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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • PLJ
    PLJ Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2011

    1 hour bike ride daily...really wish this humidity would break!



  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    Everyone: Enjoy your weekend! I will be making home made chicken pot pies today. Some for the freezer and some to give away. I buy these little individual size pans so I can't eat too much at once. I will be jumping on the elliptical and dancing along with a dance DVD today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth, I know some people who swear by acupuncture. You might want to check out this thread as it might have some tips you would find helpful:

    Survivors who had chemo etc and are into Complementary medicine

    We did have a storm during the night, so I picked up a bunch of branches in the yard & then did a 50 minute toning DVD. We are having a little break in the heat, which I will try to send south and east!!!!! Stay cool!

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,617
    edited July 2011

    Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm looking forward to posting here.

    Did Kenpo X today to finish my 5th week of p90x. Going to make some modifications to the program as I don't want to risk lymphedema after my bmx.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth I love yoga, it is great stretching and works the muscles.  Did gardening today.  Last weekend built a new raised garden bed and today went and got dirt and started filling it in.  We had to empty the truck bed because we are going to dinner tonight with friends otherwise we could have wanted till this evening when it cools off.  But no we were out there in 100+ degrees.  Way too Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had a great sweat workout!!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2011

    Hello to all. Welcome to the all the new posters.

    Ruth, I think you sent a little bit of your cooler weather here. This evening it was only 82 degrees so dh and I medium fast walked (no jogging) our neighborhood route. It was still hot BUT nothing like 99 degrees!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    hi Tarts, it was raining when I first got up, then I had errands so didn't get a morning walk.  Then it got too hot and steamy.  Been doing paperwork most of the rest of the day and am missing the exercise.  I'll see how it is outside once the sun goes down.  It's still 87 degrees at 8 pm.  If not, maybe a rare day off... tomorrow morning for sure!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies...good reading ;))  That is my exercise for the day and typing too

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Quick fly-by did Combat class this morning and then this afternoon took my visitors for a 2 mile walk on the dog beach, then out on the pier and of course topped the afternoon off sitting watching the sunset eating an ice cream.

    Welcome to all the newbies.  Elizabeth sorry you're feeling bad, like Ruth said try the acupuncture it really can help also Tai Chi is wonderful I highly recommend it.  Nite tarts.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2011

    I want to move to Huntington Beach! It sounds lovely. Right now it reads 89 degrees at 1130 pm! I think it will be a bit cooler next week. 

    Sherry...that is great...what are you planting?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2011

    still humid after rain during the night, but mid-70's for an hour-long morning walk - lovely!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    well, didn't roll out of bed til 8am - so the girls (dogs) and i just did the one lap around the block.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    DH fixed my flat on my bike, so I am hoping to get to ride this evening. It is too hot right now.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2011

    wooohooo, I forced myself to do 20 minutes on the treadmill, fast walk....10 push ups, I'm pooped! LOL

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Hello to all Newcomers - the number of women joining this thread is AMAZING; let's keep up the good work!!!

    Just a brief fly-by - did the "Relay for Life" Saturday.  Ran for 1 hour (I do about 5 mph/hour), then walked for another hour with DH immediately after.  (That might be considered my "cool-down" exercise).  Bid on a beautiful hanging quilt (2 feet x 2 feet) and WON it!!!!!  I was so excited.  I felt the bid I placed wasn't enough; hours went into making that thing.  At any rate, it's mine.  Will try and post picture of it.  

    Then, we went out to eat and cruised all over L.A., listening to absurdly-loud rock-and-roll.  Got back home about 10:00 p.m.; went back to "Relay-for-Life" event and walked another 45 minutes.  Needless to say, we were both tired.

    Will catch up on individual threads later . . . .

    Kim:  Glad to see you posting again; I'm so sorry about your son and his issues.  Not being a parent, I can't imagine what it's like dealing with that; all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Elizabeth:  Praying for you as well; drat this darn disease!

    hbCheryl:  Hope you are doing okay.  It's a good thing we didn't try to get together Friday; DH had oral surgery scheduled; due to the doctor having an emergency surgery, we didn't get out of there until after 5:00 p.m.  Aargh.  At least, he is feeling well.

    Patoo:  I'm sure you'll get to the more running and less walking stage as you continue to exercise.

    Am having my left nipple reconstructed this coming Wednesday.  Plastic Surgeon is removing a "lesion" from my right leg; he thought it "might" be skin cancer.  I find that hard to believe; I think it is a cyst, and I've had it for several years and it hasn't changed shape.  We'll see.  Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated; I don't want to have to deal with another health issue.


    Haven't looked at the weather; hope things are cooling down. 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited July 2011

    Elizabeth:  More hugs.  I've always been glad to participate in these relays that contribute to finding a cure for cancer; now I'm REALLY glad!  Will be doing another one in August, then one in October. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Busy all day. Only did a pilates DVD & now am watching 'The Blues Brothers' just for fun.

    Julie, I'll be thinking of you Wednesday. Let us know how it goes.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Julie congrats on the quilt.

    I worked unloading more dirt this evening.  We waited until it got cooler.  I worked in my home office today and got my desk cleaned off.  Went to dinner with friends and stayed out too late and then overslept and missed church.  Oh well last night was fun, had not seen these friends in a while.  Think I'll go cycling tomorrow. I need Texas too cool down, it is just way to hot to even go outside.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    goldenmom- camping was fun fun fun....kayaked a few times, swam to and from the dock, walked around the premises, ran back and forth the common kitchen etc...lots of exercize this week and only good food eaten (well...except the sour babies...)lots of salmon and salad!

    vhshea- you have to start somewhere...congratulations!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited July 2011

    ebann- so sorry to hear you are nauseated...the ginger should help..acupuncture too....lemon, frozen yogurt, gingerale? Careful with the acupuncture on the breast surgery side though, hmm?

    zogo- that workout is phenomenal. A few pals at work did it.

    Julie- good he removed it just in case and good luck sistah on Wednesday!!! a ne wnipple! WHEEHAA!

    drove to and from camping with ani difranco blasting over and over again...a great weekend! Hang in there ladies...and keep breathing!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    SAndee glad you had a good campout.  I love to be in nature, but Texas is way to hot right now

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Nature is good when she decides to cooperate!!!!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    Did my Body Step class his morning followed by Body Pump, not my usual sunday but one of the instructors needed to film herself, left my visitors by the pool all morning then this afternoon went to Newport Beach and walked the beach for an hour, then took them to Rogers Gardens for a meander around came home a bar-b-que'd and now I'm exhausted.
    Julie congratulations on getting the quilt hope you had fun at the relay, sure was a beautiful day for it. Nite all.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    I took the girls around the extended block so I could drop their poo bags in the trash at the park... sounds bad, but it smells!!!  So I am going back into the office today for the first time since losing my tissue expander - it is harder to hide lopsided boobs in the summer in dallas - LOL - but we will see.  I worked from home for the first week and a half after the surgery - I might come back home this afternoon if too tired... play it by ear...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    V-scarves are a good disguise and very IN at the moment

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,617
    edited July 2011

    It's cooling off to exercise in front of an open window with a breeze coming through.

    Core Synergistics X and tried some of the Callanetics moves. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2011

    Walked for an hour and did a little toning with Richard Simmons

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2011

    V I had a unilateral mastectomy with no recon and I'm totally lopsided, I wear scoop neck tops with gatherings so they just fall I mostly find really good tops at Dress Barn I try on a kizllion and pick one or two that look the best, some of them I wish I'd have gone back and bought another but isn't that always the way.

    I'm glad to be at work today having a rest after playing tour guide all weekend.  When you live at the beach you avoid it in peak hours in the summer because of the crowds but I've been down there all weekend with my houseguests, I am going to have a nice firm behind with all the barefoot sand walking I've been doingLaughing

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    hbcheryl I use to live at the beach so I know what you are talking about.  Everyone wanted to come see us in the summer and I spent way more time at the beach than I really wanted to in the crowds.

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2011

    Hi Everyone: I rode my cruiser for an hour and walked two hours this morning.