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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Wow, great to see everyone so busy!  Ruth, am enjoying The Great Car Fixing Saga - do keep us posted.  Happy Belated Birthday Badger!!  29 years old, right?  Cheryl - I think I gained 2 pounds just reading your post about the Cheesecake Factory!  Fun that Hannah is at Petco - of course you're the Petco Park expert in the family!  Laughing Sr - welcome!  I second everyone's idea - stick to the jogging and forget the housework!  Elizabeth - hoping that all your hard work let's you leave that cane at home soon. Vshea - hate to say it, but maybe you should start checking out dog food sales . . .Cool

    Ah yes, the dangers of working/volunteering at an animal shelter!  In my 15 years there it was fun to watch the pattern - in the first year or so, new employees inevitably adopted multiple animals, till they reached their maximum capacity.  For me, after a few years there, we had 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 turtle doves!  But then you reach the maximum number your home and budget can accomodate, then you have to stop until (sadly) a slot opens up and you can adopt another one.  That was about 25 years ago - all my original adoptees have crossed Rainbow Bridge, except believe it or not one of the turtle doves is still going strong!  His mate died a few years ago, but ::::knocking on wood:::: he just keeps hanging in there.

    Speaking of adoptees, we found a home (with my friend's permission) for the ancient Siamese, so now we just have my friend's two dogs (both were originally shelter adoptees, of course), plus our own dog and cat.  It looks like it's going to be on a more or less indefinite basis as my friend can no longer care for them.  We're making a bit of progress with Fat Mikey - 2 one mile walks a day for a week and he's gone from 15 pounds to 14.8 pounds. He really is a cute boy and a real trouper to put up so cheerfully with all the drastic changes to his life.

    Oh yea, this is a "post your exercise" thread!  Yesterday was 30 minutes elliptical, plus 2 one mile walks with Mikey in the morning and the evening.  2 miles jogging this morning, then back to the house to pick up Mikey for his 1 mile slow walk, which ends up actually being a good cool down for me.  Then 20 minutes Lebeds.  I'm down 1.1 pounds this week - I think the extra walks with Mikey, even though they are slow, are helping. 


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Nature - forgot to add - we have a robin nesting in our backyard swing!  We have one of those  wooden bench-type backyard swings.  I have a trumpet vine growing up the side support that gives it a bit of shade.  I was in it last evening when I heard a little peeping sort of noise.  I looked up and there was a robin's nest in the trumpet vine, resting on the swing's crosspiece. I'm surprised they have some young 'uns this late in the summer - I thought they'd be wrapped up by now.  Can't wait to see the fledges!

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    I did 21 minutes on the treadmill, but actually got to do side steps and walking backwards as well, haven't done that in months, it was a good change of pace. 

    Hugs to all!  

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2011
    Did some hiking today with my DH in Gros Morne National park Newfoundland.Now I need a hottub and a good glass of vino.My muscles are really stiffening upYell
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited August 2011

    Hello, Everyone!

    Welcome all New Comers - can't believe how popular this thread has become!  

    Will catch up on individual posts later . . . 

    Still trying to get energy levels back up.  Everything seems a bit out of wack, including my digestive system.  Very strange.  However, I've got sympathetic management here, and support from DH and all of you as well, so that's all that counts.

    Have to wait 2 weeks before I can start running again.  That is frustrating, but I am allowed quick walks, so that works.  I can also exercise my lower body, even though he removed two "lesions" off of my legs.  

    HUGS Everyone, I keep hoping the heat breaks for those back East, but it sure doesn't seem to be doing so!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Hang in there, Julie.

    Walked for an hour and was so sweaty that I had to take a cold shower right away. Trying to decide if I want to do some toning now or just bum around instead.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Came home in downpour so didn't get out to walk as I had planned and then got lazy.  Coming on here motivates me to go downstairs and jump on the treadmill, maybe even run a bit on it.  Yep, that's what I'll do.  Thanks all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    hi all, wandered around the Weds. Farmers Market for my noon walk today.  Beautiful flowers (glads- two big bunches for five bucks, and sunflowers galore), sweet corn picked this morning, and Door County cherries.  mmmmm

    Mary, yes 29 but @ 180% LOL!  I love dogs, they have the best attitude toward life, and I am growing fond of Fat Mikey.  Thanks for introducing him to us.

    rabbit, I never would have thought of walking any other way than forward on a treadmill. Cool!

    {{hugs}} to all my sisters here, especially those of you who are hurting and healing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Did 15 minutes of pretty lazy sit ups, push ups etc.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    badger, I had a personal trainer for about 6 mos before dx, once a week (all I could afford!) and he taught me this, walking at about 1.6 mph to start (when I was done I was doing this at 2mph) doing lunges for 30 seconds, then turning to the left and walking side to side for 30 seconds, pulling the left foot into the right foot, you have to almost jump a bit, it's hard at first but gets easier each time to where it's natural. Then turning backwards for 30 seconds, then to the left again so pulling the right foot into the left, 30 second rounds. 

    It keeps you from getting bored, makes you use your brain, balance etc. pretty cool. I hadn't done it for 2-3 months until today and it felt good. The lunges get you if not used to it, on an incline especially, good workout. I did it for 10 minutes today then 10 at a fast pace, I think around 3mph. It breaks it up and mixes it up. Hope some of you try it :)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2011

    Mary, maybe the robins think that since it's been so hot so long, it'll always be summer!  I'm enjoying all the birds at my patio.

    Elizabeth, hello and hugs!  You are a real role model.

    As is Sr -- welcome!

    Hi to mum, too.

    Julie, be patient, and let your body heal.  It'll get there.

    Rabbit, good job -- you inspire me -- if you can do this as you go through chemo, I certainly have no excuse!

    Listened to the weather tonight.  It only hit 89 today (big whoop but it did feel a little better) but the bad news is they don't expect our heat to break for some time still.  We'll see.  

    Meanwhile, I marched for 2 miles with Leslie, and hauled more stuff back and forth to my brother's house (mom's old house), so I got in my sweat quotient for the day :)

    Hugs, everyone.   Stay cool!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Only 20 mins on treadmill with a couple minutes running.  Then ironing board in front of my face (hear that JO?!!!) called me to unload the stack of clothes on it.  Got through half of them and quit. Off to bed soon but may march in front of TV for some more movement to log into

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Badger - I love glads - they're so neat the way the blooms open up rising along the stem.  And Door County is beautiful - some cousins took me on a day trip up there once - not sure if it's still there, but we even hit the Door County Winery that day.  Rabbit - I'll have to try your sideways/backwards plan - sounds interesting.  A personal trainer got me into those elastic leg bands where you take giant side steps while wearing an elastic loop around both ankles.  Really works the hips and legs using different muscles.  Patoo - what is this thing of which you speak?  You called it an "iron"?  Never heard of it!  Sealed

    Mile walk last night with Fat Mikey, then 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning, plus 20 minutes of Lebeds, and another mile with Mikey.  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    Had a six-pack today, not beer, but walkers.  Still upper 80's at noon but the godawful heat has broken.  We took to that beautiful lakeshore bike/ped path and walked a half-hour before anyone thought to check the time.  oops.  Now it's a half-hour back.  Innocent  Can we claim cabin fever?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Walked for 45 minutes and did a little toning with Richard Simmons. I've been running around like crazy trying to get some financial things taken care of for my dad. A real pain in the butt, made even more so by a non-cooperative sibling (no, wonderland, it's not my sister who is being difficult). Makes me glad that I only have one kid and no money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    House cleaning is the extent of mine today....but quite a bit of it, broke a sweat :) 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    ruth, I have 2 kids but I'm spending the little I have so they don't have anything to fight over.  Figure I'm preventing sibling rivalry!

    Just came in from a walk, did a little over 3 miles today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Very good idea actually!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011
    Hey, anything for my kids!  I should get 'Mom-of-the-Year'.  Wink
  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Patoo: I think I like your idea! And yes, "Mom-of-the-Year"!

    Ruth: Sorry about your other sibling's lack of cooperation. Sounds so frustrating.

    Rabbit: hope you are doing well.

    Badger: Your walk today sounded lovely!

    Mary: keep us posted on Fat Mikey.

    Hello to everyone!

    It's still HOT. I walked 2 miles with my Leslie Sansone CD and that felt good.

    Stay cool everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    One mile walk with Fat Mikey last night, then 30 minutes weights/resistance this morning, plus 20 minutes Lebeds.  DH is off today, so he took Mikey on his morning walk.  I think I'm beginning to see a bit of trunk-up on Mikey (that's the term for a dog's "waist" - that narrow area behind the chest, just in front of the back legs where the dog's body gets narrow).  He had no trunk-up at all when we got him, so even a hint of trunk-up is progress!

    Off to the cabin this weekend - it'll be interesting to see how the "houseguests" adapt to the rural life!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Did pilates and got a hair color and cut. DH and I are taking off for the weekend, so I will check in with you all Sunday night. Have a great one! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Enjoy your weekend Ruth.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Did Body Combat class Wednesday night and a Spin class last night, once again undid all the good as I picked up houseguests and neighbor from airport car rental office and first words out of their mouths "we're hungry, can you stop somewhere for dinner". Apparently they ate their way through every buffet in Las Vegas.

    Mary Mikey is soon going to have to change his moniker to "Muscle Boy Mikey". Have a fun weekend Ruth. I'm leaving work at noon and taking my guests down to Laguna Beach for the afternoon. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    Enjoy your weekends everyone!  I thought about heading to the State Fair but decided against it, mostly because of the distance.  And the crowds.  But I am having a wicked cream puff craving.

    I got out at lunchtime and walked, despite a tempting offer to chip in on Ian's pizza.  The office was pretty quiet, lots of people off work today too, so it was just me walking.  Went 45 mins.  Here was my reward:

    It's a link to that gorgeous view of downtown Madison from the bike/ped path along John Nolan Drive.  I work in one of those buildings.  You can see the state Capitol as well as Monona Terrace convention center, the low round building to the right with all the windows, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

    I will take that view over pizza anyday!  Cool

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    badger, awesome view!! When I lived in Australia, I used to bike ride on a bike path about 50 meters from the Indian Ocean, it was the most incredible view, always tried to go at sunset, unbelievable. 

    thanks to everyone for mentioning me and asking how I am feeling or hoping I feel well, the last several days have been great and the next few before my zap on Wed should be only taking advantage of it. 

    Took a good 20 minute walk an hour or so ago, insanely humid out and was sweating within 10 minutes, but it felt good. Going to try my best to get up early and take a walk in the morning.

    Hope everyone if feeling well and thanks to all that inspire me to get off my butt and do something to get my circulation going!  

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    Cheryl- thanks! Went to the chiropractor and massage therapist today and am trying to stretch...feel like I am curling in on one side!!! Ah well...warmed up and paddled hard for an hour last night and then ran around the school today...carrying supplies back and forth to the car. Nothing heavy:)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    Mum- I am heading to Gros Morne on Weds am..plan on doing some hiking...and breathing...also want to take the boat down the fjord..have never done that....seen any moose yet??

    rabbit- good for you. My last cardiac cardio is on Monday,...then back to my own gym after work instead of in the middle of the friggin afternoon!!! only 15 celsius here in Nova Scotia...not sure when summer is actually going to arrive this year!

    ruth- have fun!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Hi All...I have a lot of catching up here :)

    Played tennis yesterday and tons of gardening this week, and more and more up and down steps organizing.  I know it doesn't sound like a lot but def increased exercise.

    The one lady on the court wore a Calorie Counter Polar watch....anyone use these that monitor your heart rate and tally cals burned?

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011

    Happy belated birthday Badger!

    Today I took 2 kinds of dancing:  Latin dance and belly dance for a total of 30 min.  I plan on walking at least a mile today with my kids around the lake today.

    I wanted to do hula hooping again, but alas!  The hula hoop is MIA.  I think the little girl down the street took it home.