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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    menium miniscus tear in knee is what I now have. Going to orthopedic dr. tomorrow. First hands, now legs, Oh yeah I forgot breasts, what else is there????

    Will get back tomorrow after dr. appointment.

    Hello all. Love and hugs,

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    badger - my surgery is june 8th but i see the PS on the 1st and will ask for an exercise timetable - your post gives me some guidelines so thank you!

    ronqt1 - i turned 50 last year and had my first 'issue' - a pinced nerve that took three injections to get rid of the pain, and then this year it is BC... if this is what post 50 has in store, i am with you on 'what else is there????' - geez! -- It's not the golden years, it's the rusty years.

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011


    I haven't been to this thread in a while.  I just don't know how you all stay so active.  I really struggle with energy.  I have low thyroid levels and take a med for that, I'm dieting, and then the Tamox seems to really wipe me out energy wise.  Arrrrgg!!  excuses, excuses!!!!  I used to be active before bc and Tamox.  The week & a half I was off all antihormone meds I felt more like my old self, I did eliptical 4 nights that week and walked a mile and a half for lunch each day.  Now that I'm back on it, I feel like a wet wash cloth. no energy. And I get soo nausuas after the eliptical... that never used to happen. I even hate the way I sound on this post.  Who am I and what has happend to the old me? Ok, I know things could be worse, so I'll stop complaining now. 

    On the bright side I bought a watch at Scheels that is suppose to tell you how many calories you are burning and when you are in your peak calorie burning state.  It uses your heart rate.  Granted, it's not out of the box yet, but it will be eventually!!!!!!!   

    ronqt1 - sorry to hear about your knee, hope the doctor appointment is helpful.

    It is pouring rain here today, but it is making everything very very green! 

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2011
    vhshea - "The rusty years"  lol, that's a good one!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Hi All! Did some random toning and did the unusual (for me, anyway) thing of taking a nap. Gearing up the the last week of school! I will increase my weights and try some of my exercise DVDs next week and see what happens.

    Ronna, frustrating!

    Faith, just go slow.... what I've read is that however long you were in 'active treatment', it takes that long again to feel back to normal. Personally, I think it's a lot longer, more like double the time of how long you did treatment to get to the point where you feel like yourself again (if you were in 'active' treatment for 6 months, then I think it takes about another year to feel 100%). Hang in there! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Have been out of town all weekend at a wedding and had a great time.  The down side-- no exercise and eating lots of food. and no one took the calories out.  Oh tomorrow is a new day and will start back with exercising.  Read through the post and now can't remember any of it.  Think I am too tired from a very busy weekend.  Going to bed early tonight.  My Dad is starting chemo tomorrow.  DH is taking my parents for the first one.  Hope it is not too hard on him, but he is having a good attitude about giving it a try.  The MO said they are only going to do chemo for his lung cancer and not the colon cancer and the lung is the more aggressive.  Said they may have to address the colon with chemo at a later date but will take it one day at a time.  Then my Mom ask how long all this chemo is going to go on and he said indefinalty.  I think she thought they were going to do chemo and then he would finished she really did not get it before.  I think it is finally sinking in to her that this is going to be a long road for them to travel.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Hi all.  Services at 2 different churches today so no "formal" exercise, just dancing during praise and worship at both churches.  Hey, movement is movement.  I also watched what I ate today so it's all good.

    Going up in a few to pack my gym bag for tomorrow, read a little and go to bed.  Night my sculpted friends.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    Hi Ladies got back on Sat from the BC Cruise and tried on my gown for the upcomming wedding.No problem and I wasn't even wearing my spanx yet.Tongue out I still have  my dress fitting today.but am not anticipating any problems.I was fitted for a pair of Amoena  free form breasts on the cruise ship and was told they would arrive before the wedding.All is well with me now just have to get my butt into the gym.Tongue outSorry I did not yet have time to catch up on all the posts but will do so this week.Keep onmoving Ladies.
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Ladies: good morning. I need knee surgery so out of gym for 3 months as of today. I will try and go to volunteering as long as they let me. (it is in hospital). Now problems with insurance for facility. Same day stuff with pt, and then 6 weeks should be new, and then back to PS for reconstruction issues. 

    You are the strongest group of gals I have met. There is no one at home anywhere like you gals.

    I love you all.

    Yes, I turned 59 and everything went down hill.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    P.S. I just turned 62. Please, stop the madness.


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2011

    Mumayan -- was the cruise a blast?  Congrats on fitting into your dress.  That must be a relief.

    Ronna -- I wish I could stop your madness!!  Do you have someone at home to help you out after your surgery?  I sure hope so.  Take it as easy as possible.

    DH and I went to see "Bridesmaids" this weekend.  Pretty raunchy, but quite funny.

    Today I did 20 minutes of weights, 400 stomach crunches, 30 minutes on the rowing machine and 3 very fast miles on the bike.  I was one sweaty tart!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    weddings and cruises and knees - oh my! 

    Happy Birthday Ronna!!  Hope the new knee eases your pain and gets you back in those Zumba pants.

    Got out and walked at lunch and then again on afternoon break.  Good thing as I was glued to my desk most of the day. 

    Faithroad, I started slowly and have built up an exercise habit, I want to get out and move every day.  I build walking into my daily routine as it is one of the most important things we can do to prevent recurrance.  You've done the hardest part which is starting.  Ruth is right, take time to heal - give yourself a break - and keep moving as much as you can.

    supper is ready, gotta run  {{hugs}} to all

    4.25 miles / 7,300 steps / 50 minutes of exercise

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Sorry everyone - this is going to be a long post but I have so much to catch up on!! 

    Ruth - LOL on your viewing of the nip tat pix at school - I should have tagged the link as NSFW (Not Safe For Work)!  And no, getting the tats wasn't painful at all since I'm totally numb. Undecided Getting a tat must hurt, given the grimace on dh's face the whole time Vinnie was working on him. 

    Next section may be TMI ladies, so feel free to skip.  These tats are incredible!!  I'm so glad I did them.  Vinnie does amazing work - I now understand why women come from all over North America and even overseas to have him do their nip tats.  I didn't have surgical nips, so the skin is completely smooth.  Yet as I look at the tats in the mirror, it looks like they're real with depth and texture - the 3D effect is amazing.  Not only is the shading around the nipple perfect, but he even does the tat to show the Montgomery glands (those little dots in the areola around the nipple).  I looked at the pictures on his website before going and thought they looked good, but it's hard to tell with just a picture.  But it's amazing - they look just as real in person.  The quality of the work is so good, and they're so realistic looking and . . .  I can't show them to anybody!!!!   (Well, I could, but I think it'd be a bit strange to go up to neighbors, co-workers, and total strangers and flash them - Surprised) Jen, I think you're going to be thrilled when Vinnie does yours in August.  Please feel free to ask any questions - it was a great experience all the way around.  

    Ruth - sounds like you're feeling better, but don't overdo! 

    Badger, Jen & Elm- I love words too!  Penultimate is one of my favorites.  Defenestrate is one of my favorites too (means to throw something out the window).  I'm in IT and when someone at work is having horrible computer issues, I look at them gravely and tell them that the only thing to do with their PC is a complete defenestration! Cool  

    Patoo - you're back in the pool!  I'm so glad you're finally getting out of Allergy Land! And I've read some of the same stuff about chlorine being bad, and I'm going to have to see a LOT more definitive studies before I give up the pool. So come on in - the water is fine!

    Vhshea & Golden - I'm impressed with your running! I also walked a lot after surgery as my surgeons encouraged it.  About 6 weeks out of surgery is when I was generally cleared to do normal activity.   

    Vhshea - Nats Tats - I like it!!!  Laughing  My husband did tease that he thought I should get baseball tats instead, but I vetoed that idea!

    Cheryl - hope all goes well for Hannah's surgery.  My dh got his start in Joplin Missouri, but was born in California.  (His mom was 5 months pregnant when they moved.)  Does that count as a nice Midwestern boy? He called his mom today after seeing the devastation in Joplin - his parents are in California now, but they figure that both of their childhood houses, the pool where they met, and other places that meant so much to them are gone.  I've been in Joplin, and it's hard to believe the pictures I'm seeing on TV are the same place I visited.  My heart goes out to the folks there.

    Ronna - not fair to have knee issues now.  Hang in there girl! 

    Faith - start slow and keep going.  Even a 10 minute walk every morning is something.  That's how I started out.  I agree with Ruth about taking the time you were in active treatment and doubling it before you really start feeling back to your old strength again.

    Sherry - calories eaten at a wedding don't count!  Hugs to your family as your dad starts his treatment.  

    Mum - the cruise sounds wonderful!!!! 

    Had a good weekend at the cabin - mowed the lawn and did more planting.  Did my 15 Lebeds and 30 minutes jogging/walking this morning.  

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    Basebat tats - now that is funny!

  • shiramg
    shiramg Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2011

    hi ladies,

    every time i come to this forum i see this "lets post our daily excersize" and i long for the day that i can participate.  i started running again a few months back but it was only once a week.

    i'm now proud to say that i have been running 3-4 times a week now for the last 6 weeks!  i cannot wait to feel normal again.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    YAY Shiramg.  When we think it's taking sooooooo long, then next thing you know the time has passed.  So, everyone, take your time when healing because you will get there again.

    Got to the pool tonight and did a water aerobics class for 60 mins then stayed and ran in the pool for another 15 mins.  That made me way below my calorie count on and I'm not even going to eat them all (I have enough days that I go over!)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Keep up the good work Shiramg. Each day will get you closer to your new normal.

    Patoo: the pool sounds delightful!

    Mary: how exciting for you and your beautiful new tats.

    Ronna: sorry about your knee.

    I haven't been posting much lately but I have kept up my walking, exercising, and gardening.

    I was selected to be a participant in the Casting for Recovery retreat for North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia area. What an awesome weekend!!! I learned how to fly fish! I wasn't very good at it BUT I had a great time doing it. It's nice, gentle exercise for your arm. Check out their website. I applied 3 times before I was accepted - it was well worth it!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2011

    Wonderland, I've heard about that retreat and looked at their website once.   I'm too squeamish (sp?) for fly fishing.  Glad you had a good time.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Mum, congratulations on the dress...maybe you can skip the spandex altogether!

    Ronna, sorry about the knee. We will have to have all our defective parts repaired so that we will be good to go for another 100,000 miles!

    Mary, probably don't flash total strangers! Glad they turned out so well and that you are having fun with them (who, before BC, would have ever thought that they would be having a discussion about nipples on the internet?! Tongue out).

    Wonderland, my DH would have loved the fishing weekend. I just like fish on my plate; caught, cleaned and cooked by someone else!!!

    Shiramg, now that you have posted, you are automatically a member of our exercise club!! Welcome and keep coming back.

    Patoo, I ate all your extra calories today for you. It is the last week of school so there are treats all over the building. Yikes, and I'm a girl who can't say no! Besides too much food, I got no exercise today because I worked late, stopped in to see my dad and then went straight to my Book Club (more food, plus wine). I will have to make up for it later in the week.

    Goodnight, tartly ones! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Tonight I did a crazy crazy spin class, I am exhausted. Welcome Shiramag so glad to have you join us and day by day it does get easier. Mum woohoo on a gown that fits sans spanx, was the cruise loads of fun and did you go on your own or in a group? Oh and any belly dancing per chanceLaughing Ronna I'm so sorry to hear that you have to have surgery but you are in good shape and that will help you bounce back, when are you having the surgery? Okay Nats you can go to Mardi Gras next year and flash the crowd and you'll get pretty beads, just sayin Tongue out glad it was such a good experience. The devastation in Joplin is unbelievable and so heartbreaking. Ahhh Ruth book club night you girls always have fabulous treats, and there are no calories in "teacher treats" so go ahead and indulge. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011

    Hey, Everyone:

    It's FUN being on vacation for two weeks!  

    Shiramag, I add my "welcome" to the others above - glad you can join us!  And I'm glad you're back running again.  My running keeps me sane - I've often gone for a run in a total bad mood, and then come back in a much-better mood.  Keep up the good work!

    Mary:  Glad the tatooing went well!  Geez, I'd consider having Vinnie do mine as well, but I've already scheduled my surgery.  Maybe you can post them on the photo portion of  I am going to do that when I am finished with my reconstruction.  I am so sorry about your DH's parents' childhood homes are gone.  Although they still have the memories, these places are always nice to revisit.  Hugs to all of you.

    Faith:  Here's hoping you feel better soon; don't worry about complaining; we all do that on this thread.  At least, you are trying.

     Mumayan:  Glad to hear the dress fits with no Spandex!  That's always rewarding.  Enjoy the wedding.

    Wonderland:  That's great you were selected to participate in Casting for Recovery Retreat.  Who cares if you were good or not; you enjoyed yourself, that is what counts.

    hbCheryl:  Caught your early morning wave as you drove up to LAX; sent you one today as I ran.  I haven't been able to scroll back through these threads; what is the latest on Hannah - sounds like her surgery is scheduled.

    Ruth:   Those treats are difficult to avoid, aren't they?  So difficult to avoid, and then, of course, there's always the seasonal candy that we love.  

    Ronna:  I feel your frustration.  It's like - when will this end???  As Cheryl said, you are in good shape (all those Zumba classes!) and you'll be back working out in no time.

    Sherry:  Good luck to your Dad; glad he has a positive attitude.  Hugs to your Mom and the rest of you during the chemo process.  As mentioned above, calories consumed at a wedding don't count!

    Jen:  As always, you inspire me with your exercise routine; 400 stomach crunches!  I've been doing 5 minutes of sit-ups; should probably do many more.  

    Badger:  At least you got a break at noon; those glued-to-your-desk days can make exercising difficult.  I'm missing the spring time back there.

    Patoo:  Dancing during praise at Church definitely counts as exercise - spiritual exercise as well.  

    Carol, we're missing you!  

    Sandee is on vacation this week; got a PM from her.  I think she said she is out exercising as well.

    {{{HUGS}}} to Everyone (including those I missed).

    Did 5 miles running today, then came back and did free weights and the treadmill for about an hour.  I've started using my vertical leg press and can only do about 10 minutes repetition on it - I don't want to overdo.

    Boy, we've had some cat "fights" in our condo - our newest cat, Joey, is still settling in and the rest are getting used to him somewhat.   There is hissing and spitting, but nobody gets physical, and they usually work it out.  Fun, fun.

    Off to bed - it's 1:00 a.m. here.

    G'night, Fellow Tarts!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2011
    Aren't We Sweet?
  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    julie - so right you are about running and moods.  i've been pissy about something that happened on Friday - so bad that i could NOT drag my butt out of bed to run yesterday morning... and this morning.. ugh - but i did my run and my mood is so much better (the start was way slow though!).

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Cheryl - you're right - I'd get great beads at Mardi Gras now!  Tongue out  Right after my surgery when things were really raw looking I used to tease my dh that I could clear Bourbon St in a heartbeat - all I'd have to do is flash and everyone would run away!  Ruth - LOL the girl who can't say no.  Now of course I have that tune running through my head!  Shira - welcome and great job on the running!!  Now you have to keep coming back here to post your exercise!  Julile - you've really kicked it up a notch - impressive!  Badger - your Brewers killed my Nats last night - that was one ugly game for us.  Cry

    This morning I did 15 minute Lebeds, plus I lasted for 2 and a half tabata intervals on the elliptical (how does anyone ever do the full 8???), plus I did a half an hour on the elliptical (steady pace, not tabata intervals!).

    Rain predicted for this afternoon - usually I walk to yoga class, so we'll see how bad it is.  

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2011
    Already cut the lawn and did some weeding this morning now I am off the grocery store.and the gym.My gym is above the grocery store.Tongue out
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Shiramg-congrats on the running

    I had good intentions of doing some form of exercise yesterday, but my MIL had a meltdown over her new telephone that I ended up there after work trying to teach her how to work it.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    NatsFan - OMG - you are so cracking me up! "I'd get great beads at Mardi Gras now! "

  • shiramg
    shiramg Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2011

    thanks everyone!  glad to officially be a part of this group!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes of toning. Went to a retirement party after school.....more cake. I am so screwed at Wednesday Weigh In tomorrow!!!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2011

    Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow either Ruth!!!

    Today I managed to get ina 50 minute walk - loved it!!  This past weekend (Monday was a holiday for us), we managed to get the pool up and running, our pond plants split and re-potted and the garden half planted..... that will have to count for my "formal" excercise!