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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2011

    Walked the dog down to town to get a cup of coffee (for me, not the dog).  It's only about a 1/4 mile walk down but coming back up is the hard part.  About a 20% grade.  Then did 800 leg lifts with resistance bands.

    Badger -- YAYAYAYAY on fitting in to the pants!!!


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2011

    Robin they will probably postpone surgery until  after chemo.They need to shrink the tumors before surgery.Get your exercise in now because chemo will take alot out ofyou.Some ladies manage to exercise right through chemo but I could not handle it.We are all here for you with info or to answer questions,((hugs))

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2011

    good morning ~ got in a walk before the predicted rain arrives.  4.37 miles/7,500 steps

    so nice to see the wind ruffling the grass and feel it ruffling my hair.  I love having hair.

    hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited April 2011

    Badger- congrats on the jeans. I know how good it feels to fit back into things! Wheeha!!

    Robin- exercize really does help to keep you focused and keeps the fear factor down....and keeps you strong so you can fight whatever comes your way...sending you calming breath

  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2011

    Robin...sending positive thoughts your way...waiting sux

    Well 17 pounds lost since march. Happy dancing.

    Today I did a gym workout...20 min elliptical, 20 min bike, 10 min walk, 40 min swim stretch and 30 min strength and stitch..tired now lol.

    My son's sports start this week. Will be harder to fit in the workouts, but I am gonna try hard.

    It is rainy and cold....sposed to snow tomorrow again.ugh.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    so today after getting a few things done, having lunch and a nice nap, I went back out for another walk.  Realized my my perspective has changed from exercising to get fit, to exercising to stay fit.  Like some of you I have more body fat than I would like and am working on that but feel the muscle underneath and it is powerful and it is good. 

    totals for today 9.45 miles (16,220 steps) 3.0 hrs

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011


    Wendy: Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Badger: You're there! Your perspective, that is. Congratulations!

    Walked/jogged 2 miles (after cleaning my basement all day and doing an hour of weeding).

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    Yesterday I took my daughter with me to my gym.First time in ages we actually worked out together.She has been doing serious Booty Camp classes and is in great shape for her upcomming wedding.I was able to keep up with her in the  machine part of our exercise.Just not all the matwork she does.No wonder she looks so good.My abs,hips, are still hurting.Tongue out
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    walked this morning 4.75 miles / 8,160 steps / 1.25 hr

  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471
    edited May 2011

    Question for runners who take Tamoxifen.  Did any of you experience nausea/flu like symptoms at the end of a run shortly after starting Tamoxifen?  I started it 4 weeks ago and this nausea bit is new for me  I was on Arimidex for 14 months with no such results.  Trying to figure this out.

    Thanks all 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011
    Hello All, still feeling pretty beat up from the hernia surgery. Really cold and windy the last two days, so have done a couple really slow 15 minutes on the treadmill. I did dig out an old Richard Simmons very light upper body workout with toning rings & did another 10 minute upper body Denise Ausitn using 3 lb weights. I think the lower body (especially abs) will have to wait until I see the surgeon on the 9th. I spent quite a few hours at school yesterday & am back to work tomorrow. No doubt, I will have to spend quite a bit of the day sitting at my desk eating bon bonsWink.
  • WendyK
    WendyK Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2011

    Well it is cold miserable and snowing...did a home yoga body balance teacher had burned me a copy of her music...also went to the school where I work and did about 30 min of zumba and a 20 min treadmill walk at my mom's. Hope the sun comes out tomorrow!

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    ladies, you all sound amazing! ruth, glad you are healing and doing your thing...sandee, that book bag (my kids laugh because i don't say "backpack") workout sounds a good one.

    robin: you are in my thoughts and prayers, lady. exercise definitely helps with "the crazies", as i call the bad moments.

    badger-yahoo on the pants!

    walked 3 miles today to church and back. now off to my 50 squats and 50 bicycle crunches.

    5 days and counting until YOGA!!!!


    'until tmw- xo


  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011

    Wow badger, you can really walk a lot of miles!  Congrats!!  I used to be able to walk like that, but got plantar fashitis.  So now I mostly use the eliptical machine.  Saw a dietition to help me diet along with excercise, before my surgery to have my implants taken out in a month or so.  I'ld like to get rid of the tummy if I'm going to go flat and/or use prosthetics.  The smaller they are, the lighter they will be.

    I've come here for motivation today, as I was not able to exercise this weekend.  Too many other committments.  Ack!  And I'm really tired.  I have to overcome that tired feeling and just getup and exercise anyway.  get up! get up! get up faithroad!!!!!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Come on faithroad, do something (even walk in place) and report back in!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Truly miserable today becauseof allergies.  Didn't even make it to church, first time missed a Sunday in many years so I must be bad off.  Finally decided to go outside anyway and walked for about 75 mins and now sitting under an afghan in front of a fan because I need the air curculating to breathe, but I'm freezing.  Feeling miserable.  24-hour zyrtec not working today for some reason.  Okay, pity party over.

    You all are doing great.  I can attest that not comng here often does cause weight gain so I need to recommit here.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Ruth: Enjoy your bon-bons Smile

    wenweb: I'm not a runner so I can't answer your question. I power walk and I don't remember feeling nausated after walking for the first month of taking Tamox. I'm on Arim now.

    mumayan: your daughter will look beautiful in her wedding gown!

    badger: awesome walking!

    wendy: sorry about the snow. It's been in the 70's here and I've been outside all afternoon. Maybe spring will arrive to your hometown soon!

    elmcity: the countdown is on!

    faithroad: ruth has given you a great suggestion. Now do it!

    Worked 3 hours in my garden. We haven't planted a garden in a couple of years and I'm not letting another summer go by without one! Lots of digging, pulling weeds, shoveling, sweating, etc. My arms will feel it tomorrow!

    Edit to add: Sorry you are sick Patoo!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Poor patoo! How long is allergy season there?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    The late afternoon sun pulled me out for another walk, strapped on the headphones and did 5 miles.  Total for the day is 9.75 miles / 16,735 steps / 3 hours of exercise (incl am yoga)

    I have new Asics gel walking/running shoes - very cushy and comfy, it's the only way I could walk this much.  I have bad feet from years of bartending... then chemo really did a number on my toenails.  Splurged on two pairs so I can alternate days, got them for 80 each on sale, worth it IMO.

    Not quite done for the night, need to head to the grocery store for a couple things.

    Best wishes for a wonderful week ahead Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Yesterday I did Body Combat class and today Body Step, I twisted my back yesterday gardening so am doing lots of stretches to help ease the pain and I did take it easy in class today. I'm sorry for all of you suffering with miserable weather, it is so hot and windy here that I am sick of hearing those stupid wind chimes tinkle tinkle tinkle all day and all night.

    Wenweb I take Femara so I can't help but if you search through fitness and exercise there is a runners thread and those girls may be able to help you with an answer.  Ruth maybe you could have a couple of the kids fan you while you're eating your bon bonsKiss all kidding aside I hope your return to work is nice and easy.  Faith even if you can do 5 minutes just do it as tomorrow it becomes 6 and so on.  Mum good on you for keeping up with your DD on the elliptical, you rock, do you have your MOB outfit yet?  Badger wow that is truly amazing and yes having good shoes is worth every penny.  Patoo I was just going to send out an SOS for you, I'm sorry you're so miserable, when are you getting out of town for your Bahamas trip? And Elizabeth miss seeing you and hope you are doing well. 

  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471
    edited May 2011

    Thanks hbcheryl!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    I've been MIA; having too much fun and doing school work besides. Have been coordinating doctor appointments; I have my 6-month onc appt. on 05/12 and will need to get blood drawn on Tuesday. I'm not terribly worried, they supposedly got all of the tumor, but still, it's always the unknown that is scary.

    Carol, Mary, Wonderland and anyone else who had to deal with the bad storms: Sounds like all of you are okay? Pretty scary stuff. I tend to pull up the watches and warnings on; I've never seen so many tornados on the ground!

    Wonderland: Congrats on your mammo. One less thing to deal with.

    hbCheryl: Sorry about the Femara issues; I'm glad you are working through them with Aleve. Waved yesterday and today to you as I did my 5-mile runs.

    Ruth: Glad you are cruising, even if it is just gently. Hope your feeling better every day.

    Ronna:  Sent you a PM.  Glad your DH is doing better.  

    Jen: You'll lose that pound in no time. We all have to binge some days.

    Sherry: Glad your Dad is feeling better! That can only be good news; nothing worse than feeling sore after surgery.  Have him drink a milk shake for me.

    Sandee: Sent you a PM. Pretty impressive walking done by you this week! Especially the uphill walking.

    Badger: Congratulations on getting back into your old jeans! Gotta LOVE that.

    Robin: I'm so sorry about your bad news. Hoping they find all suspicious stuff quickly, so you know exactly what you are dealing with.

    Wendy: Good for you! Love, love those pounds dropping off.

    wenweb: Good question. I am a runner, but I don't take any cancer medication (I should cross my fingers and throw chicken bones while I say that). If my blood tests don't come back clear, I'll be put on Tamoxifen, and I can then let you know. I DO know some people get very tired and have sore joints while on Tamoxifen.

    Patoo: So sorry about your allergies. Hope you can find some relief and start exercising again.

    Faith: I think the eliptical machine takes off more calories than does the treadmill, correct? Wish I had a place to put one in my condo; I'd buy it. Guess I need a bigger place, then I can get more exercise equipment :)

    Janyce: Counting down days to Yoga with you!!!

    {{{HUGS}}} to everyone else.

    Did 5 miles running Saturday and today. Toning and sculpting with weights Saturday as well. Guess I just go "lazy" today and did my run only. What a slouch I am!

    Have a good evening, Everyone.

    P.S.:  You know, it's really great that we can lose weight like this!  


  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited May 2011

    I did 5 miles on the elliptical today.  That ends my week and the new week starts tomorrow - I have to drive my dad to a colonoscopy and my sis is having chemo, so I don't think I will have time to workout.  Plus my kids and DH need some attention. 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011


    Ah, the old colonoscopy!  Too much "fun".  Hope his comes back clean.  

    Maybe a workout can be squeezed in there, somewhere?  Could you all take a walk?


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Badger/Wendy- YAY pounds dropping!!! And now that spring is here....more opportunity for walks and rides etc. Wheeha!!

    Ruth- How are you doing???

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2011

    Hey I haven't been here in awhile.  I have been out enjoy the weather.  I have been hiking 3 miles 4 times last week and I am trying for 5 times this week.  I find it easier for me to hike and walk outside than for me to do the miles on the treadmill.  After about a half hour on the treadmill I get bored.  I am so inspired by all of you ladies.  I will try to keep it up on my end.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Hi group - no official exercise this weekend except Lebeds, but did a lot of walking while errand running, mowed the front lawn, and I did my Nats walk Saturday while watching the Nats give the game away to the Giants.  Yell  Did my 15 minutes Lebeds and 40 minute walk this am.  Heading home to finish mowing the side and back yard. 

    Ruth - sounds like you're making some progress.  Just don't overdo!  Patoo - it's been a bad allergy year - dh is suffering too worse this year than usual.  Or it could just be a ploy to get me to do that first nasty lawn mowing of the season!  Undecided  Cheryl - take it easy and stretch out that back. I thought of you Saturday at the Nats-Giants game and how much fun we had in San Diego seeing the Giants.  We didn't have nearly as many Giants fans visiting our park for some reason.  Laughing Robin - more waiting!!!  That's the worst.  Good for you for trying somethig new like yoga during this time - it will definitely help in the trying-to-keep-your-sanity department.  Janice - I'm a hiker too - soooooo much better than being indoors on a machine!

    Off to fire up the lawn mower!

  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166
    edited May 2011

    Julie75, I am exhausted! Up at 4:30 a.m., driving all over town all day and I still have the kids to pick-up and dinner to cook.  The only exercise I am going to get is some abs work pulling myself out of bed to get going!

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011

    Badger,  I'll have to look for a pair of Asics gel walking/running shoes.  They sound comfy.

    Julie75, I have a super small appartment, but I put the eliptical machine in the basement.  It's a 4-plex so I know my neighbors and know that it's safe down there, except for a few spiders. eeeek!

    Ruthbru, I got a good nights sleep last night and am more energized today.  Going down right now to do my eliiptical machine!!!!  Thanks for the kick in the pants and the encouragment!

    eliptical machine, here I come!  This board is very motivational!

    I'm reporting back!  I did it! 45 minutes on eliptical!  That's a new record for me!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011
    OK, I am tired, tired, tired!!! I didn't spend nearly enough time eating bon bons at my desk. My aide told me I was walking like a little old lady by the end of the day, and I was Frown. I may do a little upper body work after I sit with my feet up for about an hour, but that will be it. My other challenge is to figure out what to wear all week. My abdomen is still all black & blue and swollen, so regular pants hurt (no, it is not totally due the fact that I have been eating like a pig all week...although that is unfortunately true!!). Tomorrow I have to get back on track with the food anyway. Keep working it, everybody!