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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Great picture - thanks so much for sharing. 

    Just goofed off today instead of exercising but did a 3-mile Leslie Sansone DVD yesterday and my poor butt and right thigh made me aware of it.  Still aching but it's all good.  Pedometer logged a little over a mile today and I may do some marching in a few minutes when I go up to turn in.  Busy tomorrow night so probably won't get any exercise in; will try to make up for it on the weekend.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Visiting in NYC and doing tons of walking

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Wonderland beautiful picture of you and Ruth.  Did RPM (which is spin) class last night, another new release and it was another "oh my goodness I can't believe people think up this torture" class but at the end I came out feeling good, then undid the good by going out to eat, ah well.  Happy Friday, yeah it's the weekend!!!!

  • Spellgirl
    Spellgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2011

    Hi all- just sayin- I did walk Lucy my 1.5 miles yesterday and today. It really does help to know I have to post about it! ;-) and yes, cheryl, my neighbor IS a gem, and Lucy is a wonderful Springer Spaniel.

    vhshea, so sorry about the tight TE. Do you have anoyone who can give a good shoulder pressure point massage? Yesterday I came across a neat gadget called the 'Backnobber II' at a local Simple Comforts store. It looks like a large "S" and is an awesome way to release your own pressure points along the shoulder blades and anywhere else you are hurting when no one is around to help you out. I got one to share with my hubbie who is in treatment for a herniated disc right now. check it out at mine was $42 which I felt was a bit pricey- but we have so many ongoing back issues at my house I figure it was probably worth it. Good luck!

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2011

    After a few days of rain, it's hot & humid with lots of mosquitoes here in Miami. So, hooray for the trusty treadmill!  2 miles for me today. I'm thinking about trying a DVD workout with very light weights later today to see what I can do - I'll definitely skip the push-ups. It hurts just to think about them! But for right now - my book is beckoning and I plan to relax with a cup of green tea & my babies (my dogs) and read. :-)

    Good weekend everyone! 

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    spellgirl - will definitely check that out!  my husband has a bone spur on his c7 and is going in for a steroid shot in his spine next wed, so we likely would get use from that little device... i know where to get a good massage but with not being able to lie on my stomach, i was hesitant.. has anyone else gotten a massage (i am four weeks post MX)?

    wonderland - you and ruth could be sisters (guess we are all sister of a type!)... looks beautiful there!  glad  you all had fun...

    goldenmom - ugh - i know about the weather - but we so hate the cold that my husband and i have a pact not to complain about the dallas 100+ days in the summer... and i really do hate hate hate winter, so i will try to be good...

    patoo - every time i read your posts i need to remind myself that you joined in 2008 - you are my goal - to do the workouts you do! wow!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Thanks for all the nice comments about the picture of Ruth and me. Hope she and her family are having a great time at Myrtle Beach. As you can imagine from her uplifting and informative posts, it was truly a pleasure to meet her and talk with her in person.

    Just got in from fast walking/jogging the 1.1 mile around my hilly neighborhood. The humidity is at 100% (I looked it up to comfirm what I felt) and I feel like I've already had my shower! Ugh!

    While walking I couldn't help but remember how summer was like growing up. Everyone stayed outside as long as they could because no one had air conditioning in their house. Outside was cooler than inside. So, everyone walked around looking like I do now! Tongue out I have become spoiled with air conditioning.

    I love hearing the night crickets and tonight they seemed especially active. Music to my ears!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2011

    Love the pic of  Ruth and Wonderland. Glad you had an opportunity to meet. I am going to Vegas with the sisters here on bco. Went last year and meet some wonderful ladies. Looking forward to it again. My best friend Tracy is going with me this time.  Yay!

    I continue to do my exercises for my leg and hip. Starting to exercise the other side and keeping the upper  part as will. I got my results in and the cancer has spread. My appt with the  Dr was on the 18th and they called and moved it to the 12th and I will know where the cancer has spread then. If there is a cancellation they want me to come in. When the Dr calls and wants you to come in before your appt date you know it is not good. Frown

    I will continue to fight. I am inspired and so many things to do. Especially seeing my little Aubrey grow into a beautiful lady. I am tired of being sick though. I have had it and get angry about it. My counselor was very helpful and I am seeing her once a week for awhile. I did go to healing prayer at my church Wednesday night and believe I am going to go to that as will. God is the might physician and he keeps me going strong.

    Have a blessed day everyone.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    (((((Hugs))))). I have said a special prayer just for you Elizabeth.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Fast walked/jogged 2 miles at the park with dh. Humidity much better this evening than last night.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Wonderland/Ruth- what a terrific picture!!!!

    Was in the dragon boat race today in the pouring rain...we did not win but it was good to spend a few hours of chitchat with these wonderful women. Starting to learn names and histories..what an incredibly strong bunch... surgeon asked me to come in 2 weeks early last summer.I was in a raw panic...but better to get in there sooner than later you know? the sooner they let you know so you can make decisions, the faster they can get you healed. Glad you are going to someone to talk to and are par of a healing group....walkng helps too to clear and focus the mind(I actually found lifting weights helped the most....) thoughts are with you.

  • Spellgirl
    Spellgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2011

    well, I walked again last night and this morning (1.5 miles) wth the dog, but today have been miserable- pain in chest and heaviness in my right arm. You can't get lymphedema in the prophylactic mastectomy side, can you? I had the sentinel node biopsied on the left side but I don't think they did it on the right... back on the pain meds...

    elizabeth- I am so sorry you  are having a recurrence- and I am so glad that you do have folks to pray with you through this. Sending gentle hugs your way.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    good morning Tarts, we're back from Chicago.  Whoever said all the walking would make up for all the eating was right.  We walked a LOT.  The museum campus was about 2 miles from our hotel, then we strolled around all day looking at exhibits. 

    We went to the Adler Planetarium (highlight was the Gemini 12 spacecraft, you could see the scorch marks from the 3,500 degree re-entry to Earth's atmosphere) and the Field Museum of Natural History (highlight was "Sue" the largest and most complete T-Rex skeletal fossil ever found) but skipped the Shedd Aquarium due to time constraints.  Maybe next time, it was surprisingly close.  We got there and back on a tank of gas.  As for food, one night we had a fabulous steak dinner then went to Zanies Comedy Club.  And of course we had to have some Chicago-style deep-dish pizza.

    Love the pic of Wonderland and Ruth!  You both look great!!

    Sandee, glad you like dragon boating and are making some friends.

    Spellgirl, you are at risk of LE just from having had surgery.  And it is a life-long risk.  BCO has some extremely knowledgeable people in the LE forum.  I have learned so much from them.  (I have mild LE which my docs refuse to corroborate because my arm isn't swollen.  My primary care doc, whom I've been seeing for 20+ years, guards medical procedures like he's paying for them himself, so I can't get a referral to an LE therapist.)

    Elizabeth, sorry to hear the news about progression.  Please know you are in my prayers.

    Coffee's done and the sun's up so I'd better go walk before it gets too hot.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Badger- when I went to the le clinic last week, they did all the measurements etc and it ends up I have tendonitis which apparently feels like lymphodema and appears to be caused by the tightness around the scar tissue and how I have then started tophysically protect myself (shoulders curling inward, shoulders raised insead of down and relaxed)....the tightness apparently is what is causing the swelling in my shoulder as well so I now have a stack of exercizes to do to compensate and restretch it. let me know if you want me to scan them to you.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth.. Cyber hugs to you. Ladies your activity is motivation ! I am really trying to exercise more and more for pain control. Did some planting this morning and walked the dog.....what kinds of dogs do you ladies have? I never thought I would enjoy this puppy so much! I have a Labradoddle who will be six months this month:).

    Just got back from new York city and did a lot of walking which felt great!

    Today my husband invited me to see the Dalai lama today in dc! This is really stepping out of my box as I grew up Catholic! One thing this dx has done for me is to make each day count ya know?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Sandee, thanks so much for the offer however I know this is LE not tendonitis.  There's a spot on my back, by the shoulder blade, just past the end of my left-side mast scar.  Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it itches but it's mostly just annoying.  From time to time, not very often, I feel as if there's a washcloth rolled up and placed in my armpit.  Yoga stretches and belly breathing have been of tremendous help.  There have been days when I could feel the fluid draining. 

    I stay well-hydrated, avoid salt, and balance each cup of coffee with two glasses of water.  

    One thing I regret is that I will never again step into a sauna or hot tub.  Small price to pay tho.

    I'm happy for you to have tendonitis not lymphedema.  Is that a weird thing to say?  :-)

    I am hoping that when I lose a few more pounds, this spot will become more evident.  Maybe then my docs will believe me. 

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    Sandee - soooo glad it is not LE - tendonitis being treatable and all.

    Badger - love Chicago!  Were you lucky to have cooler weather?  Summers are always a crap shoot - might be unbearably hot or might be nice and cool.

    I've been AWOL for a bit - battling an infection in my MX/TE'd boob - just took two antiboitic pills for this - guess my PS really wants it gone - he even moved my next appt from wed morning to tomorrow afternoon... but other than the slow walk around the block with my two girl dogs, no exercising - it seems to be make my breast swell more and hurt more... so hoping in maybe a week.  Did take the girls this morning rather than last night - at 9pm the temp is still high 80s and in the morning it is in the low 80s / high 70s - I will take that temp difference!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    V - great weather! Chicago had been having a nice stretch of warm days and cool nights.

    edit to add: p.s. good luck tomorrow!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) so sorry for your news that your cancer has spread.  Glad you are seeing someone weekly to talk and glad you found the healing prayer group at church.  I will keep you in prayer.  I pray that it will get better so that you can watch little Aubrey grow up. 

    I went for my cycle ride through out city park which is not far from my house.  DH decided he would go but instead he went in the golf cart and took our little dog for a ride and then let her run.  I am sure it was funny watching me ride my bicylce an DH riding along side me in the golf cart.  The plus side was it was very busy today in the park and lots of traffic so he was able to stay behind me when it was busy and helped me cross the major highway on the way home.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    vhshea - It's hot here but I can't imagine how hot you feel in Texas. The nightly news was all about the record temperatures. Also wishing you good luck tomorrow and that the antibiotics get rid of the infection.

    badger - Your trip sounds like so much fun! I've only been to Chicago for 1 day. We went to Shedd Aquarium and saw a giant catfish. I still remember that catfish from 27 years ago! Would love to have some Chicago-style deep-dish pizza.

    Sandee - Sorry about your shoulder tendonitis. I have had it in both wrists (about 20 years apart). Taxol triggered the 2nd wrist. Ended up both times getting surgery to correct it.

    MRDRN - The Dalai lama. Seriously? Can't wait to hear about it!

    Spellgirl - Hope you don't have LE. Like badger said, check the LE forum as there are very knowledgeable ladies there.

    Good evening to everyone else!

    Fast walked/jogged 2 miles at the park. It was hot but I was able to do it.

    just read Sherry's post: would have loved to have seen you, your dog, and dh "riding" together!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    vhshea/badger/wonderland- thanks ladies. I did the happy dance when I found out it was not lymphodema...the gal who did the assessment said tendonitis and the physiotherapist said it was tightened muscles from the lumpectomy, posture from years at a computer and rounding my shoulders for a variety of reasons (being large busted and short not withstanding) and she said the stretches would help regardless of why those muscles were tight. These included exercizes with a rubberize band to strech out the back as massage therapist galpal also gave me a few more to help sort things out....guess any stretching can help...wonderland...cannot imagine how painful tendonitis must be in the wrists....their constant movement and all. ice ice baby....

    Are hot tubs out for all survivors or those with lymphodema? guess that would mean saunas are out too? Oh Badger....ARGH!!! Glad to hear things are draining but what a worry!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Hi Gals

    Yes, Wonderland, the Dalia Lama, and I have never been to ANY Buddist anything before so it was an interresting hour or two.  He is in DC all week.  I need learn and found what he had to say very interresting.  Particularly the parts about how to become a compassionate person and I sat there and realized how compassionate my DH has been particularly lately with my almost constant complaints of bone pain.  The week has been completely better by refocusing....getting out of town, planning more activities, and moving more while I home!  They made a Mandala which fascinated me.  Has anyone ever seen one?  I hear that they spend all that time constructing it and then simply toss it in the river at the end of their conference!!!  Hummm So much to learn from that I guess. Nothing is permenent I guess.

    He spoke on the National Mall and the message was about inner peace leading to world peace. Seeking Happiness in the here and now...something I am really focusing on, depite some new limitations I have the past few months.

    Hot tubs?  Glad to hear this because i often use mine for bone it not recommended?  Going to try to start the Elipical today since it is so hot to walk but did walk the dog last night even though I was sweating up a storm just by stepping outside!  Have a great day MOVING ladies!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    hi all, just a fly-by tonight, walked inside the Capitol today since it was so hot outside.

    re: hot tubs, sorry to be a downer but I'm cautious.  Here are a couple of helpful links.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Had a busy but odd day...feeling odd the past two days to cardiac cardio, sat on the stationary bike,,, had a two minut conversation with the physiotherapist and started crying@ !WTH??? ended up leaving the class , going to my car and making a dr appointment for tomorrow pm...I am exhausted again...pain along my jaw ( from the tight muscle or same as March's heart attack?) and emotionally wrung out...gaining weight instead of losing despite my exercize related? heart related? Very frustrating and so uncertain. Here and now indeed....24 hour rule!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Sandee - (((((HUGS))))) So sorry this is happening to you. Glad you made an appointment with the doctor. Do you think you need go to the Emergency Room because of your jaw pain and heart history? Sending you vibes to make the right decision.

    Just got in from fast walking/jogging 2 miles at the park. Nice and sweaty now.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth I am so sorry to hear of your progression, I can only imagine your fear and seeing your therapist will be helpful in sorting out your feelings, I know you are a woman of deep faith and we are all here for you, please let us know how it goes tomorrow.

    Badger Chicago sound wonderful, I've been there many times - unfortunately only in the airport transitioning through I know the American Airlines terminal really wellCool.

    Sandee, please take care of yourself if it feels like you did when you had your heart attack, run don't walk to the emergency room, it is crappy when you exercise and eat right (except for the chocolate) and the scale goes against you, feel better (((HUG))).

    MRDRN how wonderful to see the Dali Lama, I think it is so interesting to explore different faiths, we can learn so much from each other.

    Vshea sorry you've got an infection, take it easy.

    Tonight I did a very crazy spin class kind of like we were cycling up Mount Everest - standing, can only imagine what my legs will feel like tomorrowTongue out. Nite all.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    Sandee - sounds so not great, emotional days like that and with the weird pain in your jaw on top of it... as Wonderland says, hugs.... let me know what you mean by the '24 hour rule'; I don't know that one....

    MRDRN - wow - what an opportunity... the phrase you used, 'Seeking Happiness in the here and now' reminds me of my Sunday school class, lead by our pastor (I am Methodist now but grew up Catholic) in which he explained that the term 'ever lasting life' is more accurately translated into 'abundant life' - which relates to living life in a right relationship with God now rather than for some reward in the afterlife...  I think we tend to think about the future and skip what is happening right now.  Thanks for the phrase and the reminder.  - Wow, you can tell it is late and I cannot sleep but I CAN ramble!

    So I have zero exercise to report b/c of a fever and infection over the weekend which has lead to day surgery tomorrow to remove my tissue expander until my skin fully heals... so the journey continues with a new twist.  But my PS promises we will get there and that my nipple and skin are both going to make it... so gotta be happy about that.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Sandee (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))  Hate that you were having a bad day yesterday.  I too am concerned for you.  glad you made a Dr's appt but ER might have been a better place. All the same keep us posted.  I am worried about you.

    I am having my weekly yoga class tonight, can't wait.  I just love my classes.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies! Just peeking in before I start the dreaded jobs of unpacking and going through the mail. Thank you wonderland, for posting our (fabulous, if I do say so myself Wink)picture and giving a report. We are, indeed, all sisters, and how fun to be able to be together in person! We really, seriously should try to figure out a get-together....maybe someplace like Minneapolis, which is in the middle of the country and easy to fly in to. Something to think about, anyway.

    OK, I need to unpack and take a walk. Left North Carolina to a humid 100 degree forecast and landed in a lovely 75 North Dakota summer day. Unless crab dipped in butter is healthy and wine counts as a serving of fruit.....then I need to get back on the bandwagon!!!

    Later! Ruth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Ruth glad you had a great trip but didn't you know that nothing counts when you are on vacation! 75 sounds heavenly, it is currently 98 degrees here in Texas and that feels cool