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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Ran 5 miles today, then came back to do free weights, treadmill and vertical leg press.

    I have an "exercise-minded" cat (Robbie). He likes to sit on the treadmill after I've exercised (probably because it's warm). He also decided to cozy up on the bottom part of the vertical leg press against my butt as I was working out. Too funny.

    vhshea: Even though the walk today was slow, you at least got some exercise and mood enhancement. Good for you.

    Mary: LOVE your sense of humor! Baseball tats, Mardi Gras beads and defenestration of one's computer :) I'll have to tell some of my fellow IT employees to do the same on their bad days. Yes, I've added an additional 10 minutes or so on the leg press; I'm determined to get some muscle built up.

    Ronna: Posted the photos of you and Hoda on my Facebook page. Hope you are feeling basically okay today.

    Sherry: Good for you, helping out your MIL with her phone. Hopefully, you can get back out there tomorrow.

    Hello to Everyone Else; I'm off to do some homework.

    HUGS to All.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Body Combat class tonight with the wonderful Eduardo, 5 of us from our gym car pooled, yeah totally worth the drive

    Julie only LA people will understand this, on Sunday morning I left HB at 7.05am picked my friend up at LAX and was back in my house at 8.23am so totally unheard of and no I didn't drive like Mario Andretti just absolutely no traffic. Too funny about your Robbie, someone has dumped a couple of cats in our neighborhood there is one who is desperately trying to come here to live but our Frank is having none of it, sits on the fence and has a "talk off" the sounds that are coming out of him are mind blowing - funny thing is he is the biggest wuss but he sure doesn't want this other guy in his territory. Nats was soooo happy Olivia won BL, wow incredible transformations, don't know that I like new trainer and boo on Cara and Brett not coming back as I liked them. Mary Louise now your garden is done can you come and do mine, I'm planning on working on pots and herb garden this weekend oh and my gardenias are starting to pop and bush is loaded. Sherry good for you for helping our MIL as technology can be daunting as we get older. Ruth good luck with the weigh-in. Take care tarts.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    good morning everyone, we went from the A/C to the furnace overnight, this crazy weather reminds me of me with hot flashes and chills.  But I'll take the cooler temps anyday.

    Love the new vocabulary word defenestration!  I think it would make an excellent protest sign: "Defenestrate Walker" LOL!  So what if only a handful of people knew what it meant.

    Forgot pedometer yesterday so guesstimating mileage.  Walked at noon and PM break.

    4 miles (est) / 50 minutes of exercise     {{hugs}} to all

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011

    Badger we have the same weather up here in Toronto.But it is nice for the golfers and outside exercise.I am busy with yard and garden work again today but I will squeeze in a walk or zip over to the gym for a quick workout. Have a great day Tarts.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Mary Louise - gardening and pool opening absolutely count as exercise!  Now you just need some good warm weather to enjoy that pool.  I have gardening in my plans for this weekend, but relaxing by the pool is also part of the plan!  Julie - good for you for adding the leg press - there's something fun about moving that big stack of weights!  Cheryl - you just knew that one of the sisters was going to win BL. Agreed on the new trainer - she might be a world class athlete, but I didn't hear anything about her experience in training others.  And while I understand why Olivia, Hannah, and others wore slinky dresses to show off their new bodies, I thought Irene's dress was classy and lovely.  And Rulon didn't even deign to show up, but his buddy (can't think of his name) looked amazing. And would it have hurt Austin to put on a shirt and tie?  But most of them looked amazing.  And all female finalists and a female at home winner.  DH looked over and said, "Are women trying to take over the world?"  I said of course, and we'll do a much better job of running the place!  Wink  Badger - your Brewers are killing me!!!  Cry  LOL on the protest sign - it would be perfect for an English teacher to carry!

    Yoga last night and no rain so I got to do my 2 mile round trip walk.  15 minute Lebeds and 2+ mile neighborhood walk this am.  Up .4 pounds for the Wednesday Weigh In - I've been pretty good so I'm not sure why.  I'll just take it as one of those things and keep plugging away. Maybe I can find a way to defenestrate that extra weight!

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Love hearing everyon is doing gardening.  I guess here in Texas I have been ahead of everyone in that department.  My yellow squash is withering as it is getting too not.  My tomatoes and Okra are doing really good.  Going to plant some bush beens this weekend.  My garden is small but DH is going to add on to it for a winter garden.  Have never done that so should be interesting.

    I walked my 3 miles yesterday.  My darn hips hurt so bad.  This tamox is doing a number on my hip joints.  I take 2 Tablespoons twice a day of liguid glucosomne/chondrointin and they still hurt, not as bad but still hurt.  I am really hoping this goes away in time.

    Dad had his first chemo on Monday and so far so good, he has not felt bad.  Guess we will see what today brings. 

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2011

    badger & mumayan - jealous of your cool temps!  It's in the upper 80s here. Looks like my nice, enjoyable outdoor runs will soon be replaced by treadmill workouts. Frown

    Sherryc - good for you on 3 miles in spite of your hip pain. What strong ladies!  Hope your dad continues to tolerate the chemo.

    Well...I'm out the door for a hot 4-miles.  I may need to plan a vacation in a nice, cool climate as part of my recovery! 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2011

    Hello Tart sisters, I am doing alright still strung out on meds for the pain. I am having surgery June 6th. Then I will be pain free. I have been working out in the water 5 days a week working the upper half. My surgery is amazing it will only take an hour and I will be walking around the very next day w/ no  pain. Wow! I so look forward to being off my meds. I read your posts. Glad to hear everyone is doing  well. Sounds like some of you have had a few things going on but have remedidy them. I have been on a chemo break for 3 months. My hair has been growing back not looking forward  to losing it again. I saw a naturopath as well. He is going to start me on High Dose of   Vitamin C twice a week they will take 3 hours for 5 weeks. He has me on all kinds of supplements. He has also put me on a meditterraen diet. I have been on it for a month and have lost 10 lbs so far. I hope it contiues. Have a awesome day and many blessing your way, Elizabeth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Hi all.  No 'true' exercise yesterday.  Will try and walk some tonight.  No, correct that, I will walk tonight no matter what!   There, I said it so now I must do it.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi Tarts, had final yoga class today  Cry  so sad but maybe starting back up this fall.

    But you know how everyone gets so busy in the summer and our activity level rises.

    At least that's the theory, rainy and cold here today so didn't go very far.

    3 miles / 1 hour of exercise

    attawoman Elizabeth and {{hugs}} to all 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Elizabeth, good for you to exercise through the pain and lose weight besides; you are a  SUPER TART! Smile I am excited for your surgery because it will be so tremendous to be rid of the pain, pain meds etc. you will have to post as soon as you are up to it and let us know how it goes.

    Cool and windy but got some walking in and 15 minutes of upper body with Denise Austin. I did my regular weights and it was fine. I think the abs & legs will take longer to get back to 'normal' as I am still a little tender and 'twingy' in the abdominal area.

    I am thinking of planting my flowers this weekend, although we are under a frost warning tonight! Way below normal temperatures around here.

    'Night all! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    ok...sorry I have been away for almost a week and did not check my sites much..brain break....but I am back....did a 10,000 walk last weekend and walked downtown too. Also did my cardiac rehab class today an dhave rethought it all now that they responded to my stress test results and moved things up so it was a bit if a challenge. Not quite there yet but things till be increased again next week! WEEHHA!

    Hope you are all doing well! I wll read botle o tamoxifen and see if I can catch up

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Mary -- I am so pleased to hear about your experience with Vinnie and that you love his work.  It looks like there are 4 of us lined up to see him at NipFest 2011 in August!

    Speaking of words, this may not be PC -- so no offense anyone -- but one of my favorite "protest" signs says: DYSLEXICS UNTIE!!!

    Wonderland -- I did the Casting for Recovery last August and absolutely loved it too.  I was just 5 weeks out of chemo and a bald little chick.  They took such good care of us and it was so nice to meet so many survivors.  For me the most amazing part was when the "River Helpers" arrived.  These men drove from all over the state just to help us -- they held onto us so we wouldn't fall in the river, they helped tie on our flies, they helped us cast.  They were so wonderful.  My helper was a great big guy -- about 6'5" tall -- who drove 5 hours to be there.  He was so excited when I finally caught a fish (about 5" long!).  This was his first time as a River Helper.  As we walked back to the car I asked him if he would do it again and he immediately responded, "Absolutely!"  Those are days I will always cherish.

    No exercise yesterday unless you count pushing a cart around Costco and all the serious tugging to try on bathing suits at Marshalls.  Come to think of it, I did work up a sweat on that activity.

    Today I went back to the gym and did 25 minutes of weights, 350 stomach crunches and 30 minutes on the eliptical.

    Night night, Tarts.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Julie -- loved your story about Robbie curling up to your butt as you excercise.  My poodle, Buster Brown, always tries to lick my face when I lay on the floor to do stomach crunches!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011

    Elizabeth so good to hear from you.Good luck with your surgery and keep us updated.((Hugs)))

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Sherry - my hips got so bad on Femara that I finally asked my PCP for a scrip to a physical therapist.  Even better, she sent me to a physical therapist who was also an acupuncturist.  I only went 3 sessions, but it was wonderful.  The acupuncture gave me some immediate relief, but the thing that helped me the most were some simple hip-stretching exercises. There was one set that was particularly effective, and only takes about 5 minutes, so I try to do those nightly.  That, along with taking yoga twice a week, has really helped my hips. They still get sore, but I'm not waking up in pain in the middle of the night as much. If you're interested, I'll try to describe the exercise to you - let me know. 

    Elizabeth - great to hear from you!!  Good for you for doing the water exercise - you and Patoo are our Water Girls!  Keep us posted on how the surgery goes. Ruth - Frost alert!!??!!  I think we need to chip in and buy North Dakota a calendar - it's Memorial weekend for heaven's sake!  Sandee - hooray on the cardiac rehab finally giving you a bit of a challenge - I know you've been so frustrated about that. Jen - love your "NipFest 2011"- you all will have a blast, and Vinnie is a really nice guy.  How long will you be in the area - maybe we can meet up.  The Casting for Recovery sounds wonderful - and it was great for the men who were the River Helpers to be able to do something concrete to help - I think cancer makes so many men feel helpless because they can't just jump in and fix it for us, so this was a great opportunity for them as well.  Love the protest sign!

    15 minute Lebeds this morning, plus 30 minutes weights/resistance. It's going to be a fun afternoon - dh's company is doing a company canoe trip on the upper Potomac, and they had a couple of extra slots available, so I was invited.  I can't wait!  I think 10 years ago my reaction would be been it's too hot, it's too buggy, I don't want to take a couple of hours off of work, etc. and I would have found excuses to decline.  Now, my first reaction when dh asked if I wanted to go was, "Count me in!!" Cool They said prepare to get wet from head to toe, but since it's supposed to be in the 90's today, that sounds pretty good!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Fun, fun, fun!!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011

    Mary I think I should look into Accupuncture for my hips I have been relying on drugs too much.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    did my 20 minutes of non-stop running.  was hard cause i am out of my every-other-day routine... skipped monday cause i was down in the dumps... the body wants routine...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    NatsFan I have being doing regular yoga until the first of this month when my instructor decided to take 2 months off of teaching classes.  I have been doing yoga tapes and walking since then.  Did a yoga tape last night.  I am really not feeling good today, now my shoulder hurts as well and just feel yucky all over with no real reason to.  I called my PCP but I have an appt with a pain Dr in the morning because of nerve damage from surgery and rads.  So PCP said not to come in today see what the Dr tomorrow has to say and then call him back. I am going to do a private yoga lesson with my instructor tonight so maybe she can loosen me up.  I have not done any PT but accupuncture sounds interesting.  I do not like pain pills. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I like pain pills but they do not like me!!! Walked for an hour & will now try toning of some sort.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hey Tarts, we finally had a beautiful "just right" day.  Picture-perfect WI spring, Julie.  Not too hot/too cold, blue sky, just a light breeze, enough to make you appreciate the warmth of the sun.  Had lunch with a BCO sister so no noon walk but went out when I came home from work. 

    Mary, I love that as a personal motto ~ count me in!  

    (sorry about the Nats getting swept by the Brewers but now they're even, right?)

    Jen, LOL I knew it as, "Bad spellers of the world Untie!" 

    May plant some annuals this weekend, we are not far enough north to have frost advisory. 

    Take care everyone and {{hugs}} to all

    5.4 miles / 9,270 steps / 1 hour 15 mins of exercise

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    30 minutes Pilates DVD, did the beginners modifications and it felt pretty good.

    Mary, I am watching a tribute to Harmon Killebrew at Target Field. Really neat and sad. Rod Carew is talking right now.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Very little exercise this week.  Will be away from the computer for a few days but will hopefully keep up daily movement.  Heard on DVR of recent Dr Oz that will help you keep track of your walking so I will maybe check into that as another resource.

    Everybody enjoy your weekend. 

    Here's the Walgreens link (hope it pasts okay or copy into your browser).  You get coupons and I understand your discounts go up according to how much you walk.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    vh - good for you for getting back out there - obviously you heard The Voices from this thread urging you to get out and get going!  Laughing  Sherry - good for you for getting an appointment with the pain doctor.  Hopefully you can find some relief.  The acupuncture really gave me immediate relief, and the PT exercises have definitely helped.  Hopefully the pain doctor can guide you to some resources and minimize the use of meds.  Let us know how it goes.  Badger - sounds like a perfect Wisconsin summer day!  Ruth - a Pilates DVD - sounds like you're definitely on the mend.  Patoo- the Walgreen's walk site looks interesting - love the idea of discounts!

    The canoe trip was wonderful yesterday, and a couple of hours of paddling is a really good upper body workout.  At one point, we played a sort of soccer on canoes with a floating ball - I actually scored a goal!  Of course that game caused much splashing and more than a few flipped canoes (ours included) but it felt wonderful on a hot day.  I want to go back and do some more canoeing - the wildlife was amazing.  15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes (lower body!) weights/resistance this morning.

    We're going to the Nats - Padres game tonight - my Nats have to win a game sometime, don't they?? It's been a brutal stretch - we just finished a 1-7 road trip - let's hope some home cooking perks them up for tonight.  Oh well, as long as the beer is cold! Cool 

    [edited for spelling - I had Ruth doing a "pileated" workout instead of a Pilates workout - like a pileated woodpecker - I guess that would be a head and neck exercise!]

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    Natsfan - i am so jealous of the canoeing (sp??) - sounds great! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi ladies, today's a day off so I slept in, saw DH off to work, and got out for a walk.  Another beautiful spring day!  I want to get to the greenhouse today for some annuals, and have an appt for a haircut this afternoon.  Other than that, the weekend stretches blissfully ahead.  :-)

    My big goal for the weekend is to reach 1,000 miles walked.  Just 5.6 more miles to go!

    4 miles / 7,000 steps / 1 hour of exercise this morning

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Badger sounds like you had a beautiful day

    Patto thanks for the walgreens site

    Natsfan cannoe sounds wonderful

    Went to the pain Dr. and I am so glad that I did.  For the nerve pain he told me to keep taking the Elavil that I was given by my BS as it is working.  For the breakthrough pain he gave me a compounded cream to use.  I used it after lunch and it worked.  So happy about that.  My hip and shoulder pain he fells is osteoarthritis brought on by radiation.  He went into a long explaination of what radiation can do to alter our bone marrow and cause additional problems.  Of course not everyone has problems but some do.  Even though tamox can cause hip stiffness from the way I was expalaining it he felt it was the arthritis from radiation.  So he told me to continue to use Celebrex since that seems to help and also continue on my yoga as that helps and he will continue to monitor me.  I had a private yoga lesson last night and she really worked on my hips and shoulders since they were bothering me.  Then went home and soaked in a hot tub.  Felt much better this morning.

    Oh and Dad has his first chemo on Monday and nuelesta shop on Tues and never got sick so he has to do this every week so hopefully next week will go good as well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Was geared up to go to yoga class today, since I have gotten the ok from the cardiology folks, and was then told my the massage therapist I went to see because of breast pain and swelling that yoga is not likely the right course fo rme right now because of the many downward positions....ACK! So...have decided to return to pump class and just go with low weights....

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Mary: What a fun time canoeing! Way cool.

    Badger: Hope you had a good day off on your beautiful spring day.

    Sherry: So glad your pain meds are working! Great news about your dad.

    Sandee: Sorry about yoga. Glad you can return to your pump class.

    We have had thunderstorms today so I walked in the house this evening. I set the kitchen timer and power walked for 30 minutes. We have stairs so I included going up and down them.

    The tornado devastation is weighing heavy on my heart.