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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Cheryl- well, the exercize balanced it all is easter chocolate time afterall. I too just ate a few dove chocolates just to keep you company!...hey had melted in my car and then I had solidifid them in the friedge...not so good but then..chocolate!

    Sherry- glad you go to rest, spend time with a friend and recharge your personal battery.sooo important....good they are doing the surgery so quickly...I am amazed and delighted for you at how fast they are moving on this. I did get the ok for Yoga but easter weekend they were few and far between...will go and check out the schedule tomorrow at lunch time . Walked 5 miles (just under 10,000 steps) outside on the railroad nature trail though. gorgeous outside

    Julie- sounds like the perfect solution...keeping stress down is important...I can learn from you

    Badger- your strides must be longer than mine!!! we should synchronize our pedometers:)

    Ruth - doing the happy dance (don't know how to put a picture of me doing it but know I am dancing around in joy for you. Glad you told the surgeon not to sneeze:)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Ruth: Glad all is well and no sneezing! Hope you have a good night. 

    NatsFan: what a special sight to see a bald eagle!

    Badger: sounds like you have had a wonderful day off!

    Push mowed for 1 and a half hours. My yard is my exercise.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2011

    Yay Ruth!  

    Gotta get back and look at all the other posts!


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Ruth--Yay for you.  Now please take it easy for a while and let your body heal!

    Ronna--I had to chuckle about your comment that your husband is a baby (although I am glad his scan was clear).  Have you seen that commercial for some cold product that says "It even works on The Man Cold"?  This guy is laying on the sofa and a woman walks by and the guy whines "I can't reach the remote" which is 1 foot away on the coffee table!  Ha.

    Sherry--man your dad is sure going through it!  I hope his surgery goes well tomorrow and there are no surprises.  Did you go camping without kids?  I remember the pre-kid camping days and yearn to do that again with my DH.  Naps too!

    Mary--funny comment about the pry bar.  Maybe you should come out with your own line of gardening tools like Martha Stewart.  But Martha is a wimp if she doesn't use a pry bar.

    Carol--no thanks on the Super Dog Rescuer cape.  Then they all might find me.  I just wish they would stay where they were supposed to be!

    So today at the gym I had a trainer take my measurements to compare with 3 months ago and I have lost....drumroll, please...20 pounds and 12 inches!!!  So I celebrated by going to Target and buying a new pair of workout pants and a tee-shirt.  Yes, ladies, I know how to live.

    30 minutes of weights and 260 stomach crunches (to work off all those Easter jelly beans).


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Hi, just another quick check-in. The numbing stuff around the incision has worn off and YOUCH! there is no way that I will be trying to 'sneak' workouts in before I'm suppose to! The instructions say to do a little walking the second day, and even that will be done very gingerly in an old grandmotherly fashion. Oh well, I am glad to be on this end of things no matter what. This has (sadly) not affected my appetite at all.....isn't that a suprise? Wink

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    Packjen, congrats on your weight loss and inches loss - you go girl!

    I did 4 miles on the elliptical and another 2 miles on the stairmaster.  Also, the usual leg exercises. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Jen- REALLY !!! 20 oiunds!!! now that is what I am aiming for....I have been a bit side tracked but tiwh thetamoxifen gone from my system, I am back in jeans from 10 years ago so while I don't know poundage or inches, I know the it iis coming off slowly. Keep it going! You are my inspiration for weight loss!!

    Ruth- as you told me post-heart surgery...go easy and be gentle with yourself....grandbaby steps are fine...go gently

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    LOL Sandee, I'm 5' 8" (68 in = 172.7 cm) and I have a long stride, so it's not surprising I'd walk fewer steps in a mile than you.  Do you have your pedometer set to miles or km?

    Glad I took off yesterday, today it's raining.  Will walk inside at lunch for sure.

    Take it easy Ruth, happy to know you're on this side of surgery!

    Congratulations Jen!  Love hearing success stories!!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Glad things went well Ruth. Did aqua fit and weights yesterday. Today is yoga and likely a walk. Will play vigorously with kids during gym too lol booked a Thai massage for Thursday first one. She basically works at stretching u...god knows I need it. Happy Tuesday

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Just did a slow 15 minute stroll around the house. My next exciting activity will be to take the dressing off at noon. A friend is bringing us dinner tonight, so life is good!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Jen yes we went without kids.  Our's are grown now (3 boys), they are not invited on my de-stressing weekends, otherwise I would be cooking all weekend for them and more stress. hehe  Congrats on your weight loss and inches.  That is wonderful news as you have been working so hard at it.

    Yoga was last night and had a a great workout.  Won't have time to do anything today as after work I am heading to the hospital to see my Dad.  He will be there 5 days so Thursday I have a follow up with my RO so I can go to see afterwards.  The hospital is an hour from where I live.  I have a large family so a couple of my brothers are going to sit with Mom and Wait during the surgery.  I figure since I have been taking off work and doing so many Dr appts with them my brothers can take their turn today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Sherry, thinking of you and your family.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    ruth: happy to "see" you here! hope your healing continues to be quick...

    sherry, you and your dad are in my thoughts.

    50minute brisk walk in the HEAT - whew! 75 degrees here today. 20 squats.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Badger...ok...only 10" taller than me so it makes pedometer is in miles and inches and feet...inches and feet are best for me...I was in grade school when the metric system came in so i thin half in metric and half in imperial....kilometers but inches and feet, litres but ounces and pounds!

    only walked/ran back and forth in in the school all day but I did it form 8-5:15 with only a 15 minute break in between so I expect I logged in my steps....intake day...crazy busy even with just three new students starting today...always something to get done...

    ruth- good for you. I know how frustrated you must feel....Ifeel it with you!

    Sherry- glad your sibs are supporting you and your dad too...helps enormously.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Ruth: glad you're up and about. Enjoy your dinner by your friend!

    Sherry: thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

    I finished push mowing the backyard (1 hour). I'm whipped! Yesterday I mowed the front yard and trimmed the back. DH finishes the backyard with the riding mowing but it needs a new battery. The yard slopes in different directions and it's not fun push mowing! We will have a new battery by next week. Smile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Did two more little 15 minute strolls around the house. I am actually not frustrated at all (suprisingly); just glad to be on the 'recovery' side of things!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Sherry, thinking of you and glad your family is coming together to care for your dad.

    Took my noon walk at 2:15 yesterday, my entertainment was watching two tour groups of schoolchildren watching me going round & round and up & down LOL!  Did 3.9 miles (6,700 steps) altogether during the day. Yoga class today.

    Not exercise-related but my boss is letting us wear blue jeans to work today for Denim Day in honor of victims and survivors of sexual assault. Commemorates a court case where a judge ruled a woman was not raped because the jeans she was wearing were so tight, she must have helped to take them off.  grrrr

    Must go Tarts... time to get ready for work.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    My Dad did really well with surgery.  They got all the cancer so now we will wait for the path.  They did not even put him in ICU he went straight from recovery to a regular room on the sugical unit.  Mom stayed the night with him.  Have of us were there yesterday and the other half is going to visit today.  I will go on Thursday as well because I have a Dr. appt with my RO.  Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.

    I got up this morning and did my elliptical.  Have not been doing it because I have been spending my time icing down my bad boob.  Decided it was not doing much any more so back to exercising before work.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Good morning my friends:

    SherryC -  Recovery wishes for your Dad.

    Jen: I know the Man Cold Commercial and I live it, with it or without the cold. I really should have the remote connected to cables from the ceiling. Good for your on weight loss. Femara is put on almost 10 lbs on me and I have developed a belly which no matter what I do will not disappear. I guess I am stuck with it for the next 3 1/2 years.

    Ruth, glad you are doing well.

    Mary: Love your gardening stories: My gardening is calling a florist in, paying to put some annuals around my edging of bushes and then watering them. Afraid of worms, dirt, (I am a city girl).

    Frozen peas seem to be the answer to swelling. When DH and I came home from hospital with hospital "frozen ice", and we could not figure out how to pop them, we used frozen packs in fridge for his eye. Friends all asked do we have frozen peas. I guess that has to be a staple now.

    If I get out of work/volunteering early enough, will go to a practice class with zumba instructor, - just as much fun as the real class).

    Hugs to all,

  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2011

    Walked 15 minutes before work, 25 minutes at lunch and then spent 2 hours working in the flower beds last night.  I slept better than I had in a long time.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Yes, I love my frozen peas ice bags. I made my DH go buy a second bag, so one can be in the freezer & one on me. They are the perfect weight and consistancy. Walked around the house for 15 minutes twice already today.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    I have been using the frozen peas on my sore boob as well.  My BS said that rice in a tube sock works really well that it holds the coolness longer.  Have not tried it as I already had my peas.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Ruth - good to see you!  Glad that you're on the other side of the surgery. 

    Sherry and Ruth - are you two peas in a pod?  Or maybe with hot flashes you're peas porridge hot?  Laughing

    Sherry - glad your dad came through surgery so well.  

    Jen - congrats on the 20 pounds.  Wow - you're an inspiration.  I love the idea of my own pry bar gardening tool - I guess it'd have to be a pink one?  Tongue out  Actually, all our tools at the cabin are pink, including the lawn mower, garden wagon, and log splitter.  Our storage shed was broken into a couple of times while we weren't there, so one day my dh got all the tools out, spray painted them all baby pink, and engraved them with an ID number.  The local police who took the theft reports thought that was a great idea - it's a little more difficult for the thief to use or sell a pink engraved tool, and it's certainly easy to spot.    

    Yoga last night, including the 2 mile round trip walk to the rec center.  15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes of weight/resistance training this morning. Nats game tonight, weather permitting.  We're under a tornado watch till 8pm, so it could get interesting.  Surprised

    Badger - was that court case about the jeans years ago?  If it's the same one I'm thinking of, the judge lost the next election and the voters elected a female instead.  My cousins were good friends with the woman who won that election.  

    Wonder - I've been putting off lawn mowing and now we're the scourge of the neighborhood.  DH has allergies so it's up to me.  Hopefully this weekend! 

    Happy Wednesday Everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Forgot - Cheryl - what about Rulon walking off BL?  I think he was mad because Tara beat him in the car pull and he just got sick of the whole deal.  He was always a bit of a loner after his buddy left - notice he hugged all the trainers but none of the other contestants?

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Jen: WOW!!! Wonderful weight loss for you! All that hard work paid off. Good for you!

    Ruth: Glad you are okay; understand about the appetite not being affected by surgery. Ah, it's so much fun to eat!

    Sandee: Good workout, running around all day. I've definitely lost weight that way.

    Sherry: That is really good news - getting all of your Dad's cancer!  Sounds like he did extremely well. Hope your bad boob stops acting up and you get some relief from that.

    Ellen: Welcome! Congratulations on your workout. Gardening is definitely exercise!

    Mary: Love the pink tools! I think thieves will definitely be discouraged when trying to pinch those! And arrgh, those tornados! Looks like the Southern states are REALLY getting hammered. I don't think I've ever seen outbreaks like this before. Stay safe.

    Badger: Yeah, that court case. Rediculous. Hope this is the one where the male judge lost the election and a female replaced him. I bet the kids had fun watching you go round and round.

    Wonderland: Mowing sounds like good exercise. Hoping you are not affected by the tornados.

    By the way - what does everyone do with their frozen peas when they thaw? Do you refreeze them?

    Did my 4.6 miles during the noon hour. Tonight will be my 1 hour of toning and sculpting.

    {{{HUGS}}} to all of you and those who haven't checked in . . . Patoo, Carol, Mary Louise, hbCheryl, Mumayan, and anyone else I've forgotten!


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Sherry- EXCELLENT news re. your must be SOOOO relieved!

    Everyone else (sorry...lumping everyone in together tonight as I am pooped). My exercize today was more of the same..running up and down the halls...had to go to the cardiac stress class this morning where I kept one leg moving the entire partial exercize and then went to a friend's house for corn on the cob ....driving my car = no exercize!! Tomorrow is another busy day and I have to meet someone downtown at 5pm so more car..bu tI plan on walking to the conference on Friday and then back home and will get a few ocean walks in this weekend. Supposed to be going to a dance of sors Saturday so that will be exercize too!...

    Have not made it to flow yet but am exercizing my jaw trying to figure out the refund rate they have decided I to read the tiny print, clearly ...or not have a heart attack in the middle of a personal training contract!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    OK ladies, I have a lesson for you.  Never eat a bunch of Easter candy and then brag about your weight loss!  Didn't work out yesterday because I was driving on a field trip, so when I weighed in today I had gained back a pound.  Oh well.

    25 minutes of weights, 200 stomach crunches, 500 leg lifts with resistance bands and 20 minutes on the eliptical.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Just a quick post before I turn in.  Good news Sherry, glad you're doing well Ruth, love the pink tools Mary, welcome Ellen, and Sandee how about no heart attacks in the middle of anything!

    Had yoga class today and walked 3.7 miles (6,351 steps).  {{hugs}} to all

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    50 squats while holding 5lb bells in each hand, 50 bicycle crunches. should have walked but didn't - too tired from working last night.

    sherry, congratulations on your dad's smooth surgery - may he have a smooth, quick recovery!

    ruth - rock on! glad you're doing well -



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Have been MIA as I ate something "off"on Monday and I'm also experiencing one of those Femara bursts where my joints are hurting so I'm popping Aleve and hopefully will feel better in a couple of days. I had to leave Body Step class after track 8 yesterday as my knees were like twisting out of their sockets and really hurting but tonight I did Body Combat and I made it through.

    Ruth so glad to hear you are doing well and up and about in 15 minute bursts and "yeahhh" for peasSealed. Mary couldn't believe he just walked out, but you're right he really hasn't been "into it" for weeks now. Sherry such good news about your Dad. Sandee ask your gym if a "doctor's note" from either your heart or cancer doctor would help put your membership on hold or is their a consumer advocate from a local tv station you could call, they might not believe that you had a heart attack as people make up all kinds of excuses to get out of memberships, just sayin'.

    Oops it should be "there" not "their", sorry teacher Ruth...... but I was very tired when I wrote that, what am I going to be like tomorrow as I'l be up all night watching "the wedding" ughhhh