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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Rowed this morning, then walked for half an hour to pick up a friend for a nice healthy lunch and then visited a student in the hospital and then walked on my way to see a roller derby...that is a step back in time!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    LOL Sandee, how was it?  Madison has roller derby (the Mad Rollin' Dolls).  Looks like their season ended in May, now they're on the road playing maybe a once a month but all out of town.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Badger- in all honesty, it was bad.(and the Halifax team lost horribly...something like 211 to 59!)...but fun at the same time. A bunch of kids in ripped tights and roller skates and helmets trying to knock each other down with their shoulders and hips...the half-time burlesque show was really just bad belly dancing but it was a disracting night out, a memory ride and good company so it all worked out fine. came home and took a hot bath , checked email and went to bed.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    oh my!  well no one got hurt or arrested so, like you said, add it to the memory banks.

    The Madison group has a website and they look like grown-ups with decent uniforms.

    Haven't actually been to a match so can't say if it's cheesy or not. 

    It's glorious here today, just back from a walk, now on to a shower.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    4.0 miles / 1 hour of exercise

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Walked to and from the Greek Festival and walked around the festival too. Sunny but cool out there...required a sweater...mid-June! Bizarre weather!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Did housework yesterday and today took a long walk after church.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    I went to Body Step class today but left after half the class as I feel like I've been hit by a bus so spent the rest of the day lying in bed. Started yesterday morning with a scratchy throat - heard Ruths voice and gargled, gargled, gargled as it's just one of those 24 hour things and I did Body Combat class yesterday and Pump on Friday.

    All the talk of Roller Derby brought back very happy childhood memories, was a family activity we used to go to on a Friday night. Badger how was your lunch? How exciting to meet up with ladies from the board. Mum hope the wedding was fantabulous and you're sitting with your feet up or rather soaking in a tub cause you danced all nightWink Ronna your friends are right about taking the medication before you need it, Hannahs nurses all told her the same thing even the anesthesiologist mentioned it. Have a great week everyone.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Went and pickup my GD and her friend today so I have two teenagers for the week.  I don't think I will be getting much exrcise in.  But yesterday bought a new bike so DH was airing up the tire because it was low and it popped.  We were going to take a ride together.  Oh well tomorrow he is going to try to replace the tub.  If that does not work I have a Dr.'s appt on Tuesday and I can return it and get another one.  I was really looking forward to us starting to bike together and he was all ready and wanting to go.  oh well

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Just a quick note to say "hi" - I did get some exercise today (ran 5 miles), but no scuplting and toning tonight.  I am going to *try* (note the emphasis on the word "try") to stand up a non-profit charity's website.  The course I just took (and I didn't play hookey Thursday!) is what I will be using to do so.  Wish me luck!

    Elizabeth:  sending gentle hugs and strength to you for your recovery.

    Ronna:  Was going to send you a PM; glad to hear from you!  Finally a break for you - glad the lousy pain is gone and you are doing better.  Adding you to my hugs and strength distribution list (along with Everyone Else here!)

    Mum:  Would love to see wedding pix - hope everything went well and everyone enjoyed themselves.  

    Ruth:   How'd the Twins game go??  I've been installing software all weekend and haven't had the TV on at all. 

    Sandee:  Glad to see you exercising to your satisfaction; will send you a PM tomorrow.

    hbCheryl:  Would love to have you stop!  That goes for everyone else, too!

    Mary:  Much frustration with software set-up - I'm about ready to defenestrate this blasted computer!  Glad your DH was sensible in the heat; I bet he could still run circles around some of the 20 and 30-year olds.  

    Badger:  Thanks for the congrats on finishing the class.

    HUGS to Everyone Else.  DH is mending a quilt; he's going to put a square on it that includes a button from the front of an old shirt.  Cats are tearing around and "squabbling" - never dull here.

    XOXOXOX All!

    And G'night.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011
    Our BC Sisters Luau
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2011

    Good morning all: 2nd visit to PT this morning. Have not driven yet although I can, will drive to pT which is actually up the block.

    Badger: I just read you met with your WI BC sisters. I have done that a few times with my Northern NJ sisters. What a bond you develop.

    Elizabeth: Just wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Cheryl: Me too, when I was exhausted during Zumba I would hear Ruth's voice, go go go.

    Julie, I will send you a PM

    Hugs to everyone else because I know I only named a few.

    Hugs and smileys

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Ronna - great that the healing is going well. Sounds like the advice about taking the pain pill before PT is good - better to have taken it and not need it than to need it and not have taken it.  Sandee - our Dragon Boat Queen!!!  Cheryl - glad you're feeling better.  Take care of yourself!  Julie - you're busy as ever!  Ruth - did you see a heckuva Twins game!!!  A no hitter into the 8th - wow!!  And the Twins won.  Pretty cool!

    Lots of yardwork and painting up at the cabin this weekend.  And we blew all those calories I worked off by going to a Mexican restaurant last night. Yell Oh well, Monday starts another week.  Two miles of jogging this morning.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Hi, a real quick stop by. Had a  fun weekend. My nephew's graduation was very fun. My mom's brother, sister, their spouses, and a couple cousins from Wisconsin came up. They are the nicest people in the world & the closest thing to having my mom there, very special. The Twins game was terrific. A perfect day weatherwise, so fun to be with almost my whole family there, great great (Twins winning 6-1, almost a no-hitter, a 3 run homerun, ended in a double play and the brat, beer, and waffle cone were also quite lovely!). My sister from NC came home with us & various other relatives will be arriving throughout the week until Friday & then we will all be together for Father's Day Weekend. I will have to figure out how to squeeze some exercise in between all the fun and games. Later! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Ruth sounds like you had a blast.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Skipped cardio rehab today as I was going to cut it too fine with the lymphodema appointment and my pal from Turkey (whomeI was supposed to be visiting in Apri;)was here for just one day so it called for lunch ...and to my mammogram results...CANCER free!!!Was also told I do not have lymphodema....that they think I have tendonitis in the left shoulder so...while it does not mean I will never get it...I certainly do not have it now so...two celebrationgs in one day!! WHEEHA!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Sandee, good news x 2, congrats!

    Ruth, sounds like a lot of fun and yes Wisconsin people ARE the nicest in the world! :-)

    Lunch with the WI ladies was very nice, only three of us but we got along great.  I was thinking how different we are (one lumpectomy with rads, one uni-mx with DIEP recon, and one bmx no recon) but really, we're not that different after all.

    oops, supper is ready, gotta run. 

    Auditors are here this week so I didn't walk at lunch but escaped my desk for a walk during afternoon break.

    4.0 miles / 20 minutes

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2011

    Hello to everyone. This is a quick note. I walked/jogged 2 miles tonight - the first exercise I've done in a week. I had night meetings, night work, and other obligations last week. Then I visited my daughter at her college this weekend (she's in summer school). One week without extra exercise except everyday walking in not good! 

    Note to self: you know better than that! Please don't let this happen again because you know how physically bad you feel.

    Thanks for listening - I feel better now!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    no beating yourself up on this threat needed....just refucs on the next plan:)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone.  Quickly passing through.  Did 90 min water aerobics tonight.  Instructor had me looking at the clock and eyeing the exit after only 15 mins - boy a great workout.  I'm beat.  Not expecting to do much 'formal' exercise tomorrow except whatever walking I get in during the day because I really, really, really, want to get a massage after work - it's long overdue.  Just have to squeeze out the funds somehow!

    Night my sculpted friends. 

  • Emaline
    Emaline Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2011

    If I can join this club :)  I started doing Lose It today, see how it goes. I went slightly above cals but not by too much.

    For exercise, I did 30 minutes fast walking on treadmill, incline 4%. It was my first real post surgery work out. I got my heart rate up, but didn't kill myself. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Hi Emaline ~ welcome!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Welcome Emaline! This is a fun group.  Patoo - 90 minutes of water aerobics is fabulous!  Wonderland - it's amazing how you can tell when you skip exercise for a bit.  Sandee - congrats on the clean mammo, and great news that you don't have LE!  

    3 mile walk with dh last night, and 2 mile walk this morning before work. I'm taking advantage of our beautiful weather before it gets hot and sticky again.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Hi, sneaking by again. Dropped my sister off at the rest home to see my dad this morning, came home & did 30 minutes of toning & 30 on the treadmill (rainy/thunderstormy day). Now he's slepping, she's doing work on the other computer, so I am stopping by. I know I will eat bad all week, so do have to get in some movement or I will feel bad like Wonderland!

    Welcome Emaline! We have lots of fun and coming here makes us accountable!

    Great news, Sandee. Who would have ever thought that we would be thrilled to be told that we have tendonitis, hernias etc. !!

    Good job to Patoo the Mermaid!

    Badger, since my mom a native, I believe I have at least an honorary citizenship in Wisconsin.

    Mary, a pitcher from the local college just got signed by the Nationals and will be reporting to their Class A team in Auburn, NY this week. His name is Alex Kreis.

    O.K. back to my hostess duties. My BIL shows up in time for supper....and so it goes.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Welcome Emaline!!!

    Ruth - I know!!! crazy to be relieved that I have a simple explanation of tendonitis for the pain....but what a relief! how is your hermia healing???

    Rain rain rain.....and more rain!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited June 2011


     Congrats to you on being cancer free and no LE. I had a cortisone shot for tendontis and I was good as new.

    Congrats again.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    thanks Ronna!! I googled endonitis last night and saw cortisone as an option. Good to know it works:) hoping the ultrasound will get me there too...have to go and ice it now while I remember. (today was the first day I forgot to take my heart meds in the am....woke up at 4:3 and could not get back to sleep until 6:30...then up at 8 and ran aaround for that I am cancer-free, I have decisions to make other than the 24 hour rule!...not complaining!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Hi Ladies.  I fell off the "healthy eating wagon" this weekend and gained over 4 pounds since Saturday!!!  So today I did 400 stomach crunches, 45 min of weights and one hour on the rowing machine (423 calories). 

    Dropped my girls off at Camp Kesem yesterday (free camp for kids w/parents who've had cancer -- those of you with kids look it up, there may be a camp near you).  No kids until Sunday!!!  This is the most amazing experience for my girls.  Their first sleep-away camp and the counselors (all Stanford students) are wonderful.

    After dropping them off yesterday I went to a breakfast with about 20 of the parents.  We all introduced ourselves and I was quite saddened to learn that a number of them had lost their spouses to cancer.  There were a few who went through the cancer experiences alone because they were single parents.  Some children being raised by grandparents because both parents had passed. I can't imagine how hard those situations are. 

    When I first found out that kids could attend this camp every year until they were half way through high school, I wondered why they didn't just let them come for one year and then offer the camp to a new batch of kids.  One of the moms told me yesterday that the reason is that the kids need something to look forward to every year -- no matter what is happening within their families they can count on this week of fun and comraderie.  What a blessing.

    I was hoping that DH and I could take a couple of days this week and go away, but he is free-lance and now working so we need the money more than we need the time away.  So I am trying to organize my girls' room and closet.  I've ordered shelving and bins to put their massive amounts of 'stuff' in.  Having the carpets cleaned, going to the gym, getting ready for our big road trip that begins next week, cleaning out the van.  Yes, ladies -- I know how to live!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Emaline -- good for you for exercising so early in this journey.  I didn't start until I was all done.

    Badger -- we went to a graduation party this weekend for a friend's daughter who is going to Wisconsin for college.  I told her -- once a Badger, always a Badger.  The principal at my kids school was a Badger and ended every assembly and email with, "Go Badgers!".  So what are you going to do when you reach 1100 miles?

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2011

    Packjen: Wow! The camp sounds great! Enjoy your days with your husband.

    Emaline: Welcome!

    Sandee: gotta love a clean mammo and a cortisone shot!

    Hello and good night to everyone.

    Walked/jogged 2 miles at the park tonight. Feeling good!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Feeling down today - I don't know how many of you were familiar with a Stage IV poster named Konakat (Elizabeth) but I saw the thread where she lost her battle yesterday.  She was only 49.  She was an amazing person - funny, witty, and yes, courageous.  I never met her, but I loved her postings and was constantly awed and inspired by her.  I felt a real kick in the gut when I saw the news this morning.  As a tribute to her, I'm going to try to incorporate her fighting spirit into my own, and use that motivation to keep exercising and trying to be healthy.  We all know that exercise is one of the biggest weapons we have in our battle against this disease.  

    Yoga last night, including the 2 mile round trip walk. Two miles jogging this morning.  And each step I took is part of the fight against b/c.

    RIP, Konakat.