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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    No exercise this weekend but a BIG day in our house.  I gave my girls their first ever haircut.  They have had trims and long hair for years but wanted to go short.  So now we all have hair to donate (I held on to mine from a year ago when I cut it pre-chemo).

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Jen, you girls are BEAUTIFUL!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Jen, you guys could be in an advertizement! Lovely!

    Just logged on to loseit.....I need a few really good days. This coming weekend is the 'go to the Twin Cities for the nephews graduation/Twins game', and then my NC sister will come back with us and various other relatives will begin appearing all next week until my whole family (minus 1 nephew) will be here for Father's Day Weekend......this is why I have been cleaning so frantically, and need to slash the eating. I am sure will be doing a lot of it in the next couple weeks!  

    Off I go for a walk!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited June 2011

    They are gorgeous!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Lots of garden activity this weekend and lawn mowing, plus a couple of miles of walking.  Then this morning I actually jogged my full 2+ miles neighborhood route - remember a few weeks ago I could only manage to jog for 4 driveways, then walk for 2, jog for 4, walk for 2, etc.  Today the endorphins FINALLY kicked in and I just kept going for the full two miles.  It was slow, but steady.  And I even saw 3 bunnies, so it was a good jog all the way around!

    Emrald - re: arm swelling and lymphedema and exercise - as Ruth says, start slowly.  I have arm and truncal LE, but it's early stage so I don't have to wear my compression stuff all the time.  I wear it when I'm doing weight training, digging, snow shoveling, etc. but I don't wear it for aerobic exercise.  And as others have said, exercise is very good to help prevent LE, but you have to do it right.  Be aware of your arm, and if you notice any swelling, or even a feeling of fullness or heaviness in your arm, STOP and take preventative measures.  Stop on by the LE thread on BCO - there are some women there who are experts on LE.  Also, here's a link to a very useful site done by women with LE for women with LE - chock full of info, including info on simple precautions you can take to reduce your risk of LE: 

    Ruth - can you come clean my closets too - now that you're done with yours?  I'll take you to a baseball game! Laughing When is your Twins game and who are they playing?  Jen - you and your girls are beautiful!!!  Just a quick drive by today - Hi to everyone else!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Jen beautiful girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2011

    Ruth, you are a TART BABE!

    Jen, the girls and you look darling!  How great that you are donating the hair; my niece just did the same thing.

    Getting out and moving between rainstorms...cold California summer...go figure!

    More later! 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    jogged on the treadmill this afternoon at 3.9 and did 35whatevers on the armbike!!! WHEEHA!!! no pain....better than post-radiation/pre-heartattack energy levels....WHEE

    Jen- GORGEOUS picture. A couple of gals fom work just cut their hair to the shoulders too and donated it. great idea!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    60 mins water aerobics plus additional 15 mins jogging in the water.  Heading over to to start again.  Posted there daily for months but haven't gotten back to it since returning from the Bahamas last week.  Stuffed everything in my mouth yesterday back to reality today.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    God for you Pattoo....amnd me too re. lose it .com...went back to work full time and neglected it. NEED to get back on it though as it really helped

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Okay, did it.  Started again with and it's working as I was just about to go find something to eat but I'm almost to my limit so will just have water the rest of the evening. 

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Well, loseit made me be good far, but I'm out of calories and can't go to bed yet, so time will tell.

    Took a wonderful long walk this morning & did 30 minutes pilates DVD tonight.

    A couple thoughts about 'bad' arms. Like Sandee, if I don't do some toning for a few days I notice that my arm feels heavier and more achy. So, I think it is important to keep doing upper body exercises to keep things flowing as they should. And the other thing, which I just noticed and find fascinating is: my left arm is my 'bad' one and I have followed all the advice about carrying my purse, luggage, anything heavy etc. on the other arm....well, my hernia was on my right side (the 'good arm' side....a coincidence or did I over-strain that side of my body? Undecided)....during recovery from the hernia surgery I've been forced to use my 'bad arm' more for everyday lifting, carrying etc. and the other day I noticed that after all this time, my left side feels the best and most normal that it ever has since  this all started. So I'm thinking maybe I was babying it too much. ??

    Mary, we are going to the game on Sunday against the Rangers. The Twins have the worst record in baseball and 10 people on the DL list.....but have won 4 in a row....we will see what happens. We have good lower deck seats on the third base line; so as long as they aren't rained out, we will have fun. No, I will not clean your house....even for baseball. In fact, every time I turn around I see something that I forgot to clean in the first go-around here.  A domestic goddess I am not!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Thanks ladies for the kind words about the kids.  They are especially cute when they are sleeping.Innocent

    Today I did 325 stomach crunches, 5.25 miles on the bike and a few resistance exercises and stretches.

     Sandee -- what is 35whatevers?  Glad to hear you are pain-free!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    Jen your girls are absolutely gorgeous.  Ruth I hate to be th bearer of bad news but 10 minutes after the company arrives the house becomes a mess again - I speak from experience but at least I know what I did to prepare for the company.

    Had a fabulous day today played hookey from work and we took Hannah out to Glen Ivy and played in the mud (it's really clay) and swam and sat in hot pools truly relaxing she is feeling very anxious about her surgery on wednesday and we wanted to do something to cheer her up.  Came home and went to spin class.  I want to shout from the rooftop "I love spin" maybe it's the instructor as she chooses great music, tonight one of the songs was Disco Inferno - after class I informed her I actually used to dance to that song in clubs 30 years ago, where in the heck does time goCool.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    good morning ladies, put in four miles yesterday walking back and forth between the copier and records storage.  We have an audit next week and they sent a list of things they want to review and I was tapped to put together the materials.  Not sure how to count it for time, but did not sit down between 8 and 2 when I got back to my desk.  Glad I have strong legs from all the walking.  Have a Tartly Tuesday!  {{hugs}}

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited June 2011

    jen, you and your girls are lovely - what a great moment, and even better to capture it in a photograph.

    sorry i've been scarce around here - just yoga-ing and more yoga-ing. now that the Northeast has obviously skipped spring for 90degree weather, i'm just not walking outside(although the yoga studio is still heated - whew)

    hope you all are well - love reading the stories.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Another long walk & 30 minutes of need to get downtown and do 'stuff'.

    Cheryl, how long of a surgery is it for Hannah? Is it a stay in the hospital thing? We will be thinking of her tomorrow. It will be a good thing to be DONE with! I know the clean will not last, but as you could actually eat off the floor in my sister's house, I feel like I need to at least make an attempt.

    Later! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    I did an hour and a half of power washing outdoor furniture last night - quite a chore, but it looks brand new. DH is bringing his softball team home for a swim in the pool after their double-header tomorrow night, so as usual, knowing guests are coming was the incentive to get stuff done. Cool   20 minutes Lebeds and 30 minute elliptical this morning. 

    Badger - you got quite a workout at work!  In my younger IT tech days I used to spend days lugging PCs and monitors around - and that's when the monitors were those big honking things that weighed close to 50 pounds.  I was SO glad when flat screens started coming in.  Now we have young techs to do the lugging, and they think I'm telling them "9-mile-walk-to-school-in-the-snow" stories when I tell them what it used to be like.  Undecided Cheryl - good luck to Hannah and to you - she'll be asleep for the surgery, while you'll be wide awake and worried in the waiting room.  Ruth - I keep hearing about your injured Twins - they could fill an entire hospital wing with just Twins I think.  Frown

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hi, All:

    My apologies - more AWOL behavior.  Too many events scheduled all at once.  

    Yesterday was Elizabeth's surgery; has anyone heard from her?

    Jen:  You have beautiful girls!  I love that color hair.

    Looks like Everyone is staying pretty active; at least you are better at posting than I have been for the past few days!!!

    I've been doing my usual 4.5 - 5 mile run daily; with resistance training nightly.

    DH and I went to a Breast Cancer luau Sunday afternoon.  Much fun, networking with those who have not had surgery and "danced" the hula (made a fool of myself, no doubt!).  Diet totally blown, but I did exercise when I got home - does that count??

    Will catch up on the individual threads.

    {{{HUGS}}} to All.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Thanks Elmcity and Cheryl -- I love that picture too.

    Cheryl, tell me about the hot pools.  Are they natural (undeveloped) hot springs or actual swimming pools with hot water in them?

    I did about 15 minutes of butt and leg weights, 325 stomach crunches, 15 minutes of stretching and 25 minutes on the treadmill.

    My neighbor up the street has hospice now.  Her BC came back in her spine last year and she had surgery and chemo.  I guess she's near the end.  I brought dinner and left an "anything at all, please call" note -- but I feel pretty helpless.  


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Jen- 35 whatevers is rotations, I think....

    Julie- glad you had fun and if you made a fool of yourself, good for you!>>!

    Ruth- I agree...babying our arms means not exercizing them....I try not to carry heavy thigns there but I am also trying to give it some extra weight..and that is the side I am rowing on because I am mainly left handed. The heart physiotherapist told me maximum 5pound weights with repetitions of 15....3 times if I need the extra incentive...realy.....5 pounds????? bit drop in what I was doing 10 weeks ago...but at least I am allowed to use weights, right?

    Cheryl- ar ehot tubs and hotpools etc. ok for us BC gals post rads etc? if so m yay!!! a pal is gettin ga hot tub at the end of the summer and I plan on spending some time there!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    So rotten about your neighbor, Jen. Sigh.......I think we feel the helplessness in an even more intense way than others.

    Julie, one of the reasons I exercise is that I then have an excuse to eat myself silly every once and awhile (O.K., quite often!).

    Elizabeth, please drop us a line when you can on how your surgery went.

    Cheryl, you can tell Hannah that all her adopted aunts will be thinking of her tomorrow. Hugs to her & you too.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011
    Thank you for the good wishes for Hannah, they say 4 to 5 hours for the surgery.  I know she'll do okay, she did a silly thing today, went to the beach and got sunburned really bad ughhhhhh I remember those days ow ow ow.  Jen I am so sorry about your neighbor.  Glen Ivy is a day spa it opened in 1860 and they have all different aspects, and they are always updating and upgrading there are swimming pools wam and cold, a floating pool, roman baths, jacuzzis, steam rooms, mineral baths and the best thing is the mud, you go into a pool (it's red with clay) and get wet then you slather the clay all over yourself an then lay out and dry then back into the pool to loosen it and then shower and your skin feels amazing.  Sandee I don't stay in the hot pools/jacuzzi too long and I don't do it too often.  Ruth I find myself carrying my handbag on my left side and my surgery was right but I have to lift boxes and heavy mail bags at work and I use my back and distribute the weight to both my arms, so who knows, sighUndecided.  Julie I once did the hula at Sea World with a walrus and sea lion making obscense sounds behind me - hey I had kids with me and I was willing to make a fool of myself!!!  I'm off to bed, early start in the morning oh and I did Body Step tonight.  Nite all.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    good morning, gonna be a scorcher here today in SW WI.  It's supposed to rain this afternoon and drop the temp 20 degrees. 

    Walked the Capitol yesterday and man alive there were cops everywhere.  Joint Finance has finished its work on the state budget and sent it to the Senate & Assembly, and the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about the collective bargaining bill.  Protesters still gather at noon to sing in the rotunda, and people are camping around the Capitol in a temporary tent-city called "Walkerville" (named after Hooverville in the Depression).  Gangs of 4th graders are roaming the halls, this is the time of year when they have field trips to the Capitol.  Then there's little ol' me, walking around in circles and jogging up the stairs.  :-)

    Cheryl the mud bath sounds wonderful, good luck to Hannah, Jen sorry about your neighbor, Elizabeth thinking of you, Sandee & Ruth good job on the road to recovery, and {{hugs}} to all.

    5.2 miles / 1.5 hours of exercise

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2011

    Mary what did you use on the outdoor furniture.I plan to do that today with an oxy solution.My rocker set has weird green almost like a mold on it.

    Still weezing too much am on two puffers so exercise will have to wait. 3 more days to my DD's wedding day.Smile

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2011

    Hi All-

    Julie, Elizabeth as in EBAnn surgery, or do we have another Elizabeth on the thread that I have missed?  I think you and I are two peas in a pod, I always have too much fun at anything that involves dancing...and I'm 6 feet tall, and have fallen down while being silly-think a big bowling pin falling over and knocking other pins down...;)

    Cheryl keep us posted on Hannah-poor thing, getting a sunburn close to surgery...the classic insult to injury.  

    Mary, I think about you every night watching our Giants play your Nats.  We are all very sad about losing Buster Posey and his accident.  That was gruesome to watch; I don't see how anyone would ever want to be a catcher.  We have some cute new players though, now that is fun to watch! Laughing

    Badger, we are just now getting into the 70s here.  Usually we have the hot weather at this time.  This season has been especially wet for us; I have aphids all over my garden, powdery mildew, etc etc.  Good inspiration for me to get out and work.

    Got a bone density scan (DEXA) and breast surgeon on Friday; I'm very anxious to see what the scan shows-how much AI damage vs the work I have been doing in the gym.  I was all proud about my 200 jumps on the jump rope when my son told me he does 2000-ah, humility.

    I've got to go check out  Sounds like a good accountability program.

    Hope you all get in your exercise today!



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    mumayan I just cleaned by furture as well.  Some of it had a slight mold on it.  I used a bleach/water solution, let is set a few minutes then scrubbed with soap and rinsed off.

    Cheryk--So sorry Hannah got a sunburn, hope it is not hurting her to badly. The whole spa thing sounds wonderful

    Ruth I am like you I exercise so I can eat.  When I was really watching my portions trying to retrain myself, I remember at night wanting to eat something and thinking OK do I just on the eliptical so I can eat it or just skip it.  Sometime I would exercise just so I could snack. haha

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Mum - I just used water to clean the furniture, but I used a pressure washer that pretty much blasts everything away.  You must be excited/nervous/wistful at the approach of the wedding.  Dazd - I was sorry to hear about Buster Posey as well - he's a gritty player and I've always liked him.  And I don't know why we seem to always have Lincecum's number - he dominates the league, but my lowly Nats seem to be able to score off of him for some reason - I guess it's all part of the beauty of baseball.  Cheryl - Lincecum is the pitcher we saw when we went to the Padres game - the one where I told you coaches would say his throwing style is completely wrong, and yet he's one of the best pitchers in the game.  And how's Hannah doing?  Ruth and Sherry - I also exercise so I can eat and also enjoy my wine, beer at the ballgame (lite of course) and the occasional margarita!  Cool

    Last night was yoga class, plus my 2 mile round trip walk to class.  30 minutes elliptical this morning.  

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Did cardiac class tonight and was jogging on the treadmill...3.9 seed and 7 incline...wasn't doing that pre-breast cancer or heart attack so ...feels good...I exercize not to eat but to feel strong....don't feel that way righ tnow so this helps. Am going to go rowing tomorrow but my chiropractor said to try the right side so there is not as much pressure on my hip....might be a better extension for my BC arm too..

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    hi ladies, quick post, there's thunder rumbling and weather radar shows a line of t-storms headed up from Des Moines.  So I'm going to have to power down soon.

    walked inside the Capitol today at noon

    5 miles / 45 minutes of exercise