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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2011

    I took a 10 minute walk before work, a 10 minute walk at lunch and had to stop because of rain, but did go up and down the stairwell at work which is  6 flights of stairs 2 times.  I was really winded after the 2nd trip.  At home I did one Denise Austin program that I record every day and took another 10 minute walk. 

    Does anyone have any good ideas for exercise that are very low impact other than walking.  I have 2 bulging discs in my neck and I can't jump around and I can't swing my arms.  Lifting weights is a real challenge, I have to do a lot of reps with light weights because anything 5 lbs and over aggravates my neck.  I get so bored just walking all the time.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    GuyGirl, how about swimming? i know finding a pool might be one more monkey wrench, but i hear it's the best low impact exercise outside of walking.

    i'm also wondering about very gentle yoga that focuses on restorative poses.

    i know very little about rebounders - there is actually a thread on here about them - but maybe one of those? they reportedly are great exercise and move lymphatic fluid around as well.

    good luck. i hear you on the boredom of walking. i've been restricted from yoga and running (well seriously i just "jog") until next week due to recent MX, and i'm bored already with walking.

    and to my walk, actually. will post on it later.foggy, misty weather here - i feel like i'm on a scottish moor.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    what about ellipitcals and stationery bikes?

    I have waved some water bottles around this morning as weights. Yesterday I was miserable (gross topic ahead); how could I have forgotten that the lovely narcotic drugs make you feel so good also make me sooooo constipated (which is particularly not good with stitches in the groin!). I drank tons and tons of water, prune juice (yuck),took as many Colace as allowed......There goes any possibility of becoming addicted to pain pills....I can't last two days........anyway, it looks nice out here so I may try a 'real' walk.

    Cheryl, don't work too hard!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011

    Pls take it easy Ruth don't overdo it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    I will just putter along slowly.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Julie-yes you just refreeze the peas.  Just don't get them mixed up with any that you are going to eat.

    Guygirl-I love yoga as a low impact exercise.  It is easy to just do what your body will allow you to do.

    Ruth-don't over do it and hope the constipation gets better.  Those pain pills do it me every time as well.

    Have a follow up with my RO this afternoon and then going to see my Dad.  He was in alot of pain yesterday and they did not get him up.  He did not want anyone touching his bed.  But Dr. said he has to get up today no matter what.  Should be fun for the Hospital staff, hopefully they will do it before I get there.  I know he will be a big grouch. Then I can take him a milk shake and spoil him.

    Walked my 3 miles after work yesterday and tonight is yoga if I get back from the Hospital in time.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited April 2011

    Mary, what is Ledbeds??? So curious.

    Never made it to practice Zumba yesterday. Too exhausted from work, however, will be able to get to zumba tomorrow night and there is a 3 hour zumbathan for ovarian cancer near my house on Sunday. Plus I love my Sat. instructor, slower pace, hopefully will make it there.

    Sitting two feet away from me is my 10 lb. pole. Instead of us staring at each other, as soon as I get off the thread, I will reach for it and try lifting.

    Enjoy the day everyone.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Ellen ask your docs is it okay to swim or do yoga as they are both gentile or easy eliptical or bike the other alternate is to take a friend on the walk as if you've got someone to talk to it's much more fun.  Sherry in the olden days your Dad would be laying in the bed for 2 weeks before they'd want to get him up and he's probably very sore hopefully today he'll feel better.

    Ruth I'm so sorry for your "problem" how about some oatmeal or a couple of prunes, I can't stand prune juice but love prunes.  Feel better my friend.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2011

    Ruth, glad surgery went well.  The rest will sort itself out -- you're doing all the right stuff!

    Sherry, glad your dad's surgery went well but sorry he's in pain.  I know when I just have the flu I can't stand to be touched so I can relate to his reactions right now.  Hope he feels better soon -- I know moving around would have to help.  Does he respond well to pain meds?  I don't respond well to the stuff they give you post-surgery (usually morphine-based -- and for me it doesn't touch the pain) but do much better on Rx Tylenol.  Just a thought.

    GuyGirl, I never get tired of walking but I do vastly prefer walking in the wild to walking in town -- so that helps me a lot.  If you're trying to stick with bone-strengthening stuff, you'll need to be on your feet... have anyone to ballroom dance with? (I know, not a practical idea! but it would fit the bill).  Someone said elliptical; that's a good idea.   Otherwise all I can think of puts you into jarring stuff like jogging, tennis, etc.  Good luck.  Nothing is worse than being bored with your exercise program. 

    Cheryl, glad you're feeling better.

    We've had rain/a tornado (but about 4 miles from me so I was in no danger)/rain/rain/rain*.  So I haven't been out all week and it promises to be very muddy anywhere I'd like to walk... so I'll do a test run around the neighborhood.  Ankle still improving, still has a ways to go. 

    Everyone -- hugs!

    *and I found a nice dripdripdrip from the living room ceiling yesterday, oh boy :)

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Last yoga class tonight until September...ppl don't seem to attend during summer so they cut them out...sux...did zumba and toning last night..sore from the leg workout. Looking forward to Thai massage tonite. Ordered some biggest loser DVD workouts for home...trying to keep things interesting. Weather is gorgeous today, but getting cold for the weekend...figures

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Ronna - sorry - I thought I'd answered your Lebed question, but it must have been in another thread. Tongue out  Lebeds are a series of slow, almost tai chi like exercises for lymphedema.  There's a basic 15 minute program of moves that, done in sequence, help open up the lymphatic channels and help move fluid.  I'm finding that they're actually also quite good as range of motion exercises, and have heard that some people use them after surgery and even for non-b/c things like frozen shoulder. They also just feel wonderful to do in the morning - there are arm stretches, shoulder stretches, side stretches, etc.  They were developed by a woman named Sherry Lebed who is a b/c survivor with LE - my LE therapist gave me the DVD.  There are over an hour of exercises, but my LE therapist said that doing the 15 minute program was the most important. 

    Ruth - hate that pain killer s/e!!  Keep poppin' the colace!  Tongue out

    Sherry - hope your dad has a better day today.  And I like your idea of letting the hospital staff be the bad guys and get him up, then you can be the good daughter who shows up with a milkshake!

    Guy - Nature and I both love our outdoor walks and wildlife watching.  I live in the suburbs, but if I walk early in the morning, I see tons of wildlife that makes the walk much more interesting.  Do you have a park near you where you could walk?

    Cheryl - take it easy and I hope a few days rest gave everything a chance to heal up a bit.  

    No tornados at the Nats game last night, but we had tornado watches and warnings all night and into the morning.  As for exercise, I did my Nats walk from the distant parking lot up the ramps and back again.  No exercise for me this morning as I slept in.  I need to get off the stick and do something tonight . .  .

    Edited to add:  I forgot - I actually did do my Lebeds this morning!  I was so tired I didn't do anything else, but did take the 15 minutes to do those.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    I walked over to my dad's (crept is more the correct word) and watched some of the Twins game with him (actually we both nodded off which is just as well, they are playing so crummy!!), and then crept home. Cheryl, I already eat oatmeal and a handful of prunes (good for your bones) every day. But if seems like the prunce juice, water, Colace cocktail has done it's trick and things are moving through the system again. It seems like somebody could come up with a painkiller that doesn't actually put you in more pain; kind of like adding insult to injury!

    Geez, the weather had been horrible all over. It is lovely here today, but the SNOW word is back in the forecast for the weekend. Cry

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2011

    glad to hear you are feeling better, Ruth. prune juice always worked wonders for me, although i needed it ice cold and gulped it faster than lightning.

    45 minute walk in the mist and fog - quite pretty, though, and the birds were singing like mad! now it is thundering.....

    50 bicycle crunches as well.

    hope you all have a good day

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Badger good point!!!! Walking to a conference tomorrow ...30 minutes there, standing around and walking around all day an dthen a walk back...that should be my 10.000 steps!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited April 2011

    Carol: the storms were so scary. My heart goes out to all those affected by the death and destruction.

    Ruth: I think we all have a love/hate relationship with narcotics!

    Everyone is doing GREAT!

    I walked/jogged 2 miles in celebration of the results from my mammo this morning: all good!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited April 2011

    So I finally feel better after Mondays fill and decided to go to the gym today.  4 miles on the elliptical and 2 miles on the stairmaster - these are great low-impact cardio exercises.  Very easy on the knees!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Hi Tarts, back from Thurs evening yoga.  Ellen, there's a lady in our class who's 75 so it's very gentle.  Although you can push yourself, I came home sweaty and feeling my muscles (esp my glutes from bridge pose).  I love to walk too, it's free and requires no special equipment other than a good pair of shoes.  My motivation is watching my mileage increase (I'm keeping track - see signature line).  I prefer to walk outdoors in nature but have been known to walk in circles. :-)

    Walked 5 miles (8,585 steps) today including intervals on the stairs at noon.  {{hugs}} to all

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Wonderland -- YIPPEE on the mammogram results.  I'm sure that's a big relief.

    25 minutes of weights, 200 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance bands and 5.5 miles on the bike.

    I made my appt. with Vinnie Myers to get my 3D nipple tattoos done in August.  I'll be flying cross-country for this.  So far at least one other woman will be going with me.  I'm calling it NipFest 2011.  Any excuse for a party!

  • BirdyRobin
    BirdyRobin Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2011

    I have a question....I will be starting a yoga class the day berore my surgery date, it continues every week for several weeks. Will I be able to continue this during recoop time? It is a gentle yoga class or so I have been told.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2011

    Congrats Wonderland on your clear mammogram.  Carol glad you are safe from tornados it is just so sad to see what has happened in the south.

    Tonight did Body Combat class with the wonderful Eduardo.  My wrists and knees are still sore so I was very careful and did not do push ups or planks just did some more ab work, you know in case magically all my belly fat falls away and my very toned abs become visibleKiss

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2011

    Wonder - hooray on the clear mammo!! Glad you were safe in all the storms.  Heartbreaking pictures again from the south.  Elm - you're mist/fog walk sounds neat - there's something mysterious about being in the fog.  Slinky - I love the elliptical too.  Badger - good for you for you - 5 miles!  Jen - sounds like Vinnie's place will be rocking in August.  My appointment with him is on May 20th, so I'll let you know how it goes.  I'm not doing surgical nip recon - I'm going with the 3D tats.  It's been over three years since I had nips - I wonder if they're going to look odd at first! Surprised   Robin - check with your surgeon, but my guess is that you will be under restrictions for at least 6 weeks.  Is this your initial surgery?  Are you doing lumpectomy or mx or bmx?  Will you have tissue expanders placed?  All of those things mean different lengths of restrictions. 

    Cheryl - back with Eduardo for the night - fun!!  You and me with the invisible rock hard abs!  Wink

    45 minute walk last night, then 15 minute Lebeds this morning plus 30 minutes weight/resistance training.  It's SO nice to be able to get out and walk again!  I hated this winter.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Wendy my instructor annouces last night that she is taking a break as well.  I was so bumbed, but she injured herself a couple of months ago and it just has not gotten better so she feels that she needs to let her body rest which I totally get but I will sure miss the classes.  Guess I will have to get my yoga tapes out as well.

    Ruth I cannot even image having snow right now.  It has been in the 80's and 90's this week.

    Wonderland congrats on the clear mammo that is what we like to hear.

    Birdy Robin- What type of surgery are you having?  I had a lumpectomy on a Thursday and was back doing Yoga the following Wed.  I had to give into my surgical area but I did what I could as I could do it.  did not push it until I was healed well.  MY BS was fine with this.

    Also my Dad's pain was much better yesterday and he got up three times and walked around.  They still would not let him have a milkshake so I guess it will have to wait until Sunday when I can go back and see him.  I think he will come home Monday or Tuesday depending on how he does.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    You will have to smuggle him in a milkshake!

    Went for a 35 minute walk; still slow but with a more regular gait, also waved the water bottles around for 15 minutes, and then drove downtown & did a couple errands. Now I am tired, sitting in the recliner and doing nothing. Anyone want to come over for coffee?

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Badger- great idea keeping track of the total!!! I keep deleting the steps each day but that is an excellent way to keep track!

    Birdyrobin- I was back in a pump class within two weeks of my lumpectomy and nodes surgeon said if I felt like being in the class and it helped, to go but not to push it....I just lowered the amount of weight I lifted....can't wait to go back!!

    Wonderland- great news re. the mammogram!! Another tick for the A team!!! WHEEAHAA!

    ruth- good for you but like you told me a month ago...don't push it too much hmm? Save some for tomorrow...

    Walked to the conference downtown with a pal this had just that smell...spent the day walking and checkin gout books for classes etc...and ended up walking back (40% uphill!) with a backpack full of books and an armbag with more thrown over my shoulder...that is enough for today..think I will cab it back down there tonight so I can join my old pals for a glass of wine ....

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited April 2011

    Ruthbru glad your up moving around but did the Dr. say you could drive or are you being naughty???

    Sandee carrying all those books sounds like a workout to me.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Sherry-.yep...i can honestly say that I am pooped....need to eat some food before i head downtown or the glass of wine will knock me out!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    You can drive after 2-4 days and as long as you aren't on pain pills (which I am not...switched to prunes!). I didn't go too far; did 3 needed errands (cheated and parked in the handcapped spot with my dad's sticker) and came right home. Tomorrow I will need to venture out and buy some old lady high-top underwear, because mine land right on my incision. I have been wearing men's boxers at home all week, but don't think that will work so well under my regular clothes Tongue out!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    Hi everyone, it was sunny and 60 here today, about time for some decent weather, but it looks like we'll have rain tomorrow.  We walked outside the Capitol at noon today, could not resist the sunshine.  It was quiet in our office today so I hunkered down and got a lot done which was good except I didn't walk around a lot.  Did 3.8 miles (6,522 steps) today.

    Robin, you'll need to follow doctors orders but please be careful of stretching too much too fast following surgery.  Let yourself heal, that is job 1.

    Ruth I'd love to have coffee with you, by the time I get across Minnesota it'll be tomorrow.

    Keep up the good work; I fit back into one of my favorite pairs of jeans today!  {{hugs}} to all

  • BirdyRobin
    BirdyRobin Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2011

    Thank you ladies for your answers they helped. I got a call from my surgeon today, had MRI yesterday. He said that my cancer was in fact 6.7 cm and that they found something suspicious in my right breast too. So surgery is postponed for more tests. So will do the yoga, (fist time trying it) I have wanted to do yoga for a long time.

    Thank you all for the good advice and your all inspirational with the high gear exercising.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited April 2011

    Well shoot, Robin, that just sucks. Definitely exercise while it gets sorted out. It will help keep you from going totally crazy. And keep checking in with us too. Here is a link with some good post surgery exercises that you might want to print off for later.