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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Ha! Maybe a new month's resolution, that would give you a few more days anyway.

    I haven't exercised yet, but now that I logged on I will have to!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    hi ladies, well the skeeters did not bite yesterday morning, I walked my medium route 2.5 miles.  Saw Orion the Hunter (constellation) on the horizon and that means fall is on its way.  I'd walk every morning if I could but I already get up too doggone early as it is (before 5).  Walked 3 miles with a friend at lunchtime Tues, on my favorite scenic bike path.  Today, four of us walked two miles at lunchtime and undid it all by stopping at Ian's Pizza to bring a slice back to the office.  I had a slice of mac & cheese pizza OMG yummy but not healthy -- carbs on carbs with cheese!

    Great to see you, Jen, congrats on your works of skin art!  

    Elizabeth, you ROCK the bald!

    TTFN Tarts {{hugs}} to all

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    Wow...lots of catching up to do so I will get down to business...hiked each day in Newfoundland (including up 476 steps up the side of a mountain!) , canoed for 1.5 hours tonight and am going to head to the gym after work tomorrow. Have lost 2 points of BMI since March(on top of the two I had lost between january and march) so I am pleased!

    The rest of you look like you have been busy too! YAY!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Hi Sandee, sounds like a fun way to get exercise! I toned with Denise Austin for 45 minutes and walked for 30. A lovely night here! Today was the first day the kids could pick up their schedule cards, so the school was swarming with children. Fun! A nice boy held the door open for me when I was dragging in stuff.....and it turns out he will be in my 7th grade advisee one kid with brownie points and the year hasn't even started!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Body Pump and Body Combat classes tonight.  Didn't sleep very well last night so those classes have wiped me out.  

    Will pay the bill as soon as it arrives RuthLaughing  Good luck with the interview tomorow Badger.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    hi packjen :) just reading your post and want to really push that you should eat more, every time when I try to lose weight, if I eat eggs or protein for breakfast, it fills me up longer and I lose more weight than the times in my life when I just didn't for thought, no pun intended!!

    yesterday I got on the floor and did some knee pushups, maybe 15...planks crunches and lots of stretching, felt great. Going to shoot for a walk in an hour or so, 7:30am here and overcast, not too bad for a walk! :)

    hugs to all 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2011

    Badger Thanks!Embarassed

    Will it sounds like everyone is busy doing there best to get out and exercise. I have moved my pt to Mon/Tues cause I have chemo on Wed and the se's hit me the next day. Before it was like the 2nd to 3rd day. My onc wanted to put me on a Deuritic which I see the Naturopath and see what he suggests I do. He is one who recommended ginger capsules for my nausea and stomach upset and diarrhea. They work very well. I am dealing with bloating in my stomach looks like I am 3 month pregnant. My onc says it is from the Steroids I am on. I still was about to 6 lbs. So now I am 189 lbs from 242 lbs. So slowly getting there praying the steroids do not mess that up. Since I have been sick with se's on  Thur/Fri/Sat/ I have not made it to the gym. Which really brothers me. My wbc is low they almost did not give me my 2nd treatment of chemo. My wbc was 1.45 and they usually don't   give you chemo at 1.50. I am curious what next week will be. I know I am weak cause of it. Which I know that exercise comes into play. So I need to figure out how to get moving even if it is the house. Like walk the long hallway, march, pick up 3 lbs weights wear 2 lbs on my ankles. Just stuff like that even if it is just 10 min. I am very irritated to know that when I am not feeling well I just sit in bed sleep, do the computer, read to let time pass me by until I feel better and that is usually Mon/Tue then  chemo.

    Saw my onc today and she said that my tumor markers have increased which is not good. She said it is to early to get a scan to see if the chemo is working. So I will see her again sept 21st and then the end of sept we will run a scan to see if the chemo is working. I believe it is cause of the constant pain I had in my stomach it would not go away. When I started chemo it started to subside. Dr pushed around on my area where my liver is and said it felt fine. So that is good news. So that is my update. I just need to make me move on the days I am not feeling good and feel I cannot move. I know I can do it though.

    Badger wish the very best at your job interview.

    Ruth glad Ryan is doing well and you enjoyed your vacation

    Wow we have a animal rescuers that is so wonderful you took on those furbabies. How are they doing?

    Rabbit hang in there girl you encourage me to move my butt. Even you are not up to it and go then I can get up and doing it.

    Thanks for reading!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    OK - Ran this morning - total of 12 minutes (walk/run) but had to quite with pain in hip - must have laxed off on my posture cause first time for that (not a stitch but a muscle pain in the hip)... I am a sweaty mess right now cause it is already 82 out - we've set the record here for longest continuous stretch of low temps in the 80s.  I really hate winter (grew up in upstate NY and in Illinois) but sure would love a morning in the 60s...

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    hi ebann

    we are very similar in weights etc. I am a big girl, was 130ish in high school and now that I look back, I was too skinny looking, had the chiropractor say to me "what are you Polish, you have HUGE bones" LOL 

    When I moved to Australia in 2002, I was around 175 lbs and you know, I looked damn good, was a size 12 maybe. So living in Australia I gained 60 ish pounds the first year, quit smoking and  dx with hashimoto's (under active thyroid). Ended up close to 240lbs, Started getting heart palpitations and svt like crazy and was scared to exercise for years. Finally 4-5 years ago I started going to the gym regularly, hard as hell to lose weight, but now, back in the USA over a year ago, I got back to 192 lbs. getting under the 200 lb mark was HUGE and it took years.

    Since starting chemo I have gained a total of 6 pounds, but I know some of it is steroids, I am bloated feeling that first week, puffy looking..and eat more than usual for sure. And to top it off I don't feel like exercising near as much as usual. 

    So welcome to my world of struggling! LOL  Lets try to lose the rest of this weight together :) 

    Please keep me updated on your updates with the scans and stuff, praying for you :)

    Still raining here....can't walk yet :( 

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011
    Great job packjen! I walked an hour last night with one of my best friends - and man is she fast! And time went really fast to have someone to talk to - but it was muggy and sultry - I may have to skip the next couple of days - we are having company tomorrow night and I need to cook - have a great day everyone - Cool
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    hi ladies, thanks for the well-wishes.  Interview went OK, not sure I'm exactly who they're looking for but it was a positive experience anyway.  One, it's good to practice interviewing, and two, I ran into a former colleague and learned of an upcoming job opening for which I am qualified.  Used my lunch time for the interview so my exercise today was a short walk after work.  Night Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Badger: Sounds like you were meant to ran into your former colleague!

    I didn't exercise tonight - instead my dh and I bought a car for my dd (remember her car was totaled 2 weeks ago - she is FINE!!!).

    Have any of you read the thread that's titled something like "You Know You're a Breast Cancer Patient When..."? I remember one woman answered "...used car salesmen sweat when they see you." I went in with that attitude and it worked! I am Woman hear me roar! It felt really good to buy a car for the price you wanted, not the dealership. We bought her a nice used car with low mileage and good warranty coverage.

    Will exercise tomorrow (hopefully Wink).

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2011

    (((Elizabeth))) Hope the chemo is kicking butt.

    I am finally back into the gym routine just not sure if I am ready yet for classes.Keep on moving ((Tarts))

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    jen welcome back from vaca and losing two pounds.  way to go.

    Did a yoga internet video last night and it was tuff.  Then did my normal yoga class tonight.  My hip is feeling better so I am going to see if I can handle walking again as I really do miss it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Busy day here; squeezed in a walk and some pilates.

    Elizabeth, thank you for the update. Definitely every little bit counts in the exercise department!

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the chon...suggestion.  Been there, done that, several times, along with synvisc, and cortisone shots, and was told I need two knee replacements....just not ready after all the breast surgery the past year.  I think if I LOOSE it will do a world of good for my knees...but thanks for the suggestion.

     I was THRILLED to host the nip fest !   Jen and the ladies were super fun!   I went to a SOS training today and the facilitator heard about our NIP Fest!   :)))   I put a big plug in for it was a lifesaver for me the past year.   Lots to think about after the little training session tonight.  

    I played doubles tennis for around two felt good to be out there but my knees do hurt afterwards.   The weather is getting so beautiful now in the low 80's if I get out there early enough.  

    Many hugs to crappy that you have to deal with all this again, but your strength is inspiring.   Thanks for keeping us updated as i love to read stories here .....Good night all! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    (((Elizabeth))) I am praying that the chemo is working for you, can the naturopath help with something for the wbc? Congratulations on scaring the car salesman Wonderland Laughing

    Did spin class tonight but my foot is hurting like the blazes, when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I kicked my toes against the vacuum cleaner which is sitting in the middle of my bedroom, and yes it's still thereSurprised eventually I'll vacuum the floor and put it away I'm still putting things back in order and I'm procrastinating and doing things very slowly. Hannah posted on FB today that she ran 4 miles the first run since her injury and she said it felt great she also did a tai chi class and enjoyed the feeling she got from the class, says she is now very relaxed.

  • greytcruise
    greytcruise Member Posts: 62
    edited August 2011

    Doing Ai Chi and senior water aerobics in a warm therapy pool.  I still feel cold in 95 degree water, but it is so relaxing, waiting for neuropathy to subside. Glad some of you are able to get outside.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2011

    Hi all, hopefully new implants are better. Went to PS yesterday, we took off the "wrap" and on went the gym bra for the next few weeks. 24/7. Oh well.

    Still can't drive and/or walk the dog. I did not even ask office for release to go back to gym because I go backto him in 2 weeks.  I did walk 1/2 way around my complex, as I have not done any walking since the knee surgery. I plan on walking quite a distance to stores today (to get manicure) and will walk back. To me this is an accomplishment.

    Badger, good luck on your job search

    Elizabeth, wishing you well.


  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    hi everyone...finally got in an almost 30 min walk this morning and I feel good today, but getting tired, I think nap time is coming up ;)

    hope everyone has a great weekend.  

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011
  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    rabbit -tell your fiance thanks.  the first was fun, and the second, very moving...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Elizabeth ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))

    rabbit thanks for sharing those links

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    g'day Tarts and welcome greytcruise.  I didn't walk at lunch today as I left a bit early but got in a short walk after work.  It's hot out there - 88 - so didn't go far or fast.  Looking forward to the weekend when I can walk early when it's still cool.

    {{Elizabeth}} sending prayers West.  How about chair yoga?  It's yoga exercises you can do sitting down. 

    Ronna, good luck with the new implants!

    Ellen, thanks for sharing those links.  They're both true - the first one is funny and the second one made me cry, in a good way.  Never knew that some of the famous women they showed, had BC.

    BTW if you put the cursor at the end of the link, and hit either the space bar or the enter key, it will become a hyperlink that folks can click into.  Have you seen this one by Martina McBride?

    {{hugs}} to all

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2011

    Elizabeth - along the lines of what Badger was saying, there is a PBS program called "Sit and Be Fit".  I did some of that near the end of my treatments. Very low impact, but I worked up a sweat even so.  You might want to Google it.

    You ladies who are exercising during chemo are impressive.  I was a slug even before treatments and during treatments it was all I could do to walk around the house.  

    Rabbit - thanks for the tip.  I try to eat as much protien as I can.  Oatmeal before the gym, cottage cheese for the morning snack and then I only have time for an apple or something small for lunch.  But this steno theory class is like learning a whole new language and I need protien for my brain to function.

    I did not work out yesterday, but today I was shocked to see that I have lost more weight.  28 pounds down, 22 to go.  Today I did 10 minutes on the eliptical (I really hate those machines), 25 minutes on the rowing machine (love that one) and 350 sit ups.

    MRDRN -- wow, word gets around, huh?  Well we can say we were at the first NipFest!  What exactly is SOS and did you enjoy it?

    The girls go back to school Monday!  Yippee!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    I have a reclosable 16-oz pkg of Blue Diamond whole natural almonds in my desk drawer at work for a protein-rich mid-morning snack.  A one-oz serving is 24 nuts (160 calories) and makes the pre-lunch growling go away for a while.  I get them at Walgreens, they are 7.99 but there are 16 servings so it lasts three weeks.  I stock up when I see them on sale for 4.99.  I should get a pkg for at home too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Richard Simmons has a 30 minute 'Sit Tight' video (it's old but probably still can be found), that has fun music and you do while seated.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    packjen: congratulations on your weight loss!

    Welcome greytcruise.

    Good evening to all.

    It cool downed enough for me to walk/run my neighborhood route.Hope to do more this weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    ruthbru, don't I have enough tapes collecting dust - and you just keep recommending more!

    Okay, well maybe if I get enough I can use them as my weights as I lift them to dust.

    Been a slug today but the pedometer still showing 4000+ steps.  I'll take it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Just watched the links. Gosh, Badger's really made me cry! Beautiful!

    I had an interesting day. DH is out of town, so I got up & helped DS pack his things. We went out for a nice lunch and off he went to another year of college. Very sentimental for me, BUT made easier by the fact that as he pulled away, the carpet cleaning van pulled up and I could get my carpets cleaned without them having to swerve around all of his junk! While the carpets were being cleaned, I went over to a friend's house where we drank 2 cups of coffee, then drove out to look at the scarily high water in the local reservoir. Then we drove around looking at all the rich people's houses out by the water and THEN went and sat on her deck and drank 2 glasses of wine. After that I came home, did 45 minutes of FIRM toning, went to Walmart where I bought oatmeal, prunes, dark chocolate and a lamp. What excitement! Wink