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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    natsfan- congratulations!!!!!12 pounds. yowser!

    I did my stress test today and the technician said I did very well...passed the mark I had to give up on last ime (because I could not hold on any more. god...they sure don't make these machines with short people in mind!) and ran on the treadmill as well! WHEEha...blood pressure stayed in a very normal limit as well. Then paddled with the competitive group this evening for an hour. Feels good!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Sandee: Congratulations! You're getting stronger and stronger.

    Rabbit: sorry this is a bad day for your energy. May tomorrow be better. I walked for you tonight.

    Julie: Beautiful picture! Love the wigs.

    Mary: This Wednesday and Thursday sounds lovely!

    Ruth: Hope this is going to be another great school year for you!

    Hello to everyone.

    Dh and I walked/ran at our park this evening. Couldn't believe the temperature: 77 degrees! Felt great.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011
    Walked twice today.....about 1 1/2 miles this a.m. and me and hubby and our 2 dogs did 3 miles this afternoon in the SUNSHINE AND BEAUTIFUL TEMPERATURES.  I had a pretty good eating day too.   So thankful to be healthy and able to exercise.  Praise God.Smile
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Good but long day at school (workshops the first three days), had some things to do when I got home so didn't have a chance to exercise until late.....complained the whole time, but did a 45 minute Denise Austin toning DVD and walked on the treadmill (it is very humid out, plus it is dark by now) for awhile after that.

    Sandee, glad for your good test!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit - I'll give you credit for 100 of my situps today.  Between those and Wonderland's walking for you today, you're covered.  Hope you feel better tomorrow.

    No exercise over the weekend, so the 2 pounds I lost on Friday were back on Monday.  Obviously I didn't outrun those pesky pounds and they caught up with me.

    Today I did: arm weights; 375 situps; 400 leg lifts w/resistance bands; 50 squats; 40 of those kind of backward situps where you are raised above the floor on a high bench-thingy facing downward then you swing your upper body up into a plank position (no idea what that move is called, but it works the whole backside)  and stretching.

    TaTa Tarts

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2011

    Thanks packjen and wonderland! I'll return the favor one day if you need :) I am aiming to get on the treadmill tomorrow, I am staying at my mom's tonight and there's a treadmill here, will avoid that nasty humid, muggy weather that gives me such horrible headaches!

    Nite all, very tired


  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    I did a zumba toning dvd at home this morning, and tonight, I walked 3 miles out on the country roads with a co-worker from the bank, It was wonderful to be in the evening fresh air. The cows and sheep were talking to us as we strolled up and down hills :O)

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    It's wonderful to be on here with all you wonderful active cancer fighting women. We are going to power through all of this yucky chemo, and come out victorious, and healthier than ever :O)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    zumbagirl your walk sounds lovely.  Sandee woohooo on passing the stress test.  Oooooo Mary if you lived closer to me I'd sneak off work and hang out with you on your girly days as it is I'm taking off work next monday and a group of us from the gym are going out to Glen Ivy for the day.  Tonight did a spin class.  Nite tarts.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Yesterday was so very cool for the first time that it felt great to get out there with the pup twice for very long walks and she caught the frisbee for the first time!!  YAH proud :)

    Hi Everyone...PACKJEN!!! You are amazing!  That is a TON of situps!  I am so motivated reading all these energetic posts!  Keep up the great work all .

    Sunday I went to the Newseum in DC with the Fam before going out to a really nice dinner....celebrating 22 years.  The walking for all day and I felt it by the evening we got home but a great feeling.  

    With the going out of buisness sale at Borders, I got a "resistent band dvd and instruction booklet" with a major discount and hope to actually do that today.

    Happy exercising everyone!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    good morning everyone and welcome zumbagirl!  I started my walking program with slow walks around the block during chemo last year and have gone 1,400+ miles to date.  Now I crave the exercise.  Yesterday was an unusually crappy day at work so I got out and powerwalked 3 miles around the Capitol square over lunch.  Rabbit, before I found a school with an indoor oval running track open evenings to the public during the winter months, I'd go to Super Wally World and walk if I got stir-crazy. Looking good Julie, it's always a bonus when you're exercising, having fun, raising money for a good cause, and having fun!   Good luck Ruth, for another school year.  Your students are lucky to have you.  Jen you are an inspiration!  Mary and Cheryl, spa days sounds lovely, I could use one of those myself right about now.  Congrats Sandee on acing your stress test.  MRDRN, the Newseum sounds fascinating, is it a museum dedicated to the news?  Wonderland, I love that your DH walks/runs with you, mine is more of a slug (plus he still smokes, the dummy) and walks slooooowly so the only time we go together is if we take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood after supper.  Hi to everyone else, I so appreciate the company of all you motivating ladies!  {{hugs}} to all

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Hi badger yes the newseum is pretty cool   A free day the weekend of Sept 11

    I was so happy that my husband and son finally did something with me that I wanted to do this summer. Part of exercise is being motivated and feeling loved motivates you....always better to do things with people than without but I need to do things for me so to speak.  My son is 17 and doesn't enjoy family outings as much as being with his friends...can you believe it?

    I am so glad to get another sub call today for tennis.  That means I didn't play too bad last week.  These ladies are kind of competitive and before my surgery I was pretty good, despite my knees, and now my serve is totally not at the same level and my running is limited but doubles is doable.  Many of the ladies go running beforehand to get their workout in!  HAHA The tennis IS my workout but I am just trying to increase my personal best.

     Have a great day everyone!  My window is open for the first time and A/c off yah!

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011

    Rabbit- I walked three times yesterday  (you can claim them too) - the joys of dogsitting! I actually pooped the dog out - he laid down on the grass - and he is a 1 1/2 year old Chocolate lab - the best dog ever! I would love to get a dog but DH will not budge on not wanting one - bums me out. It is great exercise and would keep me going all year long since I live in Iowa and we have horrible winters. I'll post a picture of him - I'm a very proud grandma-

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    I have been walking the girls and myself a bit the past few days -- struggling cause I stressed my hip ... but I did go walk/running again this morning - definitely an abbreviated walk/run, but my stressed hip helped me with my form a LOT!  With good form I had no pain, but when I relaxed my core, my hip said 'I don't think so!'... so hate that the hip hurts, but found a silver lining! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    Anyone feel the earthquake?  We had stuff fall off of shelves, pictures got knocked askew, and some cupboards opened.  Only one one thing broke - my late parents' wedding picture fell off the bookcase and the glass broke.  Cry  Dogs are OK, but cat was absolutely whacked for about an hour. DH, being from Southern California, recognized it immediately.  


  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2011

    Did 425 stomach crunches and 30 minutes on the rowing machine today.

     Ellie --  your granddog is mighty handsome.  If you need more dog time, you can come to California and walk our little boy, Buster Brown.

    MRDRN -- Yay for family outings and yay that it's cool enough for Daisy to take you for walks.  Give her a kiss for me.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    wonderland, Ruth, cheryl, badger- thanks!!Feels good even if the treadmill arm rest was meant for 'average sized' people...slowed me down trying to hold on! Still shaking my head that they would ask a woman to take off her bra to do the treadmill test...really? what are they thinking?!?!! my sports bra didn't interfere..sheesh.

    Rabbit- you are getting stronger by the day!

    packjen- you continue to inspire!

    Walked downtown, had a healthy meal and walked back ..both at abrisk pace and the trip home was uphill so...about an hour idea how far it is.

    Natsfan- earthquakes are scary....and I only experienced a mild one last year...everyone ok?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Ellie the lab is beautiful

    Glad all the East Coasters are Ok after the quake today

    I went for a 3 mile walk today.  First time in months because my hip has bothered me.  It has not hurt in several weeks so decided to give it a try.  I was so tired by the time I got home. Body is def not use to it.  Hope I am not sore tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Sat in meetings all day (which is bad enough, but the people in charge bribed us with muffins, nuts and small candy bars!), then went to a picnic at my principal's house......came home a walked for an hour, very sluggishly, as it is hard to do a brisk pace when you are stuffed full of hot dogs, macaroni salad and chips!!!!!

    Gosh, be careful of all the earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts and floods. They are sandbagging in some of the lower parts of town here as the river keeps going up and up. Mother Nature is apparently really mad at the world this year!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Alice (Wonderland) - ppplllleeeaseee! send some of those cooler temps down here to Dallas!!!  LOL.  I don't even know how to spell 77 degrees any more..

    SherryC - what is with us Texas girls... my hip has NEVER hurt me but since my run on Saturday - ugh.. must be going around in TX like these damn 100+ degree days!

    Rabbit {{{hugs}}}  girl and hopes that tomorrow is better...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    V-everyone else seems to be getting rain and cooler temps but us.  Ruth is right mother nature must be really mad at us this year.  And the hip thing go figure.  I have never had problems, my pain Dr says it is arthritis from rads.  My MO says could be or could be a SE of tamoxifen.  So now I take 200mg of Celelbrex twice a day, but at least it is not hurting any longer.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Hey Mary apparently you DO have earthquakes in MarylandSurprised glad to know you and DH and your babies are okay. Ellie that is one beautiful granddog. MRDRN the Newseum looks very interesting I've been reading about the new MLK monument and I'd love to see that. Badger you are so right, once you get into exercise you crave it, I panic if I'm running late for a class, mind you there is a whole gym I can use but I just love my classes. Tonight did Body Step class which was a lot of fun. Take care everyone.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2011

    Had  PT Monday &  Tuesday. I have chemo tomorrow. So the most exercise I will be doing is sitting in the chair & sleeping. Planning to workout at the gym on Thursday & Friday. Sunday my DH & I are leaving to go up North to Greer to get away from this hot weather. We are going to be staying in a cabin and even taking our dogs. This will be there first long trip. We will be returning on Wednesday. May stay longer just depends on how much we enjoy being gone. It will be a nice break from being in the city. The weather there is in the mid to low 70's. Anything is better than 114 and walking out in a sauna. My DH & are going to celebrate our 9 year anniversary. We decided to go on the week I am off chemo.

    Ellie love the granddog. They are the best. I have two of them. :0)

    Ruth the food makes me feel stuffed. I know that feeling well. I think you made the right decision and walked. That was smart thinking. It is even harder when you feel the way you did.

    Sherryc glad the celelbrex is helping your pain.

    hbcheryl classes or the gym. I say do whatever makes you happy. :0)

    NatsFan it sounds like you really felt the earthquake there in MD. Glad everyone is safe.

     For those that I missed I hope you are doing well. Good job on working out.

    Rabbit do not worry about what you get done or not. You need to be able to talk care of  you .  You can also look for sitting down exercises. Those my be a lot easier for you at this time. Might be something to consider.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2011

    Mary: Yes, we had our earthquake in Jersey yesterday. I was sitting by the pool, my friends were all in the water. Since I am recuperating from recent revision I was sitting in sitting chair, not chaise. I was alone and watched the cement actually fold along and thought someone was playing a joke on me rocking my chair. I thought it was my medication and sun together doing tricks. Of course, I then found out. Never experienced an earthquake at all.

    Zumbagirl: I am  a zumba girl too. Been doing it for almost 4 years. Due to recent knee surgery and a revision of implants, I am banned from gym. Love Zumba. Are you an instructor??? I have not been in the gym since May due to knee surgery and now still recuperating. I don't know when I will get the release from PS to go back. I will absolutely refuse to jump anymore.. Modification is no issue. I don't know what is giving me my extra belly fat, the meds or no timein zumba. Since I am not even volunteering until September 6, I am doing nothing except sitting by pool and getting the last licks of summer. These days are absolutely delightful.

    Love to all,

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited August 2011

    Elizabeth have fun on your trip.  The cabin sounds wonderful and relaxing. I know what you mean about the heat, this Texas heat is killing me, 77 sounds very nice

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2011

    Elizabeth -- Happy Anniversary!  Hug him tight from the tarts.  My wedding anniversary is Friday (11 yrs, though 17 yrs together).  I hope you enjoy yourselves so much that you stay longer.  Cheers.

    Don't have as much time for working out, what with all the practice on the steno machine and school.  So I only spent about 40 minutes at the gym today.  375 crunches, 700 leg lifts w/bands, 350 arm lifts w/bands.

    MRDRN, did you try the resistance band video?  I am interested to know what you think of it.

    No school tomorrow!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Badger: I'm sure you wish your dh would put the cigarettes down for good - that will help him do more than just slowly stroll the neighborhood with you

    ebann - Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful trip.

    V and Sherry - Why can't Texas get a break from the heat?!?!

    Packjen - WOW! You sure did alot in 40 minutes!

    Good evening to all.

    Dh and I walked/ran 2 miles at the park tonight. The temperature was 83. Not 77 like Monday night but at least it wasn't 95 at 8:00 like it had been a few weeks ago!

    I didn't feel the earthquake where I was but alot of people did. We are all worried about Irene. I live in the piedmont area of NC so we won't (hopefully) be affected by the hurricane except with some rain. My dd is at college that is located about 80 miles from the beach. They are preparing for it.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Hi all.  Monday did 1 hour water aerobics and ran for another 10 mins.  Tuesday just did 'shop and sculpt' which logged me about 3 miles.  Tonight walked after work logging just under 8000 steps.

    In the last week 3 people have asked if I lost weight so something is working regardless of what the scale and tape measure says!  At least it keeps me motivated.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    wonderland, it is my fondest wish that my DH would quit.  He knows I want him to, he says he wants to, and I half believe him.  The other half is more realistic.

    Congrats sculptress patoo and happy anniversar(ies) Elizabeth and Jen!

    Walked a brisk 30 minutes each day at noon, yesterday (outside the Capitol) and today (inside the Capitol).  These walks are my mid-day sanity breaks!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Happy anniversaries to the August couples. A cabin someplace cooler than 114 sounds like a good plan, Elizabeth. I bet you could get all the Texas girls to join you!

    I sure hope Irene stays out to sea! Wonderland, I am suppose to mail a business related letter from my dad to my nephew in NC who is in investments, but I am holding on to it for a few days. I don't want to send it right into a hurricane. Yikes!!

    Another busy day; the kids show up at school tomorrow so we were all scrambling around with all the last details. I did walk  for 45 minutes and toned with Richard. I am tired!

    Patoo, you will have to wear a sign that says CAUTION, DANGEROUS CURVES AHEAD! Cool