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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Ellie, welcome from me too. This is a great thread to hang out with!!!

    Wonderland, glad DD is OK. This a wierd because my niece, ChrisDee (whom you met) was in a car accident on Sunday also. She was OK, but shaken up too. Gee, I hope they didn't hit each other!!!!. She had been visiting my sister in Raleigh and was on her way home...was on the busy highway going west....

    I had a productive day. The window guys came, and after I let them in I went over to the school & worked all day there; putting up posters, bulletin boards and other fun stuff like that. The windows are going to look great. They will put one big window in places where there used to be two panes. So they will be the same size but look bigger and let in more light.

    I did pilates this morning early and walked this evening. 'Night tartly ones!

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011
    I made it an hour last night on my most challenging hilly walk! I'm really proud - and the scale is showing a downward trend - I try not to obsess too much about that - Embarassed I do ache a lot when I am finished but...., I sleep better and my back doesn't hurt as much - my poor feet are another story.....,  I hope you all have a great day!!!
  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011

    Did Hip Hop Dance this morning.  Feeling good, and really enjoyed it.  Plan on walking at least 20 min tonight after dinner too. Happy hump day everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Glad everyone is OK after the accidents.  How frightening for your DD, Wonderland. It only takes a second for your life to change. Ellie - welcome!  Ruth - we did the same thing about putting in one window where there had been two panes, and it's amazing how much more light there is.  I bet your utility bills will go down this winter, and your house will be cozier with the insulation these new windows have.  

    2 mile walk last night - but it was to and from our favorite Mexican restaurant, where I shamelessly ate chips and salsa and had salt-rimmed margaritas.  Yum, but I paid for it on the scale this morning.  We also took Fat Mikey for a mile walk when we got home.  This morning was 35 minutes of weights/resistance, 20 minute Lebeds, and Mikey's morning mile. He's lost .7 pounds since we've had him so we're making some progress!  This morning's fledge was a blue jay fledge, loudly squawking his displeasure at being forced out of the nest. We also saw two does and a fawn - the does were happily munching away on a neighbor's azelea bushes.  He's going to wonder why he doesn't get as many flowers next spring! Tongue out

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2011
    Went for a speed walk this morning here in the Montreal fresh air.Tongue out
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    car update: friend couldn't fix it, appointment at the shop on Friday......keeping my mouth shut but the words, "I told you so" are crossing my mind......

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Ellie glad you joined us here.

    Wonderland so sad your DD had the accident but glad she did not get hurt and did not let it get her down. 

    Ruth your windows sound wonderful.

    I did yoga monday night and the heat here in Texas is killing me.  I have not been getting out to do my cycling or walking, it is just too dang hot and I can't seem to get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning to do it then.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    So I did not walk this morning b/c I had a plastic surgeon appt too early.... good news from him is that I no longer have any restrictions on exercising - swim, run, yoga - so that is good.  bad news is that the plan to re-insert my TE then exchange for implant is no longer viable - not enough skin, so now I need to prepare for a flap surgery.. not happy so I decided I needed exercise to cheer me up - took the dogs the 1/2 mile around the block just now - it is 100 out right now... sweaty, hot, but happier - the dogs are way hot too...

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011
    vhshea - I had to have my implants removed and then did tram-flap. It really is not that bad and I like it way better than I ever did my implants! They are soft and real and look fairly normal. I was fully recovered and doing stuff in about 6 weeks, that was 4 years ago this summer. Try not to stress about it - take care , EllieCool
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited August 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Ellie:  Welcome!  I echo Wonderland in saying I'm impressed with your walking after having foot surgery!  Interesting about having your implants removed and then doing tram-flap - glad that worked out for you.

    Wonderland:  Yikes, sorry to hear about the accident and am SO VERY GLAD your DD is okay.  Scary, scary stuff.  Hope you are feeling better.

    Ruth:  I'm thinking "I told you so" as well . . . lol.  Keep us posted on what finally happens.

    Virginia:  Loved the bathroom story, sounds about right.  

    Sherry:  Sorry about the heat; how is everyone doing in your family?  My apologies if you've discussed this in a recent prior thread.

    Mary:  Mexican - you're making me hungry!  Funny about the deer eating the flowers.  

    hbCheryl:  You're on; anywhere for lunch or dinner is fine with us, too.  Sounds like you and guests are having a good time.

    HUGS to Everyone Else. . . 

    Still recovering from surgery.  I do my exercises, but the overall feeling of being drained still exists.  I'll get there.  I've been power-walking, since PS told me I had to wait 2 weeks before running again.  Also, using new leg extension/curl bench quite a bit; I can "multitask" when doing the extensions (I've been reading books!).  

    Haven't checked my Facebook account, but I supposedly have 23 notifications, probably from those who have checked out the website.  


    HUGS to Everyone 

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011

    Ruth, thanks for the website to record calories :-).

    Today I powerwalked 2 miles in the a.m. - 80 reps with 10 pound weights for arms....cleaned my closet and dresser - volunteered at a local thrift store for 3.5 hours this afternoon - came home and power walked 2 more miles. NOW - am SITTING outside on glider, in the beautiful early evening, on my iPad. Hugs to you all, my sisters.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    It has been absolutely gorgeous here.  Walked at lunch break yesterday and today, then went out again after work tonight for a stroll around the neighborhood.

    Ruth, thanks for the happy news about Ryan and enjoy those new windows. 

    Mary, I had a meeting once in an old elementary school and had to use the girl's room.  Everything was in miniature and low to the ground.  TG they had adult-sized table and chairs, just think of trying to squeeze into one of those old wooden chairs with the arm that swings over and down.

    Julie, surgery can really take it out of you.. it may take time but you will get there.

    Wonderland, so glad your DD is OK.. how scary!

    Welcome Ellie and {{hugs}} to all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Hi all, it's been a busy few days with the last 2, tonight and last night, no exercise as I had dinner dates with friends back-to-back.  Not looking forward to ELAB weigh-in Friday.  Wonder how much I can get done tomorrow - maybe if I do my 2 most favorite exercises, spin and elliptical, for 6 hours each? 

    Sunday went for a walk with a friend I hadn't seen in about 2 years.  She asked, park or hills and since my area is flat I said 'let's try hills'.  Bad choice - she tried to kill me!!!!!  As I huffed and puffed and nearly dropped from the exertion she calmly said 'only 2 more to go and the last is the steepest!'  I leaned against a tree and told her if I moved another step uphill I would have a stroke.  She thought I was kidding - I was not and so we turned around, went down and found only flat ground to get back.  Total almost 5 miles.  Think I'll stay away from her area for awhile!

    Monday did 60 mins water aerobics and ran another 20 mins.  Hope to do more, much more, over the next few days.

    Hi to everyone, especially our new members.  Haven't been on for a few days so did not get to all the pages.  Ruth, glad your son and his friend are starting to see the light.  Maybe this car will be a lesson learned.

    Wonderland, happy your DD is okay.  Can't imagine how frightened she must have been but, bless their hearts, they bounce right back and keep on moving.  Also heard on news this morning that hayfever season has started so if you are prone to allergies now, before you have symptoms, is when to start taking meds for it.

    Night friends.  (sorry for long post)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Julie my dad has done really great with his chemo.  Not much as far as SE's but he is really loosing his hair and it makes him look much older.  My Mom is worn out, but she won't let us take it and stay home she thinks she needs to go along and what she really needs is some rest.  But she will have to get to that point on her own.  She is kinda hard headed. 

    vhshea I had my heart set on implants and when I went to see the PS he told me I was not a good candidate for implants because of my radiation and also because my bad boob has built lots of scar tissue with my B9 lumpectomy 14 years ago and now with this lumpectomy.  So he said BMX and DIEP.  I asked about UMX and implant on good side, he said even my good side is not a candidate for implants.  So I was really disappointed but after I had time to think and read up I decided that in the long run I think I will be much happier with the DIEP.  The only thing is I have to gain at least 15 lbs and I have only gained about 3 lbs so far.  If you want a second opinion the group PRMA in San Antonio specializes in reconstruction.  That is mainly all they do and any of the Doctors are good but they are hard to get into.  usually takes 2 to 3 months, but they have women come from all over the US to have them do their reconstruction.

    So I had a dentist appt this afternoon.  Had some decay under my crown and had to have it removed and the decay ground off and then a new temp because they cannot use the old crown have to have a new one.  Well the girl had the hardest time with it  and had to keep working with it trying to get the glue to hold.  She finally figured out what the problem was but I was in the chair for 3 hours. Now my mouth is really sore. It was my very last molar.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Hi All! Ouch, Sherry, your dentist story makes my teeth hurt!

    I had a really great day; the windows are progressing nicely, I worked in my room at school, had coffee with some teacher friends, had lunch with my 'Bosom Buddies' (cancer survivor friends), worked some more in my room, went for another coffee with some old friends coming through town on a trip (actually my serious college boyfriend and his SO....he had gone down a wrong path, but about 10 years ago joined AA, got clean, met this fantastic lady.....a story with a happy ending!), then took a long walk, went over to hang out with my dad, who was actually lucid, and tomorrow I am going to have my annual get-together with 4 girlfriends from when I first started wonder I am not losing any weight!!!!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Sherry  - my PS talked about implants under the DIEP?  Did you have that ?  My issue arose b/c the incision in the fold did not heal right, and the TE was removed -the resulting scar tissue adhered to the rib cage...

    Ellie - thank you.  I needed to know I am not the only one

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    vhshea, I will not be having my surgery until the end of March.  My weight gain is very slow and my radiated tissue needs time to heal.  It is healing pretty slowly according to the PS.  I just cannot be off work from mid jan to mid march because my boss is out at all the major stockshows during that time.  so we are planning for the end of March. The PS really wants me to gain enough weight so he can do it all by diep.  At my next visit in Sept I am going to ask him about using an implant with the diep.  I don't know if I am a good candidate for that or not. This reconstruction stuff is all so complicated.

    Ruth you have been busy, just the social butterfly. Maybe I need to come and visit you with all the going out to eat and coffee you are doing.  Maybe I could gain my weight faster and have a blast doing it.  haha

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011
    Come on over; it would be a blast and I guarantee that I could fatten you up!!!!!Cool
  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Good evening everyone!

    Ruth: I also want to join your social outings!

    Sherry: my mouth is sore just reading about your dentist visit. Sorry to hear about your recon situation. I have a uni diep and LOVE it. Read all you can about the surgery (that really helped me). Now all you have to do is fatten up!

    V: Sorry to hear about your recon situation also. Hoping your ps can come up with a good plan for you. It's so frustrating.

    I'm feeling much better since starting the antibiotic. The temperature tonight is 10 degrees cooler than lately so I was able to go to the park for my 2 mile walk. I walked slower than I usually do and I didn't jog any. It felt so good! I plan to continue to take it slow for a while.

    DD is still good from her wreck. We will receive an insurance check next week - looks like we'll be car shopping. Not my favorite type of shopping!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    ok - I should be happy. Really.  I should. We did not hit 100 degrees today - but dang it - we were one day away from tying the record of 1980 with 43 consecutive 100+ days... ugh!  And tomorrow for the foreseeable future, the forecast is 100+ on and on and on.. LOL

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    15 min walk with my sister on day 2, after a nightmare night, so I'm proud of myself! Nite all! xoxo

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011
    Great job Rabbit! I made it an hour - but ate horribly all day - just trying to do damage control! Have a great day everyone- Cool
  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit - good for you!  Gosh I miss my sister (have three - love them all but miss Mary most)... You did much better than I have- I've skipped walking two days running now...

    Yesterday I had to be at the high school for registration - I volunteered (I know).... handed our schedules from 8am to 5pm non-stop - my fingers are exhausted (and my eyes - it's amazing how nine hours of looking at alphabetized documents makes your alphabetation skills fly out the window... LOL)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit - do the steriods have you buzzing?  They did that to me - I'd be buzzed for 48 hours after chemo, then would come the steroid crash.  Good for you for getting out and walking.  Like the new pink hat!

    V- is there a story behind the new name?  Agreed - if you're going to suffer in the heat, you should have at least had the satisfaction of breaking a record!  Sherry - 3 hours in the dentist chair!!???  Yikes. When I had my DIEP, I had lots of co-workers jokingly offer to donate belly fat if I needed it.  Tongue out  I had plenty of my own, fortunately.  Do you like Dove bars?  When my dh had a weird lung autoimmune thing 15 years ago and dropped 30 pounds in a few months (at one point he was told he only had about 4 years to live before his lungs gave out completely), the only thing that could keep weight on him was Dove bars.  We always had a freezer full of Dove bars in those days.  Fortunately the initial dx was wrong and he's healthy and hearty to this day.  But I still had a wake for him 4 years after that initial diagnosis - I'm Irish and no one was going to do me out of a good wake. Cool We rented a suite at the local minor league ballpark, and when we told them what the celebration was for, they even had the "dead guy" throw out the first pitch.  Wakes are much nicer when the guest of honor is alive to enjoy it.

    One mile Mikey walk last night, plus 2 mile jog this morning.  It was in the low 60's with low humidity - a beautiful morning to jog.  Something funny happened - a lot of people walk and jog in our neighborhood.  One of the regular walkers stopped me today and very sweetly told me that at my age I shouldn't jog because it could hurt my bones and joints. She said her doctor had told her that, and she wanted to pass it along to me.  I really did appreciate her caring and concern, but I had to chuckle. You know you're getting old when strangers stop you on the street to tell you you're too ^%$&% old to be doing what you're doing!  Surprised

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Natsfan love the story about the wake.  I do like ice cream and that is what I am trying to eat more of to put on the weight.  I figure once the holidays roll around it won't be so hard.  too many tempting snacks around at that time of year

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Mary - my weird user name is because I signed up initially with vshea not realizing how impersonal it sounds.. and would like to go by V (or V__ since I need three characters) since that what my friends call me...)

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit - good for you! You inspire us!

    V - like the new name!  Glad you can exercise again!

    Mary - funny story about someone telling you you're too old to run - many, many years ago I had someone stop me during a run to tell me that I should not be exercising while pregnant! 

    I walked the dogs a short distance and then did 4.25 miles in the heat this morning. Slightly slower than normal, but I did it! 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit: way to go!

    V: You had me fooled with your new name. Good for you to volunteer!

    Mary: your wake story is great. You had me laughing out loud about your neighbor!

    Goldenmom: Sorry about the heat. It's draining.

    We are finally getting a cool break in the weather. What a relief! Dh and I went to the park to walk our 2 miles. Actually had a cool breeze blowing on me. Felt so good!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Wonderland - We in Dallas are too - a tiny bit.. but I am sooooo ticked off!!!! After 40 days of 100+ days, DFW got a weird cool front that dipped yesterday's temps to just under the 100 degree mark for like one day, two days shy of the 1980 record... it'd be ok if the temp still stayed low, but we will be back over 100 tomorrow...  I really, really wanted the t-shirt!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    We've had nice weather here so walked outside yesterday and today at lunch break.

    Rain supposed to move in tomorrow but that's OK we can use it, my poor thirsty flowers.

    Glad to hear you're getting through it, rabbit.  I'm proud of you too, as I am of everyone here who keeps moving despite everything.  {{hugs}} my Tartly sisters!