, good for you with the yoga. i am living vicariously through you!

    faith road: yes, lots of water before you work out. I overheat easily and found that pre-workout chugging helps.

    sanbar: whoa, impressed! you go.

    just back from a 45 min. brisk walk on this GORGEOUS Holy Thursday! The sun has finally shown itself here in southern Connecticut and I'm loving it.

    hope you all have a great day-



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011
    Ha Ruth, darn tootin' he was cute and luckily a group of us still travel to do his class cause we love his motivationEmbarassed.  Oh Julie I just heard on the news that the President lands at LAX at 2.30pm and is in Culver City at 4pm you are going to be in traffic gridlock/nightmare, for those of you who don't know LA the 405 is the freeway that runs past LAX and they shut it down for the motorcade.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Ruth-Happy Hernia day on Monday.  Hope all goes well for you and you heal quickly.

    Going camping this after work today so won't be on the boards this weekend.  Will miss my yoga class tonight which I hate, but am taking my exercise stuff and plan on doing some walking this weekend.

    My Dad is not doing well, he had a colonoscopy yesterday and they found cancer in his colon as well.  Back to the MO this afternoon see what the next step is.  My boss has been wonderful with all my time off for me and now my Dad.  He made me cry this morning telling me not to worry and take off whenever I need too.  I could not ask for a better boss.

    Hope everyone has a wonder Easter weekend.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Sherry I am so sorry, I hope they are able to make him comfortable I will add him to my prayers and what a wonderful boss you have.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2011

    Sherry, don't you wish more people were as supportive as your boss!  Would make stressful situations so much easier to handle.  Prayers going up for your Dad and all of you as you go through this challenge.

    Hi to everyone.  Sun is out so will get out and do more walking after work later.  Love it.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Sherry - I'm so sorry about your dad.  Good for your boss for being so supportive. And it sounds like your camping trip is coming at a good time for you. 

    Faith - I have a big floor fan directly next to the elliptical at home.  Before I start ellipticalling, I turn on the fan full blast.  That really goes a long way to keep me from getting overheated.

    Ruth - we'll all be thinking of you on Monday.  How long is the surgery?  Is it outpatient?  Have they told you what restrictions you'll have and how long?  And what in the world has happened to your Twins?  I was watching them play the Orioles - yikes!! Surprised

    And yep Badger, my Nats did sweep the Brewers.  And then the Brewers promptly turned around and took two out of three from the Phillies, the Nats division rival, so I'm lovin' the Brewers right now.  We attended a game at Miller Park a few years ago - had to get brats, of course.  

    Cheryl - I know you're not a baseball fan, but LA must be all abuzz with MLB taking over the Dodgers.  Wow.

    30 minute walk after work yesterday, 15 minute Lebeds and 35 minute walk this am. I'd increased my walking time this week which left me with no time to do the Lebeds. But, I could really tell the diffference in the truncal LE fluid building up. So I got up a little eariler and cut back my morning walk just a bit, so I had time to do the Lebeds too.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Sherry, sending thoughts and prayers for your family. I hope you have a wonderful, renewing weekend.

    Mary, the Twins have been doing AWFUL! Cry If I were left-handed, I think I could go pitch for them. I wouldn't do much worse!

    Thank you for all your good wishes. The surgery should be a simple 45 minute procedure. They open you up, shove the intestine back in place, and sew a piece of mesh between the intestinne and the abdominal wall to give to weak area extra strength. You get the same kind of sedation as when you are having a colonoscopy; so you go to sleep, wake up, hang around in a recovery room for awhile and go home. I will be sore and bruised but can start walking basically right away (slowly, I'm sure). I have a list of questions about when I can add other exercises, although I'm sure the advice will be, "If it hurts or pulls, don't do it."

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    {{sherry}} adding my best wishes & prayers.  TG for your boss.

    Ruth, you know I'm with the Tarts who will be there in spirit Monday, sending prayers.

    Missed my noon walk because of a meeting but still managed 2.4 miles (4,125 steps) and also had yoga class tonight.  Namaste!  BTW that translates to, "The spirit in me respects the spirit in you."  {{hugs}} to all

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Ladies -- glad to know I'm not the only one rubbing my boobs in public!

    I am officially a "lost dog magnet".  Today I found TWO dogs and returned them to where they should be.  This morning a little dog was running down the street when I was driving to the lake to walk my dog.  I called the number on her tag and it was disconnected so I ended up taking her back to the rescue organization listed on her other tag.  Then this afternoon while driving my daughter home from Jujitsu class we came upon a little, old, fat dog standing in the road looking confused.  So we parked the car and took the dog door-to-door until we found her home.  That's 3 dogs in a month!  What is it about me?

    Anyway, between the walk with my dog and time on the treadmill I did about 3 miles.  Then I went out for a lovely anniversary dinner w/my DH and had TWO bread rolls with dinner.  Oh well, I deserve it ;)

    Sherry, I am so sorry that you are having more health issues with your dad.  I hope you find some peace and relaxation on your camping trip this weekend.

    Ruth, remember to drink lots of water so you are well-hydrated for your surgery.  Good luck.

    Mary, what is Lebeds?

    Nighty night, Tarts.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011
    Ruth will be thinking of you on monday, what time is the surgery? and I imagine you will be sore if they are "shoving" it back inEmbarassed.  Yes Nats our airwaves are full of the takeover, it's been a long time since we've heard so much from Tommy Lasorda, it is such a pity to go from such a solid franchise that the O'Malleys built to what it is today, and I think the icing on the cake was the Giants fan who was beaten to an inch of his life in the parking lot, he is still in a coma, it's become a thug mentality in Chavez ravine and a lot of people won't go to games with their families, so sad.  Hope you enjoyed the yoga Badger tonight I did a spin class it was a substitute instructor as our regular girl threw her back out - can't we all relate to that.