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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



    MRDRN Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2011

    Julie, I am sorry too.  It does seem like an upswing in suicides lately...a garden center owner recently by us who I always thought was a big community leader, and I guess did have underlying depression but wonder if it was business related...largest garden center in the state and he was a very well liked sad...and an ex-Orioles player....just makes you stop and appreciate and pray for those who have it tough in this downturn our country is facing....some worse than others.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2011

    good morning gang, just spent my last few free minutes this morning catching up on posts so have no time now to share anything except LOVE YOU LADIES!!!  TTFN Tarts.  {{hugs}}

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    I did a zumba toning dvd yesterday morning, and I was going to do a small walk around my property last night , but watched a movie with hubby instead. I have my lab draw and oncologist apt, this morning, because tomorrow is chemo #5, so I hope I have time to get :O)

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    I did finish that sentence, I don't know what happened. I hope to get a zumba dvd workout in before I do my afternoon, teller shift. Take care and you are all awesome. I am glad we are keeping active during treatment :O)

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2011


    Which Zumba DVDs do you recommend?  I have done Zumba only 1 and loved it.  The only time that I have to work out is early in the morning, so I do my exercises at home. 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    I ordered the zumba exhilarate dvd set off tv, and I know you can get it on line. It comes with 7 dvds, and zumba toning sticks, which are like weighted maracas. wieghts and a little instument, very fun. It is like 30.00 a month for 3 payments. , very worth it. I do the toning dvd, at least twice a week, and vary the others, through the week, but I also teach my own routines at the gym, when my white counts are high enough to feel like I won't catch anything from the average 15 ladies who take my class :O)

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2011

    Julie, I just got on site and read your post, so sorry for your friend. I know we have corresponded on FB. As you know, this is where us gals can secretly vent and its OK.

    Patoo: someone just emailed me a pic of Willowbrook Mall, completely surrounded by water. We have Passaic River behind us, but we are ok. My neighbors on perimiter of property almost had a scare, but thankfully river has gone down.

    I just came back from hemo/onc, rather than plain onc, who are now searching for what is wrong with me???? I now have to send a stool sample to them. I said it is the FEMARA. I must be an easy target for money. Now they are saying it is an endocrine problem. So spent 2 hours at cancer center today to get no answer. I go back first week in Oct. Thur. I go back to PS to examine my new and improved boobs, mast and revision of other. Same crappy feeling is coming back to mast. side.  I just want to lift some free weights again and dance. Can't wait.

    Zumba girl: I have the original Zumba fitness, 4 set dvd, beginners, advanced, power and abs. I have carpeting and hard to do in the house. One of my former instructors moved back to Peru and has danced with Beto. On the bright side, pool is back open, I am a sun worshipper so happy, no volunteering until after the 6th, and my gym is under water not opened. I will find out Thur when I can go back.

    Hello to all, and welcome newcomers. I feel like a newcomer because I was MIA for awhile.


  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies !  Thanks for your good wishes and advice.  I will look around the boards and the web sites you suggested.  Exercise came to a screeching halt thanks to Hurrican Irene.  I have only managed a couple of walks.  I have no idea if I will continue this pace of exercising.  I will start back to my second job once school begins and I am lazy by nature.  So, I do not know if I will convince myself to attend a late evening exercise class.  We'll see !

    Read over this board a little bit.  You seem like a lovely bunch of ladies.  Keep up all the good work ! 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2011

    Ronna: So sorry that you don't know what's wrong with you! Is your iron still low or are there other problems? Hope your appointment with your ps on Thursday gives you answers about your mast's crappy feeling. (((HUGS)))

    Dh and I hard walked our neighborhood tonight. Temperature was 79 degrees. Ya'll have me wanting to try zumba! It looks like my aerobic dance I used to do, except with alot more hip swaying.

  • Natee
    Natee Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2011

    Went to Zumba class tonight, excellent instructor and so much fun, an hour long class, Wonderland, you'd love it :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2011

    Zumba, thank you for your recommendation. I've seen the zumba advertizement on TV and it looked fun. Maybe Santa Claus will have to get it for me as an early Christmas present!  Good luck with chemo #5. How many more to go?

    Ronna, hope they can figure out what is going on! GRRRR, frustrating!

    Everyone who is picking up after the hurricane, remember to wear gardening gloves!

    We had an Open House at school tonight. Fun to see all the kids bringing their families around the school and to be able to just visit, not have to talk about grades, behavior or anything negative at all. A good way to start off the year. I was TIRED when I got home and only managed a half hour of pilates.

    JFV, remember there are also DVDs that can fit into YOUR schedule (we are a tough, no excuses bunch around here Wink).

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2011

    Oh Ronna how darned frustrating, hopefully soon you'll get it all worked out.  JFV if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit, I can tell you that I was not a night exercise girl but once I started doing classes and they weren't offered before work I had to become a night girl and then I found classes I liked every night.  I did Body Step class tonight, it was hot and sweaty in that room but loads of fun.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011



    Our gym room where I teach is also carpeted. The lady's that take my class, put duct tape around their shoes, so they can move on the carpet without hurting their knees.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2011

    I have one more chemo after this one, and it is on Sept. 21st. I will continue my weekly herceptins until June 2012,. about 4 weeks after my last chemo, I will start my 7 weeks of radiation. I do hope Santa gets you some zumba dvds :O)

    so I did get in 20 min of zumba and a 10 min walk before work this afternoon, and tonight after dinner, I did 15 laps around my property. I probably won't do any exercise tomorrow after chemo. I usually rest on those days. .. but Thurs morning before my nuelasta shot, I will probably do my zumba toning dvd.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited August 2011

    Thank you ladies !  Keep after me !  I need all the pushes I can get.  I do have a Wii fit and can work in exercise that way.  Also wii fit has a zumba which I want to purchase soon.  The more I exercise the better I feel.  Zumbagirl you rock !  I could only manage 10 to 15 minutes on the stationery bike during chemo.  Keep it up ladies.  I will be going to a class tonight.  Don't know if it will be bellydancing or pilates.  Doing some research as you ladies suggested and it was a big help.  Basically I think if I go gradually I can add upper body wieght bearing exercise.  Pilates was reccomended by a couple of people because there is an emphasis on lengthening muscles which would be good for my weird pectoral muscle problem.

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2011
    Zumba girl -  I am so impressed - when I went through chemo I didn't do a thing - and I think it would have helped immensely if I had. After I finished all of my tx I walked every day to get my stamina but I was way too depressed to do it before then. I think I have walked 2-4 miles 21 out of 31 days in August!Cool I have only lost 4 pounds though - and my goal was 20 by the end of Sept. - I'm not sure who said it but I agree that extra weight equals extra estrogen and so I am fighting it - My Dr.'s told me being fit is to fight a recurrence is as important as tamoxifen and AI's and in my case much more palatable - Keep on trucking ladies - Ellie
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2011
    I did manage to drag my butt into the gym yesterday.Could only last 30 min on treadmill  my feet have been very bad.I have inflamation in the Torsal bones.Even the arm weights were an issue because of an inflamed shoulder joint.Will take a pill today before going and try again today.Yell
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2011

    Good  morning:

    Zumba girl: About 2 years ago, ((this very time of year) before diagnosis of Big C, I went to a Master Class for another gym, not knowing it was for an advertisement. At my gym, we have real gym floors where the aerobics and other classers are. When I went to this special Master Class I was actually stuck to the carpeting and had trouble with my knees. I could not last the entire class due to carpeting.  However, had alot of fun, and it is on U-Tube. But you gave me an idea if I want to do it in the house. In my class ages go from 20's to 70's. Go at your own pace, Doesn't matter. Just have fun.

    My exercise today since I am banned from everything is going to see Sarah's Key and Chinese Food. Unfortuatenly, I do not care for Chinese food, but I will not upset the other gals who are going. So brown fried rice and soup for me. Mumayanmm, good for you 30 minutes on treadmill. That is terrific. For all your girls on chemo, hurray that you are keeping up with the exercise. I never had chemo or radiation, so I commend you.


  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited August 2011

    So yesterday my right shoulder blade had SUCH a knot in it that I was motivated to exercise (gotta listen to our bodies - they know what is best!)... I'd been slacking.... So I swam in the pool for a good long while (love, love, love the back stroke and the side stroke) and that loosened up a lot of the knot, then this morning I walked the girls on their .6 route, then ran for 20 minutes... and no more knot!  Guess pain is a powerful motiviator....

    Oh, and it's girls' night out so we are going dancing... so counting that toward exercise!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    The weather has been so nice that all I can get myself to do is go out walking.  Intention has been to go to gym for spin or water aerobics but can't seem to stay inside so for now it's walking but I do incorporate a sprint or two in my quest to work on my jogging.

    Ronna, happy to know the Passaic didn't wash you out.  The pictures of the flooding are amazing.  I feel so sorry for those who have lost everything.  Hope you get answers soon to what's going on with your health.

    JFV, we're watching you.  Anyone tell you about the "voices"?  Innocent

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited September 2011

    We girls in the northern climate better be out walking while we still can! Before we know it, it will be time for 'Shovel and Sculpt" Cry .

    Speaking of walking; tonighy I walked for 45 minutes, ran into a friend and walked 45 minutes more (until the mosquitos came out).

    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011
    Mum I hope you feel better soon, its the pits when you feel cruddy, these darned AIs do play havoc with our systems, last night I slept a total of 2 hours tonight it's sleeping pill time.  Ruth hard to believe Shovel and Sculpt will be rolling around soon, where has the year goneCry  Ronna let us know about Sarahs Key, it's on my list and I hope to see it this weekend.  Zumba hope you've had a restful day today.  V glad the swimming worked out your kinks, I tell you my new thing is I've started to notice that if I sit for a bit when I get up I'm all stiff and creaky once I get going I'm okay ahhhh they joys of getting older - that being said I did go to Body Combat class this evening and kicked buttWink
  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    great job everyone,

    I was going to rest tonight aftet my chemo today, but our cat has been missing for 7 days and someone thought they saw him up the road, so after alot of walking and calling his name, he was trapped in a neighbours garage, so he's home, a little hoarse, very thirsty and hungry, and super happy lovey, purring and glad to see all of us, especially my 16 year old son, it is his cat.

    and I did get a walk in,but now, I am feeling the effects of the chemo, and I am very sleepy, so I am off to bed. Good night all you wonderful ladies :O)

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2011

    Oh Zumbagirl, that's great news about your kitty.  I'll bet everyone in your house sleeps well tonight!

    Marejo -- my onc put me on a low dose of Effexor to help w/ my hot flashes.  In just a few days I had about a 70% improvement -- both on intensity and frequency.

    JFV -- I had a DMX and now have implants.  Yes, it is quite weird the way my boobs move when I flex my muscles.  This is just our "new normal".  Remember, the implants are under the muscle instead of under the breast tissue (like augmentation patients) so it is normal for the flexing to move your boobs.  I do upper body weights but not very heavy because I am just not that strong.  My curls on the machine are at about 35lbs. and I worked up to that.  Take it slow, stretch a lot and listen to your body.

    I have been MIA from the boards for a few days, but exercising nonetheless. Today I did 45 minutes on the eliptical.  I am officially down 30 pounds since I joined you ladies in January.  Thanks for all your support!  My goal is to lose 50 by the time I turn 50 (Dec 2012) and at this rate I will definitely make it.

    My school work is kicking my butt!  OMG, this court reporting program is tough!  10 hours a week of class and another 13-15 hours practicing.  And that's only ONE CLASS!  Oy.

    Tomorrow we leave for a 4 day music festival up by Yosemite.  It is something we look forward to every year and last year we couldn't go because I was in treatment. This will be so much fun even if I am taking my steno machine to practice every day.  As Dori from "Nemo" says:  Just keep swimming!

    Tata Tarts

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655
    edited September 2011

    Morning everyone.......did manage to get out for a short 2 mile walk with hubby and the 2 dogs but that was after we made all the funeral arrangements for my dad.  He passed away suddenly on Tues., Aug. 30.  He had open heart surgery in May and never recovered from that.   Tuesday he was home, not feeling that great and went upstairs to use the bathroom and just fell over and died.  I will miss him terribly. 

    I realize, during this time that I need to take care of myself also.  Eating doesn't seem to be an issue because I'm not doing too much of that but exercise has been a bit more difficult.  I am concentrating on when I do eat putting "right choice" foods into my  mouth.

    Today I will be going to the dentist at 8:00 a.m.  From their I have to head into work to get a few things done and then I am going to my dad's house to spend the afternoon/evening with my step-mom.  Tomorrow is my dad's funeral.  Would appreciate any prayers from you my sisters.

     Hugs to all.....

     Mary Jo

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2011
    Yesterday I managed an hour on machines and arm weights.Today I have to rest my neck has flared and can barely turn my head. I am seriously thinking all this increased bone pain is not just arthritis.I am already booked for another bone scan  in Feb before I see my med onc.Will call his office today and see what was found on the cervical spine xray they just took.Yell Tomorrow I will try to get into the gym if I can handle it.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    {{Mary Jo}} sorry to hear about your dad.  Sending prayers!  Good luck at the dentist.

    mum, hope you find out what's causing that pain so you can get some relief.

    Jen, congrats on losing 30 lbs!  Have fun at the music festival and enjoy Yosemite.

    Ruth, the skeeters are back here too, with the humidity, but I agree, walk while we can.

    V, glad the swimming helped, I'm considering water exercise due to a crunchy right knee.

    (walked down the stairs the other day, instead of taking the elevator, and it didn't hurt but I could hear it crunching in the quiet of the stairwell.)

    zumbagirl, great story about your cat, stuff like that just warms my heart.

    Hi to everyone else, keep moving Tarts.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    I am so behind on post maybe I can catch up later.  I am swamped here at work my first day back.  Glad we are having a long weekend.  I think I gained 5 lbs while my kids were here so I told them they need to come visit more often until I get my weight gained.  They laughed and asked if I was trying to make them feel guilty and I said it was not beneath me.  haha.  Anyway going to Yoga tonight.  Will feel good to get some exercise.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011


    Awesome on the weight loss,and continued fitness Smile About a year and a half ago, I did a local biggest loser event that the local news and one of the fitness centers put on. about 300 people signed up, got weighed , measured etc, but 12 weeks later at the final weigh , in of the 300, only about 20 showed up. I couldn't believe it, but I lost 27 lbs, and because I reached my goal weight, I won the boot camp, and out of that I got offered to teach zumba at that health club, so bonus I got a job out of the deal, and 800.00 worth of prizes donated from local businesses. It was the coolest thing ever, I never even thought I would come close to winning, Our area has alot of very obese people, and after 12 weeks of intense boot camp, most of which, I never saw, I thought they were secretly doing stuff on their own., I was shocked. Any way great job, and I know you will easily reach your goal.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    walked the girls on their .6 mile jaunt... that is it, though.... and we ended up eating last night but not dancing  :(