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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Thanks, Everyone for the kind words about my friend's suicide.  Boy, many of us have known someone who has done this. 

    I've been running pretty much daily and doing my resistance training at night.  Finally getting rid of those unwanted buldges on my thighs.  

    Will catch up on individual threads later . . . 



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    Hi, walked this evening and pedometer logged just under 4 miles for the day so probably about 3 after work. 

    ruth, you're right - shovel and sculpt is gaining on us so will get out and walk as much as possible; gym can wait until snow.

    packjen, I took a court reporting course, wow, at least 35 years ago.  Wasted my money because I did not put in the practice time away from class.  Young and silly.  But I didn't know they even still use those machines - that's wild.  I thought everything was audio and video taped now.  Do the machines still have the paper feeding flat in and out and then you take it and transcribe?

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies !  I used the Wii step for a half hour this morning and held 1 lb weights in my hands.  Pattoo those voices have started up already !  

    So sorry to hear about the deaths you ladies have had to deal with.  Sometimes things are so hard. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Mary Jo, I am so sorry about your dad and will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers during this hard time.

    Zumba, so glad your kitty was safe. We have scoured the neighborhood for lost cats too (and, thank goodness, they have always shown up in the end). I was up until 1:30 the other morning waiting for my crabby cat, Henry, to return from some secret cat mission.

    Mums, keep hounding those doctors until they figure out what is going on. You should not have to be so miserable!

    Packjen, congratulations on the weight loss! Maybe you could donate some of those last few pounds to Sherry? Smile

    I had a meeting at 7 am and was at another meeting until 7 pm. I will be needing that three day weekend! I did an hour of toning with Denise Austin tonight.

    Take Care, All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Mary Jo I am so sorry for your loss prayers for you and your family.

    Zumba so glad your cat is home safely, tonight I took a cat home who had made our backyard his home for the past week and quite liked living here, anyways after phone calls back and forth found out he lived around the corner so after dinner I walked him home, man came to the door - squinted and looked at the cat in my arms and said "oh is that Charger?" I said yes, he's been living at my house, he then said "oh he's allowed to roam free" --what the...... this cat is lovely and sweet and very friendly but obviously has an idiot for an owner!!!!! 

    Jen congratulations on the weight loss, keep up the good work.

    Hope you are feeling better today Mum.  Speaking of Canadians, we haven't heard from Mary Louise for ages hope that all is okay with her.

    Ruth one of the girls in our class tonight is a first grade teacher and she started back this week and said how hard it was having to get back into the swing of things.

    Tonight I did RPM (spin) class, as I was setting up my bike a young girl came up to me and said "hi I don't know if you remember me I'm a friend of Hannahs" well no I didn't remember her - hey all pretty young blondes look the same to me, that being said she said it was her first time and she didn't know what to do so I told her to change bikes and come next to me and I helped set her up and after class she said she that she had the best workout in ages (I could tell that from her red face).  Nite all.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies,

    thanks for the well wishes for our awesome Evan kitties return. We are so glad to have him home.

    I did, some light zumba toning this morning, and a mellow 15 lap walk around my property tonight. Got the hot flashes, and the chemo cheeks steaming up. I am super tired now, but glad I made myself walk. The doctor apt, the day before my chemo yesterday, was frustrating. I have been maintaining my goal weight for a year and a half, and she said the chemo, messing with my hormones will cause me to gain the 5 lbs I have put on this last month, so I am determined to work harder. I have lost one of those 5 since last week. :O)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Forgot to say Zumba that is an amazing accomplishment, people don't realize exercise is hard and you have to work yourself into it AND you have to find what works for you, someone may love Pilates another Yoga or Zumba, Walking or Running trouble is you have to find your passion and you have to work at it, I was 58 when I started and I used to be afraid but now I'll give anything a go and I exercise because I love the way it makes me feel.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited September 2011

    HI all, hope everyone is well, I am never going to catch up with the threads I normally post in, sorry, got way behind....

    Had my 4th and final FEC Wed. ....the 21st I start my 4 rounds of Docetaxel, halfway point wooohooo!

    I actually did 30 minutes yesterday of treadmill, pushups and stretches...steroids making me have some energy! Wed night I was like night of the living dead but that has passed.

    Take care everyone xoxo

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    zumba, forget what the doctor said about weight gain. I think the reason people gain is because they feel rotten so their activity level decreases, and they eat the delicious, fattening comfort food people bring them. I did not gain weight. I ate whatever I could stand but watched the portion sizes. Luckily for me, chocolate tasted like chalk at the time, otherwise I probably typing something different right now!

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2011
    So sorry MaryJo - my Dad died in March and it's been hard. I think most girls are Daddy's girls deep down - lots of prayers for you! I walked 21 days in August - rain and shine! Cool I only lost 4 pounds so the next hurdle has to be to watch all the junk I eat.Work is the worst -too many treats and meals out etc. I have a Dr.'s appt today with my Onc - I haven't seen him in 6 months.Gosh, it is good to get to that point not seeing them all the time! Have a great weekend everyone - Ellie
  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    Great job rabbit.  I am so impressed with women who can exercise during chemo !

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011


    I agree, I do exercise regularly because it makes me feel good. On the days I skip being active, I feel extra tired. It is important to find the activity you love, and enjoy, to make it a habit. Smile


    Looking back at the food journal I keep each day, I think a few of my pounds gained came from night eating. Hubby is a night time snacker, and I am usually not, but I joined him on a few this last month.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Went to Yoga last night and it felt so good.  I had not done a class in 2 weeks and boy could my body tell it.  I have to drive 30 minutes to go to class in another town but I heard that someone is maybe gonna start a class here in town.  That would be so great to have it right here again.  Then I don't waste time coming and going and gasoline. 

    I am having such a hard time emotionally trying to gain weight.  It is so backwards from my normal way of thinking.  I make myself eat extra stuff but the whole time it is doing a number on my head.  I wish they would invent a weight gain and weight loss pill that we did not have to work at.  We could just take the pill and go to bed and when we woke up in the morning we would be where we need to be. 

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    just walked the girls today - it is still so hot in the mornings and i was hoping the promised cool front had moved in but looks like that is sunday... ugh...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Here is a photo of the family we had taken last weekend. Thought I'd share

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for sharing, Sherry, what a nice-looking family you have!

    Walked for an hour early this morning in a light misty rain which actually felt good. 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone:

    Cheryl: I read Sara's Key right after Mast in Oct. 09. Must have forgot some parts. However, movie was very good. Hope you enjoy it.

    Zumbagirl: Glad you cat is safe and sound.

    MaryJo: Sorry about your father.

    Ruth: Forgot about shovel and sculpt. Hopefully that won't occur for another 3 months.

    Well, I went to PS yesterday, he said I am doing well and perhaps in 3 weeks I can go to gym.

    Packjen: You are so right. I am constantly flexing new boob under muscle. That is what is driving me crazy. You said the perfect words, now that is for us "NORMAL". I still have to learn to handle my implants. I thought my revision would take away that feeling. Nope.

    Oh well, just wanted to say hello and good night.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    Hi all.  Walked again after work; pedometer a little over 3 miles.  I think I walked every night this week and hope I can keep that up interspersed with other movements. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Brought home a school project and worked on it until 9 pm (didn't want to quit and interupt the 'flow'), so just now did 30 minutes of pilates.

    Very nice picture, Sherry! When you invent that weight adjustment pill, be sure to share the formula with all of us!!!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone went up North to Greer. The pines, douglas fir's, blue spruce, noble fir's apsen trees and all the wonderful wildflowers. It was so beautiful! Rained everyday here and there for a little while. Just enough to cool it down. It was 75 in the day and 60 at night. Real small town great little places. People are friendly and the food was good. Did not watch what I ate. Dogs loved being with us and we loved having them. They did very well on the ride too. Did not do any exercise cause I have been having problems with my breathing. Went in to get my blood checked yesterday. My wbc increased since chemo was cancelled cause they were .9 and now they are 3.13. My rbc are down and keep decreasing but not enough to have a blood transfusion. Go in for chemo next Wednesday. Hope all is in check then. It was wonderful to get away and not talk about cancer. I told my husband I do not want to have anything to do with it while we are away. So we didn't. It was so nice. Wish I did not have to face it when I got back. I will start back to exercising on Monday. Even if it is for 15 min with the way my breathing is. I can do  arms, and legs, just not cardio. Probably will go in the pool too. Then the sauna sounds wonderful especially after being in the pool.

    Sounds like a lot is going on with everyone. Hang in there you all are doing great. I know you are facing a lot of things right now too. Remember this is a great group. If I have not told you all I appreciate your love and support. It has been very benefical in my healing process.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Hi Elizabeth, sounds like you had a lovely break. I wish I had dogs; they like to travel and hang out more than cats (my cat, Henry, is out prowling again, he is neutered so I don't know what he finds so interesting out there at 11 pm!). One of my friends who is doing chemo was having trouble with her red blood counts so I checked around on the treads and Apple said she keeps hers up by eating a tablespoon of molasses a day. Here is a good molasses recipe I found:

    1 TBLS Blackstrap Molasses
    Hot Water
    3/4 cup Milk

    Add molasses to a glass and add just enough hot water to cover the molasses. Stir until dissolved. Add ice and then top off with Milk. Even yummier is to blend the whole concoction. 

    Blended up it tastes so good, I am drinking it myself as it has tons of calcium, potassium and magnesium too.

    Hang in there too. We love you very much, Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Elizabeth so glad you got away with your DH and your fur babies and just enjoyed your time together, you deserve it and you know we're all in your corner.

    Sherry what a lovely family portrait.

    Tonight I did Body Pump class which was all well and good except that after class my Vietnamese friends presented me with home made egg rolls and a cabbage/carrot/chicken salady concoction and a tapioca cake so for all the good I did with exercise I undid it with the food c'est la vieSealed

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    Took the girls around the block then ran for a total of 10 minues (ran 2.5, walked 2, ran 2.5, walked 2, ran 2.5, walked 2, ran 2.5, walked 5 for cool down).  Trying to get back to running 20 minutes straight -- all these damn operations really hamper building up running time... LOL... oh well.. at least I am still running!!!! 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I didn't do any exercise yesterday. I felt so tired all day. I remember after chemo 4, I had a wiped out day or two, a few days after, so hopefully today, I will do some activity, that will bring my energy level up.  All I did yesterday was make 4 loaves of zuchinni bread, do some laundry and dishes. chemo 5 that I just had Wed, has my tummy a bit upset, and a little head achey, but onward. I look forward to this beautiful sunny day Smile
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    hi Tarts, storms last night into this morning thwarted my plans for a nice long walk.  Had the PC powered off so I read most of the morning.  But then The Voices prompted me out for a walk between waves of rain this afternoon.  Looks (and sounds) like another band is headed this way, so I'd better not tarry here.  {{hugs}} to all

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies !  Did an hour of Zumba yesterday and danced at a party last night.  Nothing today.

    Thinking of you ladies who are dealing with chemo and post surgery fatigue.  I was very, very tired until about the 3rd week of radiation.  Then I had enough energy to work ( and only that).  Nine months later I can exercise, stay up late, work and basically live my life as I remember it.  

    We all have our own pace of recovery.  But, I just wanted you to know you WILL recover. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Did my FIRM 500 Calorie DVD this morning, delivered Meals on Wheels, had coffee with my dad at the nursing home & now getting ready to go to a 30th Anniversary Party. Should be a fun time; the wife is a great friend of mine, and the husband is a clown (literally, he is a Shriner's clown). I'm thinking lots of funny skits, gags etc.

    Happy Weekend to All!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited September 2011

    Well, not only have I not caught up with everyone, I did not go to the gym today. Came back from Ottawa yesterday and was sooooo incredibly pooped that when my alarm went off, I rolled over and stayed in bed until 9am! Plan on going to pump tomorrow. I am fitting into a dress I have not worn for over a year, however, and am in last summer's skinny shorts so I am losing despite myself.

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited September 2011

    Did 17 min on the treadmill, day 4 of my final FEC...hoping I don't feel the steroid crash tomorrow too bad! 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    still very tired today, but did a half hour toning dvd tonight, then walked up and down the stairs outside ten times, and I was beat .