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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hiya Tarts, posting in quick ~ did my noon walk at the Capitol incl intervals on the stairs to kick up my heart rate.  Then once I got home, I was able to get in a substantial walk, this time out in my favorite park.  Love the sun being up later!  Sending love and {{hugs}} to all

    7.65 miles / 13,130 steps / 1.5 hours

    p.s. yes please do take it easy Ruth, sending continued healing thoughts your way!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Ruth:  Ah, I'm so sorry the operation has sapped your strength.  Ugh.  Wish this stuff didn't take so long to heal.  Sending healing thoughts along with Badger.

    slinky:  Wish I could send you some energy.  

    Hello to Everyone Else.

    Had a bad day.  This grieving stuff (not sure if it's completely Dad, the whole breast cancer thing or WHAT) took over, and I don't plan on exercising at all today.  I have blood work tomorrow, then meet with the oncologist next week (May 12).  Guess that's wigging me out just a bit.  I tend to think of myself as "healed" and just want to move on; easier said than done.  This is the new "normal"; I think it just takes us some time to adjust.

    Anyway, had to vent a bit, thanks for letting me do so.

    Keep up the good work.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I am a total wreck from the blood work to the oncology appointment. Plan lots of 'stuff' so you don't have too much down time. Sending a big hug! Ruth 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Thank you, Ruth!  I very much appreciate it. 

    Got the Revlon 5 K this weekend; that helps. And, of course, as Freud said, "Time spent with a cat is never wasted.".  Think I'll spend some time with all 7 today Smile

    {{{HUG}} back to you and everyone else.

    Have a good evening!


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Julie/Ruth- healing takes time....that goes for the physical and the emotional my friends....we all need to repeat it...put little post-its around....beside a box of kleenex and just let yourself feel whatever you are feeling....I think anticipating is actually harder than moving through it all it warm enough to wear dresses without tights or nylons so your tummy gets a break? Julie...give yourself kudos for all that you are doing with/for your dad while going hrough your cancer of these things alone would make most people spin are allowed to have bad days, bad moments....fear is just that...fear...sending you hugs and I promise to be in your pocket while you wait to have your blood done tomorrow.

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited May 2011

    Julie75, sending what little energy I have left to you!

    You have 7 cats? Thats great to know, because I have 5! People think I am nuts to have so many, but I have so much love to pass around.  Hope you feel better.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Julie ((((HUG)))) you've been through so much these past months what with losing your Dad and now it's scan time, this is the place to lay out your feelings because we all "get it" and understand. Oowww Ruth your tummy sounds painful, take it easy. Mary it could be that pesky costly air fare thing that kept the Giants fans away, mind you with the cost of gas it probably cost them just as much to drive down to SD.  Carol how is the ankle???

    Tonight I did spin class, got there 15 minutes before start and got the last bike, we have two crappy old bikes and I got one of them, serves me right I know you have to get there 30 minutes before classCry.  

  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    Took a mile walk yesterday when I finally got a break and then had a softball game last night.  Plan to get to Jazzercise tonight, tomorrow and Thursday.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Yesterday I did 25 minutes of weights, 200 stomach crunches and 25 minutes on the rowing machine.

    Today was 30 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance bands and a 30 minute Abs Only class.

    Badger -- Wow, I am so impressed that you can even walk over 7 and a half miles, let alone adding the stairs and doing it in only an hour and a half!  You rock!

    This weekend I had a reality check.  I went and stayed with a dear friend of mine who I've known for 25 years.  She has a rare form of ALS (Lou Gherigs disease).  When she came to visit me last summer she was using a cane.  Now she is in a walker and just took delivery on her new power wheel chair.  She is 52.  She goes to work every day and loves her job.  She has such a great attitude even though she knows this disease will eventually totally disable her (starting to have trouble breathing and swallowing).  I did what little I could for her -- laundry and cleaning the floors, etc.  I wish I lived closer.  Anyway, the visit really put things in perspective for me.  My aches and pains and hot flashes are piddly nuisances in comparison.

    Keep up the good work ladies.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    julie - sending prayers and thoughts for you, lady. be gentle with yourself.

    ruth - i found that "surgery fatigue" as i call it just creeps up and SLAM! i found that after both MXs. you are unstoppable, though...take some rest and you will rebound.

    badger  - love hearing about your workouts, always interesting and varied.

    i haven't walked today. i did something to my knee and it's swollen and painful. i really think this 6week ban on yoga has my joints inflamed - i take arimidex, and never realized the constant yoga was keeping my body happy. i am feeling like a 70y.o. today. oh well. this will pass.

    cheryl, props on spinning class - i have never had a workout like that. maybe i should rejoin a gym that features them...

    50 squats and 50 bicyles anyway, though, despite my creakiness.

    hugs to all


    and....THREE days til yoga!! lol

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Got the back and side yards mowed after work - we are no longer the scourge of the neighborhood.

    Elm - I also had the 6 week ban on yoga after my last revision, and also found that the AI joint aches got really bad during that time.

    Jen - good for you for helping your friend.  Yes, it does put our aches/pains in perspective.  

    Ruth - do you have a nice matching warmup outfit you could wear?  I wore those everywhere after my DIEP, even to work.  I bought three velour ones just before my surgery for that purpose, and was very grateful that I had them.  

    Julie - we've had up to 4 cats at one time, but now are down to one extremely dominant orange tabby male who is about 8.  He's great with people, but terrorizes and intimidates other animals, including the chihuahua.  We'd really like to get another cat, but worry about him beating up on the new cat.  Our current thinking is that if we got a huge older female cat, like a Maine Coon type, who could just swat him and teach him some manners, it might help.  We're just not sure.  

    I did 15 minutes Lebed and 30 minutes elliptical this am.   Yoga night tonight - hooray!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Just a fly by tonight- worked from 9-5:30, longest day yet and I am pooped...but did come home and walk up the stairs again to put out the garbage, did laundry and vacuumed tonight so....tha is my exercize! No energy left for anything else I am afraid. Ruth, how are you holding out? Find some pants?

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2011

    I did another 3 mile hike today that is 3 days in a row.  I have been taking my children with a couple times. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Great job Janice Marie!!!! I am waiting for it to return to spring again...suddenly the last few days have been wet and cold! BRR!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Fashion report: one would freeze to death going bare legged, but I found I could wear tights (I suppose because they are smooth and high on the waist) without being bugged. So I scrounged around I came up with a elastic waist summer skirt, a long top, tights and Sketchers for a hippie kind of look. Which must have worked, as I got several compliments!! I have another unusual combination in place for tomorrow. (Geez, chemo updated my hair color/do, and maybe a hernia will update my style!), I tried to be very good today; took the elevator around the building, had kids come to me etc. so I didn't feel so bad at the end of the day. I decided to ramp things down at home too, but did do three slow 15 minute walks around the house and 15 minutes with the pop bottles. Step by step, inch by inch; forward we move!!!

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2011

    Walked to my son's ball game tonight...but my back is sore...ever since that Thai massage....going to my chiro tomorrow...he usually fixes me up.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Wendy I'm with you on the sore part - my legs are on fire.  I did Body Step class tonight and had a hard time of it but I muddled through.  I desperately need a massage!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Good morning everyone, just have a few minutes before I have to go get a shower and get ready for work.  Our local parks & rec dept is sponsoring a 10,000 steps program.  For forty dollars, you get a pedometer, reflective tape for your jacket, and a group of people to help motivate you.  I thought, well I already have the pedometer and the people, why pay $40 when I can get a whole roll of reflective tape for under $5 at the hardware store?

    I believe in taking credit for the exercise I'm already doing, which is why I love the pedometer and wear it all day long.  The mileage and steps I post is what's logged at the end of the day; the time I post is what I spend deliberately exercising (keeping track for the E-LAB thread). 

    Three of us walked the Capitol yesterday at noon, I logged 4.75 miles / 8,157 steps / 1.0 hours

    Yoga class today- yippee!  (Janyce... two days & counting!!)   {{hugs}} to all

  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    Did not do Jazzercise after all last night, I got to class and went to change my clothes and was missing my top, so I went home and walked 2 miles.  I also did the stairs at work 2 times yesterday.

     I have already done the stairs once this morning (6 flights) and since it is raining here in Maryland this morning, I am going to try to get to them 2 more times before the end of the day.  I have my bag properly packed today so unless something comes up, I will definitely do Jazzercise tonight.

     For some reason yesterday afternoon I was so tired, it was the first time in a while that I felt like I needed a power nap.  I saw the chiropractor yesterday and will have a massage on Tuesday. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Been MIA for several days.  Lots to catch up on here. 

    Ruth glad you are feeling better and back at work.  You may have invited a new style.  All the kids with be copying you for the cool look.

    Julie-((((((((((((HYGS)))))))))))) hope you are feeling better

    Welcome to the new ones on this thread and yeah for those who have lost weight.  I love when we reach our goals

    I have not been officially exercising but I cleaned house on Saturday and my house is fairly large so I think that counts.  Also we are selling our RV so Monday night I unloaded it, and last night I put everything away in my house.  Could not believe I had so much stuff in there.  So I think that all counts some as well.  Update on my dad.  He came home on Sunday.  the bad news is the colon cancer has gone into two of his lymph nodes, so now he will get chemo for lung cancer and colon cancer and the drugs are not even similar.  I really worry about how all of that is going to take a toll on him.  He goes back to the MO on the 20th to see if he is ready for chemo and get a schedule.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Sherry - cleaning definitely counts!  I'm sorry about the news about your dad.  Two different chemo regimens sounds rough. 

    Badger - they need to rename the Capitol walkway in your honor!

    Ruth - the new fashion setter!  Also, how about your Twins pitcher Liriano and the no-hitter?  MLB Network broke in to cover it, so I got to watch the 9th inning. He sure made it interesting!  Surprised I saw Mike Mussina take a perfect game into the 9th one time when he was with the Orioles, but Sandy Alomar of the Indians got a hit with two outs.  That's as close as I've gotten to seeing a no-hitter or a perfect game in person.  (And I've never liked Sandy Alomar since!)

    Cheryl - loved the BL makeover show - couldn't believe Hannah.  Wow.  And when the opera singer broke into song - incredible.

    One hour yoga last night, plus walked the 2 mile round trip to the rec center.  15 minute Lebeds and 30 minutes elliptical before work, then a one hour yoga a lunch.  

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2011

    Just got done with a 4.5 mile hike with a good friend of mine.  It is such a beautiful day here it didn't seem like we hiked that long.  Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    15 minutes on the rowing machine and an hour of lovely yoga.  Then I went into the hot tub for a few minutes to spoil myself.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Thanks so much for your thoughts and kind words.  I am trying to follow my own advice of keeping busy; that only does go so far, though, and then the emotions creep in.  Well, that is all part of grieving and healing.

    Mary:  I'd adopt another cat.  They seem to work things out, as long as they all get fed, and the "needier" ones get the attention they need.  We have one, Zing, who thinks she is human (she is quite intelligent), and she gets her "quality time" while sleeping with us.  

    Slinky:  Good for you.  I'd adopt 'em all if I could; you probably feel the same way!

    Did 4.5 mile jog/power walk yesterday noon and today; did resistance training last night.  

    Will catch up on the individual threads tomorrow.

    {{{HUGS}}} to Everyone.

    Keep up that good work!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Julie, This summer I might go to North Carolina in between my blood work and oncology appointment...that will, perhaps, be distracting enough to keep me sane!!!

    Mary, yes that was cool about Liriano. He had been pitching so rotten that they had been thinking about pulling him from the lineup. Maybe it will be the boost they need to get things going, they have had a bad start! (I'm just watching the news and see they won again this afternoon Smile).

    Sherry, so sorry about your dad. Rotten stuff.

    O.K. I better go wander around the house for my exercise. I think I am feeling better....I was half way up the stairs this morning when I remembered that I was suppose to use the elevator!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    janicemarie is right, it's a beautiful day here in WI.  Finally! 

    Yoga class today (45 mins) plus the walk over & back (15 mins) = 60 mins of exercise.  

    Would really like to get out and walk tonight but there's a wedding shower at work tomorrow and I signed up to bake something.  I'm making flourless brownies (with chickpeas!).  It's a new recipe but highly recommended.  Will let you know how they come out.

    3.1 miles / 5,325 steps / 1 hour  

    {{hugs}} to all

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011

    HI all,

    I get so motivated reading your posts!  I'm going to change clothes and do my eliptical machine for 30-45 min.  I walked a 1.5 miles at lunch.  I'm changing my eating habits too and have lost 6 lbs. I'm back on Tamoxifen today, I hope my wieght loss doesn't slow down, I'm really determined to get smaller and healthier. (though I feel like I could eat an entire bakery cake, I won't!)


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    ya know, what the heck, the baking can wait.  It's just after 7 pm and BEAUTIFUL.

    gonna head out for an evening constitutional ~ thanks for the motivation to move!

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011

    Yeah, gooo badger!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    yes indeed!  add 2.25 miles / 3,882 steps / 40 mins / gorgeous sunset

    got out the ingredients and just letting the eggs come to room temp now