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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Wonderland- excellent that you included steps! I walked up a big hill yesterday and did not feel out of breath at all....which I had pre-heart attack so how is that for a new way to appreciate life...think I will find more hills to walk up!

    I cannot imagine experiencing a tornado...I have experienced an earthquake and a number of big hurricanes but a tornado...just the thought of it scare me...such a violent force of heart goes out to those who have been affected by them

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2011

    After complaining for over a year about a sore throat and nothing showing up, my Dad has now been diagnosed with throat cancer.  It took 2 lymph nodes to swell up to be able to catch it.  Am very heavy hearted, but we are a very close family (all 6 of us were together meeting 2 surgeons, Rad Onc and others) and have been able to keep our spirits up.  It really does stink though!  He will need a peg tube (feeding) inserted in his stomach and 7 weeks of radiation (which may cause the need for a traecheostomy (sp).....we still need to meet with Med Onc.  The past few weeks have been tough, but now we are getting a game plan!!   We go back for the simulation for the rads and a mold made for his head.  Going to be a very busy summer, so will really have to work hard to keep up with regular excercise....... BUT, will try!!

    Sorry to be a downer..... Prayers would be welcomed!  Thanks 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    {{Mary Louise}} so sorry about that news, sending a prayer right now.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Badger!

    Hope everyone enjoys their week end!  I believe most of you have a long week end?  Get out there and enjoy it!!

    Trying to follow this saying...  Worrying won't change tomorrow but it will rob the joy from today!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hey Tarts, just a quick post.  I hit 1,000 miles this morning!

    6.1 miles / 10,475 steps / 1 hour 30 minutes of exercise

    hope you all have a great weekend, I'm planting flowers today.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited May 2011

    Way to go, Badger!  You hit a milestone that is quite impressive!

    I managed to pull my butt out of bed this morning and do my 20 minute run-- was tough.  Went dancing last night so this morning came waaay toooooo early - (as they say, I wouldn't mind morning so much if it didn't come so early)...cutting loose while i can before the surgery on the 8th...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Mary Louise, I am so sorry about your dad's news. Thank goodness for your close family, that will help you all get through this together.

    Last day of school was yesterday, so got lots of exercise cleaning the room, dragging things out to my car, etc. later I did 30 minutes on the treadmiill & 30 of toning (then thought about, but did not take, a pain pill before I went to bed!).

    Got up & walked with my newly diagnosed friend. She met with her oncologist and has a long stretch of chemo ahead....she has a positive "I want to do everything possible, because I only want to do this once' attitude which will help her through.

    I do want to share what her oncologist told her when they were talking......he said that he could not emphasis enough the importance of exercise.....that it is the single most important thing that we can do for ourselves, not only to make it through treatment O.K. but to prevent recurrence. According to him, nothing else we can do; special diets, supplements, doing or not doing anything else, can hold a candle to the importance of exercise. WOW! That gave me goosebumps! Lets keep moving it, ladies!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2011

    Vacuumed the whole house today.... took over an hour, so made sure that I posted it to and got over 230 calories burned for it!!

    Sun is just coming out, so may get out for a quick walk today yet.

    Thanks Ruth...... needed the motivation to get moving again! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Planted flowers all afternoon.....must have burned 50 million calories. Holy cow, that is hard work!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited May 2011

    Julie, love the sweetarts post.

    Hope everyone will be doing something that they will enjoy this weekend. Thank you for your concerns about my lousy knee. Still waiting for a "date". So not happy. Having not gone to zumba for almost 2 weeks now, it feels better, but still swollen.

    Ruth, glad you are back on schedule with your execercise.

    Welcome Shiramag and Wonderland, Congrats on your run.

    Cheryl, my heart goes out to all in Joplin. Just ain't fair.

    Well, I really have to watch my food intake with no burning of calories. In a way, that might be good.

    In a crappy mood, but I will sign off with big hugs to all and a good weekend.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    A hug to you, Ronna. Start calling them and bugging about getting a date set up. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    hi all, managed to get in a walk this morning before the thunderstorms rolled in.  Have had the PC powered down most of the day.  Am reading the new John Sandford (Lucas Davenport) paperback, Storm Prey.  Got most of my flowers planted but not all, hopefully I can get them in tomorrow.

    3.8 miles / 6,522 steps / 1 hour of exercise

    edited to correct author's last name  :-)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Did 30 minutes upper body, 15 minutes buns, 10 minutes thighs and 5 of abs. Have to kind do a half-assed job on any lower body stuff (sorry for that phrase, couldn't think of a more accurate description), but this was the first time I was able do any abs at all since the I am happy about that. Ate my way through the day at various graduation parties......need to be good, need to be good, need to be good........

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2011

    Ruth, I totally blew my diet yesterday too, good thing for exercise & congrats on abs!

    Walked this morning before it gets too hot, supposed to be near 90 and it's humid already.

    Thought of how yoga has changed my stance and stride for the better.

    I want a bumper sticker that says, "I (heart) my psoas ~ Namaste"

    I (heart) you guys too.  {{hugs}} to all

    Now on to planting the last of the annuals..

    4.8 miles / 8,238 steps / 1.25 hrs of exercise

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    We had a big thunder/hail storm about 7am. The rain is pouring down, lightening is striking, and where am I? Rushing outside to pull down the extender on the downspout so my new plants don't drown and then scooping out the water they are sitting in with a little cup!!!

    It is still dark, cold and windy, so I guess the rest of my exercise today will be in the basement today. Happy Memorial Day and blessing to the the past and present members of the Armed Forces and to their families, as they also make enormous sacrifices for their country.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Did 30 minutes Cardio Dance Party (the non-bounce version) and 30 of toning. Starting the dreadful task of going through closets and drawers; sorting and throwing. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Mary Louise- sorry to hear your news of your dad...will send love his and your way.,

    Ruth- I have no dbout believing your oncologist...not having been able to exercise while waiting to see my cardiologist (tomorrow!!) has been killing me...exercising through breast cancer and other crises was the gift I gave myself. I have a pump class eyed on the calendar for tomorrow night. Went to cardiac rehab class today and they moved up all my numbers again...determined to get my heart rate up to 20 or 22!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Mary Louise: So sorry about your father. Glad he has treatment plan already.

    Ruth: how has your sorting and throwing been going?

    Big "HI" to everyone. Sending a special prayer to all who died for us.

    It's hot and going to get hotter. DH and I walked our neighborhood this evening - 1.1 miles.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    Be careful when you are outside, Wonderland. I just talked to my Raleigh sister who said that she got three woodticks mowing the yard today. Yuck! The sorting and throwing is going to take awhile since I let things pile up for the whole school year..........

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited May 2011

    Ruth: I was just feeling my head to see if I had a tick right before I read your post! Luckily it was just some loose scalp. Ticks are nasty and scary. Glad your sister found those 3 on her so she could remove them.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Hello everyone, my company has moved on and now I'm getting ready for my next visitor on Friday but I will say that I didn't miss exercise one day while my friend was visiting, it is what I do for myself. Ruth how wonderful that your friend has you in her life and I feel so validated by what her doctor said about exercise. Mary Louise I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad so good that he has all of you in his corner. Sandee how are you feeling, are you frustrated by all of your restrictions?  Badger congratulations on reaching the 1000-mile milestone, you've walked 1/3rd of the USA.  I spent today planting flowerpots 23 of them and yesterday I laid sod, I didn't do a very good job as it's a bit wonky but I did it and that's what counts, oh and tonight my gym boyfriends came over and brought me home made Vietnamese dinner it was truly amazingly delicious. Hugs to all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2011

    Elizabeth so good to hear from you and happy happy happy that you'll soon be pain free woohooooo you are a true warrior woman and my heroine.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited May 2011

    I walked for an hour in the windy, windy weather. If I had an umbrella, I could have been like Mary Poppins and flown over the city! I want a Vietnamese boyfriend to bring me amazingly delicious food!!!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2011

    Sherry - good to hear that the yoga and soak in a hot tub helped ease the hip pain. And I'm glad your dad's first chemo went so smoothly. Mary Louise - I am so sorry to hear of your dad's dx.  Hugs to you and your family. Badger - congrats on the 1,000 miles!  As Cheryl says, you've walked 1/3 of the was across the country!  Ronna - hope you get that date for your knee soon!  Ruth - great to hear that you're getting back to normal activities - flying by umbrella excluded!  We were at the Nats game Friday night, and they did a nice tribute to Harmon K. and had a long moment of silence for him.  He's also on the cover of the current program.  Sandee - congrats on the cardio progress!  You must be their star patient.  Cheryl - home made dinner from Vietnamese boyfriends - you're doing something right, girl!  Cool

    Lots of yard work this weekend - we made 4 trips to the transfer station with my Outback crammed to the brim with yard trimmings, leaves, etc.  It looks so much nicer now in the backyard.  But I blew all those lovely calories earned by going out to dinner Saturday, then having a friend over for a swim and cookout Sunday.  I topped off the holiday weekend with a hot hot hot hot Nats-Phillies game yesterday.  It was so hot at the game I didn't even have a beer - just water - and you know it's hot when I forgo beer at a baseball game! Tongue out

    I was exhausted from the heat, so I slept in this morning, so no morning exercise for me.  Tonight is yoga night - it's in the mid-90's now, so it's going to be a hot walk to the rec center for class - hopefully I'll sweat off all kinds of weight before tomorrow's Wednesday Weigh In.   Laughing

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2011

    Returned to exercize classes today...had to wait for the cadiologist's ok and it this afternoon so went to pump this evening. !!!! Felt great to be back at it....did 10 minutes warm up on the treadmill as well at a higher rate than I had been going at pre-heart attack and was able to jog!!!! Wow!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited June 2011

    Hooray for Sandee!!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    My apologies for being gone and AWOL for such a long time! Got very stressed over the weekend; too much going on, I think - what with the software set-up and other issues. One of our dear friends discovered that her cat has kidney issues, so we spent the weekend helping her through this.

    Elizabeth: I've noted your surgery date on my calendar. Will be praying for you and thinking of you that day. As Ruth says, most impressive of you to exercise through the pain and lose weight.

    Mary Louise: So sorry about your Dad. Will be sending many, many prayers.

    Cheryl: That is a VERY impressive drive - agreed, when we dodge traffic out here, it is a minor miracle! Good for you. And I can just hear the cats "communicating"!

    Badger: Wish I'd been back for the "picture-perfect" day in WI. Congratulations on hitting 1,000 miles.

    Ruth: Frost? Good grief! Agree with Mary; North Dakota definitely needs a calendar. Glad your friend's oncologist emphasized the importance of exercise and that you are there for her.

    Sandee: Doing the Happy Dance for you; I'm so glad you are back at exercise classes - WONDERFUL!

    Ronna: Waiting with you for the surgery date.

    Mary: Are women trying to take over the world? Absolutely! Glad the acupuncture is helping. I'd sign up for that canoe trip, too; I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.

    Jen: Lucky you (and I'm serious when I say this!) - you have a dog to lick your face! We don't have time to walk dogs (hence the 7 cats), but I miss dogs and their affection. In my humble opinion, there is no higher honor than having a dog lick your face. Miss it!

    Sherry: Glad your Dad seems to be tolerating chemo without getting sick. And, it's wonderful that the Elavil and compounded cream is working.

    Wonderland: I'm sorry that the tornado damage is weighing heavily on you - the news photos are heartbreaking. So much damage.

    vhshea: Yep, I understand about morning coming too early! Keep cutting loose until the 8th; I'll add your surgery date to my calendar as well and will send prayers and thoughts of strength that day.

    Patoo: We will miss you!

    Hello to Everyone Else - the number of Tarts posting has really increased, so I'm hoping I don't leave anyone out.

    Had a VERY interesting run last week. As I indicated, I was on vacation, which means I do 5 miles round-trip. We've had some very windy weather; I ran past some trees on my way to the 2.5 mile mark; it wasn't 20 minutes later when I was coming back that I noticed a large branch had fallen on the sidewalk. The next day, the City of Torrance had cleaned it up and sawed it into pieces. Well, that branch was 3" in diameter and could have caused me some major physical damage. I am very grateful that it did NOT fall on me!

    HUGS - it always makes me feel better catching up on the posts here.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Hi all - I'm back!  Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas is a great place.  Got my exercise in every day because there's lots and lots and lots and lots and lots, did I say lots, of walking to get around the resort to all the different amenities/activities, etc.  Also got in at least an hour a day running in one of the pools and in the Caribbean Sea!  Would have been great for weight loss if I hadn't also eaten every high calorie meal and dessert put in front of me.   Oh well, 4 days of indulgence will be overcome in about 4 months. 

    Bushed, so off to my own bed.  Night my sculpted friends.

    MaryLouise, prayers going up for your family. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited June 2011

    Sandee: Glad you were able to get back into your exercise class!

    Julie: thank goodness you weren't around when the branch fell!

    patoo: how exciting - the Bahamas! I am envisioning the Caribbean as I write this.

    Good evening to all.

    HOT here! DH and I waited until 8pm to walked 1.1 miles around the neighborhood. I'm getting worried thinking what temperatures July and August will hold if it's so hot now.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2011

    Mary Louise, a prayer for you and your dad.

    I'm just saying hi, I have lots to say-son graduated from college, so I have been busy with moving, graduation family yadda yadda.

    Tomorrow 6 monther mammo follow up and then all the docs for the next several days.  I'll keep you posted.  I feel good.  I have SO much to say and I will say it.

