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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    julie, love the picture! thanks for sharing. yes, the dog walked me a bit. she's gorgeous - our tenants' dog, actually - we are watching her while they are on vacation. it's a blast!

    45 minute walk with Lucy (aforementioned Lab) today - plus squats/weights/crunches. sigh on the crunches.

    badger, what is penultimate yoga?

    natsfan, ruth, and everyone else - (sorry, chemo brain and computer illiteracy keep me from scrolling back)- awesome stuff!

    hugs to all.

    ps: pedicures are heaven on earth.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Janyce, penultimate means second-to-last.  Next Weds is the last class. 

    Funny story about that word - my onc's native tongue is Spanish.  When I went in for tx 5 of 6, I said it was my penultimate tx and he made me repeat it.  Said he had never heard that word in English before.  The word in Spanish is penultimo and it means second to last.

    I was going to ask you what is vinyasa yoga?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Had a fun day because I got to talk 7th grade history classes all day about Abraham Lincoln; one of my favorite guys. Tonight I went for a long, fast walk with my neighbor, did 15 minutes of light weights, and now I'm thinking that I need to sit here with my feet up and take an Aleve. Too much on the feet time.

    Fun picture, Julie!

    I want a dog....cats are so 'unwalkable'!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Julie - great picture!!!  Badger - I've seen the pink crowds on TV - it does look inspirational.  Ruth - you got to talk about Lincoln - I remember you saying he was one of your favorites. Cool!  Speaking of walking dogs, our chihuahua's idea of a walk is us carrying her!  Laughing

    Lunchtime yoga yesterday, plus 15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    omg badger i am really losing it ---just tattoo "chemo brain" on my forehead! i was thinking it was the name of the class. oh.dear.embarrassing.

    vinyasa is yoga featuring the sun salutations...lots of chaturanga, downward dog, warriors, etc.

    boo hiss on your yoga class ending. is this just for the summer?

    natsfan - my daughter is mad for chihuahuas.we know one named Fiona and she is total rip. they have the best personalities!

    yoga today, and weights.

    night to all - hugs


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    oh dear janyce, I didn't mean to make you feel bad.  Re-reading my post, I can see exactly why you thought that.  I mislead you, sorry sis!

    yes, class is ending for the summer and although it's on the "honey-do" list the DVD player is still not working.  (It's not broken, he pushed some random button on the remote and it won't play.)  So the only way I could watch a video is on my PC and the set-up is not conducive to yoga here on the front porch.  I am going to have to look into options because I absolutely cannot go all summer without yoga!

    5 miles / 8,604 steps / 45 minutes of exercise today

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Did water aerobics tonight.  Really only missedone day over the last week, just getting lazy about posting - need to fix that.

    Got a new badge from called 'heating up badge' for "burning an amazing amount of calories the past week".  Ha, let's see if it shows on the weigh-in for ELAB tomorrow morning!  Oh, I forgot, they didn't mention that I went over my calorie count at least 2 days this week as well so it may be a wash  <  sigh  >.

    Hopefully will have good weather this weekend so I can get out and walk.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    It was my dad's birthday so we had a little party for him tonight, only had time for 30 minutes of light toning when I got home. I am tired and full of sugar!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Today is Tattoo Day for - yes, I'm finally getting my nip tats!  There's a much-recommended tattoo artist about an hour from here who does 3D nip tats, (Vinnie Myers - check out his portfolio of 3D tats), so I have an appointment today. Plus my dh got a pink ribbon tat after my dx that needs a bit of touching up, so he's getting that done today as well.  Never thought I'd see the day when my dh and I got tattooed together!!  Tongue out Then we're off to the cabin after that.  Nice to take another step out of Cancer World.

    Speaking of yoga, at my Wednesday class the instructor did a session of chair yoga just for fun.  I was surprised what a good session it was.  Balancing a bit on the chair (which means resting just a bit of your butt on it) allowed me to really do full extensions on the warrior-type poses - without worrying as much about keeping my balance, I was able to loosen the muscles and really get into the pose, rather than tightening the muscles to keep balanced.  It was an interesting experience.    

    Mowed the lawn last night.  No exercise this morning yet as I'm off to Home Depot to pick up a bunch of stuff for the cabin - we have all kinds of outdoor chores to do this weekend.   

    Ruth - Happy Birthday to your dad!!  Patoo - it really was the allergies that got you down, cuz you're really getting back into it now.  Sounds like the "heating up" badge is well earned!  Badger - hopefully there's some kind of reset button on the DVD so you can undo whatever your dh did.  You have to be careful pushing random buttons - one time my dh was playing around and accidentally put a channel in "parental control".  We never did figure out how to undo that and never watched that channel again (fortunately it wasn't one we liked much anyway). Janyce - yes, Chihuahuas absolutely have their own personality.  I bet your daughter liked the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Mary, congrats on your tats, it must be great to finally be done.  And thanks for the link - amazing work!

    Did the Capitol boogie today and spent a few minutes on the 6th floor observation deck.

    4.2 miles / 7,222 steps / 45 minutes of exercise

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Just popped some advil.  For some reason body aches from knees to shoulders.  Think it's just being tired.  Will relax for awhile and maybe do some simple marching before bed, which may not be far off if I don't start to feel better. 

    Nats, I think you're right that the allergies got to me.  We've had lots of rain the last couple of days and it really made a difference.  Hopefully the worse is over now.

    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Mary, you will laugh when I tell you I read your e-mail this morning after I got to school, clicked on the link, and then QUICKLY got out of there before any kids or colleagues could enter the room!! Hope your procedure went well. Was in painful?

    Rainy evening, walked 30 minutes on the treadmill & 45 of light toning. Doing some tiny leg & tiny ab work. My incision site is still somewhat tender & twingy. It is all normal, and healing stuff.  I don't know if I should just ignore it and exercise through it or still be careful. Maybe be careful until Monday when it will be 4 weeks. ???

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Mary -- I am so excited for you.  Please tell me about the experience (you can PM me if you don't want to bare it all).  I have my appt and my tickets to fly back so Vinnie can do my nips in August.  His work is so much better than anyone else's that I have seen (IMHO).

    Badger -- I think it is really cool that you actually use the word penultimate in your everyday speech.  I am a vocabulary geek.  I love words, word games and reading.  

    I got dressed for the gym but got waylayed by errands so just did some stuff at home today.  350 stomach crunches and 1100 leg lifts with resistance band.

    My girls are going to a Brownie sleepover camp tomorrow.  They will be gone from 8am Saturday until 10:30am Sunday.  Woohoo!  It's grown-up fun time!!!

    Cheers, Tarts.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    got to the gym for water aerobics and extra water jogging this morning.  scale also showed weight down today - hope I can keep it up.  Now going for some Shop and Sculpt therapy.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    badger - no, no worries! i was laughing at myself. you didn't make me feel bad. i know how you feel about yoga - i'm sending your honey vibes to repair that darn DVD player! and yeah, i love vocabulary too. i used the word "untoward" with my surgeon once and he almost fell off his chair - gotta love those SAT words!

    natsfan - yippee on the tats! another thing to cross off the to do list.

    packjen - i am tired just reading those crunches and leg lifts. that is awesome.enjoy your grown up fun time, every minute of it!

    HB to your dad, ruth! i can relate to the statement "I am tired and full of sugar" - should be my motto lol!

    patoo, hope you're feeling better soon. pollen count is crazy this year.

    a crazily hot yoga yesterday - we were all sweating on those mats. Still trying for a headstand - it's my goal for 2011.

    today, a walk if i'm lucky. at work now, in between patients. i'll post later.

    hugs to all.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    So I ran again for 20 minutes without stopping... which is really good for me.. started running in March at the age of 51 (am I crazy!) pre-DX.  Surgery pushed out one more week until June 8th (my daughter's b-day - ugh!) so i have one more week to whip this body into shape before subjecting it to a UMX with TE recon... I dread the loss of fitness I expect while recouperating... what did you all do to stay somewhat in shape while you healed?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    just got back from a lovely walk in the drizzle.  Made me think of that scene from The Big Chill where the two guys are out walking the property in a light rain, and the city guy points out that fact and the country guy turns his face up to the rain and says, "nice, isn't it?"  The birds were still out so it wasn't pouring by any means, and the scents were amazing!  Thinking of you Carol, how the heck are ya?

    thanks Jen, I have a wealth of trivia stored in my brain, some useful some not LOL!  DH says I should try out for Jeopardy but I'm camera-shy so it's not gonna happen.  Have fun being grown-ups!  ;-)

    LOL janyce, thanks!  There's a fitness center with a yoga studio in downtown Madison and I looked into joining ... they have a yoga-only membership that seems affordable.

    vhshea, I pretty much stuck to walking throughout recovery from surgery and chemo.  Now I do it for entertainment and weight-bearing exercise.  Didn't start yoga until approx six months after bmx so that wasn't a factor in post-surgery recovery.  But it helps me now.  The yogic breathing moves the diaphragm which stimulates movement of lymphatic fluid, which of course is a VERY good thing.  Remember to stay well-hydrated, and be careful of over-doing it after mx, you want to give yourself ample time to heal.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, now I'm gonna be lazy for a while!  {{hugs}}

    2.4 miles / 4,020 steps / 40 minutes of exercise

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    DH and I took a 3 hour hike with the dog (no kids!).  Probably go out for dinner and a movie (no kids!).  Did I mention...NO KIDS!!!

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2011

    Thanks to all of you for your wonderful posts. I've been lurking for a few months (learning & waiting for surgery).  vhshea, it sounds like we're on a pretty similar schedule.  My surgery is June 8th too - right MX with TE recon.  I picked up my running again (at age 61!) after retiring in Jan.  Diagnosed in March and trying to be as strong as possible before surgery.  I did 4 miles today, but very slow - it's already summer here in Miami!  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi goldenmom, I see it's your first post! 

    Welcome to BCO and this wonderful group of ladies.

    I took a lovely nap and awoke to sunny skies.  Maybe an evening stroll.  But, it's turned muggy, and I bet the bugs are out in force.  IDK about you but I am not thrilled about the the idea of insect repellant, but what's the alternative.  Stay inside all summer?  Not gonna happen!

    edit to add I did get out for an evening walk, went 3 miles in 50 mins new # for today:

    5.4 miles / 9,180 steps / 1.5 hours of exercise

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Welcome goldenmom.  Take it easy and just keep some kind of movement after your surgery.  Don't try and start back too fast - there's plenty of time so take care of yourself.

    So, I come across this thread here on BCo:

    not happy since you know I love my water aerobics and was getting back up to 4 one-hour sessions each week.  Wonder if I add iodized salt back into my diet it would help?  Always something....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Hello everyone have had a crazy week Hannah came home from college so late dinners, late nights and kids dropping in at all hours. She went for a 2nd opinion to a specialist in LA and he has her knee surgery scheduled for June 8th with an 80% chance of returning to soccer so we've gone from a very depressed girl to one flying high. Even though it has been crazy around here I have kept up with all my classes and today I've cleaned the house from top to bottom as I have a friend arriving from Australia tomorrow.

    Ruth give your Dad a belated birthday hug from me, glad you're healing even though it's slow you're on the upswing. Patoo if you shower when you get out of the pool wouldn't that wash off the chlorine??? If it isn't one thing it's another ehLaughing. Vshea just do some easy walking and once you're cleared for exercise you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll be up and running again. Welcome Goldenmom, no it doesn't surprise me that you took up running at 61 I think it's fantastic. I'd have never believed I'd be a 61 year old gym rat but I am, hey you can teach old dogs new tricksTongue out. Badger glad you're able to get out and walk hmmm face to the heaven and feel the rain such a wonderful feeling. Sherry big hug for your Dad glad to hear he is doing well. Mary I hope the tattooing went well, too funny you and your DH getting tats together. Julie fabulous picture, I'll give you a wave as I go by at 6.30am, darn these international flights come in early. Night tarts.

    Forgot to say enjoy your evening without the kids JenWink

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I sure wouldn't worry about that, patoo....who is 'someone says' anyway?

    Pakjen, glad you are enjoying your 'Adults (and dogs) Only Weekend'.

    Welcome goldenmom! vhshea, I walked, walked, walked and did a lot of lower body and ab work when recovering from surgery. I kept walking & toning religiously (but at a reduced intensity) during chemo & rads. Be good to yourself, but don't let yourself off the exercise hook entirely during treatment!

    Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 light toning.  DH & I went out to supper at Applebees where I did NOT order off the Weight Watchers menu and I DID have a small Margarita. I figured, just in case the world came to an end tonight, I wanted to make sure my last meal was a tastey one! Wink (Apparently it did not, as it is midnight and I'm still sitting here. Oh well, it was good just the same.)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hi Cheryl, you must have been posting while I was. It is hard to keep up with those kids, isn't it?! If Hannah can play soccer in the fall, will she go back to the mid-west again for school? I know she had been thinking of transfering back to CA after her injury. Does she still have her nice boyfriend? And I imagine if she does, she is missing him. Have fun with your company!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ruth, I posted a big reply and poof it disappeared ughhhhhh.  anyways yes if she can play she will go back now that's todays conversation, tomorrow it may be different - this week has been one roller coaster ride of emotions.  One thing for sure is that she is changing her major to journalism.  While she has been laid up she has been writing sports blogs and they're really good so people have been encouraging her, she's always been a good writer.  Her boyfriend is out here for the summer, got himself a job out here he's a nice mid western boy with impecable manners - he does his Momma proud.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Just a quick note to say "hello".  I will catch up on the individual posts tomorrow.

    Ruth:  Happy Belated Birthday to Dad.  

    hbCheryl:  Sounds like all of you are going through quite a bit this week; hugs to all of you.  Hope Hannah does well with surgery; being from the Midwest I can appreciate nice Midwestern boys (as I'm sure Ruth and Badger do as well Smile) - I married one!  Will catch your wave in a few hours (it's 2:00 a.m Sunday morning).

    Patoo:  Ugh, nothing worse than not getting your favorite exercise in.  Hugs to you.  

    GoldenMom:  Welcome!  Will be thinking of you on June 8!  Glad you picked up running again.

    Mary:  Glad you got your tatoos in; maybe I can persuade my DH to get one at the same time as well.  

    Jen:  Sounds like a good time without kids; glad you enjoyed it.

    Badger:  Drizzly walks are fun, aren't they?  

    Sorry to keep this short, but I'm heading off to bed soon.

    Sandee and Carol:  Missing your posts!

    I bought some pink wigs to wear at the next breast-cancer event (whether it's a walk, get-together or whatever); should be fun.

    Good Night (or should I say "good Sunday morning").


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    mornin' glories - it's a beautiful day!

    got out and walked before it gets hot.

    5.2 miles / 8,929 steps / 1 hour 20 mins of exercise

    if you can... get up, get out, and move today!!!  {{hugs}}

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I posted this on the Arimidex site, but thought you all might find it interesting too.

    Here are some helpful tips I just read for protecting your joints, it's from the Arthritis Foundation:

    1. Maintain your ideal body weight. The more you weigh, the more stress you are putting on your joints, especially your hips, knees, back and feet.

    2. Move your body. Exercise protects joints by strengthening the muscles around them. Strong muscles keep your joints from rubbing against one another, wearing down the cartilage.

    3. Stand up straight. Good posture protects the joints in your neck, back, hips and knees.

    4. Use the big joints. When lifting or carrying, use the largest and strongest joints and hips. This will help you avoid injury or strain on your smaller joints.

    5. Pace yourself. Alternate periods of heavy activity with periods of rest. Repetitive stress on joints for long periods of time can accelerate the wear and tear.

    6. Don't be static. Changing positions regularly will decrease the stiffness in your muscles and joints.

    7. Forget the weekend warrior. Start new activities slowly and safely, and stick to them.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    hbcheryl - thanks - i will do that (have my ipod loaded and ready to go with audio books! - Tana French - fun mystery) .  Also, I am SO jealous of your daughter being home from college - mine graduated this year so no more 'summer breaks' at home :( She is, however, coming home on June 8th, her  b-day, but it is for my MX so hope I do not need to do such extreme things in the future to get her home.  my daughter was a soccer player, too, although she does it for fun now... it would be tough for her not to be able to play at all so i am thrilled with your d's 80% chance (my girl had a knee issue, too, although no surgery).

    badger - walking - i can do that but not immediately, right - how long after the surgery did you all need to wait?

    goldenmom - so glad that there is someone a bit crazier than i am - resuming running at 61!  my new inspiration!

    natsfan - let us know how much you love your new tats! - nats/tats - kinda fun to say!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    vhshea, I took off two weeks from work for bmx.  Did absolutely nothing the first week and very little week two.  It was a month before I could raise my arms over my head.  At six weeks, I no longer needed help reaching things off the top shelf at the grocery store and that's also when I started seriously logging my walking miles.  What does your doc say?