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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    stay safe Badger!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Just did some cleaning in the garage.  May get on the treadmill for a bit.  No, I will get on it for about 30 mins since I need the calories lowered on

    Later my sculpted sisters.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Today is vhshea's surgery . . . . she has posted to this thread several times.

    Kim: Yes, I was referring to EBAnn when I said "Elizabeth". Glad I'm not the only one to be silly in front of everyone - as we were standing up on stage, we were discussing how glad we were that the audience was small :) And, I wish I had your height! Please pass along the results of the bone scan; should be interesting.

    Jen: So sorry about your neighbor. Agree with Ruth; we feel the helplessness more than others. {{{HUGS}}} to both of you.

    hbCheryl: 4 - 5 hours of surgery for Hannah, sorry about the sunburn. I lose track of time; I see she had her surgery TODAY - hope all is going well!

    Ruth: Agree, when you don't work your arms, they tend to get heavy. I still haven't started doing upper-body exercises just yet; my exercise comes from moving them when I'm running. I always exercise well on a Friday, because that is my designated "over-eat" day. Just something to look forward to weekly.

    Badger: That's something about the politics - I briefly scanned the headlines and saw things heating up again (literally, I guess!) back there.

    mumayan: Sorry about the wheezing! Can't wait to hear how the wedding went.

    Sherry: How are things going for Dad?

    Sandee: Glad to hear you're jogging on the treadmill! Good for you! Sent you a PM.

    patoo: Ah, yes, post-vacation calories - always a reality check. Although, isn't there a rule that calories consumed on vacation don't count?? (Wishful thinking here).

    janyce: I'll have to try yoga one of these days. I suspect the Northeast will settle down and then you can walk.

    Wonderland: That's funny about your wave - I've forgotten what hair smells like after it's been permed.

    Welcome emrald, coraleliz and Heidihill!

    Hello to Everyone Else; gotta keep this somewhat short, still much to do today.

    As to exercise - ran 4.6 miles; will do resistance training tonight. I'm up to 50 lbs. on the vertical leg press, with cats weaving in and out whilst doing so.

    Weird - my right arm is really hurting today.  I've apparently been sleeping on in incorrectly. I'll have to work some of that pain out.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    this morning I walked for an hour & did 15 minutes of abs with Denise Austin, gingerly but without modifications Smile

    Going down to do some more toning right now; I have to work ahead since I will be having a no-exercise/eating weekend. Will report back when I'm done.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Okay, stayed here on the computer so only did 20 mins on treadmill but at least I did that.  Off to post it on so I can see if I can have a lite snack before bed.

    Night all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Badger I so wish we were having thunder and rain.  We are so dry here in Texas

    Julie-Dad is doing pretty well thanks for asking.  He gets a little tired the day after chemo but nothing to bad.  His neuropathy is getting worse (it was already bad).  He has had no neausea.  He gets a break next week and then another round of three weeks then scans to see if it is working.

    Fixed supper for DH although I was warming up so great bbq ribs he had made awhile back and put in the freezer.  Anyway right after that i did an hour of yoga.  When I was finished I went into the kitchen to clean up and DH had cleaned the kitchen for me.  woohoo

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    30 minutes toning. Even with that, no snack for me as I'm already 85 calories over my limit Cry.

    Mum, I hope you will get 'all better' in time for the wedding!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    Thank you everyone, Hannahs surgery went really well and she's sitting on the couch bright as a button with an ice machine whirring away. We got to the surgery center at 7am and left at 3pm, her surgery was only 2-1/2 hours and then another 2-1/2 in recovery and to make the day a complete success I got a $64 parking ticket, you know I watch Parking Wars on A&E and I sure get it now as I was totally bamboozled by the signs, thought I was ok but I completely misread, ah wellUndecided.

    Said hi to you as I went by Julie. Badger stay safe and dry. Mum hope you're feeling better, I'm sure you're in high gear getting ready for your DDs big day. Sherry glad to hear your Dad is tolerating his treatment so well. Ruth something else triggered in my head today, you know I said I carry my handbag on my left side and dahhh that's my arthritis wrist side!!!  I have a doctors appointment next monday so I'm going to talk to him about it, my blood work came back okay except they are upping thyroid dose, cholesterol was down but triglicerides up so he wants me to take medication for that, sometimes I feel like a walking pill bottleSurprised. Back to the gym tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Glad Hannah is doing well. Whew, that is a relief! Do you eat alot of licorice? My DH is a fiend for it and when his triglycerides were up, they told him licorice is a culprit in raising triglycerides. Interesting about the handbag, the law of unintended consequences?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    I love licorice especially Australian black licorice but don't eat too much of it - truth be told it's probably all the dang chocolate I eat!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    boy howdy, did it ever storm!  Wind lashed the trees and it rained horizontally.  Power went out three times but came right back on here.  However, at DH job they lost power for half-hour or so and there were two tornados spotted nearby.  We didn't have hail but some communities along the storm front had ping-pong ball to tennis ball sized hail.  Can you even imagine?

    Opened the front door once the worst of the storm blew through and the temperature difference was marked.  Going to be in the 60's today instead of the 90's.  nice!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011
    Cheryl bummer on the parking ticketMoney mouth
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Cheryl - glad Hannah came through with flying colors. And good for you for volunteering to help the governmental budget crisis by kicking in a $64 "donation".  Wink  And I love Parking Wars too - it was one of my favorites while recovering from surgeries, chemo, etc.  Badger - glad you were safe in all the wild weather!  Sherry - glad your dad is having a relatively easy chemo time, relatively being the operative word here as we all know chemo is anything but easy. 

    No exercise yesterday after work except running up and down the steps dozens of times putting out food, beer, chair cushions, etc. getting ready for DH's softball team.  It was close to 100 degrees during their double-header, so by the time they finally arrived at 8:30 they all collapsed into the pool.  And grabbed a beer on their way in, of course!  And they weren't even mercy-ruled for either game so they were quite proud of themselves. Laughing  Slept in this morning after a late night, so will do a quick workout this evening.  

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Badger:  Wow, what a gully-whomper!  (At least, I think that's what they call them.)  Glad things are finally cooler there; I see the Eastern Seaboard was set to suffer with 90's and 100=degree temps.

    Cheryl:  Glad Hannah's surgery went well.  Caught your wave as you went by.

    Ruth:  I like the licorice kids, bears or whatever form they come in . . . I'll have to go to the "oldtimecandy" website and order those, plus Bridge Mix.  

    Sherry:  Glad Dad is doing well, sorry about the neuropathy; stupid disease is bad enough to deal with as it is, without side effects.  

    patoo:  Hope your allergies are doing okay as you work your way back into exercising after the vacation.

    Hello to Everyone Else.

    Did 4.5 miles run today.  Should go to school tonight for my last class, but I may play hookey. We'll see.

    HUGS to All - hope Elizabeth and vshea did well with their surgery.

    Mary:  Wow, they played in that 100 degree heat?  I'm glad nobody suffered sunstroke!  Beer and a swim sounds good to me.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    45 minutes of toning this morning and 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight (it is cold here.....east coasters...come on out!). Getting ready to head out tomorrow, but will try to stop by before we leave.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2011

    Ruth: thanks for the pm. I am home now recovering. The Dr was surpised when he opened my hip and came to find out it was broken. S it had some disc, and screws to hold it together. Dr said cause of the hip it will require more healing time. So I have my walker and therapist coming in to my home for therapy. Looking forward to it. We can maybe figure something out cause I have to wake up do exercise/walker, Will I am dosing as I am typing this I am tired from all those meds and healing. Love you all sisters

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Wow, broken?! No wonder it hurt like crazy!!! Glad that the surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery. Hope you have an Eduardo or Jim-looking therapist....that would make it a little more 'fun'. A big, but gentle, hug! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Elizabeth- good you got it checked out! wow!

    Sherry- good news about your dad. He sounds like a real trooper!

    Badger/Marynatsfan...can't imagine that weather...tornadoes, 100degree in early June (well no...I can imagine that from my ottawa school days)and that kind of storm. We are expecting a thunder storm tonight an dI am excited!!! I love them...not looking forward to lightening though as it can wreak havoc...

    Went rowing with Bosom Buddies again tonight. I am a convert...rowed on the non-cancer side and it was stronger hip did not hurt either so maybe on sore days that is the way to go...otherwise, I need to row on the left side of the boat to strengthen that arm! Only in the recreational boat right competitive spirit wants to jump into the other boat but my heart, literally, is saying ; not yet! am listening. Will continue to exercize my brains out all weekend while I await mammogram results. it will certainly help.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Elizabeth, wow a broken hip.  Do what the therapist and Dr tell you and don't overdo it.  My MIL and a hip replacment last year and from the beginning has overdone it and it hurts her all the time she just won't give it a rest.  Take care of yourself.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    Tonight I did RPM class, hardly anyone in the gym guess everyone was watching basketball. Wow Elizabeth no wonder you were in pain, rest and recover you really are our "Wonder Woman". Badger glad you made it safely through the storm, was there a lot of damage? Mary I'm only too glad to help out the economy, too bad I didn't get to spend it on a new pair of shoesKiss sounds like you had a fun time last night.  Hey Julie if you play hooky you won't graduate and one day I'm gonna stop instead of just waving on the way through.. Ruth have a wonderful, wonderful time - batter upTongue out

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    good morning all, guess I forgot to post last night, oh well...

    Cheryl, not too much storm damage and no loss of life.  A friend of mine had a tree limb crash onto her house and one of the family cars.  Glad Hannah made it through surgery OK.

    Elizabeth, a broken hip, wow glad your doc found that and hope you are soon pain-free.

    mum, good luck with the wedding, hope you feel good and have a blast.

    Ruth, have fun this weekend.

    Julie, congrats on finishing class.

    Sandee, you go girl!  There's a dragon boat group "Team Survivor Madison" and the annual dragon fest is June 25, I am thinking of attending but I live too far away to be a participant.

    Am meeting some Madison BCO ladies for lunch today so will miss the Capitol festivities and my daily walk at noon.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    3.8 miles / 45 minutes of exercise

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Elizabeth - so the hip was broken??!!  No wonder you were in such pain.  Glad you have a therapist coming to your home to work with you building up strength.  As Cheryl says, you are our Wonder Woman!  Julie - re: dh's team playing in 100 degree heat - dh is the "old man" of the team at 52 - most of his co-workers are 30ish - 20 years makes a big difference.  He very sensibly played only a few innings and managed and coached 1st base the rest of the time and let the youngsters run themselves silly!  Tongue out  Ruth - so good to see you recovering so well after surgery!  And yes, please ship some of that cool weather East.  Have a wonderful weekend and I hope the Twins win for you!!  Sandee - there's a local b/c dragon boat group here as well - I've thought about going, but we go up to the cabin so many weekends that I wouldn't be there very much.  But it looks like so much fun!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone, sorry for being mia. Well, I had my knee surgery on Wed. Going to first PT today, already can drive, going up and down stairs. A little painkiller aren't hurting. Hello to all, will have to read all posts to keep up with my exercise pals.

    This knee surgery was a cinch on Wed. Yest, thurs, had bandage taken off, just 3 little staples in me, DR. removed a bunch of torn cartilage in knee. Only probl I have is getting comfortable while lying down. This was really nothing.  I must admit that due to all my lower body strength training, it has helped. I am not even using the crutches. That lousy pain is gone. I have been told by friends when I start PT to take a pain killer before the session. We will see. I apologize again for not showing up "here", but was lost in space. Now I have to go to a pain management dr. for my right implant. Before removing it, dr. wants me to see a pain management guy. At least I am halfway better. 

    Patoo, I loved the Atlantis, sun and all the food you could eat and good gambling. Hello to all, glad we survived the heat and storm from yesterday.

    Love to all,

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Hi Ronna, congratutations on getting the knee taken care of; healing pain is so much 'nicer' than cronic or getting worse pain.

    O.K., I've watered the flowers, changed the kitty litter, made the beds, did 30 minutes of toning; so now it's time to clean up & pack the bag. Graduation festivities tomorrow & Twins game Sunday (Mary they won last night with 2 outs in the 9th inning.....I wouldn't mind having a game like that!). I will have a piece of cake for the cake eaters, a hot dog with everything on it for the junk food eaters, and a light beer for Mary Wink. Have a great weekend everyone. Much love to you all! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    I forgot to say, have a wonderful wedding, mum. We will want a full mother-of-the-bride report. NOW I am out of here!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Badger- watched some other dragon boat racers yesterday!!! watching them breathe as they row was phenomenal...something to aspire to. Right now, I am just hoping not to break my nails along the side of the boat, to not splash the person behind me too badly and to get the technique down so i can try the competitive boat soon!

    Ronna- congratulations!

    mum- are you going to post some pics so we can see the dresses?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    just a fly-by tonight, had lunch with some WI BCO sisters today so today's exercise was a quick spin around the block at 3 pm.  Enjoying the cool weather while it lasts... I hate the heat!

    hi Ronna, attawoman!   {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Ronna so glad you got your knee fixed.  You will feel so much better in the long run

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    walked for an hour this morning and logged 3.5 miles, just after the rain, lovely!