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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Bobbi wonderful to see you, great that you're still riding and I'd give you a run for your money in a spin class these days.  Congratulations on your pass Ruth, that's a load off your shoulders. Julie I still haven't heard, I did call over there today but got the old press 1, press 2 so I left a message. Goldenmom it's great to set a goal for yourself even if you don't make it you have something to work toward.

    Tonight did back to back classes Body Pump and Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo. I was out of free passes for the fancy gym so I just paid, I get so much out of working out with him it was worth it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Rabbit,  "Dose dense" means giving the drugs in a shorter time period than usual. I got the chemo doses that are normally given every three weeks after two weeks. If you do that you need to get Neulasta shots to kick your white blood cells into production, which was fine with me because then I didn't really worry have to about getting sick, plus I got the whole thing over quicker. (Neulasta shots are very expensive and make some people feel really creepy too, so those would be the only downsides that I can think of the dose dense option.)

    Cheryl, I think I will dream about Eduardo tonight!!

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    hbcheryl, I miss my pump classes!! When I lived in Australia I went 3-4 times a week faithfully for 4 years or so. Can't find them here in Shelbyville....but don't think I could do a full class except maybe the 3rd week, 30 min walks even at the 3rd week and I'm pretty done. What treatments are/were you getting and were you able to do pump (forget combat LOL) during chemo?

    thanks Ruth, I figured it was something like that....did the onco give you choices for that, I was basically told I would get treated every 3 weeks...what treatment are/were you on?

    Glad I joined this thread, lots of good info here and not to mention meeting nice new friends is always a plus!  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    Ruth - congrats on the good news. Bobbi - so good to hear from you!!! We've missed you! Sandee - I love my Keens - I've used them canoeing, hiking, as reef runners - you name it, my Keens have done it.  Cheryl - good for you for treating yourself to the fancy gym for the Eduardo workouts. Any investment in fitness and good health is well worth it in my book.  Rabbit - you sound like me - I had 6 TAC chemo treatments every 3 weeks.  I wasn't able to much more than walk for the first week, but was able to do some light ellipticalling and other light exercise during weeks 2 & 3.  But the effects were cumulative for me, so by the end of treatment, I wasn't able to do exercise at all the first 2 weeks, and only some light walking during week 3. How many treatments do you have left to go? 

    Lunchtime yoga yesterday, and 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  Waaaay too hot to even think about walking outside, let alone jog.  Keep cool everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    I did 4 rounds of AC. First my doctor said every three weeks, but a friend of mine (with a different doctor) had done AC dose dense not long before so I TOLD the doctor that's what I wanted to do too and he said 'OK'. I don't know if it is a choice with every type of chemo. Probably if you are doing three drugs at once it would be way too much.

    It is actually cloudy and a little cooler here today, so I'm off to walk. Have a great day all!

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    hi Natsfan

    I am on FEC 4 rounds then Docetaxel 4 rounds...2 down, 6 to go!! My SEs were better on day one this time around but I am very run down feeling this morning (day 2) and the first FEC I remember waking up at 6:30am like a new woman, had a horrible night but that 2nd day I had energy and felt pretty good...I'm hoping I can get on the treadmill later today after a nap :)

    Ruth, enjoy the walk!!!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011
    Got in a nice hour long walk. We are having one nice day before more hot, stormy weather comes in. I think this afternoon I will sit on the deck and read a book Cool.
  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2011

    Did 3 miles on the treadmill and 30 min. DVD (light weights) today. Thank goodness for the chance to exercise indoors in AC. The mosquitoes are vicious!  Stay cool and safe everyone!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    rabbit- on the days you can, do...on the days you can't, plan something that de-stresses you so hat you ar eready one or two days later to get back at it. I know after the heart attack I was sooooo frustrated at not being able to was my salvaion during this cancer journey...I did not have to go the chemo route so did not deal with the nausea that many of you have had to contend with but I know that as soon as I got my surgeon's go ahead...I was in there...lighter weights ..didn't there was what I needed to do. You will get will! 24 hour rule my dear

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Rabbit:  You are beautiful!  Welcome to the group (if I didn't say that before).  As Sandee says do what you can do each day.  Good luck with all of your meds (and to Everyone Else with theirs as well).  

    hbCheryl:  Again, waiting with you.  I'm impressed that you can exercise while waiting for those results.  I think I was able to exercise as well, but it is VERY difficult . . . .trying to keep busy.

    Sandee:  Good advice for all of us - I still get frustrated when I can't go exercise, but I know I'll keep at it.

    goldenmom:  This is a particularly bad mosquito season from what I've heard; hopefully you can get outside and exercise as well.

    Ruth:  Sitting on a deck sounds heavenly.  Hope you've got a nice view and that you enjoyed your walk.

    Ran my 4.6 miles at work; home to sculpt and tone.  Will be doing the "Relay for Life" this weekend in Redondo Beach.  I went to our team meeting today and was amazed at the number of teams participating - last year, it seemed that there were hardly any teams at all!  

    HUGS to All.  


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    hello everyone, and welcome LeapFrog.

    nice to see you Bobbi, and congrats Ruth on good news!

    Walked solo inside the Capitol yesterday & today.  Maybe my pied pipe melted in the heat? 

    I've changed my sig line to eliminate reference to Komen.  They finally crossed the line selling perfume.  Totally out-of-touch with my reality as a patient and a survivor.

    Until I find an appropriate, short new quote, please enjoy some James Taylor.  {{hugs}}

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    Julie..4.6 miles..yowser!!! You go! I had a Sandee stays at home night..exactly what I needed...does mopping the floor, moving cartons and cleaning the bathroom count???!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Julie that is great 4.6 miles

    Badger had not heard Komen is selling perfume, thanks for the insight

    Did an hour yoga tape tonight.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Hi all.  Did some walking peppered now with a little running but inside on the treadmill.  Couldn't even breathe outside today.  One of these days I'm going to turn that around and say still running peppered with a little walk!

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    thanks Julie :)

    I didn't get on the treadmill today...after napping a bit I did some cooking and a load of wash, some work on the computer and I was pooped! tomorrow will have to do :)

    Nite and hugs to everyone! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2011

    20 minutes Lebeds this am, plus 30 minutes of weights/resistance.  All inside of course - they're saying today's highs here in DC will be 100-103, like everyone else has been having.  Jumped in the pool last night to try to cool off, but even the pool is too warm to be refreshing.  Yuk!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited July 2011

    Howdy Tarts-

    Again, I'm so far behind but I'm going to post questions before I go back-forgive me if I'm leaving anyone out...

    Patoo, sounds like you have something going on, but good to see that you got your exercise in.

    Nats/Mary-went to Dodgers/Giants game on Weds. saw Timmy pitch, thought about you and baseball.  It was wall to wall people-took an HOUR to park, was late to the start-parking was going for $80 on average.  We found a $30 spot and considered ourselves lucky.  Sorry about your weather.

    Badger I heard about this Komen perfume-toxic chemicals in it to boot!?!?! This is why I love breast

    Sherry good on the yoga!  Hi Rabbit!  Hi Julie-you are inspiring me!

    Been following Carol on Facebook and her move...hi Carol!

    Ruthie- hi, how is your dad?  How has your healing from hernia surgery been doing?

    Cheryl, you are the poster child for staying hero.

    Hi Sandee!  Have we heard from EBAnn lately?

    Hi to everyone else.

    My quick update:  One year on Arimidex done; gyno visit done, pap OK, vag. atrophy not too bad need to use it or lose onc yesterday-bone density not great but hanging in there.  I feel like I have a full THREE MONTHS OFF DOCS right now...YIPPEEEEE!

    Older son is really, really bad-fully back into drugs and nasty behavior.  Going to counseling for that, been helping.  Younger son at home after college grad, doing so well and a sweetheart.  Ying and Yang.  Been running about 4 miles every day with dog and 3x weights, etc. a week.  Feeling pretty good.  Eating better too since I gained 6 pounds from last year, so gotta get that off.  My mother has been a handful lately, long story-was with her for about 2 1/2 weeks and still all crazy.

    OK, I'm caught up and you're probably falling asleep.  Oh, a couple notes.

    I have a friend who was dx'd with BC that I have been encouraging to come join us here.  Her name is Jackie...she's a virtual friend of mine from my days on EDiets and is a tall girl like me.  If she dares venture on here...HI JACKIE!  I also have had two other friends dx's in the past month.  Really.  I point everyone here because we are THE BOMB on BCO.



  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    Hi Ladies; I walked for 2 and 1/2 hours this morning. My pedometer had over 16,000 steps by the time I walked back home. I jumped on the elliptical for a few minutes. It is very hot here. I hope to increase my walk to 3 hours next week. I will have to get up pretty early to beat the heat.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    It's really hot outside so may have to workout inside this evening.  Need to do some weights anyway so will try and rev it up a little.  Back later.

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,617
    edited July 2011

    Mind if I get in on the action here?  I got the ok from my doc to exercise and I have been working out for almost 5 weeks now.  I'm doing that and a low carb diet and have finally lost a little weight.  Not a lot thinner, but I am feeling so much stronger.

    It would be good for me to be accountable every day. 

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    I did a low sugar low carb diet for 6 months, my cholesterol went from perfect to insanely high...I quit that diet and after a few months got by cholesterol back to the healthy careful with those diets! 

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    OK - got the go-ahead from my doctor after the last surgery (10 days ago) to start -- emphasis start with activity -- so I will walk tomorrow morning b/4 it heats up (low last night was a cool 84)... PS said absolutely no running - so that sucks - but I will walk and catch up on my audio books...  BC sucks sucks sucks cause it interrupts our lives... only good thing about it is this forum...  ok - end of rant.  And you all hold me to walking each day until I can start running again!!!

    patoo - your comment about using your forearms to hold the girls in.. cracked me up cause the first time I ran post mastectomy (pre- TE removal), I did the same thing for my one real boob -- but it was more than forearms - it was both arms.... LOL...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Kim, great to hear from you. We've missed you! My dad is about the same. I am still a little tender from the hernia surgery but can do whatever I want with no trouble (except lay flat face down on the floor....luckily there is not much call for that!). Hope Jackie will check us out.

    Welcome zogo! It definitely helps to be accountable, and I'm sure badger will enjoy another Wisconsinite.

    V-glad you have the 'get moving' OK. Probably too hot to run anyway at the moment!

    It is a little cooler today (of course there is a catch, severe thunderstorms are predicted for later tonight). I walked pretty early and for a lot longer than I planned. I ran into a friend who was just starting her walk right when I was getting done, so ended up walking 1 1/2 hours. Then I did a 40 minute FIRM toning was very good in the exercise department (not so good with the eating however).

    Be sure to exercise safely in the heat!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    hi Kim, good to see you, sorry about the crap with your son.  

    welcome zogo, this is a good place to be!

    Actually enticed three people out for a noon walk.

    It was still summery but 75 is better than 95.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!  {{hugs}}

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2011

    Okay my sculpted friends.  I'm signing off for a week but promise to walk/run every day, weather permitting outside but the condo has an exercise room so will try and force myself in there a few times.  But, on second thought, sometimes what these places call an 'exercise or fitness center' is really a room with old, half-working machines.  We'll see.

    So be good, keep moving and I hope to 'see' less of you next week when you all report getting into a smaller size.  Yes?

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies I haven't really exercised for about 3 weeks.Yesterday I dragged myself into the gym could not believe how quickly I have gotten out of shape.20 min on the eliptical almost killed me.Will do my best to keep at it.Tongue out

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    zogo- welcome

    vhshea- starting with walking is good...swing your arms and get evem more of a workout. I walked to work post heart attack and lost 2 lbs in a month so there is merit to it..looking forward to this trainin gcourse being over so I can walk to work again..oh but..I am taking vacation !! AHHA!!~!! Will walk in newfoundland or whereever I end up

    mum- sometimes we need breaks. good for you for getting back on it

    dazed- when it rains it pours, hmm? good thing exercize is there waiting to help us process. have missed you here

    Am going camping with 36 boys and 5 men (2 great staff members and 3 useless chaperones) but I will eb on the dock most of the day watching them swim and standing by in case they need me to paddle out and get is going to be LOUD!!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    OK - got my butt out there at 6:30am with the girls (my Westie and Caryn) and we walked .7 miles... starting is good... My Westie is 12 so she starts off ok but is very slow by the end.. I had tons of energy left.. .maybe tomorrow I will walk them then take the Caryn out with me for another lap...  I already feel energy - it is amazing how lack of exercise zaps one of energy....

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2011

    zogo - welcome! This is a great thread.

    vhshea - woo hoo!  Glad to hear you're back out there!

    Sandee - enjoy the camping. Sounds like lots of fun.

    Walked 3 miles yesterday (pretty fast for me - a post-surgery PR!). A weight DVD today.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone and stay cool! 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2011

    Hi there everyone! Everyone is moving right along.

    Ruth great news about your report. Those are the kind of things we need to hear.

    Zogo welcome great place to come to be encouraged.

    Vhshea good you are getting  your dogs exercise as will. They need it just as much as we do.

    Mum nice to see you back getting into the routine again. It does not take long for our bodies to get stiff. I called in from physical therapy on Thursday and have not moved to much cause I have been sick to my stomach from the combonation of the chemo and my liver. Dr. said if the chemo is stopping it should stop hurting. Naturopath recommended acupuncture and ginger capsules. We will see start up this coming week.

    Patoo you are doing so good at keeping up the workouts. That is fabulous.

    Badger that is great that you got some friends to go for a walk with you. It seems to make it go by a lot faster. I love having a buddy to workout with. Makes a big difference.

    Rabbit glad you are taking care of yourself it is important when you are on this journey. Exercise helps keep that energy going even if it is low. Sure makes a difference for me. Wish I did not stop for two days. I should of just bit the bullet and did it anyway's. Will cannot go back now. What is done is done.

    mascal02 wow that is some walking good for you. That is great also you want to be able to increase it.

    Dazedandconfused I am so sorry to hear about your son. That is very difficult to watch and deal with. I hope things get better. You will be in my prayers.

    NatsFan what is lebeds?

    Sherry how is Yoga never tried it before. I have considered it when my hip/leg heals properly. I also have considered Tai Chi. Anyone else done Tai  Chi before. I hear it is very stress relieveing.

    Sandeeonherown I  think house cleaning counts!

    Goldenmom here in AZ we only workout indoors why to hot to be outside in this kind of heat. I have my two dogs right now in obedience training. Wow what a difference it has made in just a short time.

    As for me I am dealing with what needs to be done to get this ugly cancer out of my body. Not feeling so hot and I hope that changes cause it is really uncomfortable. CANCER SUCK! I so wish it was different. If I could come up with a cure it would be a miracle. I hope they do come up with one soon. I wish we were more advanced like Europe is. It is what it is and we do what we have to do. I will make sure I am moving so I do not let my hip/leg get stiff. Will everyone have a great weekend.

    Many blessings,
