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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Last night I push mowed for 2 1/2 hours. The weather was cool and before I knew it, the entire yard was mowed. DH couldn't believe it.

    We went out to eat tonight and I ate all the calories I burned last night. Tongue out

    Badger: Congratulations on the 900 mile mark!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Badger- you would LOVE belly dance classes...soooo much fun!!! you are supposed to shake what you have so ...perfect!

    Julie- walked to a restaurant and back ....about 4000 step total..but felt good and had a lot of laughs so I figure that counts....did not go to work today to preserve my energy for the weekend workshop I am doing. Have to go to bed in a minute as I hav eto be up at 7am....

    Patoo/Mum- Ditto. Said to someone this week...How did I go from a vibrant 48 year old to a tired tired 49 year old all in ten months time? dear god!.....working hard to get my energy back...Julie -did not make it to flow class but instead went to the Autism Centre to find some material to help this young man I am working with at school. thursday's session was not 100% successful so I wanted some information ....fel it was a well spent hour even if I misse dthe yogic breathing!:)

    night all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hi, I ate all day and night..... and just walked a little around the house & did some water bottle weights. Very bad!! I see the surgeon Monday for my will find out if I can go full tilt again or what the time line should be. It's the flabby stuff under my arms that drives me the most crazy. I remember once seeing Bette Middler (in a concert video many years ago); she was playing a guitar, stopped, jiggled her arms, sighed and said, "Isn't it depressing when your arms have a life of their own." !!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Did 20 minutes of weights, 300 stomach crunches and 60 minutes on the eliptical.  Hopefully this will get me out of the rut I'm in.  It's been 2 weeks now trying to lose the 2 pounds I gained due to easter jelly beans!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2011

    Good morning-

    You girls are so funny with the jiggle talk.  I about spit out my coffee when Patoo said a belly jewel would pop that is a great visual as I look down.

    I love Julie's posts, I get caught up reading them.  You are a great Tart Julie, very caring to spend time reading everyone's post.  You are close to me, packjen, and Cheryl...the California crowd!

    I haven't forgotten my offer for anyone to come up in June-or July-to my Tahoe pad.  I know I dropped off here, but the offer is still open. Tart weekend!  I picked a date out a while ago, toward the end of June.  I'm so sorry I haven't stayed more on the planning side of this.  Anyway, if you are interested in a Tart weekend where we can hike, eat HEALTHY food (well most of the time anyway) look at the lake, etc., PM me and we'll get on it.  Ruth and Cheryl, didn't I pick the 24th of June before?  I can change this if you need more time to July.  We've had an exceptionally wet winter in June so there is still going to be quite a bit of snow in the Sierras all of June.  July would be great.  Again, I'm pretty free all summer.  Interested?  

    Sandee I hear you on the tired part.  I'm amazed at how tired I am all the time, I have to believe it is the Arimidex, but luckily that is my biggest symptom.  Or maybe it just takes a year or so to get over the side effects of surgery, radiation, etc.  I try to push through, but I find I need way more sleep than I used to.  Sleep, and water...if I don't drink a ton of water, I get really tired.

    OK back to look at posts again.  Oh, Ruth, our exercise group calls the arm flab underarm dingle dangle...they are really tough to get at, that's for sure.  You are a trooper getting through that surgery, I hope the doc. praises your good behavior!  Full tilt...hmmm...maybe ease back into it girl!



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    g'mornin, got out for a walk after the rain 

    4.35 mi / 7,565 steps / 1.25 hrs

    there are violets everywhere

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Lovely day, took a 45 minute walk. No hills, but a pretty normal pace. Also did some light arms with Richard Simmons.

    I would love to do Tahoe, would it work for people who are interested to do the last weekend of July or even the first weekend of August instead of June? My family has finally figured out their plans to visit my dad & will descend in mass the third weekend in June & my SIL called ten minutes ago to annouce that DH's Family Reunion is scheduled for June 25th. Early/mid July is when I'd have to go east to work into my sister's schedule. ARGH! So hard to schedule in fun!!! Wink

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    IDK if I can swing the money but would love to meet up for Tarts in Tahoe!

    got out this morning for a lovely walk, now I'm cleaning up the back porch

    4.5 mi / 7,730 steps / 1.25 hrs

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Woke up early and walked for an hour in the mist. A nice way to start the day. Will now tone a bit with Richard.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Worked out in the yard for 1 and 1/2 hours: pulling weeds, spreading a few more bales of pine straw, planting herbs, etc.

    Have a great week everyone!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Did Body Combat class yesterday and Body Step class today and then gardening this afternoon.

    I have my BFFs sister and cousin coming from the UK for 3 weeks on July 22nd so I can't make that weekend (well I could but what kind of hostess would I be to say welcome to the US now I'm leaving) but I sure am up for a get together. Hope everyone has a great week.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Happy Mother's Day ladies!  My mom came over and made dinner and dessert.  She made linguini and clams and a chocolate pie.  A total of 3 cubes of butter were used!!

    No exercise today, but did a 5K walk as a fundraiser for the kids' school yesterday.

    The MO just started me on Effexor to help w/my hot flashes.  After 2 days I can really notice a difference, but it is making me tired.  After 2 weeks of being on this new med I will restart the Tamoxifen.  Take one med and get a side effect; then take another med to counteract that side effect so that you can take the first med -- sorry about the side effects of the 2nd med! OY.

    I would love to meet up with you ladies in Tahoe if it works out.  We plan to be gone on a road trip for the month of July and then the 2nd week in August I fly to Maryland to get my 3D nipple tattoos done by Vinnie Myers!!!!!  I will be joined there by at least 2 other women from the boards.  I'm calling it NipFest 2011.

    Nighty Night.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Kim:  Thanks.  That is SUCH a nice compliment that you gave me about reading everyone's posts.  I do try to keep up with what's going  on in everyone's lives and help where I can do so.

    Now, my apologies - just a brief post to let everyone know how my weekend went:

    1.  Spent Saturday morning at the Revlon walk.  Much, much fun; got to meet more fantastic cancer survivers.  Will go into more detail probably tomorrow.  At any rate, I missed the runners starting (I was getting to know other teammates), so I ran 2 miles and walked 1 mile.

    2.  Ran 5 miles today, then worked out with weights.  Spent time with DH, cats and reading my class homework.

    {{{HUGS}}} to all, and I'll address Everyone's posts this coming week.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    If the June 24th weekend is what still works best for everyone else, I will ask DH if I would be banned from the family forever if I did Tahoe instead......

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Have missed several pages of this thread will try to catch up.  For now my yoga instructor took a month or two off and I am so bumbed about it.  Did nothing last week as far as exercise.  Will try to walk today.  My DH got me a bike so will call a friend who has a bike and maybe start some biking riding a couple of times a week.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Kim...Gee,....Nevada sounds great but it is SOOOO far away! (from the East coast of Canada that is:). June and July wouldn't work for me....early August would though as I have  decided to take August off....might have to quit part of my job for it to happen but thi s may be the opportunity I have been waiting for...How close is Lake Tahoe from San Diego...I should check a for the fatigue...I am pretty sure mine is heart medication related...need to call my GP to find out if my blood work is done and if so, book an appointment to cgo in and chat with her again. This lack of energy is making me totally bummed out!

    Packjen- you are an inspiration!!! especially the crunches. I have done absolutely no exercize in the past two weeks...rain rain rain and I am too pooped to do much more than work and sit on the couch...but crunches...I should be able to do those so..thanks!

    Sherry- Yes to biking!! I just have to take mine in to get brakes etc. checked...then permission from cardiologist as school is downhill! but yeah...the sweaty part would be onthe ride home so not such a bad deal.

    Julie- congrats on all the running!!! wow!!! Impressive indeed my friend!

    Ruth- I hear want to get back at it but don't want to overdo it.

    Wonderland- the push mower sounds so much better than an electric or gas mower...I dont have a yard this summer so won't have to worry about it either way but what a great exercize choice!

    Mary Louise...- so did you get downstairs and on to the treadmill:? sometimes it is so hard to get up the ooomph to just do it.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    hello ladies, just a quick note between housecleaning, etc. before i go to work - everyone sounds wonderful - all this amazing effort keeps me motivated. thank you, thank you, thank you!

    @ruth - oscar de la renta once said no woman over 40 should wave's a bit funny, although typically sexist! (ever see jack nicholson on the beach? dear God.)

    great vinyasa class today, although a few poses made my TE twitch. weird feeling.

    50 bicycle kicks, 50 squats..whoohoo!

    hope you all have a great day.



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    Too funny Badger.If I did some Belly Dancing everyone would run for the hills.Surprised I did a lot of yard work today so now I am too sore to get to the gym. Last saturday was my daughters bridal shower and today is the food tasting for her wedding banquet.Oh Lord this belly of mine is in trouble.I better drag my butt into the gym today afterall.Undecided
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2011

    Yes, Sandee, I DID make it to the treadmill.  AND today alone I was able to walk outside for 30 minutes and spend 30 minutes on the Wii Fit Plus!  When the weather is nice, you just feel much more motivated!!  Can't wait to start running in the pool again!!

    ((Julie)) - Thanks for your genuine concern for all of your BCO Sisters!!  Your thoughtfulness really is appreciated!!  You must have to write all the comments down to be able to keep them all straight!

    Well ladies, I am hoping to become a daily visitor again!  I have been feeling both mentally and physically better that I am getting back on the excercise train and the bandwagon.  I was able to watch the food intake last week until the "Mother's Day"  Weekend of wonderful (but full of calories!) dining!  We may even have to find where Patoo and Bobbie are hiding to get them back in the swing of things!!    

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2011

    Hi girls-

    checking in-did spin, weight training and yoga today.  Freaking yoga is HARD but so rewarding.

    August is good for Tahoe if that works best for everyone.  Beautiful up there and we can actually swim in the lake at that time of the year.  I'm very flexible-time wise (not in yoga though.)

    OK I actually have to do something around here today.



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Mary Louise- yay treadmill time!! and I agree..the site is great for providing a visual to help keep you focused on food...though I did not write down the jelly beans I ate yesterday....that is likely my caoloric intake for the day

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi ladies, we had a heckuva Monday, did not break for noon walk 

    per pedo did 2.5 miles / 4,250 steps / can't claim any time yet

    but I hear Voices, maybe I will get in a nice walk after supper

    IMHO this is the best thread on BCO ~ {{hugs}} to all  Kiss

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies - did several hours of hard gardening at the cabin this weekend - mowed the lawn, lugged bags of topsoil, planted 4 mountain laurels, a butterfly bush, and 6 of those six-packs of petunias. The pry bar got a lot of use - some of the rocks I had to move were huge - it took about an hour to plant each bush.  DH has terrible seasonal allergies right now so he couldn't help. 

    Unfortunately I pushed too much and this morning suffered what I call a "Femara crash" - I hit the wall with extreme fatigue.  I had to call in sick and basically slept and rested all day.  It's only 7pm and I'm getting ready to head off to bed - hoping I've recovered by tomorrow.  I've been on Femara almost 3 years now - you'd think I'd have learned by now to manage the fatigue part and know how much I can push myself physically before crashing.  Frown 

    Sometimes I'm more stubborn than smart.  Tongue out

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Mary- I think that goes for most of us...I too pushed too hard this weekend and ended up at home on th ecouch all day with a sick cat! 8:16 and I think I too will be heading to bed soon. Sleep tight

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Stubborn is good; if you crash, that means you've been doing something to start out with Cool!

    Met with my surgeon for the post op. Everything is healing normally. It was a perfectly ordinary routine hernia. He said to take a couple more weeks of exercising lightly, and skip the abs for a couple weeks yet too. I am so happy and relieved that I will probably follow his advice!!! That being said, I did 30 minutes at medium-slow (as opposed to really-slow) on the treadmill and some light weights for the arms (maybe this will get my arms in better shape!).

    What about the first week of August for some tartly fun? How does that look for people?  

    Well, of course, this is the best thread!!!!! Was there ever a question? Wink

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Did about 15 minutes of weights, 300 stomach crunches and 45 minutes of eliptical.  Still no budge on the scale number, though.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone, It is 11:00 p.m. and I was guilty about being a MIA. Got involved with a group on FB with a bunch of "kids" I knew 45 years ago and we have formed a family group on FB and cannot get away from the chatting with them.

    Have been away for almost a week and a half, I noticed new gals joined. Welcome. Packjen, I want to do what you do.

    I hurt my knee and back is out so I am staying out of gym this week. Have read each post since I have been gone. Good work, will be back each day. Mary, I am a Femara person and I know the fatigue that you are talking about. You are exactly right, I think I have crashed, but I would have known better.

    Its late, but had to get back on site. Love to all and HUGS....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Welcome back Ronna we've missed you. Mary Louise glad to hear you're doing better. Mary I sure understand the Feamara issue as after class yesterday I laid on the couch and slept for 3 hours, hence right now I'm doing the laundry I was supposed to do yesterdaySurprised. Ruth glad to hear your check up went well, I'll still have visitors in early August but if we come up with a date maybe I can ship them off to San Francisco for the weekend. Mum if we had planned this better we could have all taken belly dancing classes and gone up to Canada and danced at your daughters wedding - now wouldn't that be a sight to behold cause I have the belly to go along with the dance, oh and we could all then do the arm wave danceTongue out. Julie a big woohoooooo and congratulations on your run/walk. Well tonight I did spin class, have to say I'm lovin' spin - never thought I'd ever say that.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Welcome back Ronna we've missed you, is that your puppy - very cute. Mary Louise glad to hear you're doing better. Mary I sure understand the Feamara issue as after class yesterday I laid on the couch and slept for 3 hours, hence right now I'm doing the laundry I was supposed to do yesterdaySurprised. Ruth glad to hear your check up went well, I'll still have visitors in early August but if we come up with a date maybe I can ship them off to San Francisco for the weekend. Mum if we had planned this better we could have all taken belly dancing classes and gone up to Canada and danced at your daughters wedding - now wouldn't that be a sight to behold cause I have the belly to go along with the dance, oh and we could all then do the arm wave danceTongue out. Julie a big woohoooooo and congratulations on your run/walk. Well tonight I did spin class, have to say I'm lovin' spin - never thought I'd ever say that.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    I am leaving this weekend for the BC Thrivers cruise maybe they will have a belly dancing class durring the 2 days at sea.Laughing