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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth - I am so sorry about the bad news.  I hope at your appointment today your oncologist can come up with a new treatment plan to help fight it.  I am so glad you're going to the Vegas reunion and I hope you have a fabulous time!

    Sandee - glad that the tendonitis wasn't LE.  I had a shoulder impingement from the same issues - hunching forward, etc.  The therapist said she sees a lot of issues with shoulders in b/c survivors  because we get in the habit of hunching over to protect ourselves from pain after all our surgeries.  I still do many of the exercises she gave me a few years ago. I'm sorry you had a bad day the other day - sometimes it just all catches up to you.  Hope a good night's sleep helped. MR - I had several friends go see the Dalai Lama here in DC. What an incredible human being and inspiration he is. I have a special fond memory of him - last time he was in DC, he wore a Nationals baseball cap!!  Vhshea - so sorry about the recon setback.  Good that your ps is determined to make it work for you eventually.  Don't overdo it with stretches and upper body exercises until you are healed - your lymphatic system is already terribly stressed, and you don't want to stress it further and increase your LE risk.  

    Welcome back to the vacationers!!

    About hot tubs and LE - I have LE, but I absolutely have to have my hot tub.  A couple years ago my LE therapist and I worked out a deal - cut the temp back to no more than 102 (and preferably 100), stay in for only 15 minutes, and take precautions afterwards just as if I'd stressed it exercising or lifting.  QOL is important. So far so good!

    Getting back into exercise after my week of sloth last week.  Jogged 2 miles yesterday morning (had to get out at 6am to beat the heat/humidity, and it was still near 80!) and did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  No word from the insurance co yet on our claim for the tree falling on the cabin, but we checked it this weekend and the blue tarp is holding and the rug and padding are dry. Off to yoga class!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    My apologies for being gone so long . . . haven't caught up on threads; will do so.  Way too much to do right now, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

    At any rate, I am exercising.

    Welcome to all New Comers, and HUGS to Everyone.


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Ruth: so glad you made it back safely to ND! I want your temperature, not this humidity at 100 degrees. Hope you had a great time at the beach. Sounds like you ate and drank good. Smile

    Sherry: I'm not liking this heat! We will get a break with cooler weather on Thursday (only in the 80s).

    Mary: Glad the tarp is holding and the rug and padding are still dry!

    Julie: Sorry things are so busy for you now. I'm impressed you are exercising!

    No walking/jogging for me tonight. Too hot! Plus I have alot of paperwork to review before a meeting tomorrow night. I'll probably have a glass of "fruit" that Ruth mentioned to help me get through the reading!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2011

    Went to the Dr. the cancer has spread more through my bones and now it is in my liver. I start chemo tomorrow. I am doing Taxotere/Carboplatin like I did for my breast cancer. I hated the side effects from it I hope it is not as bad. Thanks for the prayers and thinking of me,

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Oh Elizabeth; I am so, so sorry to hear your news. Praying that the chemo will totally beat the crap out of those cancer cells without making you feel too rotten in the process. Sending you a big hug. Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth, so sorry for this news.  Many prayers are going up now to help you as you go through this.  Like Ruth says, let the chemo beat those cells into oblivion!   HUGS

    Came on to post and I have been exercising, either walking, water, or house work of some sort but not really feeling it right now because of ebann's news. 

    Night all.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Wonderland,cheryl, sherrry, vhshea....the weird things is it comes and goes...but not when I am it is when I am stiff perhaps and therefore tense....anyhow, went in to my dr;s office and promptly teared up, of course....(two weeks ago I bounced in and one week too..not today)...sat in tears and said "I don;t feel right" ..there is this and this an dthis...and it is not normal for it th eupped cholesterol medication? she thinks I am drepressed (totally tapped out fatigue...can do the cardio class then barely walk home up the hell....but I am running around like a crazy fool at night doing things, and going to classes and teahing classes....and not doing much of my job job excelt checking email...all while applying for another job I am unsure I want but thought i would try for anyhow..anyhow, i promised to call the counsellour I liked last year when my husband left and promised to call him and make an appintment so I can go and cry in places I feel are appropriate....and perhaps throw a pillow becauwe I hink I am angry that all this shit has happened to me....interupted paddling and cardiac cardio yesterday and no energy today to even walk up the stairs\

    it will all work out. So thank you for your positive thoughts. I figure the counsellor and my naturopath will do a better job on me than more pills in my system...just saying:). 

    the 24 hour rule....essentially, focus on the now..what you can accomplish today...not what you did yesterday but how you feel today. If the day hurts later on, remind yourself that when you go to bed in a few hours those pains will be gone and you can start again tomorrow...fresh..reborn and ready to go!. Works for me the 90% I is the 10% that I suffer while in it!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011
    "Have courage for the great sorrow of life and patience for the small one; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily  task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake." Victor Hugo
  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    sandee - 24 hour rule - it is a good one. thank you for that.  please do get with your therapist... i will be going on tamoxifen soon and am planning on setting up so appts - i stopped going about three years ago b/c my therapist is so good i really was ok - but with the tamoxifen.. ugh .. i know i won't be.  it is hard when multiple parts of your life are out of whack - like health and job, i truly feel for you - the fatigue is likely depression so the therapist is a great first step in looking into it.. and know we, your sisters, are here and hear.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth I'm so sorry to hear of your progression, praying the chemo is easy on you this time and does it's job (((((HUG))))).

    Julie I was beginning to get worried about you, I know your project is probably keeping you busy busy busy.

    Sandee you've had one heck of a ride lately and your body is probably throwing up it's hands and saying "enough" along with the therapist what about some meditation sometimes having to clear your head can help, also what about trying acupuncture to help put your body back in balance.

    Ruth I'm with you, I think we should plan a get together although let's not plan Minneapolis in the winter, I used to watch The Mary Tyler More show and they have fierce winters and I don't have any winter clothesCool

    Did Body Step class tonight, it was packed but it's always so much fun with a room full of people enjoying themselves.  Nite all.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    So it is 12:37 am here and I am awake. dang. I had my TE removed today in out-patient and now have a brand spankin' new drain. yipee. really.  hate hate hate drains.  And it started leaking tonight so obviously another zero day of exercise -- but soon, I promise!  My dogs are completely confused about losing their daily walk (need to get my son to take them).... Well, I will have some milk and try to sleep... Night ladies!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    good morning, will post more tonight after work but wanted to pop in and send {{hugs}} to Elizabeth, Sandee, and Virginia. 

    Welcome back Ruth, excellent quote.  Minneapolis would be great!  I could drive there.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth - so sorry to hear your news.  I add my love and hope that the chemo does it's job and kicks major cancer butt.  I'll be thinking of you. If I remember you have chihuahuas - I bet they're snuggling with you big time these days.  Pets always seem to know when we need some extra love and comfort.  

    Vhshea - I hate drains too.  By the time I had all my surgeries, I'd had a total of 12 drains. DH was an expert drain stripper after so much practice!  Sandee - take care of yourself.  I think Cheryl's on to some thing when she says you've been through so much that your body is saying "enough already!!!" 

    Yoga last night, plus the 2 mile round trip walk to the rec center.  2 miles of jogging this morning.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    I did walk for an hour yesterday & just finished 30 minutes Pilates....trying to unkink from all the luggage hauling. Off to do a long list of errands. Hugs to all!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) so sorry of the news that your cancer has spread.  I hope you have a better time with the chemo this time around.  I don't know how you will be getting it, but my Dad is stage IV lung cancers mets to the bones and they are giving him the same combo you will be getting along with Zometa.  He gets a lower dose but gets is every week for three weeks then off a week.  He has done very well on it.  He has not taken any nausea meds, just eats some crackers when his tummy feels a little off.  He sleeps alot but he did that before anyway.  So I pray that you will have an easier time this time around with it.

    Sandee I hope you do go see the therapist.  You have had so much going on in your life, first hubby leaving, then BC, then heart attack.  Gee you have had more than your fair share.  I hope you get to feeling better.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    SherryC - so sorry - did not know about your dad - went through lung cancer with my mom, too, and know how very hard that is... my prayers for you both.

    My church has a tradition that is so wonderful.  When someone in the congregation is sick or has concerns about a friend/relative, the church creates a prayer blanket for them and places it up in the front of the church - the blankets have fringes cut that the members of the church are invited to come up and tie a knot as they say a prayer for the person - then the blanket is given to the patient - mine has brought me unexpected comfort when I touch a knot and know someone has prayed for me.  They put a tag on it with your name and that it comes from the church with love.  I will try to add a picture of it... we will see if I can figure that out...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    vhshea- we found out the last day of my rads that my dad's lung cancer had some back.  So it has been a whirlwind with him since then but he is doing very well.  He just finished his first complete round of chemo which is actually two months and had a CT scan yesterday so just waiting see if the tumors have shrunk.  If so they will continue on and if not it will be plan B.  But I really think it has worked because he is feeling so much better.  But then again right before starting chemo they found out he had Stage III colon cancer and he had surgery to remove that.  I think it was causing him more pain than he realized.

    One of the churches here in town has a prayer shawl ministry.  They made me a wonderful shawl that I have used so much.  I was so touched when they brought it to me.  Another church has a quilting ministry and they made me a quilt.  I have also used that alot.  I find comfort in knowing that the ladies that made these have prayed for me during the time they made them.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011


    That stinks that you needed the TE removed.  Are you going to get another one replaced?  I hope your drain comes out soon.


    Sorry to hear about your Dad's cancer but it is touching when we see the good that flows out from others during these times, isn't it?  


    Hope you got a lot done today.  Yes, excellent quote. I am doing nothing because my foot is killing me ...ugh...a new pain and it is preventing me from getting so much done! I know excuses, excuses! :)) I did swim a few laps but probably burned only 5 calories! :(  

    NatsFan   That is fantastic that you can jog a few miles especially in this heat?  I hope it was inside?

    badger  Thanks for the links on LE. is amazing the conflicting stuff out there

    hbcheryl Thanks, yes me too.  My husband is reading more and more about Buddist ideas and is very introspective.  In fact when I met him nearly 25yrs ago, he gave me a book called "Be here NOW".    

    Off to try and get to the store and cook something for dinner...I cannot believe I have this new pain in my foot!  UGH...REALLY trying to get healthy, eat right, exercise....take care of my fam now why on earth would I have this new pain when I was just starting the handle the other one?  this "new normal" is so depressing.  I played competitive tennis a few years ago on five different teams and worked part time....thanks for listening.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Vshea/badger/sherry- thanks...yep. I put a call in to my guy today....he is great at his job...went to see him after my partner had left and I was so stunned...went again a few times between BC diagnosis an dthe beginning of radiation...have not seen him since as I felt I was handling things and did not need him as a mirror....but clearly if I am crying on a stationary bike with masses of people around, then I am stressed!

    the meditation jus makes me think and whirl more...pump class , oddly enough, is what does it for me when I am stressing...but I can't get there these days...having trouble going up the stairs. I am having a hard itme figuring how stairs and depression are linked, given that I can run on the treadmill...but I definitely agree that I have had enough  garbage tossed my way and that my smile is faltering.

    Sherry- so sorry to hear about your dad!!! my thoughts are on too have had your fair goodness..we all have! What a year!!!! But remember that he is blessed that you are by his side. You are such a good daughter!

    hugs to all. Tomorrow is another day(oh..and I skiped cardiac cardio with permission today and went to the ocean and sat on a rock and breathed instead...a form of meditatoin for sure.)

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    MRDRN - yes I will get a new TE but not for three months - needs to heal and ensure the infection is completely gone - PS said it was very infected - ugh - I think it was the drain site but who knows - PS had said that it just sometimes happens, especially with the nipple saving surgery I had.  BUT!!! My nipple is looking great!!! My boob, on the other hand, totally flat except for some residual swelling on the outer side of the upper pole..  I am a little teary seeing my flat side of the chest and knowing it will be that way for three months - and no bra for two weeks so cannot even stuff it...

    Sandee - good for you, girl - I will call Monday to set up my appt with my therapist (she will answer if I call on the weekend and I am not in big a hurry).

    PS says drain out by end of week or Monday at the latest, so that is good...

    Dogs keep looking at me, waiting for their walk... poor pooches... they are just so damn cute.

    Hugs all... thanks for the words of support...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    vhshea, YOUCH! I am getting sympathetic pains where my drains were just reading your post!! Isn't it just so frustrating to have to wait!!! GRRRRR!

    MRDRN-do you know what caused your foot to be hurting? GRRRR AGAIN!

    Sandee, I think Cheryl is right when she said that your body/mind has just had enough trama for awhile and is running on empty. You are so wise to talk to your counselor (and so lucky that you have found a good one) to help you sort through everything. Besides talking to him and enjoying nature, I would say to be very good to yourself. If you love getting a massage, or a facial, or buying big clunky jewelry, or fresh flowers.....whatever would be a treat.....indulge.....and often. You (we all) deserve it!!! (That is my theory and I'm sticking to it!)

    I ran errands all morning and spent two hours with my dad at his dentist appointment. Poor dear, like a young child, he can not understand why we would be so mean to him. I wouldn't keep him going except he still has his own teeth and will end up with even more problems and discomfort if we don't take care of them. It is not fun to parent your parents, is it? Cry

    Anyway, tonight I did a 35 minute FIRM lower body workout that I haven't been able to do since my hernia surgery, so I am pretty happy about that. Now I am going to check out the sales at Lands End and engage in a little 'retail therapy' myself.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Sandee so glad you called your therapist. 

    vhshea--yikes so sorry you had to have your TE removed, but better to get that nasty infection cleared up so that you can move forward with your reconstruction.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    It was nice today so got a group of four to walk at lunchtime.  Seems I'm the drill sergeant; no one walked last week while I was on vacation.  Oh well, at least I'm a good influence.

    V - sorry about your TE, ouch!  Hope you get the drains out ASAP and heal up well & fast.

    Love the prayer blanket, shawl and quilt.  How comforting to feel wrapped in loving prayers.

    MRDRN - I've had sore feet in my time so know how that affects everything else.  Hope you figure it out soon and get some relief.

    Hi Julie, glad you popped in!

    Carol (naturegrrl) thinking of you, hoping all is well.

    Elizabeth, hoping your chemo went OK today and that it kicks some major BC butt!

    Sandee, sometimes, all you can do is keep breathing.  Here's a video for you:    and {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth, thinking of you hope you had an easy day of it (((HUG)))

    Ruth love love love Lands End, I use one of their totes as my gym bag, I orderded it with the longer straps so I can carry it over my shoulder, I also bought a whole bunch and gave them as Christmas gifts, they are inexpensive and great quality and everyone I gave one to loved it.

    Sandee I did pump tonight and I know what you mean I think it's because whether you're doing clean and presses or rows or bicep curls you have to think about the breathing as you do each movement and the ocean is a wonderful place to sit and contemplate.

    Sherry so good to hear that your dad is doing well.

    V youch, get that infection taken care of and just rest and take it easy.

    Badger that was beautiful.

    Well tonight two classes with the wonderful Eduardo Body Pump and Body Combat, although tonight he was on fire and because there are so few of us, honestly it's like getting a 2 hour personal training workout cause he catches everything you do, like tonight he showed me a way to hold my thumbs so I don't injure my wrists (I'm having a bit of an arthritis flare) and then he forced me to go with a heavier weight and he was right I COULD do it, he also told us we should be doing 5 to 10 minutes of yoga stretching each day as it is wonderful for our body.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011
    Oh forgot to tell you all I am an idiot.  Like a fool I agreed to meet a couple of the girls at the gym at 6am in the morning to do a 6.30am spin class, why do I open my big mouth and be all like "yeah I'm in" I'll want to be snuggled up but I've made a commitment, ah wellCry
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Cheryl, did you survive your 6am at the gym? At various times I have tried early morning exercise and just can not keep a committment to it (although I greatly admire people who do!).

    Walked for an hour and did 30 minute Cardio Dance Party DVD.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    I have been walking quite a bit. I try to walk 1 hour and1/2 everyday when it is not too hot here.I have a spin cycle that I am waiting on DH to put together.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Ruth, yes I did survive the class but I am NOT a morning person, funny thing the only reason we did this class is the instructor.  She was subbing a class, she pushes you to do things you think are beyond your limit (like cycling up Mt Everest standing) anyways cause at night you have to get to her class an hour before to get a bike we went half an hour early, well morning people just meander in, class did fill up but they started arriving at 6.25am and of course I didn't sleep well cause I kept worrying about waking up in time ces't la vie.  I'll be back tonight, it'll be late as I'm driving up to Pasadena to do two classes after work!!!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    Vh - I hope the drains come out the end of the week so you don't have to go through the weekend with them.  I HATED when I'd accidentally catch one on something - OUCH!  MR - I've had foot pain off and on since I started AIs.  Poor DH - I'm always asking him for foot rubs!  I do find that doing toe raises on the steps helps whatever is ailing them - something about stretching out the feet. Cheryl - 6:30am spin class??? I'm impressed!!  Ruth - cool that you got to do the FIRM workout again after your surgery. MsCal - your own spin cycle?  Wow - that's cool.  

    I had a wonderful day yesterday - 2 mile jog (yes, outside, but I get out at 6am to avoid the worst of the heat) and my lunchtime yoga class.  Then, a special treat.  We just opened a new Rec Center this week (I work for our Rec Dept) and I had to go there for a late afternoon meeting.  I took my workout stuff, and once the meeting was over I had the beautiful new workout room all to myself for an hour!  I jogged 25 minutes on the treadmill, tried the bike for 5 minutes, and spent about half an hour trying out each of the brand spankin' new machines. As you can imagine I was sore this morning, so just did Lebeds and some other stretches.  But being able to do 3 workouts in one day was a luxury! It felt great.  And you should have seen me posting all the exercise on last night - that little blue bar slid down to just about nothing!  Cool