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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    Badger, thank you for the welcoming. I am so glad to be on here :O)

    Ronqt1 , I am a zumba instructor, .. I love it. I have been teaching for a little over a year now. Most of the ladies that take my class, are 35-87 years old, They are awesome. They sing and laugh. I hope you can get back to some form of zumba that is fun, and comfortable for you :O)

    I also belly dance, and I have been doing that for 5 1/2 years. I love it. So yesterday morning, I taught zumba at the gym, and last night I had belly dance practice. I had my herceptin today, and worked my part time as a teller at the bank in the afternoon, so I didn't get any fitness in today, but I will tomorrow. Awesome fitness everyone, you are all amazing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    and you are amazing yourself, zumba!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Body Combat class tonight but I think I negated all the hard work and sweat by coming home and eating the cupcakes my neighbor brought over as "a treat" I confess I have absolutely no self control.

    Elizabeth have a wonderful anniversary with your DH in the mountains, and Happy Anniversary to you too Jen.  Patoo you know that you are probably toning up so even though the scale might not reflect it your body is changing shape.  Ruth have a wonderful "first day of school" with all your new class tomorrow.  To all in the path of Irene please batten down the hatches and stay safe .

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011

    My day was busy. Sadly, I didn't get the exercise in like I wanted. I really want to get more motivated in working with arm weights. Any suggestions in toning up my upper arms? Hubby and I went for a walk in the late afternoon heat and humidity and while walking up a steep hill, into the sun, I got a hot flash - OH MY GOSH - I thought I would pass out. So overall not a great day - but a good day :-) nonetheless.

    Hugs to all my sisters - Mary Jo

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011

    Typed the above in the wee hours of the early a.m.  Trouble sleeping.  Up now and vowing that today is a new day.  "This is the day the Lord has made...I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24  Will take the best care of myself I can....will eat well and exercise well.  Love and hugs to all my beautiful sisters here. 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011

    I think I pulled or tore muscles in my left chest recently.  My dog, who is 125lbs, tore his ACL and had surgery last week.  I have been helping him up and down the stairs with the aid of a towel under his hips..think like a wheelbarrow.  On Sunday I was helping him up, and I was pretty sore under the armpit area a few hrs later.

    So, I have been taking it easy, just simple walks and lower leg, butt excercises for this week.  I am leaving the arms and jumping exercises out for this week and next week. 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011
    My dear friend who has gone to all my treatments with me, (hubby gets queasy at the hospital Smile) came over this morning, and did the zumba toning dvd with me, and tonight after work, I teach zumba at the gym :O) Well take care my fitness buddies , I am off for my monthly echocardiogram,, so far they have all been good, I guess I am doing great on herceptin :O)
  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    Wonderland - I guess TX is so hot because Sherry and I are here! 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    V: I don't know what I was thinking! Of course that's way Texas is SO HOT!!!

    Zumba: good luck with your echo!

    Corinne: Hope your dog is recuperating nicely. Continue to take it easy.

    marejo: Today IS a new day! Hope it has been a good one for you.

    Cheryl: cupcakes are a wonderful treat!

    Good evening everyone.

    Hard walked my neighborhood tonight. Dh stayed home and mowed. Before it got so hot I liked to push mow part of the yard. Now I let him do the whole yard with the riding mower. Looking forward to cooler weather so I can push mow again.

    Scared about the possible damage Irene might do. Hoping for the best.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Only walked a little over 2 miles and also walked around the supermarket to get a few items in case Irene forces me to cook Sunday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Busy but very good first day of school. Walked for an hour this evening. Thinking of everyone in the hurricane areas. Stay safe!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Too funny but oh so true it's hot hot hot in Texas cause that's where the hot BCO girls hail from but I'm going to join you all cause it's hotting up again here in So CalCool Ouch Corinne take it easy and hope your horse oops I mean puppy is okay, wow 125lbs what kind of dog is he? Marejo I hope today has been a better day for you. An easy upper arm exercise is to just hold your arms out at shoulder height and do little circles go clockwise and then anti clockwise and you can do that anywhere.

    Tonight I did a spin class and the best part is that another one of Hannah's girlfriends contacted me about helping her come into a class and yay she liked it so she's going to come with me again next week, funny thing is I've known her since she was 7 now I have to crane my neck to talk to her as she's now 6ft.  I second what Ruth says, those in the hurricane area please stay safe.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2011

    I had a wonderful two days of my self-declared "Just for Mary Days" holiday.  I spent Wednesday all day shopping - and sales people actually kept offering to help me!  Unlike weekends when you have to chase down sales people cuz it's so busy. Undecided  And yesterday was heavenly - massage, facial, pedicure, and hair cut and highlights.  I'm so glad I decided to just treat myself - we all deserve some pampering.  I was also very good and jogged Wednesday morning, walked the dogs, and did weights resistance yesterday and this morning, along with more dog walks.  I need to retire - I LOVED having all that time during the day.  Work really interferes with life, doesn't it?  Laughing

    Wow - I've been reading about that Texas heat - at least we now know what's causing it!  Cheryl - wish you lived closer too so we could have shared the spa day!  Corrine - 125 pounds of dog???  Wow - that's more than all my past and current dogs put together!!!  Elizabeth - your trip to the mountains sounds wonderful - you know how much we love going to our mountain cabin.  Watch out for bears!!!  Marejo - for upper arms, I bought one of those pedal exercisers - you're suppose to put it under your desk and pedal with your feet, but put it on a table and use it as an arm bike.  I got it cheap off of

    First the earthquake and now Irene is coming.  The dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument on the Mall was supposed to take place this weekend, but now has to be postponed because of Irene.  People, many of them elderly, were coming from all over for the dedication, and I guess they just figured it was best to postpone it now so people had time to change their plans. It's too bad - they've been planning that dedication for years.  I haven't seen the monumnet yet - it looks quite impressive, but a bit stern, which is not the way I remember Dr. King.  We'll go down later this Fall to see it once summer is over and the tourist hordes have gone home.  Cool 

    We're fleeing to our lodge in the hills (or as Groucho Marx would say, we're lodging with our fleas in the hills) after work tonight.  The cabin is further west, and probably less likely to be impacted by Irene, meaning that we're more likely to have power there then at home.  Our local power company, PEPCO, loses power at the drop of a hat, so I anticipate massive power outages should Irene come this way.  Our cabin is served by a different electrical company so the power is much more stable there.  

    Be safe everyone!!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011
    I had a mini class of 5 at zumba last night, but they busted a serious move Smile It was a muggy night and we all were extra sweaty, but it felt great. I am leaving after work today for a camp trip with my line dance friends we do once a year, so I won't check in here until Sunday night or Monday, but I will  will do alot of walking, and even lead them in some zumba in the open field with my friends giant boom box blasting.
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2011

    Wow Mary enjoy the lodge and stay safe.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited August 2011

    I started walking 2 miles a day around 4 weeks after the mastectomy.  Makes me feel fabulous.

    I've read a lot about how extra fat makes estrogen which feeds cancer so I am determined to lose weight and build muscle.  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011

    Only walked a mile this morning..walking kids to school, so not even power walking.  I will try to do some additional walking tonight as I feel a little like a slug today for not doing anything.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2011

    Just took a nice almost 3 mile walk and picked up a 'high impact' sports bra at Modells.  Ha, now to see if it helps me jog any longer than 2 mins!  But not tonight.  I'm going to crash, my treat to myself on Friday nights.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Checking in quickly on my way to a high school football game. Did 15 minutes of abs while watching the news. Maybe will do more when I get home......and maybe not!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    hi ladies and welcome Timbuktu.  CorinneM1, that is one big dog, hope you heal fast.

    Walked yesterday and today at noon, in 30 minutes I can go 2 miles.  Am planning long walks Sat & Sun as it is supposed to be nice this weekend.  Stay safe anyone in the storm's path!

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2011

    Mary - Enjoy the cabin and be safe! Let's hope for a continuously diminished Irene!

    Walked four miles this morning and tried a tai chi DVD for the first time this afternoon. 

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2011

    Timbuktu, welcome to the group.  As I was reading your post I thought of the old joke:

    "Grandma started walking 5 miles a day when she was 75.  Now she's 82 and we don't know where the hell she is!"

    No exercise today -- my gym is closed for 2 days for maintenance.  Yesterday I walked the girls to the bus stop - about 2 miles or so ("up hill, both ways, in the snow, with no shoes, and I was glad to do it").  Only partly kidding about the up hill part.  We live near the top of a very steep hill.  About a quarter of a mile of 16% grade.

    Now I'm off to the movies with my DH to celebrate our anniversary (seeing The Help -- can't wait).  We will walk to the theater so I guess I will get my exercise coming home.

    My hope is that Irene fizzles a bit and all this prep is for nothing.  Don't take any chances, ladies.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011

    Happy anniversary Packjen.  Enjoy the evening with the hubs.

    Thanks Badger.  Its much better and he is healing quickly, so I don't have to help him up and down as much.  And yes, he is a big dog. A big sweet loveable dog.  

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011 and my hubby just saw The Help.  Awesome movie....(YES, we did have buttered popcorn....but I made that my dinner) Loved Loved Loved, The Help.......cried........I went out and bought the book the next day.

    I gained 5 pounds....I am mad at myself about that.  Summer vacation and I don't agree.  LOTS of out to eat and making bad choices.  Not much structure which also makes it tough.  I NEED.....NOOOO......I AM going to get serious.  Yesterday was the first day I really WATCHED m caloric intake and pray to do as well today.

     Exercise is always something I am quite faithful if I could be as faithful with the FOOD...Grrrr.

     Hugs and love....

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Hi PackJen, no the resistence video is sitting here.  Pretty soon you will be up to 500 crunhes!  OH MY!  The storm here in Maryland is well underway, and the "eye" hasn't reached us yet but our tv's are flickering. Jen happy anniversary belated!  

    Time to make dinner before the stove goes out!   This is weird, I honest can count the "hurricaines" but never saw or heard so much preparation like this before! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    got out for a lovely walk this morning and may go again after supper, gorgeous day here :-)

  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited August 2011

    4 miles yesterday!!!  Waiting for it to cool down then another 4 today.  I lost my walking buddy- my niece and buddy -  for a few days - she was in a fender bender today with very sore back - she is going to be ok but the lady who rear ended her may not have insurance :(((.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited August 2011

    All this weather stuff is NOT a good thing...hurricane headed this way...hoping to be on my flight and in Ontario before the darn thing hits the maritimes!

    Walked along the ocean on uneven rocks today, walked the boardwalk in the city yesterday and all downtown the day before as well as up and down the halifax 'hills'. Haven't made it into the gym but also paddled Monday so I am getting my cardio in for sure....seems a waste to do it inside though!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Got up and walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes so I could watch the news, then did an hour of FIRM toning tapes. It was so nice out that later in the day I also took a 45 minute walk with a friend.

    For people wondering how to get into (or back into) some upper body toning, exercise DVDs can be a good guide as they have balanced out routines. The FIRM, Denise Austin have some excellent toning DVDs, and there are many other good ones out there too. I would start by just doing the DVD without any weights, then maybe soup cans or 1 pound weights and work up slowly from there. When I was wanting to get back into doing some upper body, nobody in the 'cancer' business (surgeon, radiologist, oncologist) was able to give me any good solid advice, all were really vague, but my family doctor said that upper body exercise (of course, started slowly and working up slowly and sensibly) can actually build up your lymph system and he said that it is OK to be a little sore, because anytime you start to exercise a part of your body that you haven't been using you will be sore (again using common sense). Talking to him made me feel a lot better and gave me 'permission' to start lifting again. (I only do 3-5-8 pound weights, so don't be overly impressed!)

    Hope everyone on the East Coast is staying safe!

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2011

    Thanks Ruth....your post was informative.  I will get myself a Denise Austin upper body toning tape.  Great idea.  Thanks for sharing.