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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I don't know about belly dancing at the ceremony itself, but maybe at the bachelorette party Laughing!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone, hbcheryl, laughing what you said of belly and arms. I developed quite a belly, (don't they call it the Arimidex belly), I was on that first, then switch to Femara. I don't know who to blame for it. Certainly not me. As to the arms, I can lead the parade with the arm wave. Thank you Grandma.

    Hbcheryl, when you are spinning I assume that you are doing the jumps and turns (lifting yourself up). I enjoy the bike, I should do it again.

    Sorry Jen, again and again, you inspire me with the crunches, and weights. Way to go. I am an eliptical person, get bored on treadmill. If I want to walk, I can do it around our complex. Right now doing nothing, just resting the "injured" leg. What a crazy day. I thought they scheduled me for today's a.m. shift at breast center. Got up nice and early, dressed up, got there and someone else was there. Came home at least I gave the leg a rest.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather.


  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    @ nats: whoo, that gardening bonanza tired me out, just reading it.

    @ruth: good to hear you are sailing along!

    @cheryl: yeah on spinning - i'm definitely percolating on the idea of signing up for a class

    one hour walk, 50 bicycle crunches. think i'm developing a varicose vein in left leg- ugh!

    hugs to all.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Another very brief post, just to let all of you know that I'm thinking of you.

    Ran 4.6 miles today; will sculpt and tone tonight.

    mumayam:  Belly dancing sounds like fun!

    Mary:  Watched a game this weekend; they were using pink bats and sweatbands in honor of Mother's Day and fighting breast cancer.  

    Ruth:  Haven't read all the posts; hope you are feeling well.

    Again, will catch up on everything later.  



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

     A rainy day here. Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & some light toning before going to an evening home with my feet up doing last!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Mum if they have a belly dancing class on the cruise you definitely have to take it just so you can report back to usSmile. Ronna is that your puppy in your avatar cause it sure is a cutie. I have said this before but I was terrified the first time I did spin I felt so claustrophobic in the darkened room but I always say try something a couple of times before you give up and lo and behold I started to love it and over time I have been able to do all the standing and the jumps but I will admit that I'm no good at the 2 count jump cause by the time I get my fat behind up it's time to go down so I just do my own thingInnocent.

    Tonight I did Body Step class she did a lot of old stuff and it was one of those fun classes and I got to work up a good sweat.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Ronna -- thanks for the compliments.  I am working really hard, but currently going nowhere.  I knew this would happen.  Losing the cancer weight went really quickly, but now I am sitting at the weight I have been at for 15 years.  Now it's gonna be tough.  So even though I work out 5+ times per week I am stuck on my weight loss for the last 3 weeks.  Oh well.  I'll keep plugging along.

    Did 15 minutes of weights, 300 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance bands and 25 minutes on the rowing machine.

    I suppose if I gave up the half and half in my morning coffee and gave up my evening cocktail it would help the weightloss cause == but that just ain't gonna happen!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    good morning, it was a scorcher here yesterday, we were in the 90 degree zone.  Goodbye winter, hello summer... seems we didn't get much of a nice temperate spring this year. 

    Had a training session yesterday and got in some movement during breaks, but didn't want to get all sweaty in nice clothes.  Pedo logged 3.85 miles / 6,616 steps,  We went out for Mexican last night and I indulged in a frosty margarita so Jen I know just where you're coming from re: evening cocktail.  Cheers!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Hi all!  I've always seen this thread but have never posted.  I have been going thru chemo and it has just completely wore me out.  by the end of the day I have no energy left to do anything and its really bogged me down.  Ive started to pack on the pounds and want to get them off.  I go for my last chemo this Friday so Im hoping to find my energy soon, I hope.  Has anyone has this go on and how did they work thru it to get that back.  Any pointers would be helpful.  I dont know if its my diet that needs tweaked or what it is.  Thanks Paula

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    I have to work extra hard at the gym today.Yesterday I was depressed and next thing I knew I managed to eat almost a whole pizza and 2 glasses of vino.YellSo  bad.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hi Paula, welcome aboard. When I was doing chemo and recovering from chemo, I ate whatever I could stand, but tried not to eat too much of it (luckily for me, chocolate tasted like chalk....or I would have been in trouble!). I wouldn't worry about tweaking the diet yet; BUT I would get going in the exercise department. Even if you can put on your tennis shoes, set a timer and then walk around the house for 15 minutes at a time, short walks outside, light/light/light toning. Anything to get things going again. Even though you are really beat, it will make you feel less so if you can force yourself to get at it. There is 'My Profound Advice' for the morning. Keep checking in here, we will be your cheerleaders! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Back in the saddle again after two days of not working out.  15 minutes Lebeds and 15 minutes elliptical.  Then I tried doing a tabata interval workout on the elliptical (20 seconds going 100% then 10 seconds rest, repeat for a total of 8 times).  Wow - is that difficult!  I made it through 3 cycles before being exhausted - yes, I made it all of a minute and a half.  Someone had mentioned tabata training in the Interval thread here and I did some research on it - most sites say it can take weeks until you can work up to the full 8 cycles, which is only 4 minutes.  I thought that was silly until I tried it this morning - now I know what they were talking about!  But from everything I read about it, it seems like it's worth trying for a few weeks - I need to add some interval training anyway.

    Laughing about the belly dancing and arm waving. Cheryl - can't get over how good they all look on BL - they don't even look like the same people. Paula - I was wiped out after chemo.  Two weeks after I finished chemo I hopped on the elliptical - I made it all of 5 minutes before having to get off and the machine kept blipping off because I was going so slowly.  But I've kept at it, and now can do 45 minutes on the elliptical (except when I'm doing tabata intervals!).  I also started a gentle yoga class at the same time - it really helped.  As Ruth says, start slowly - it takes time but you can work back.  Congrats on Chemo Graduation Day Friday!!  Mum - pizza - yum!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Hi all, I'm still around and doing some type of movement at least 6 days a week but not nearly what I was doing and the scale is showing it.  I mentioned to a church friend that I was trying to get up nerve to try the spin class at the gym and she now wants to go with me so I think I may try and do some time on the regular stat bike first to try and build up some kind of endurance so I don't embarrass myself too badly when I have to sneak out!  But the weather is nice and I've started walking again outside and also water aerobics. 


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Well I am missing my yoga class, I sure hope my instructor does come back.  I did a 3 mile walk last night and talked to my friend about bike riding.  so we are going to start on that.  Should be fun.

    Ruth so glad your follow up went well.

    Tahoo sounds so nice, but if I don't have surgery during that time I will be going to Colorado with my childhood girlfriends.  I don't think I can afford two trips.

    Mary sounds like you did a lot of gardending and I love Mountain laurels, they smell so wonderful when they bloom

    Welcome Paula, I did not do chemo, but did do rads when was heck on the fatigue, but I managed all the way through just doing what I could.  I think Ruth's advise is very good.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone!  It's been a while.  I'm still chugging along exercising.  I got really bored doing tapes and found that I was looking for any excuse not to do them.  Well, a local personal trainer just started offering this group Fat Blaster class.  I love it!  It's just what I needed to get back in the groove!

    Paula, welcome, I found that light walking during chemo helped a lot and then eating a balanced diet worked wonders.  I met with the nutritionist during that time who pointed out that your body has extra calorie and protein requirements as it tries to heal itself from chemo.  The book Super Healing was an excellent resource.  

    Good luck!


  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone!  It's been a while.  I'm still chugging along exercising.  I got really bored doing tapes and found that I was looking for any excuse not to do them.  Well, a local personal trainer just started offering this group Fat Blaster class.  I love it!  It's just what I needed to get back in the groove!

    Paula, welcome, I found that light walking during chemo helped a lot and then eating a balanced diet worked wonders.  I met with the nutritionist during that time who pointed out that your body has extra calorie and protein requirements as it tries to heal itself from chemo.  The book Super Healing was an excellent resource.  

    Good luck!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hi Lorrie!! It is especially good to hear from you since you are the' Founding Mother' of this awesome thread!!!! Smile

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Thanks everyone.  I am so glad that I will get it back, and I just need to do the little things.  I had it in my mind that its all or nothing.  Ive always been that way so now I just have to remember this is a whole different ballgame so the way I go about it has to be a bit different.  I did walk tonite and I didnt power walk, but it was a nice walk.  Its nice to know that I didnt have to power walk cause there is no way. It did feel good just have walk around the block.  Thanks again for the advice and the book look ups all!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Paula.  Be gentle with yourself.  Slow walks are bette than no walks.  During chemo and then rads I didn't exercise at all (who am I kidding?  for the past several years I didn't exercise much).  I didn't really start until 3 mos. after finishing rads.  I stepped on the scale and saw 202 and freaked.  Since then I have been exercising around 5 x per week and have lost my cancer weight.

    That being said, I was a lazy slug today and after dropping the girls at school came home and went back to sleep.  Later I went and filled in for a friend and did her yard duty at school.  Then just some chauffering to Track and Ballet lessons.  Very few calories burned, I'm afraid.  I do have to admit that I'm a little bummed that my weight has not budged (in a downward manner) in 3 weeks.  I think my body is just very used to being at this weight.  UGH.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Good for you, Paula! Two somewhat contrariety things I discovered is that you don't have to exercise like crazy for it to 'count', and just because you can't do everything doesn't mean that you shouldn't do something (and celebrate doing so!).

    Our Student Council had their annual 'Teacher's Appreciation Lunch' today. Tables laden with every delicious food you could dream of. It is amazing how much one can eat in 25 minutes if you are really working at it!!!!!! Surprised Since I'm still exercising lightly from the hernia surgey, there is no way that I could begin to wear it off, although I walked medium/slow for 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes very light upper body. Start over again tomorrow. Packjen, I will join you in that UGH!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    UGH part three!  Jen I also lost my chemo weight and now feel stuck at where I was before this whole (mis)adventure.  Although I do exercise I don't really diet, just try to eat healthfully and not too much.  OK I admit to having a slice of leftover pizza for supper tonight - yum!

    welcome Paula, I started walking for exercise last year when recovering from surgery.  Kept going all through chemo.  Some days I didn't go far, maybe just around the block, but I got out every day I could.  I've kept it up and have walked 920 miles since then.  But rest and naps are needed for healing so please go easy on yourself.

    Thanks to Lorrie our founding member, and thanks to Ruth our sustaining member.  :-)

    Carol, hope your ankle is all better.  I think of you when I go to my favorite little park and my heart wells up from nature abounding.

    Julie, hope you're feeling better.  Thanks for your caring and inspiring posts.  Wish I had the desire to run but I just don't, esp not when it's 90+ and humid. OMG we hit summer fast.

    Janyce, hope you're digging being back into yoga and Sherry bummer that yours is done for summer.  I have one more Thurs class (tomorrow) and two more Weds classes then I may be done too. 

    Had yoga class today and walked 30 mins when I got home from work.  Too hot to do more.

    4.65 miles / 7,981 steps / 1.5 hours     {{hugs}} to all

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Great to see you Lorrie, you must be very proud to have started such an active thread Paula you've been given good advice, one foot in front of the other and one day at a time is all you can ask of yourself, and posting even if it's I walked to the corner and back will help you to stay motivated. Badger can you believe you've almost walked across 1/3rd of the US - now that is impressive.  Mary I was sad to see Austin go I would have liked to have seen him take the prize but it's going to be one of the sisters. Jen my downfall is sweets, you all know I exercise like a fool but every night after dinner I have a cup of tea and always a couple of cookies or a piece of cake, I probably should join sugar addicts but I know me and I can assure you I ain't giving it up. That being said I did my Body Combat class tonight woohoooooo.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    Did my first body pump class yesterdayTongue out Yes I did survive.I have two more days to workout hard before the cruise.On the ship will only work out on the days at sea.But will be doing alot of snorkling and walking in our destinations.Cool
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Julie - the pink bat baseball games were fun to watch, weren't they?  Every year each team has an Honorary Bat Girl - I was the Nats Bat Girl in 2009 - got to go on the field, meet players, and they gave me my very own Nats jersey with a big pink ribbon where the number would be.  Sherry - we fell in love with the mountain laurels while hiking - there'd be huge stands of wild laurels, all pink and beautiful, along the trails and we just had to have some up at the cabin.  Lorrie - good to see you!  Mum - Body Pump - wow!  You and Cheryl are going to be scary-fit!  Where is your cruise going?  Badger and Jen - at least you've lost your chemo weight - I'm still working on that part.  Frown

    Did my one hour lunch time yoga yesterday, then 15 minute Lebeds and 30 minutes weight/resistance this morning.  Oncologist appointment this morning - just my routine 6 month visit, but still always a bit unhinging.  Surprised

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    pacjen and Badger have you girls every tried the sites loseit or  Both have where you can track what you eat and track your exercise.  Seeing your calorie intake vs your exercise can be an eye opeing.  It really helped me to control my portions.

    Badger I am bummed about my yoga class, so if you have to take a break for the summer as well. 

    Since my yoga class is on a break I ordered a couple of DVD's from yoga fit.  Did one last night and boy did it work my abs.  When I started on Tamox one of my SE was join pain so I started on glucosome chondritin 2 Tablespoons 2 times a day.  Took the pain away so went done to once a day and still all was good, so I got the bright idea that maybe I did not need it any longer and quit taking it two weeks ago.  Well three days ago I noticed the pain was back, ugh.  So I am back taking it again.  I could really tell the stiffness and pain doing my yoga last night.  Will probably take about a week for it to get back in my system.  Guess I am stuck with taking it for the next 5 years.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!!!  Got back from oncologist today, and blood work was NORMAL.  Also, no new bumps.  So that's a worry off my mind.

    Jen and Badger:  Understand about being bummed out with weight not budging.  I've been there myself too many times.   I know you'll keep up the exercise just to feel good, if nothing else, and I bet you'll still see some weight loss. 

    Badger:  Yes, I am feeling better, thanks.  Boy, I remember going from chilly temps into summer so quickly back there!  And, I smelled the violets you were talking about.

    Mary:  Yes, I enjoyed the pink bats; congratulations (belated) on beihg a Bat Girl!  I'm seeing more and more involvement by organizations with our common cause.

    Sherry:  Sorry about your joint pain.  I take gloucosamine-chondroitin daily, and it really saves my joints.  Dont' think I could build up muscle without it.  How is your Dad doing, and how is the family holding up?

    Ruth:  Yes, that wonderful food!  Too good to resist.  At least you are back to exercising gently.

    Mary Louise:  Did you tell us when your leg surgery was going to be held?  Hope everything is going well.

    Kim:  Just a "hello"; I havent' read back far enough to catch up on everyone's posts.

    hbCheryl:  Don't blame you on not giving up sweets.  I bought a Snickers today, and I'm doing my best to ignore it - ha!  We'll see.

    Patoo:  The spin class sounds like fun.  Glad you are able to walk again and that the weather is cooperating.

    Lorrie:  Cool that you originally started this thread; it certainly has helped motivate me to work out even on weekends, which I never thought I'd do.

    Hello to Everyone Else - am in a tearing hurry here, getting ready to go up to school tonight.



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Here are some quotes I thought I'd share:

    For cat lovers:

    "I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine

    "Everything I know I learned from my cat: When you're hungry, eat. When you're tired, nap in a sunbeam. When you go to the vet's, pee on your owner." - Gary Smith

    For dog lovers:

    Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

    Why own a dog? There's a danger you know, You can't own just one, for the craving will grow. There's no doubt they're addictive, wherein lies the danger. While living with lots, you'll grow poorer and stranger.

    For nature lovers:

    Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.
    Richard Feynman

    Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the wind longs to play with your hair.
    Kahlil Gibran

    Have a good evening, Everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hooray, Julie.....cross that off your 'worry list' for awhile!

    I went to a retirement tea after school and am going to a middle school play in an hour. Right now I'm waiting to hear from a friend who was suppose to find out the results from a needle biopsy this afternoon. I will call her if the phone doesn't ring in the next ten minutes. Crap, makes it me ill just thinking about somebody else having to do this.

    I will try to do a little something after the play.

    Hugs to all. Ruth

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Hi gals:

    Lorrie, so YOU ARE THE ONE who started this fantastic thread that motivates us. Glad to meet you.

    HBCheryl, yes, the avitar is my rescue Sam. Of course that is an old pic before we realized he was a poodle.

    Can't spin, big problems. My knee has been hurting for a while. Finally, went to primary, who has me on prednizone to reduce swelling and pain and I am told to wear one of those braces. Of course here we go again, MRI precert for MRI and I need a doppler.

    Julie, glad results came back normal. Love that feeling. Also love your quotes about cats and dogs.

    Ruth, at work when I check the girls in who have to do that *biopsy needle" I feel terrible for them.

    I know I have just responded to a few, but my thoughts are with you all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited May 2011

    A quick hello!!  I miss you all more than I can say.  Just sent Cheryl a PM so she's got the scoop.  Still riding 20 miles daily - this is a good thing.  Nils graduating this weekend - so proud and so exciting.  Lots of events planned.  Glad everyone is all still getting out there each day.  Haven't had a chance to read through all the posts yet.  Hoping to get back to the board soon.  Hugs to all.  Bobbi

    Hi Ruth, Hi Carol, Hi Ronna, Hi Jen, Hi Elizabeth, Hi Kim, Hi Patoo, Hi Mary(go Nationals), Hi to EVERYONE!!