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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    I am feeling the same way, Mary. Besides exercise, I think we can all dedicate ourselves to her same generousity of spirit and true enjoyment of life. She was always someone who saw the 'glass as half full', and could see the funny/goofy side of even the most difficult of situations.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2011

    I feel the same way about KK, last night I just sat and cried and cried, deep in my heart I knew it was coming especially after she posted about her dream but I was hoping against hope, she was so funny and witty and we had that one BIG thing in common CHOCOLATE, she really touched so many lives, what a great legacy.  I haven't exercised in days as I have the flu and until my fever broke this morning at 3am was feeling achy and miserable, now I'm just feeling my head clogged up.  I did have my physical on monday and have my mammogram booked for July 16.  Ruth the doctor said he doesn't have a clue what triggers the arthritis it can be the sun coming up one day or rain on another but he told me to vary the distribution when carrying my handbag. Confession time - my handbag could be used as a lethal weapon, I have everything in there except the kitchen sink, maybe I need to get a shoulder bag instead or a backpack bag.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Well I went to the PS yesterday to talk about having my MX.  I was somewhat dissapointed but will be OK.  I am not a candidate for implants as he feels pretty sure my body will reject them.  because of radiation he feels my best option is a DIEP because of the blood vessels being larger than from other parts of the body.  However I am too thin for DIEP right now.  I just talk to the nurse and she said I need to gain at lest 10 lbs before I see him again in September.  If there is enough belly fat by then and he feels comfortable with my radiaited tissue he will do the surgery if not I will have to wait.  I really dread having to gain weight because I know it will be hard to take off after surgery but it is my only option.  The nurse explain better that my blood vessels most likely are damaged from rads so that is why they want the DIEP with the really good blood vessels to use otherwise I might not get enough blood supply and loose my tissue all together.  I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up several different protein drink mixes so I can figure out what I like as I don't really know how else to gain weight other than eating sweets but it is so hard to kick the sweet habit as I think I really get addicted. He still wants me to work out because he said he wanted my core stomach muscle to stay in shape.  this will be a challenge to say the least.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    packjen- wow......what a gift! Glad your girls get to enjoy it and glad you have some time where you only need to thikn about you for a few days!

    wonderland- to love it for sure....looking forward to the ultrasound on Tuesday morning!

    RAN on the treadmill at cardiac rehab today...could not do the arm bike because of the tendonitis (which is thankfully not lymphodema...but hurts has been sore since soon after radiation....maybe because i was refusing to baby that arm and did too much? maybe changed how I was sitting/moving/typing to protect that side???who knows....) but I spent 20 minutes onthe treadmill and wow...running in intervals...felt great!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    My company is spending the evening with some old friends of theirs, which gave me the time to to an hour of toning and an hour long reflective, I am off to buy more groceries and toilet paper. I don't have company very often so forget how much more food & supplies one goes through!

    Very big hugs to all! Ruth

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Hey ladies, I too am deeply saddened by konakat's passing and was down all day.

    It was DH's birthday Monday and I got a small DQ ice cream cake.  He's working tonight so I'm having cake & ice cream for supper.  {{kk}}

    Sherry, if your doc would let you have some donated belly fat, I could oblige.

    Jen, when I reach 1,100 miles I'll raise my goal to 2,000.

    Walked at lunchtime yesterday and today.  Total exercise was 3 hours over two days.

    Lots of political intrigue lately but it seems insignificant today...

    {{hugs}} to all 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2011

    My heart has been heavy since I read Yen's message about Elizabeth's death. KK would have liked what you posted Ruth. Such a sad day. She did it her way, asleep, in her home.

    Sherry: good luck with your recon options. Has your PS talked about the S Gap? The flap is taken from your hip, not belly. Many thin women have that method.

    Hello to everyone.

    Walked the mile plus route around my neighborhood this evening. It's good for the soul and like Ruth said, reflect.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Got up early & did pilates. Forced my company out for a walk when they got up. Now on to more eating activites!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    No exercise yesterday other  than what my Omron tracked for me but intend to take a nice long walk after work this evening.  I'm looking forward to that as it really is a good time of reflection.  My mind wanders all over the place (when I can find it) and many of the worlds ills are solved.  Too bad the mind goes haywire again when I get home and the world goes kerplunk!

    Okay, back to work.  Enjoy your day friends.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Ruth yes you go through food and toilet paper with company. LOL

    Wonderland yes he talked about the other options and did not feel they were good for me as the blood vessels in your hips and butt are much smaller and he wants a good blood supply to my breast because of my radiated breast tissue.  If he does not get a good blood supply I could loose the skin and maybe the whole thing.  He said that usually the blood vessels in your radiated tissue are already damaged so he needs to rely on the blood vessels from the harvested tissue.

    Badger--I wish I could take others donated fat.  I would be able to create me some really big ones. LOL  I have always been really small so the thought of that makes me laugh.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    I don't know what is going on w/my body.  Gained 4 lbs over the weekend and the next day (yesterday) had lost 3 lbs.  Oh well, I'll take it.  Did 35 min of weights, 400 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with bands and 20 min on the eliptical.  That was yesterday, today I hope to make it to the gym after the carpet cleaners leave.

    Sherry -- I think I could put on 10 pounds in under a week!  Sorry you are not hearing what you want to hear from the doctors.  Why did they want you to do rads before surgery?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    packjen it is a long story but my BS never talked to me beforehand about a MX she just said lump and rads and then I met with the RO after I had had surgery. I ended up with permanent nerve damage from rads.  I also had nerve damage from a car accident in 1995 that effected my left side arm, hand and three fingers, since rads it is now all 5 fingers.  My pain dr and the PS said I should have never had rads because I was more venerable to nerve damage because of my existing damage.  Now I have to deal with it.  So I have been in alot of pain because of the breast nerves.  I am on medication which is controlling it.  I had  a lump 14 years ago because of ADH, then I ended up with cancer last year.  I had so much scar tissue from before that it never showed on my mammo's.  They were looking at something else when I ended up having an MRI and found the tumor. So with all that I will have to have yearly mammo's and MRI's alternating every 6 months for life.  My cost of the MRI with deductible and coinsurance will be about 2K a year.  This last year my DH has some back issues and had to have CT and MRI and it made me realize that I can't keep this up year after year with no ending to it.  So after I was in so much pain I went back to the BS and she diag me with nerve damage and then I talked to her about all the imaging every 6 months and the cost of it and so she then suggested that maybe it would be best for me to have a MX and then she could deal with the nerves and get me out of pain so I can stop taking the meds.  She was only recommending a uni because she is very conservative. So she sent me to see the PS.  The PS wanted to know what I wanted out of all this and I told him to not have to be screened every 6 months for life and to be able to stop taking the meds for pain.  He then recommended that I have a double MX.  He felt that with my history of ADH and both breast are full of calcification which rads does nothing for either of those (found that out after I switched MO's and PS confirmed it) that I would be better off with removing both breast and reconstruct and lower my risk of getting a new bc which is still high because of the ADH.  He did not feel I was a good candidate for implants because I had a lot of scar tissue with the first lump, my BS tried to remove most of it but I ended up with more after this lump.  I massage it twice a day but it just does not break up.  So the Ps felt that my body would reject them and have capsular contractur.  Because of the rads he felt the only option was a DIEP because he will have good blood vessel to work with.  He said that when you have rads it usually damages your blood vessels so he needs to blood vessels form the DIEP tissue to use.  Other tissue have much smaller blood vessels that he did not feel would work.  So I ended up talking to the nurse yesterday and she said if I can gain the 10-15 lbs that I need by September and if the PS felt that my skin was in good enough shape that he would go ahead and schedule the surgery.  He will do both the MX and the reconstruct because he does not want anyone else touching my blood vessels.  I knew that I had a hard time in rads but I just did not realize that I had as much damage as I do.  He said that I still have alot of discoloration and swelling for 5 months out, but he did give me hope that it will get better.  So hopefully Sept will be good and we can then schedule if not then we will wait until March because I cannot be off between jan and mid march. Sorry this is so long but hard to condense the facts.

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    I love that 500 calorie workout. I don't usually post on this thread/forum, but am struggling so thought I would come to you guys for help. I am an avid exerciser, generally 7 hours a week, a mix of Firm workouts, hill climbing etc... I just got my first vaccines from the Hopkins trial two days ago and man I am dragging! Struggled to do a half hour of cardio on the treadmill. I made a deal with myself that no matter what I will do at least my half hour every day. But I'm so bummed I couldn't do my hour or more. What do you think, should I push myself or let it be during vaccine week and just do my daily minimum? Thanks for any advice guys.

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    Shoot, I was referring to the Firm 500 calorie workout. I came into the thread before the last post. Sorry for any confusion:)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    little tower what kind of vaccine are you taking?

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    It's the vaccine trial at Hopkins. I'm in the high risk arm. The trial is looking to see if this vaccine can prevent or delay recurrence/mets, etc... I just got accepted and started the protocol.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Sherry - you've really had it!  I'm so sorry with all you've been through, but hopefully these surgeries will have the end result your doctors predict. I had no problems with enough belly fat for a DIEP - I can remember my PS at our first meeting palpating my belly rolll and telling me I was a great candidate, and just how big did I want to go, cuz I could go as big as I wanted.  That said, half my office dropped by and offered to donate belly fat, just in case I didn't have enough.  Laughing

    Ruth - good for you for forcing your company to get up and out too!  Jen - wow - you do have fluctuations in weight!  Have you noticed whether it's associated with any particular food, like salt?  Little - Welcome!  I had all my surgeries at Hopkins and participated in two studies there as well, so I know it well.  You may want to call the doctor or your contact at the study to tell them about the s/e and whether exercise is advised with it. You may have to just do walking or something low key on vaccination weeks, then pick it up as the s/e wear off.  I like your quote in your sig!!

    Last night was my "Nats Walk" exercise from the distant parking lot to our upper deck seats and back again.  They even won (wiped out the Cardinals 10-zip!!) so I spent extra energy jumping around and cheering!  Cool  Half hour of weight/resistance training this morning. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2011

    Wow did my Leslie Sansone 2 mile brisk walk DVD then went and walked to Walmart.  Got over 10,000 steps today - YAY!

    littletower, take it easy with anything new at first.  Your body needs to adjust.  You may find you just have to build back up but since you are in a trial you should check and report everything.  HUGS.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited June 2011

    Rowed tonight..apparently the hour of rowing is about 4kms! Between that and yesterday's 30 minutes of cardio, I am feeling stronger!

    Sherry. I am so hoping your summer is gentle to you...and that all will be ready to go in September. if I could give you some of the weight I have put on in the last few years, I would....firm muscle tone but too much of it!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Stopping by after my Mexican dinner......I will be able to donate plenty of fat after this week!!

    Welcome littletower. I LOVE the FIRM workouts, including the 500 calorie workout!! Definitely check with the trial people but maybe try to do the hour, but lower the intensity and do something lighter. Like walk more slowly, use lighter weights etc.

    Back to the company. Have a great night all! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    littletower interesting trial had not heard of it.  I agree with mary call your contact person and get advice.

    Mary It was kinda weird having the PS pinching parts of my body at the first consultation.  I thought he had plenty to pinch but guess he though otherwise. 

    Mary, Ruth and everyone It would be nice if I could take all of you with me and take all the donations, then I would have me some really great boobs from some really great friends. Smile

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2011

    Four of us walked over lunch break, it was a nice day to get out and stretch our legs.  

    9,788 steps / 5.7 miles / 45 minutes of exercise today

    'night Tarts!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    Sherry, with all our 'donations', you could look just like Pamela Anderson!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2011

    Just heard about (KK) My heart is so heavy we had planned to meet this year in Cuba.So Sad I hate this #### disease.

    House is still full of relatives after the wedding.But I did slip out to the gym today and will do so tomorrow.I really needed it.

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    Off to the gym before Hopkins. I'll let you know how it all goes. Thanks ladies. I will talk to the study nurse today.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2011

    Patoo- 10,000 steps - hooray!  Sandee - sounds like you've discovered an exercise you love with the rowing.  Ruth - heard Joe Mauer was returning to the Twins after being on the DL so long. Hopefully his return will spark the Twins like the return of Ryan Zimmerman sparked the Nats! Badger - a lunch walking group sounds good - maybe I'll see if I can get one going here.  Mum - so the celebration continues!  Good for you for making gym time for yourself during all the hubbub.  Little - good luck today!

    2 mile walk with hubby last night, and 15 minutes Lebeds and 30 minutes weight/resistance this morning.  Off to the cabin this weekend!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2011

    Wow, Sherry you have been through it!  It sounds like your current surgeon is on a good path.  If you didn't get a double then you would probably end up doing all that testing every six months anyway.  I hope this all works out to your satisfaction.

    Sandee, rowing sounds like fun.  I use the rowing machine at the gym and have been thinking it would be nice to try the real thing.  Is it hard?  How did you get started?

    Mary, the weight fluctuation might have to do with the time of day I weigh myself and whether I've had anything for breakfast or had a BM.  Sometimes I just can't get to the gym first thing in the morning though.

    Yesterday I had the carpets cleaned so I did a bunch of furniture moving.  Also 35 min of weights, 350 stomach crunches, 30 min on the rowing machine.

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    Did my full hour and felt great! I think it must be the first couple of days that will be a struggle.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Just catching up on everything, including this thread . . . and just a quick note to let all of you know I'm thinking about you.

    Sherry:  Looks like you've got your hands full.  I haven't read the details, but will do so.

    I am saddened by KK's passing.

    Hugs to Everyone.

    Welcome to all the new people!

    I overdid this past weekend, resulting in burnout and a workweek with no energy.  Not good.  

    Will catch all of you later.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited June 2011

    sneaking by up early & did a 35 minute FIRM toning DVD before anyone else was up, the rest of my company shows up later this afternoon. I have a early morning walking 'date' with my SIL tomorrow but won't be able to post again until everyone leaves on Sunday. Have a great weekend! Ruth