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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    That is what I am going to do when school is out; take everything out of all the cupboards, closets and drawers, go through it and toss or give away as much as possible. Things are crammed in that I'm actually looking forward to it. "Sort and Sculpt"!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Ladies on the East Coast - no that was not a series of minor earthquakes you experienced around 6:30am this morning - that was me attempting to jog!  I haven't jogged in years (one reason I gave it up was because my boobs were so big no bra could contain them - fast forward to b/c, a DIEP, and reconstructed perky b-cups!).  So on my normal walk, I tried jogging for 4 driveways, then walking for 2, jogging for 4, walking for 2, etc.  And I did my entire normal 2+ miles that way!  Cool  We'll see what my knee joints think of all this tomorrow, but I really enjoyed it (in between huffs and puffs).  And I even saw two bunnies!

    Just a few quick drive-by comments - Sherry - good to hear that the pain meds are helping your dad - I bet doing something as simple as moving the sprinklers around was a big mental boost to him.  Ruth - I'm so sorry about your friend's biopsy results.  It's a sick feeling when someone you know has to join this club - you know what the next year or so will bring.  I was also sorry to hear about Harmon Killebrew - I know you guys out there think of him as a Twin, but he'll always be a Senator to me.  The Nats had his jersey hanging in their dugout in his honor yesterday.  Patoo - hooray for you for starting to get back into the swing of things.  Paula - good for you for getting out.  A couple of blocks is a couple of blocks  - you did it!!! Cheryl - I got you beat in the "how OLD is THAT???" department.  I cleaned out the spice drawer last week.  I had one spice jar in there that expired in 1984!!!  Surprised

    Ruth - a special line congratulating you on the clothes being too big!!  Obviously all your hard work as paid off and you've toned and tightened up.  We all know muscle weighs more than fat, so forget what the scale says - The Pants Tell the Truth!    

    Did a lot of yardwork this weekend, and was at the Nats game yesterday so I did my Nats walk for exercise.  The Nats honored their Breast Cancer Bat Girl yesterday (they were away on Mother's Day) so I wore my Bat Girl jersey and went down to the rail to cheer her on!  And the Nats even won - we've been to 6 Nats game this year and this is our first win!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Ruth congrats on the clothes being to big.  Shopping is so much fun.  Nasty news on your friend but so glad that she has you to talk to and get info from.  I know that must mean alot to her.

    mary good for you jogging again.

    I walked my three miles on Friday and Sunday.  Also on Sunday I got my new bike out and road to my parents house and did some computer work for them and then rode it back home.  My aunt thinks I am crazy because I rode the bike instead of driving my car.  But look who is overweight and has many health issues.  Not me, I'm just trying to fight not getting cancer again.  And Dad was really on a roll aggrivating my aunt so I know he is feeling much better.  We go back to the Dr on Friday and he will probably start chemo next week.

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2011

    Hey ladies I got out today for a 3 mile walk.  I haven't been doing much walking lately so it was nice to get back at it.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    nats fan - YAHOO on the jog! are inspiring to start back this week. :)

    ruth - congrats on the weight loss and continued recovery!

    janicemarie - sounds good. long walks are so therapeutic, in my book.

    cheryl - you kick ass. love hearing about your classes.

    45 minute walk with the dog (our tenants', actually - a gorgeous, 90lb. black Lab!), followed by various weights and squats.  yesterday was an awesome hot vinyasa...whew!

    hugs to all -


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Finally got started at the cardiac rehab centre....and was down to be doing the slowest cardio I have ever done in my life..hell, I was walking 3.5 miles per hour and 10,000 steps a week after the heart attack..this is two months later!!!FRUSTRATED!!!! Stress test tomorrow will hopefully have them upping my ante

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Sandee, that is very frustrating. Tell them you want to push it as much and as fast a possible and see what they say.

    Sherry, one of my friend's dad has Stage IV liver cancer and has done so well on chemo that he is now able to go on chemo pills for maintenance; I will pray the same for your dad.

    Patoo, there was a report on the news that this is the worst spring the doctors have ever seen for allergies; it is because all of the rain. And people who have never had problems before are coming in. So, at least you know you are not the only one miserable (if that helps at all).

    Mary, Harmon Killebrew is one of my favorite players from that whole era. I saw him play many times as a girl. (When we would play 'Minnesota Twins'; I would be Tony Olivia, my brother was Jimmy Allen, and my sister was Harmon). He has stayed very active with the team throughout the years and is much loved the fans and players alike. A really classy gentlemen.

    A beautiful night here. I walked for an hour. The weather is suppose to turn bad by the end of the week. Pray that it lasts through Friday, because Wed. the 8th grade has their field day, Thursday the 7th grade, and Friday the 6th grade. Imagine telling 200 6th grades that instead of going out, playing games and having a picnic, they have to stay in school and work because the weather is bad!!!!!!

    Keep moving, ladies!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Back to the gym after 5 days off.  I upped my reps by 30%, so 40 minutes of weights, 300 stomach crunches and then did the thing on the eliptical that someone mentioned: 30 seconds as fast as you can then 1 1/2 minutes of regular -- times 4 cycles.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    good morning Tarts, loving the stories about jogging, clothing, and expiration dates!

    Yesterday, I did my usual lunchtime routine of walking the Capitol rotunda and doing stairs for intervals to keep my heart rate up.  Had to laugh when a little old man visiting the Capitol asked me for directions to a men's room and I knew where one was LOL!  Had plans to walk after work but DH beat me home and had supper started (scallops, risotto, spinach and zucchini squash) and a nice white wine chilled so how could I turn my back on that? 

    so for the day I logged 4.4 miles / 7,560 steps / 45 mins of exercise

    Have my six-month follow-up with onc today.  Should be a fast appt.  Never have had any scans so won't have any today, and my blood work was so good last time I don't even have to have blood drawn today.  Hopefully he isn't too far behind, seeing how it's at the end of the day.

    Date night tonight so see y'all tomorrow.  {{hugs}} and keep moving ladies!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Hi gals, went for MRI and doppler of left leg and area around knee so still on exercise vacation. When I took the MRI yesterday, the leg was in and actaully felt the noise of the machine.. I can't believe that all my pains are gone from my hands and are now down to the one leg. Perhaps this is the story of the traveling Femara.

    I know this is not the forum, however, my blood work also came back, I need more Vit. D. Up to 5,000, mg. a day, and to stay away from carbs, and exercise. It has to be the Femara b/c I have only missed 3 classes of Zumba due to rest of leg.

    Up here in Jersey, it is nothing but rain, rain and more rain. Hopefully good by weekend.

    Just wanted to say hello to my friends.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Ruth - had to smile at your description of playing Minnesota Twins - did you guys have invisible men when you were playing?  "Invisible man on first!!!"  Sherry - good for you for biking back and forth.  And yes, some family members like your aunt will never get why you do it.  Undecided  Janice - three miles - good job!  I have a vague memory of hearing something growing up about Baraboo and the circus - like it was the summer home for Ringling?  Or am I just totally confused about my memories? Elm - a walk with a 90 pound lab has to count for double!!!  Sandee - sounds completely frustrating. Hopefully the scan will verify how you're feeling and they'll give you a bit more leeway.  Jen - you're just a machine!!!  Badger - I'm coming over for dinner - sounds wonderful!!!  Ronna - good that your onc is monitoring your Vit D.  I hope the MRI gives some answers on what you can do for the pain.

    15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  Rain, rain, and more rain here too this week so it doesn't seem like it's going to be a good week to get outside.  Frown

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    SAndee good luck with the stress test.  Tell them not exercising enough is stressing you out.

    Ronna sure hope you leg gets to feeling better.

    Did my 3 mile walk last night so gonna do a yoga tape this evening.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Ruth - I just heard that Harmon Killebrew died today.  It sounds like he gave both of us some great childhood memories.  Truly a sad day for baseball. 

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011

    I can't stay on the computer long tonight.  I'm off to exercise.  I was told today that my motabolism is too low and the only way to raise it is to burn 300-400 calories a day in intensive cardio.  Awesome.  Just what I wanted to hear.  I'm going to become good friends with my eliptical machine. This is suppose to help give me more energy too...hmmm..?

    (I'm trying to loose wieght before having my implants taken out.)

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    NatsFan - check out ChiRunning - it is running but in a manner that lessens the impacts on the joints... you run and land fully on your whole foot so that the impact is absorbed up through your skeleton rather than in your knees... I started running just this year at 51 years old and haven't yet had ANY injuries - not even shin splints... I am a total believer...

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Ruth- I did tell the physiotherapist that and hope they will have changed my plan by tomorrow...also went for my stress test today and was told that 'everything is normal'....phew!!! had to stop the test when I could no longer hold onto the bar!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Badger, hope you had a nice, boring appointment!

    Sandee, hope you have better plan by tomorrow!!!

    I went on a long walk with my newly-diagnosed friend (did my first hill since the surgery...ouch, still painful); we negated  the health benefits of the exercise somewhat by stopping at the Dairy Queen for mini-blizzards.....but they were ordered for mental health reasons, so the calories don't count, right? Undecided

    Mary, they just had a lovely tribute to Harmon at the start of the Twins game a few minutes ago, and yes, I believe we did have invisible men on base, hit towering home runs, and made great catches right at the wall too!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Spent 2 hours at the gym today after taking lunch to both my kids' teachers.

    45 min of weights, 350 stomach crunches, 1,000 leg lifts with resistance bands and 30 minutes on the rowing machine.  I'm gonna kick-start this weight loss again if it kills me!

    I have been getting really hungry late evenings lately.  Apples are about the only thing I can eat without guilt.  What do you ladies eat for late night snacks when you are being "good"?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Jen, for a snack I like Sunsweet Ones, they are individually-wrapped prunes. Tasty & sweet, and lots of iron, I like unwrapping them like pieces of candy.  I'm also a fan of Bosc pears and eat one nearly every day.  If all else fails, I make a glass of low-fat chocolate milk.  The fluid fills me up, the milk is a healthier choice than soda, and of course the chocolate is delish!

    All went well with onc.  Unlike my GP, he never chides me for being overweight, just says to exercise more.  This time he suggested cutting out carbs *wah* I love carbs.  One of my favorite snacks is (was) Goldfish because a serving is 55 crackers. I already consume nearly no refined sugar, and can give up bread but am going to have trouble eliminating pasta.  Everything in moderation, right?

    4.5 miles / 7,726 steps / 1 hour 15 mins of exercise

    have a wonderful day ~ {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I often have some calorie reduced oatmeal mixed with yogart and fruit for an evening munch. It is heavy enough to fill me up so that I don't feel the need to snack more or go to bed hungry.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    For snacks I eat either fresh fruit or dried fruit.  When things such as raspberry's and blackberry's are in season I keep those around.  Can just pop a couple in the mouth and satisfies me.  If I really want something naughty I keep dark chocolate bars with the highest cocoa % around.  I can just snap off a square and I am good.  Satisfies with craving without me wanting more. 

    Did 1 1/2 hours yoga last night.  I have bought several tapes and am trying them out one by one to see which ones I like best.  I kinda think I like just rotating them and getting different workouts.  My DH has never seen me do yoga until last night and he said boy that looks hard.  I told him he needed to do it with me.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Jen - oatmeal works for me as well.  It's filling and you get a lot of food for the calories.  But chocolate works for me too!  I have a weakness for Almond Joys.  I keep a stash of the mini size (80 calories) and that's my nightly dessert indulgence.  It really does help stop the cravings for far worse stuff.  Sealed

    Shea - I'm going to have to look up that running site.  I really enjoyed the jogging, but I did feel it a bit in my shins and knees, so my thought was it was something I could do weekly at most.  You go, Faith!  Badger - glad you had a good onc visit.  And as for giving up pasta - we can't give up everything we love!!!   Ruth - lots of tributes to Harmon here as well - we oldtimer Senator fans still remember him fondly. And the mini-blizzards were definitely medicinal and therefore completely calorie-free. Heck, you probably even burned calories eating them!  Tongue outSandee - any luck with getting a new program?  Hooray on the normal stress test!  Sherry - my dh finally started yoga when his work started a weekly lunchtime "yogalates" class.  He liked it so much he actually agreed to take my gentle yoga class with me this session.  I think men get so caught up in weights and aerobic training that they forget about the flexibility stuff or somehow think that yoga is for women only.  

    Speaking of yoga, last night was our class, so I did an hour of yoga, plus walked the 2 mile round trip to the rec center.  This morning was 15 minute Lebeds and 30 minutes weights/resistance.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone! 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    I've been off-line for a few days; we purchased a new computer (64-bit), and I'm setting it up.

    Ruth: So very, very sorry about your friend. Hate those results BIG TIME. Wish I could send her some of my good health! Also, sorry about the kids with emotional problems; that is very difficult to handle when you just want to help. Loved your animal quotes; especially Winston Churchill's.
    And, congratulations on your clothes being too big!

    Mary: So glad things went well for you at your onc visit! I, too, am on the "six-month plan" and go back in November for another round of blood work. Good for you, going to the ball game and cheering the Bat Girl on; congratulations on the 6 wins.  So sorry about Harmon Killebrew; the passing of someone who gave you good childhood memories is difficult.

    Bobbi: Congratulations on Nils graduating! I bet you're proud!

    Mary Louise: Glad you don't have to go through surgery, and I will be thinking of Elizabeth when she goes through her surgery.

    Lorrie: Again, glad to meet the starter of this wonderful thread. Good luck to your friend and I hope you find a replacement tape. It stinks when those tapes break, or even flip inside out.

    Badger: Understand about the snacking. Very difficult to control at times; mine definitely goes up under moments of stress (as I'm sure other's does as well). And yes, exercising will sually make you feel better! Wish I'd visited the Capitol more often than I had.

    Sherry: So glad your Dad is mending and getting some exercise. Good for you, helping Mom out with her computer. My husband is also "computer-challenged"; when I get asked for help, I usually roll my eyes - yep, the things we do for our loved ones!

    Janyce: Good luck with standing on your head - I used to be able to do that as well; I'll have to try it again and we can compare notes. Who was walking whom? Were you walking the Lab,
    or was s/he walking you? 90 pounds of dog is a lot to walk, as I've found out in the past.

    Patoo: Again, sorry about your allergies. Agree with Ruth; this allergy season is supposed to be one of the worst in some time. Glad to see you are gettig exercise in spite of them.

    Elizabeth: When is your surgery? I'll have to scroll back and find out. At any rate, thinking of you.

    Paula: Good for you! Keep on exercising; I'm so glad you are finished with chemo - YEA!!!

    hbCheryl: Cleaning counts as exercise; don't you just love finding all those old prescriptions and supplements that have expired years ago? I think it's the packrat in me; I can't bear to throw anything away. Glad you had a super-exercise day on 05/15. Sounds like fun.

    Janice Marie: A three-mile walk sounds wonderful.

    Sandee: I understand your frustration - hope you can increase your exercise.

    Ronna: Sorry about your knee; I hope it gets better very soon; as Mary says, hopefully the MRI will give you some answers.

    Jen: Agree with Mary and Ruth; oatmeal will fill you up. I have it for breakfast; it keeps me from snacking throughout the day. Keep up the good work.

    Hello to Everyone Else; {{{HUGS}}} to all.

    Am "out of commission" for a few days, need to catch up on my SharePoint 2010 homework. Spent all of Tuesday setting it up; so many presetup installs to do and bugs to work through; I always say I know more about system installation than I ever wanted to learn! Oh, well. Completed it last night.

    Exercise for me; I'm trying to keep my snacking down.

    P.S.:  I see the last post from Elizabeth was May 4th; not sure if she's scheduled a surgery date?


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011
    Revlon 5K Walk
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Our Revlon 5K walk Team.

    Sorry, couldn't tag that photo - Mike and I are in the upper right-hand corner of this.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Thanks for the snack tips ladies.  Oatmeal has never been a fave of mine (texture), but maybe I'll try it with some yogurt.

    Did one hour yoga class with a friend then went and got coffee and pedicures.  I love happy feet.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Jen:  I love Happy Feet, too!  Glad you enjoyed your yoga, coffee and pedicures.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    I love happy feet need to have a pedi something terrible and pamper myself

    Julie great photo

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Sherry, thanks. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hey Julie, great pic!  Love the guy on the left with the pink cape!!

    I signed up for the Komen Madison Race for the Cure which is June 4.  75% of the money stays local and 25% goes to the national organization.  There are some people who don't like Komen but I've seen some good work in action and personally benefitted from a yoga for BC survivors class they funded.  Plus there's something about being in a crowd with THOUSANDS of people, and HUNDREDS of survivors.  Makes my heart swell with gratitude and love, and awe at the physical evidence of the sheer number of people touched by this disease.

    Maybe I need a good dose of happy feet myself :-)

    Penultimate yoga class today + short pm walk

    3.1 miles / 5,325 steps / 1 hour of exercise