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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Thanks for welcome.  Walked again (1 mile) but have to admit I over ate (BOOO WHOOO). I did play  tennis in the 90 degree weather this week too and I was happy to be out there but realized the former tennis group before my six surgeries was not expecting me to play that bad....don't know if I will be invited to sub again. :( Many don't know why I was "out" and the one gal said to her partner "watch out she is a 4.0"  Well maybe three years ago but certainly not now!  Still it was about the competition for me now, just happy to be out there!

    Exercising my fingers right now....A LOT!   My pain is so much better on the meds I got and take now consistently....hoping to sleep throught the night for a change.  

    I love that picture too!  It  must be so nice to have a babe around!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    replaced my regular 1.6 mile walk with a walk to the CVS for more gauze and paper tape (who says life is not exciting!).  I ran into a woman from my book club there who asked, looking at my purchases, if someone was hurt... i replied that i had a mastectomy and still had some issues to address... i thought her response was one of the best i've heard so far  -- 'you are in a big sisterhood'.  yep. too bad. but yep.  then i walked home and took the girls for there .6 mile walk.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Good morning all, it's 6 am and already 76 degrees.  Supposed to be a high of 96 today, so if I'm going to walk, I'd better get out there soon.  Just sipping my first cuppa, maybe I'd better pick up the pace.  The sun is coming up.

    Happy Canada Day!  Let the fireworks begin (I love fireworks).  Smile

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Did Spin class last night but was so tired when I got home didn't even turn on the computer. After class went to a friends for dinner and had "the worst meal ever" she is a really great cook but something went wrong with her oven - it all looked lovely but was not cooked at all, so we microwaved it but the damage was done but we had a great time catching up as she had just come back from a European cruise/adventure.

    MRDRN good for you for getting out in the heat and hitting the ball around, I believe as long as you are doing something you are enjoying you're ahead of the game.  Vshea you never know what someone will say when you tell them and that was a beautiful response and oh so correct.

    To Mum and Mary Louise and all our north of the border lurkers have a very HAPPY CANADA DAY.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    did a yoga class last night and it was great.  The instructor really pushed us and my arms arm feeling it today. I received a free yoga CD from a lady who would send them to cancer patients and survivors.  It is made for women healing from cancer etc.  I just got it in and will try it over the weekend.  If any of you that do yoga are interested in the CD PM me and I'll give you the info.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited July 2011

    Did 30 minutes of toning & walked 30 minutes under a threatening sky. I sure hope we don't get any more rain. On the news yesterday they advised everyone in town to plug their floor drains as (with the 4 more inches of rain we got over the weekend), the sewer systems are operating at maximum capacity. Isn't that a pleasant thought?!? Frown

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth - Aubrey is cute as a button! What a smile!!! I can see why you enjoy her so much - she looks like a personality and a half. Good luck with your scan - we're all here for you. Ruth - plug up your floor drains??? Yuk.  Sherry - let us know how the yoga is.  Vhshea - I think I single-handedly supported CVS with the gauze and paper tape I went through after surgeries!  Of course now I have several half used boxes of gauze pads in all different sizes crowding up the bathroom cupboard.  Cheryl - isn't it wonderful to be old enough not to care if a meal goes south - it sounds like you and your friend had a wonderful evening despite the oven malfunction.  I think something happening like that when I was younger would have been a disaster - now it's just a funny story to tell. 

    Off to the cabin for the long weekend.  Happy Canada Day to all of our northern neighbors!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Jogged in the pool for 60 mins.  But wrecked it all for dinner so I think I need to add a weight workout tonight as well.  Need to brush my teeth first and get some water so I don't eat any more tonight. 

    Night sculptresses.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    I have taken a walk every night since my first chemo, Wed., Thurs and tonight...I try to do 30ish minutes, energy is so-so. I was a gym goer 3-4 days a week before all of this but am worried about germs and over doing it during chemo so put the gym on a 6 month hiatus. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited July 2011

    Hi Rabbit!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Welcome Rabbit

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Yikes Ruth you poor North Dakotans are really having a time of it, I shan't tell you how absolutely beautiful it is here in So Cal. Welcome Rabbit.

    Tonight the travelling band of workout buddies went to Long Beach and did a dance class, can't really describe it as it was kind of zumba kind of latin it was a fast paced and for me fun but as we were driving home one of the girls who didn't really enjoy it said - and I quote "I just want to "hit" somebody" yes Combat is her favorite. Ruth I though of you as I drove down PCH with the sun on the ocean it was stunning, and the class made me think of Ronna I wonder how she is doing, we haven't heard from her in ages.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Good morning Tarts and welcome rabbit.  Good for you for walking through chemo, I did that and it helped so much.  Still walking, in fact.  Got in an hour yesterday morning and 90 minutes today.  It's beautiful at 6 am, sun's just coming up and a light breeze.  It's a great time to meditate and pray, hope you can feel the love and positive energy headed your way.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    so i did my regular walk with the girls (listening to the audio book is a great motivator - did not want to go but i did want to hear my 'story').  then i went for my regular walk, and it was late - dark - so i actually snuck in some running - first time post-op - but really should have worn a bra for my non-cancer side - my TE side was fine (no fills yet) but the other, little A cup side was bouncing - so then i was running with one hand on the non-cancer side - thank God it was dark!  LOL... so i will try on some of my old sports bras - i am the same size or smaller than before, so they will fit.  but boy oh boy did the running feel good!  yea!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited July 2011

    Good job on the running. It feels great to be able to start doing 'normal' things, doesn't it?!

    I walked for 45 minutes & did 30 of pilates. Also grocery shopped and cleaned up around here as we are having our annual 4th of July Picnic tomorrow instead of Monday.

    Happy Weekend, All!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Congrats on the running.  It does feel good to get back to what you are used to because that is what you enjoy and miss.

    Did 60 min water aerobics class then jogged in the water for another 20 mins.  Then a little shopping to buy a new stove and microwave, then walked to CVS for something to help with the leg cramps that have come back.  The walking alone is over 10,000 steps and according to I worked off over 900 calories today - WOW.

    Supposed to rain tomorrow but if it doesn't will be meeting a friend who is a walker so that should be a good workout. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited July 2011

    Walked for half an hour....getting ready to picnic!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Walked for an hour this morning.  Been cleaning out dresser drawers and came upon a stash of shorts.  Three pairs and they all fit wahoo, so I've been wearing shorts while walking the last three days and getting some sun on my legs.  Nice change from jeans.

    We are heading to Chicago for a few days later this week.  I'd like to visit Adler Planetarium and see the new attraction, Deep Space Adventure, in the new Grainger Sky Theater.  DH wants to eat a fancy meal but for that he'll need some new duds as he's "outgrown" his nicer clothes.

    And of course there's the Field natural history museum and Shedd aquarium so we could stay a month and not see it all, but a few days away will be nice no matter what.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Lots of exercise yesterday, rainy today so not so much although I plan on doing a couple of DVDs later.  Got a new loseit badge - for burning an insane amount of calories over the last 4 weeks, so why hasn't the scale reflected it!!!!!  Okay, so maybe it's inches not ounces I'm losing - that's my story.  But it does get frustrating.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Congratulations Ruth!!! I know what a huge weight it is off the shoulders....

    Badger- Ann of Green Gables indeed. I have been to the house so many times I now just drop the students off and go get coffee or return to our cabins...but the play was fantastic..completely overhauled.

    Spent today in the sun and am feeling it now despite the oooddles of sunscreen I had applied...was out walking from 12- need to get some work done for tomorrow and need to prepare food...and rehydrate! First day of solid sunshine in ages!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    We returned from our week at the beach yesterday - had a great time! Lots of walking, running, and swimming. We cooked fresh clams, flounder, shrimp (lots of shrimp), crab, and red snapper.

    Tonight I walked/jogged 2 miles at the park. I tried to imagine I was back on the beach walking in the sand with the ocean right beside me. Not quite the same..........

    Happy 4th of July to everyone!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Well done Wonderland!!!! walking, eating fresh fish...all sounds like my weekend!!! Different parts of the coast though:)

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Thanks hbcheryl that is very kind of you to say :)  I made a mistake of getting those "smore" ingredients...because after all it IS a holiday...and it does last the whole weekend...NO  MORE EXCUSES for eating this bad stuff.  I have to loose weight for less pain on my joints!! No more excuses.

    I walked and threw the ball to the dog.  Not much exercise I know but fun and yesterday boating...I know...sitting in a motor boat for 4 does getting out of the house count?

    I am going to go on our elipical!  PROMISE...may only last one minute but it is a start. 

    Happy a wonderful holiday weekend everybody!  Take advantage of the warm weather and fresh something good for yourselves.  


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Did Body Combat class yesterday and Body Step this morning, hot and humid in the room - don't know how you southern gals do it, went to Target after class today and when I got home discovered I'd done my class and my trip around Target wearing my workout pants inside out Embarassed oh and went there especially to buy a new DVD, guess what I forgotTongue out

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Got out and walked 90 minutes this morning, what a glorious Independence Day! 

    Sunny but not hot, slight breeze, blue skies and 72 degrees. 

    Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited July 2011

    Walked an hour and 45 minutes toning with Denis Austin. Did our big friends picnic yesterday & will bring a picnic over to my dads this afternoon. Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Spellgirl
    Spellgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2011
    Hello ladies- I am new to this thread. I finally got out to walk my springer Spaniel today- 1.5 miles. But I had to tie her leash around my waist because my arms annot take any tugging at all yet. I see that many of you are running and playing catch- wow. How long did it take post-op for you to be able to do that? I am almost 6 weeks out from my BMX but it still hurts my chest just to walk. Any exercises to help with that? Enjoy your 4th! I had to get out today as friends are coming into town and we are going out to dinner!Tongue out
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    hello Spellgirl, welcome!  It's been 18 months since my BMX but I still remember how jouncing hurt my chest.  I started a walking program when I started chemo, which was approx 6 weeks after surgery.  But I didn't do much else until starting yoga almost a year ago.

    Maybe one of the others can answer, being a holiday weekend tho, responses may be slow.

    My basic, simple, sisterly advice is this ~ if it hurts, don't do it.  Best wishes!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Welcome Spellgirl.  Can't answer because I only had a lumpectomy but just wanted to say take it easy - don't try to rush.  You walked the dog 1.5 miles, that's a huge accomplishment by itself. That's how far I walked in a parade this morning although it doubled because I then had to walk back to my car.  You have the motivation so you are on your way.

    Hi to everyone.  It's hot and humid here but I have more movement in store for today so hope everyone is having a great day.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Have not done any formal exercise but have done lots of house cleaning so I'll count that instead.  Tomorrow I have a MO follow up appt and then I have a yoga class after that.  I always look forward to my yoga classes.