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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    Did Body Step class tonight and after a weekend of yard work I really "felt" it but I muddled through - could hardly wait for the ab work so I could lay on the floorCry.

    Nats didn't you know that calories consumed after yard work are non counting, I have to say that cause I had ice cream after yard work yesterdaySurprised and your canoe trip sounded fantastic and a great upper body workout to boot. Julie so glad the tree branch didn't fall on you, it has been crazy here hasn't it but I think we've sent it on to Ruth. Ruth we sent you the wind so that it would blow winter awayKiss. Oh Patoo Atlantis how fabulous, aren't those pools amazing and do they still have that massive fish tank in the restaurant? Ronna did you get your knee surgery scheduled. Sherry hope your dad is doing well. Good to hear from you Kim. I am off to bed as I am exhausted, Nite all

  • Patriotic
    Patriotic Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2011

    35 mins brisk walking on treadmill. Way to keep us motivated!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    mornin' Tarts, good to hear from everyone and welcome Patriotic.

    Got in a wonderful walk in the nice cool Capitol over lunch yesterday.

    I am getting stronger as I can jog up four sets of stairs without having to stop and pant.

    (I still pant, I just don't stop. Then I walk some more until I breathe normally again.)

    Walk at work challenge starts today.  We have a team of six and count miles walked during breaks.  Keep moving ladies!

    5.6 miles / 9,620 steps / 1.25 hours of exercise

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Walked the round trip to yoga last night (mile each way) in the heat, so muscles were loose and relaxed for yoga class!  15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  T-storms predicted for today so hopefully that will break this heat wave without doing too much wind/rain/hail damage.  It's been scorching - our normal high this time of year is about 80, and we've been in the mid-90's!  Surprised

    Kim - good luck with the mammo and all the follow up appointments.  Cheryl- good to know that calories after yard work don't count!  Patoo - your trip sounds wonderful! I just changed my wallpaper on my PC to a Caribbean scene thinking about those blue seas. Badger - it's great that you can see the progress you're making on the steps!  Cool

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2011

    Getting my big toe wet with a SHORT post... yes, I'm still alive Cool  Been in a funk but OK.  Anxiety/depression over life issues, you know how it goes.

    I've exercised the last two days in a row (big whoop, right? but I have to start somewhere) and my ankle is finally holding its own (still lumpy but not flaring up over exercise).  Will post more in a week or so but just wanted to say hi for now.  I will try to read this week and catch up a bit.

    Missed you all!  Big group hug!!! 

    PS  Last 6-mo mammo, a few weeks ago, came back all clear, but I was sweating bullets while I waited.  But, very happy for good news! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011
    Carol - I've been thinking about you - You're the person on the thread who is most appreciative when I post nature stuff - like seeing a scarlet tanager at the cabin a few weeks ago or putting the hummer feeder out for the first time in April and having a hummer there within 5 minutes!  Welcome back!  And congrats on the good mammo news!  Now that you're back The Voices will definitely get you moving and back in the swing of things, so no excuses!!!  Tongue out 
  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2011

    A quickie update-my mammo was clear, but with a couple of NERVE WRACKING glitches.

    First glitch-the brand new digital machine did not release me on the last picture.  It was the chest wall-squeeze the boob from left and right view.  The tech said, "go ahead and step back" and I said "it hasn't released me."  She didn't panic, but she tried to get it to manually release and it wouldn't.  After making sure I wasn't going to pass out, she ran and got another person and they got it to release.  The little digital reader at the bottom said "compression failure."  My boob-the one I have been working so hard to get softer-now has a nice bruise on it.

    Second glitch-the radiologist didn't realize I had TWO surgeries on one boob (two lumpectomies if you will) and thought the scar distortion was possible ILC.  So I went in for an ultrasound, and after it was done (about a half an hour) I waited about another half an hour.  She read the entire surgical notes-because it is a little unusual to have that type of "double lumpectomy" surgery I guess-and then came back and while she said she was sorry, she didn't realize the second surgery was there-and said it was all distortion from new scar tissue.  I just said I was glad they were looking that closely....although NERVE WRACKING AGAIN!

    So now all of you can ask if there have been any instances of the machine not releasing and what they do if that happens-because it did to me!  Are we having fun yet?

    ;)  More later xo. 

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2011

    hot here in dallas, too... ran this morning at 630 and it was 80 degrees already

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2011

    Kim - I had the same thing happen to me!!!  She was able to get it to release on her own though!  Kinda scary for a bit, eh??

    Thank you everyone for the prayers!!  I know it is going to be a long road this summer, but we will pull together to get my Dad through this.  The concern I have is that he is starting Rads in the condition that he should be finishing in!!  Hope we can get him through this ok!

    Actually got a half hour walk in this morning and will be going shortly for another one!  Must keep my health up too, ya know!  Innocent

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2011
    I have been battling a bronchial virus since last Friday but today I actually got out of the house. My antibiotics are starting to work but I am not yet ready to exercise.I still need an inhaler twice a day.I think I may have to wait until after my daughters wedding until I venture back to the gym.The wedding is in 10 days and we still have alot to do.Tongue out
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Kim:  Oh, good grief!  Too scary - I've heard of mammogram machines not releasing people!  So sorry for the bruise!  And the waiting for the ultrasound results . . . ugh.  Nothing worse than waiting.  I'm glad the mammogram was clear (after all of that).

    Mumayan:  Feel better!  Hope you can at least get a little exercise in before the wedding.

    Just a brief fly-by to say "hi"'; will catch up with the daily posts later.

    Ran 4.6 miles today; home soon to resistance train and use my new vertical leg press.  

    Goofy cat Robbie decided to try and swat at my tennis shoe laces while I was using the vertical leg press last night - silly thing!


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2011

    Carol: So glad you're back! Keep climbing out of your funk one step at a time. Congrates on your ankle and especially your good mammo!!!

    Kim: I can't imagine how you felt being trapped! And then the radiologist not knowing about your 2 surgeries. You are having too much fun. Tongue out

    Mary Louise: I'm saying a prayer for your dad and your family.

    Mum: Oh no! Keep getting better before the wedding! Thinking of you.

    No exercise tonight. TOO HOT!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Wonderland- being back in PUMp class last nigh was great...lower weight but I lasted the whole hour....and today I did my hour cardiac class and was walking briskly at 3.9 and an incline and then 50-55 on the bike so....getting there. Did have to ask for a pillow or higher chair for the arm bike though...did not work my shoulders but my forearms sure were tired. Trying the bosom buddy dragon boat rowing tomorrow after work....that should leave me pooped!

    Dazed and confused- note to self...check that there is a remote release button on the machine next Tuesday. So sorry you were bruised!

    natureguurl- glad your were clear too....anxiety going in and relief going out. I plan on being very busy this weekend to avoid panicking abouti t

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Patoo, sounds like a great trip; exercise AND food!

    Carol and Julie; good to hear from you both. And welcome to Patriot!

    Mum, just concentrate on getting better and getting through the wedding. Those weddings are enough work in themselves, and you burn calories from stress!

    Once the power went out when I was having a mammogram, and they had to manually unscrew me!! I was just glad they didn't have to call the fire department and extract me with the 'jaws of life' or something.

    Walked for an hour and then cleaned/sorted/cleaned all the rest of the day. What was that orange stuff stuck onto the bottom draw of my fridge and how did it get there?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Good to see you Carol, we missed you!

    Holy cow Kim, nerve wracking is right.  I had never heard of mammo machines not releasing people yet it happened to Mary Louise too.  yikes!

    It was fun to do the walk at work challenge with my co-workers today.  The time and the miles just flew by.  There are five or six teams "competing" to see who can rack up the most miles (has to be at lunch or on break).  We're going to track our miles for 12 weeks, see where we walked "to" and maybe have a pot luck featuring that region's food.  There's always food, isn't there? 

    4.4 miles / 7,555 steps / 45 minutes of exercise

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Wow - what a scary thing to have happened, Kim.  And Mary Louise too. Apparently this happens more than anyone thought.  You can just hear the voice over for a scary movie trailer!  "The robot had gone rogue and wouldn't let go of her - she was . . . Trapped in the Mammogram Machine!!!"  :::accompanying scary music::: Sandee - be careful next week!!! SurprisedOne good thing about a bmx - I have no more mammos to gram, so the rogue can't get me anymore.  Cool

    Sandee - hooray for your progress - I love the arm bike - there are so few aerobic exercises for the arms.  Mary Louise - take care of yourself - you want to be feeling tip top for that wedding! Julie - my cat also "helps" me exercise - he especially loves it when I do yoga - I call it Yoga with Cat.  Really interesting trying to hold the tree pose with a cat rubbing against my leg! Ruth - obviously the refrigerator gnomes struck your home and dumped all that orange stuff in the bottom of your fridge! Badger - your walk challenge at work sounds like fun. 

    Planted 36 petunias last night, then did 30 minutes of weight/resistance this morning.  Finally the heat wave has broken - it's going to be a beautiful day today - sunny, 80's and blessedly low humidity!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2011

    Good morning-

    Carol, in my ranting about mammogram, I forgot to say hello and hugs to you.  Was it Mary that said now the Voices are after you? ;)  Same for me-I haven't exactly been inactive, but I haven't been up to my normal standard.  It sounds like the ankle is getting better slowly, which is good.

    Sandee, you've inspired me to check out some of the PUMP type classes we have at our gym.  And a thought that kept me "balanced" throughout my mammo-I remembered advice I got here that ALL of us have that same fear that comes and goes in different strengths.  It's natural.  I truly did think of everyone on here during the wait.  I got some great advice from my counselor who told me that, at times, it's OK to acknowledge the fear.  He gave me ways to think about it objectively like, "You are afraid of the mammogram because you don't want to have cancer again.  That's understandable.  Your fight the first time was tough, but you got through it.  Do you think you could go through it again?"  That kind of laying it out, rational (as best as anyone can be that has gone through this), took me from random fear to reasonable fear to a strange rational place.  Ha, that and a LOT of prayer!  Hopefully you get my drift.  There is so much comfort in knowing that we aren't weak or irrational, etc. when we have to go through the testing because we know that RIGHT here, every single one of us gets it.  That gives me lots of hope and comfort.

    Now for the non preachy part of this post, exercise.  My son graduated as I mentioned earlier and I have used that as a reason to go off the wagon for weeks, food wise.  A slight gain, but I'm whipping that back into shape NOW.  

    Regarding Tahoe, it's a good thing we didn't go through with the June or even July plan.  We have had such cold weather that there is STILL several inches of snow by my house and most of the trails are still closed.  In fact, this will be one of the first years that there will STILL be skiing-snow skiing-on the fourth of July.  Unbelievable, but I'm grateful it's just that rather than what many of you have had to go through with the tornados and the like.  

    Hello to all of you.  I'm hoping for regular TART reading now that college grad is done, tests are out of the way for another 6 months (just doc visits which don't bother me) and life can assume its regularly scheduled programming...gulp...whatever that may be.

    And Ruth, I agree...what IS that orange stuff, because I have had it in MY frig before too?  Ah, the mystery of the refrigerator.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    And there is nothing wrong with a few moments of weakness and being irrational every now and just can't stay there.

    Now, I'm off to see what might have been breeding in the back of the downstairs storage closet all year. If I don't post again; something has dragged me in there and is holding me captive!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Kim-yikes on the mammo malfuntion. 

    marylouise so sorry about your Dad's DX.  I know how stressful that can be. Will keep you in prayer

    Ruthbru-All of my Dr's gave me the speech about how good exercise was for making it through treatment and it was my best defence against recurrence.  I have taken it to heart.

    As I said on my last post my nerve pain is much better with the meds.  However my hip pain is not so much.  I am taking 200mg Celebrex twice a day.  When I do yoga I am fine, but Tuesday when I walked my three miles it was killing me.  Took a hot bath and was a little better.  Woke up at 12:15 that morning and had to take a Loritab.  I do yoga for the stretching but like to do something with cardio as well.  I think I will try riding my bike tonight and see how my hip holds up.  This is so frustrating.  I have never had arthritis before and will be 49 this month.  Have always been active and not overweight.  I am not adjusting to this well at all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Well the pain Dr. called me back and said I will have to adjust my exercise to things that don't hurt so much but he was insistant that he wants me to remain active. So I guess tonight will be bicycle and hope that it does not bother me too much.  I also was not sure about the dosage of Celebrex I was taking as the orginal prescription was from another Dr and a lower dosage, but he said it was fine and would call me in mail order script.  Don't think I am going to like having arthritis.  And with it being it my hip it really ways on me that my MIL had to have hip replacment last year because of arthritis.  Is that what I have to look forward too, I will be 49 this month??? And the pain Dr. said it is a SE of radiation that does not happen real often but does happen (no family history of arthritis). gee I just love bc, not. Oh and no family history of bc either, gee how did I win the lottery???  Sorry for the mini rant. I like my exercise, guess I will have to explore new options, but at least yoga seems to be OK, I would be having a major melt down if I had to give that up.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Sherry, sorry to hear about the arthritis.  It's in my family so I see it coming.  Some days I get pretty creaky and I wonder if it's arthritis or a BC tx effect.  The yoga helps so much!  Have you thought about water aerobics?  It would take a lot of the weight off the hip joint.

    Ruth, how'd you do vs. the storage closet monster?  Mine lives under the kitchen sink..

    Race for the Cure is this weekend so won't be on tomorrow.  Going right from work to my MIL's house and will stay overnight, then we'll walk together Sat.  Will see my 1-year old niece.  Last year we both had fuzzy newborn hairdos.  This year, I have more hair than she (nyah nyah).

    Walked a fair piece today, almost three miles with the walk at work gang!  'Bye Tarts {{hugs}}

    6 miles / 10,300 steps / 45 minutes of exercise

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Sherry, exercise is good for arthritis too. But it is very maddening when you can't just assume that your body is on the same side as your mind anymore. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Yell

    Badger, good luck on your walk. Hope the weather cooperates!

    I did get more cleaning done; the Salvation Army, recycling center and garbage collectors will all be getting business from me. I'm having a housefull of company in 1 1/2 weeks. Hence the rush. I have at least a couple more days of cleaning ahead. BLAH!!!

    Besides the above, I did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin. I had to modify quite a bit on the 15 minutes of abs, but it was the first time I've tried to do more than 5 minutes, so was pretty happy with it.

    'Night All! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Sherry- my gal pal inmonrea was saying the same thing about exercize and her arthritis...just have ot be selective.

    dazed- yay!! a pump potential convert!!!I just feel strong and as powerful as i can be and very focused for that hour.....and today, I rowed with the local breast cancer bunch who roaw a dragon boat ....loved it....strengthening that arm is my plan...hey meet three time s a week...pplus two days of cardio stuff including that arm thing....(they are going to get me a higher chair for monday so I can reach it!) and a couple of days at the gym and walking to work..that should just about do it right? we shall see.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Hi all, quick fly-by.  8770 steps today; 3.3 miles.  Have to keep coming here to get me moving daily again.  It's so easy to slack off.

    SherryC, not sure if you mentioned already trying glucosamine/chondroitin and if your Vit D3 levels were checked.  I was about your age, but it was pre-BC, when ortho doc said I would one day need hip replacement but to try the gluco/chond first.  After taking it daily for a few months I had amazing relief and after about 4 years got off gluco/chond entirely.  AI brought the pain back about a year ago but now taking 4000 IU's of Vit D3 every day and have absolutely no joint pain now.   I must say, however, that glucosamine/chondroitin is not tolerated by everyone as some of my friends retained water on it (non BC friends).  Just FWIW.

    Night all.  (Oh yes, water aerobics are easy on the joints, fun and extremely good exercise overall)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Patoo, Ruth and Sandee.  Guess I was whinning to soon.  My DH found a really nice bike in the bar ditch a few weeks ago, must of fallen off of an RV.  The front tire was messed up but we fixed it.  So I took it out and did my three miles on it instead.  Well I did it in half the time of walking and a much harder cardio workout and yeah my hip did not bother me.  So I guess my new schedule is yoga and bike riding.  As I right this there is a Celebrex comercial on TV telling me a body in motion stays in motion.  How funny!!!!!  I will probably be sore tomorrow, but if so it was worth it.

    Patoo yes I do take glucosome/Chondrontion.  My MO put me on it in Feb along with 2000IU's of D3.  I also take Omega 3 fish oil which is suppose to be good for your joints as well.  The last bloodwork I had was two months ago my D level was 47.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Sherryc, that's great.  Sounds like you are on the right track and may just need to give your body time.  We all feel like we are still 22 but, alas, the body brings us back to reality! 

    When I am out walking my mind just wanders; I've gotten lost in my own neighborhood at times.  I would love to add biking but really afraid I would have a run in with a tree or parked car.  Think I better stay on my feet either on the pavement or in the pool.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Patoo I have to say I am not as steady as I was as a kid.  Luckily the city park is not far from my house so I was able to stay off the main roads and it is a beautiful park with lots of trees and a river.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Took a few days off because I got sucked in at and spent hours and hours tracing my family tree instead of exercising,

    But then back to it on Tuesday = 325 stomach crunches, 45 minutes of weights and 600 leg lifts with resistance bands.

    Wed = yoga

    Today = just 30 minutes on the eliptical.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2011

    Heading out for my daily walk (3 days in a row!!).  Feels soooooo good to get back into the habit of walking every morning!

    I too have hip problems, and find that I had to lay off a bit on the excercise.  Now I am back to walking daily and so far, so good.  Will now be able to add pool excercises, so hoping I can remain pain free (or at least tolerable pain!) while I add more movement!!

    I finally feel that I have truly crawled out of that black hole I was in........ just in time to help my Dad through his health crisis! Frown

    Keep moving Tarts!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Make sure you wear really good shoes and replace them often. A lot of hip/knee/leg pain comes from (or is made worse from) bad shoes. I am taking a break from scrapping the dirt out of the patio door grooves with a toothpick!!!!!!!!!!!!