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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2011

    Ruth the weather is hot here that is for sure. Though the temps are a little low with very little humidity.  It is monsoon right now. The temps have been about 104. I do not walk in the summer time outside especially when it is 118. I usually go to the mall they open the doors at 7am for those that just want to walk around. I cannot walk as will but getting along nicely with my cane. Makes me more balanced.

    Cheryl I pray the the mammo comes out cleam and there are no surprises. Take a few deep breaths close your eyes and imagine you are in a beautiful field of lavendar. such a beautiful purple the sky is the bluest you have ever seen. Just something to hold on to when you go in there.

    Doing upper body strenght and keeping up my exercises for my lower half. They are getting easier. Was also able to do housework. Which felt really good to do.

    Have a blessed weekend everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Cheryl, take an Aleve before the mammo, it really cuts down on the post-squeeze achy/soreness.

    Elizabeth, I will have to spend some time in your lavendar field myself......another 6 month oncology checkup on Wednesday. GULP!

    Walked already before it could get even hotter, now its down to the basement to tone.

    Have a great Saturday, everyone!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    I also got out for a walk this morning before it got too hot.  Just back from an eye doc appt.  Everything is OK but they dialated my pupils so I can't see very well right now. 

    Good luck on Weds Ruth!  

    Elizabeth, my brother lived in Phoenix for a few years and I visited him one summer.  I know just how hot it can get there.  At 118 it doesn't matter that it's a dry heat. 

    Love the idea of a field of lavendar as a calming happy place. Cool 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011
    Elizabeth thanks for the visual I will use it oh and what a delicious smell, I love lavender, silly but I always remember my Aunt Margaret I was only a little girl when she passed but to this day I can see her when I smell lavender.  Ruth I will also take an Aleve, it will do double duty my wrist and my boob but in the class last night he showed me some wrist stretches and I've been doing them and it may be all in my mind but my wrist does feel better.  Badger yes the "class" last night was no music just lots of mat stretching and then the punching/kicking and this morning I did Body Combat (which is with music) and when we got on the floor to do abs oooeee I can really feel them so I did something good yesterday.  Now I have to spend an hour cleaning as I have company coming next week and if nothing else the darned windows need to be washed then shower and mammo then back home to clean, gee what a fun filled weekend I'm havingTongue out
  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    wooohooo took a 22 minute brisk walk today, day 18 after my first FEC. Don't know why but I'm having a hard time getting back into my regular exercise. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Cheryl good luck with the mammo hope all come out clear

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    my husband and i went to ikea - that is the extent of my exercise ... and i was exhausted... maybe i can walk tomorrow morning before the heat hits..

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Okay back from my mammogram, nothing to report as those techs are so stone faced all she said was "have a nice rest of the weekend" you know, couldn't you give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down ... something/anything, so now I just have to wait for the results sighhhhh.

    V, Ikea is a real workout unless you figure out the system.  Rabbit it takes time so just do what you can, when you can.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Cheryl, too bad they couldn't give you some results right away. Here we are digital & the radiologist reads them while you wait. If anything is suspicious they take more pictures & if they don't like them, they drag you right down to the ultra sound room. So at least when you leave you pretty much know if you are in trouble or not.

    Oh man, it feels like a sauna when you step outside here today! Drink water & try to stay cool everyone!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    mscal - I bet your fresh vegetables were delicious

    Cheryl - hope your mammo results will be great

    ebann - glad to see you!

    vh - ikea can really be a workout

    rabbit - good news about your walking

    Sherry - sorry about your neck

    badger - glad your eyes are okay

    ruth - good luck on Wednesday!

    Wow, what an exchange of weather. We are having cool temperatures in the low, low 80's by the hottest part of the day. But, I know the heat wave is coming our way. We are enjoying the coolness for now. Great weather to go pottery shopping and buy 6 new beautiful coffee mugs bought at each potter's house!

    Dh, dd, and I did a slow walk around the neighborhood this evening. My sinus problem is improving but I'm not ready yet for fast walking.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    hbcheryl, sorry they are making you wait.  That's just cold.  I had mine on Monday and as ruthbru says, they do a quck read before they let you go and if they need more they take them.  I didn't have to take any more and the tech released me by saying 'they look fine, we'll see you in 6 months'.  2 days later my onc called to tell me they were okay and yesterday I got a letter from the mammo center saying everything looks good.

    Pedometer saying a little under 2-1/2 miles today.  Also did housework, vacuuming, moving "stuff" around and washed the car.  Hope to get to the gym after church tomorrow.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    patoo - I get worn out reading your posts!  You give me hope for when I am a little farther along the journey...

    cheryl - wow!  WAAAYYY too much stuff you are doing - you go girl!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    yes looks likes Patoo is feeling better :)  Don't you wish all the radiologist would adopt the same standards of care to simly say that is looks good or not before you leave?  Maybe you can ask or def call early Monday to get your results.  I don't get mammos any more since i got the Bi Mx but remember that feeling well. 

    Enjoying the cooler weather today.  Wish I could go white water rafting but just can't.  I am taking in my bike to get tuned up....which I was supposed to do days ago

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    It's too bad that we have to wait on results to be sent to the dr. and back around to us.The weather is nice here this morning. I got up around 6am and walked to the park. I managed to walk for an hour and a half. My DH had put air in my tri-cycle tire when I got back, so maybe if the weather stays nice all day ,I will be able to ride this evening.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    Good morning ladies, got out and walked for an hour this morning before it got too hot.  Now I am getting ready to take a carload of donated items to a friend's garage sale to benefit a local group that helps people with cancer.  For example, they helped her with gas money for 33 rads tx's so it's a worthwhile cause and all volunteer.

    Cheryl, the reason I smiled about kickboxing is remembering something you said once about the body combat classes making you a good friend to have in case of a bar fight as long as they had music.  So now you don't need the music!

    Take care everyone and stay cool, real cool .. Cool

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    badger...great idea to get rid of your stuff that way

    just got out of the pool and had those water dumbbells that I worked with for a long time.  I also noticed that the swimming breast stroke really softened up my reconstructed breast tissue!  I had an area that was firm...thinking the worse about fat necrosis but today it is soft.  Having the back massage must have helped too.  My DH said to get these massages more ofter...I hate paying for these as I always see it as a non-estential expense but it really did do wonders!  

    With every test result...from every xray to lab work, I ask them when I can come back it pick it up.  Some say they need to run it by the Doc first but frankly it is your legal right to have your record.  I am not sure it must be signed off by the doc or not.  I know in one which I was given my MRI that said "cannot rule out mets" that it wasn't signed off by the doc.  I went to the radiology center to get it and the girl just printed it for me....then when I went back for the bone scans....she said "we haven't had it signed off yet"....for whatever it is worth. :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Doctors don't have to sign off, those are your records. After I get the letter saying "We are pleased to report that your mammo (or whatever) was normal", then I go back to the medical records department and get the doctor's actual report. I have never had a hassle, just have to sign a paper saying they are for my personal use. I always get copies of blood work etc. before I leave the clinic after a checkup.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    I always get my copies from my doctors because the hospital I use will gladly give them to me for a charge of $40 per page.  yes I said $40 per page.  Guess they don't want to hassle with it and want you to go to your Doctor for it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Did something fun today, gave my Abraham Lincoln presentation to a group of people at a museum as part of their 'Front Porch Chats' summer series. Since I had never given it to anyone other than 7th graders before I was kind of nervous. But it went very well & I believe they enjoyed it.

    Extremely hot and humid with lots of storm warnings flashing on the TV. I did 30 minutes of pilates & 30 of just plain toning. It is suppose to stay very hot all week......I'll have ti drag out the DVDs for sure!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Ruth - I would love to hear your Abraham Lincoln presentation! I'm sure your audience thought it was great.

    I haven't done any exercise today other than walking in the grocery store.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011
    I tell about him as a real person so it is pretty interesting (to me anyway Wink).
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Catching up on all of the threads . . . thanks for thinking of me!

    Sorry for all of the hot, hot weather back there! Good grief! I've been hoping things would cool down for you, but I see the postings for the past 24 hours have some heat-related stuff in them.
    Let's see - on to the individual threads . . .

    hbCheryl: Sorry you have to wait with the mammogram-related results. Why is it this stuff tends to happen over the weekend??? Hoping and praying all is well. I have been running past the Refinery; sent you a couple of hugs and waves as I did so this weekend. I haven't cleaned my windows in some time; just plain lazy, I guess.

    Virginia: See you are taking it easy; good to know. I detested my drains, too; couldn't wait til I got them out. To share a funny story about them . . . my husband does a lot of Excel at work and couldn't resist plotting all of the drainage records on a chart. My PS was scratching his head, wondering why the output on one day was over 50 mil; didn't tell him that was the day I exercised vigorously.

    Rabbit: As Patoo says, it may take some time to get back to your normal exercise routine.

    Badger: Glad your eyes are okay; I see the Wisconsin political situation is as interesting as ever. Saw the 6 fake Democrats got ousted; never a dull moment back there. Hope the heat breaks (for all of you!) soon.

    Elizabeth: So sorry to hear about your liver. Sending prayers and thoughts of strength to you. Glad you are able to do some things such as housework.

    Mary: You're REALLY going strong! Sounds like the new Rec Center is great! Glad to hear it! As to the Dali Lama, I LOVE his thoughts and sayings; I've tried to live by them ever since I read them. Very calming.

    Sandee: Sent you a PM. Agree with your sister. Slowing down and just being is fine. Glad you hooked up with your friend. Mental healing is a very important part of this journey; hope the therapy helps.

    Sherry: I'm sorry to hear your Dad's lung cancer came back. At least he is feeling better; I'm very happy to hear that. The shawl and quilt sound beautiful; can you post photos? I'm so sorry to hear about your herniated disk. So glad it is not cancer-related.

    mrdrn: The "new normal" is difficult to handle; I understand that completely. I'll add a few details of my own below, after addressing the individual posts.

    Ruth: Glad you and Wonderland had a nice visit. Retail therapy always helps, doesn't it? Hope your presentation went well.

    Wonderland: Hope your sinuses are better. At least you are getting some exercise.

    Patoo: Glad your mammo went well.   Hope you got some exercise after Church today.

    Welcome to Beacher and all other New Comers; HUGS to Everyone; hope I didn't miss anyone.

    Carol, Ronna, Kim and Mary Louise: Missing you!

    Well, we avoided Carmageddon this weekend. For those of you who may not have heard, one of the main freeway arteries was totally shut down this weekend. The L.A. Transit Authority had expected total gridlock around the West Side (Westwood/UCLA region), which is north of us, but traffic was much lighter than normal this weekend. DH and I went down to Long Beach (other direction, south) and had dinner there, then cruised a bit, listening to music as we drove.

    As to the stress and what is considered "normal" for us, boy, it just doesn't stop. This past Thursday, I no sooner got in to work than I received a frantic IM from my best friend there - he told me there had been layoffs in his area (we are in the same IT department). Well, I had an "all-hands" meeting scheduled at 11:00 that day to let us know what was going on. I was NOT on the layoff list, but as you can imagine, this basically set the tone for the rest of my day - jittery, nervous, ugh. I feel badly for those who lost their jobs. I do know that an ending of one thing is the beginning of the next, and that these transitions can be good, but still . . .

    But - I've been exercising like crazy and that keeps us all sane, doesn't it??? I'll try not to be so delinquent in posting this coming week.

    Edited to add:  Think I'll make some fudge; a little chocolate therapy always works.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Ruth:  Sounds like a great presentation!  Love Abraham Lincoln.  I know how he struggled with depression and carried on anyway - inspirational.  Hope you are safe and dodging storms.  Saw the tornado warning earlier today.

    Wonderland:  Walking to the grocery store counts!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Having terrible internet problems, for the last two days we keep losing our connection when I spoke to cable company ... nothing wrong grrrrrrrrr.

    Did a Body Step class today and went with friends to a movie and a walk around an outdoor mall which was lovely.  Saw a little movie called "A Better Life" it was fabulous but heartbreaking and we all cried but very thought provoking.  Also went to the Nike outlet and bought myself a new pair of shoes, once again the kind I like they don't make any more and soooooo many to choose from, hopefully I've made the right choice.

    Badger had to laugh, you're right I can protect you all now as I don't need the music, it's funny cause sometimes I'll be in the grocery store and a song comes over the muzak and I'll start doing exercise in my head.  Wow Sherry $40 is highway robbery, but don't hospitals charge $50 for a band-aid, so they probably look at that as a bargain, wonder is any of these people have ever lived in the "real" world!!!!  Ruth I think you'd do a fabulous Abraham Lincoln presentation and I'd be proud to be an audience member.  Julie I'll be going to pick up my next set of visitors from LAX on friday night, their flight gets in from London at 7pm but I'd be willing to come up early and we can go for a cup of coffee if you're available?  I hope the heat is manageable for you all mid westerners, it looks terrible I honestly didn't realie how bad the drought was until I saw all of the farmers selling all their cattle as they can't feed them, so sad.  Hugs to all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Hi all.  No Julie, didn't get to the gym after church but did lots of walking running errands, the housework so that was my movement for today.  I understand the stress of downsizing.  My last job they closed the department entirely, laying off about 55 of us in IT; we did have 6-months notice and outsourcing assistance.  Last year this job also had a downsizing in IT laying off about 30 people on the spot; they never saw it coming!

    MRDRM, massage is not, repeat not, a non-essential expense so listen to your DH and get them often!  I love them and they are really healthy for us.  Pampering also is essential and I indulge in it as often as possible.

    Night friends.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Did not do any formal exercise today but built another raised garden bed.  Next is to put the black fabric down and then fill it with some really good dirt.  Fall planting here is between mid to late august.  Already planning my fall garden.

    Ruth so funny you mentioned Abriham lincoln.  Today our preacher talked about him.  Talked about all the obsticales he had to get over before he became president.  Talked about at the end of the Civil war how he told the country we need to look at the past to move forward on the furture.  I'm sure you'r presentation says it much better and would love to hear it.  Maybe you need to post it on youtube.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Did not do any formal exercise today but built another raised garden bed.  Next is to put the black fabric down and then fill it with some really good dirt.  Fall planting here is between mid to late august.  Already planning my fall garden.

    Ruth so funny you mentioned Abriham lincoln.  Today our preacher talked about him.  Talked about all the obsticales he had to get over before he became president.  Talked about at the end of the Civil war how he told the country we need to look at the past to move forward on the furture.  I'm sure you'r presentation says it much better and would love to hear it.  Maybe you need to post it on youtube.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Patoo:  Oh, my goodness!  HUGS to you for going through that experience!  This outsourcing stuff is AWFUL.  They eliminated our department two years ago, outsourcing our jobs as well, but I was fortunate enough to find coverage in the same company.  

    Good for you, pampering yourself as much as possible.  We ALL deserve that!

    Sherryc:  Sounds like a productive day, gardening.  Again, I'm sorry about your Dad, and I hope your neck starts feeling better.

    HUGS again; I've made a batch of chocolate fudge with coconut M&M's (how's THAT for something rediculously sweet???!).  DH and I have been nibbling; will send the rest to work tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Gained two pounds and got drool on my computer just reading about the fudge!!!!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011
    Ruth:  Too funny!  Smile