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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011
    Well today was a very special day for me as Julie75 and I finally got together for lunch (along with her delightful DH) we had a wonderful visit, it was just like meeting up with an old friend and this morning I did my Body Combat class (had to pre work off the lunch calories)Wink
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    it's sunny and 60 and I'm outta here --- The Voices say go Go GO  Cool

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited September 2011

    ayyayyyayayyay new friends. Barbe and I are hooking up for a glass of somethin on Friday in Florida. Very exciing. will have to pump he rfor info of where to wanter Tuesday afternoon as I am gettin gin early

    went to the gym and  did 26 minuteso f shirt dripping interval training...heart beat still below 22 so need to raise it more. then did the stabiity ballm hand weights and the bar. Coming along!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Cheryl:  We loved the visit as well!  The few hours we spent together went like 5 very quick minutes . . . Mike will send me photo and I'll post it.

    Will catch up on individual threads later.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    How fun. I wish we ALL could get together!! How fun would that be?!

    Nice here today; did 30 minutes of toning, walked for 45 minutes, wheeled my dad around outside for awhile, and finally found some curtains I liked for my downstairs (5th try), so the window project is done, at last!!

    Happy Labor Day!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011
    Cheryl and Julie at
  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    . . .and there we are, two Lovely Lassies! 

    I would LOVE for Everyone to come out here and stay at some point in time - maybe those of you who want a break from your weather (whatever that may be like) or just a chance to take a few days off . . . you are welcome!

    Ran 5 miles today, and met DH walking as I was running back.  We went looking for horses that I'd seen whilst running across the railroad bridge, and found them in a grassy area by an industrial complex.  There were about 8 of them; apparently, they are being trained to barrel race, and they have a small pasture where they can graze.  Not something one would expect to find in an urban area!

    Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend.


  • christina1961
    christina1961 Member Posts: 450
    edited September 2011

    Cheryl and Julie75,

     That's great!  I'm glad you two got to meet - and the California weather looks beautiful!!  Love the palm trees!!

    Today I walked 4.7 miles with some hills (with 4 short jogging periods.)  It was pretty humid here in TN and we finally got a little bit of rain this evening.  It has been about a month without rain.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Okay, now is the time to catch up on Everyone's doings . . .

    Welcome to the many more Newcomers. As others have indicated above, this is a GREAT thread, and we keep each other motivated.

    Sherry: You have a beautiful family.   Again, we are here to cheer you on when you need to lose that weight that you've gained.

    Christina: Thanks; the weather has been pretty nice lately. We are supposed to get hotter weather tomorrow, but we're within 2 miles of the ocean, so we usually get the on-shore breeze.

    Sandee: Glad you are hooking up with Barbe; is that "Barbe58"? Love her posts; she is SO darn funny, tell her "hello" and hugs from me. As you say, you are coming along with your exercises!

    Badger: Sounds like you had great weather; 60 degrees is great.

    Zumbagirl: You go; it's fantastic that you are motivated whilst getting treatment, and that goes for Everyone Else who is exercising during treatment. Don't know if I could measure up if I were in the same boat.

    Ronna: Thanks for the kind words; how is your health? Glad you were okay and not flooded out. And, by the way, you are NOT too old to get lipo.

    wonderland: Glad Irene missed you.

    mum: Hope you are feeling better.

    Ruth: How did the girl-friend's car ever turn out? My apologies if I missed that above.

    Hugs to Everyone Else; Carol, Mary Louise and Bobbie, we miss you!

    I've been running between 4.6 and 5 miles/day, depending whether I'm at work or not; then home to resistance train about 4 times/week.

    One thing happened at work that made me feel REALLY good - I think I shared that they outsourced my web work to other locations nationwide, and I had to scramble for job coverage. The outsourcing has been successful for the company, and I am glad about that, since we picked up some great talent nationwide. However, apparently there is more work than can be performed at those remote locations and they may be bringing some of it back to L.A. :). I was thinking of retiring early next year, but if I can do more web development stuff, I'll stay longer. We shall see.

    Enjoy Labor Day tomorrow, TARTS.

    Sweet TARTS

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    Walked the girls last night, then this morning resumed my running ... working back up to 20 minutes continuous but not there yet!  I did the walk 5, run 3, walk 2,run 3, walk 2,run 3, walk 2,run 3, walk 2, walk 5 for cool down... I am getting there!  Also, in here in Dallas this morning, the temp was in the 60s!  High 60s, but the 60s!!!! and at 10am it is only 72!  Finally a break in the 100+ days! 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011


    I love horses, until 2 years ago , we had horses for about 5 years. We were the old horse retirement home. When they were in their 20's people would give them to us, and we would love, brush and care for them until their days were through. I got so intensly attached to the 4 horses we had in that 5 years, that I took it extremely hard when they would pass away, and I would cry for a week, or so,. Hubby finally said, we are done, taking in horses :O( I do miss them though.

    On to exercise, I walked 20 laps around my hilly property last night, and that took about 45 min.

    This morning my girlfriend came over and we did a 1 hour zumba toning dvd, so that will give me the energy to do some labor day house work. Have an awesome day everyone Smile

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    hiya Tarts, got in a nice long walk yesterday and today, 5.5 miles each day.  LOVE the pic of Julie and Cheryl, glowing good health and mischievous eyes.  ;-)

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    zumba:  LOVE what you did for those horses - when I was running today, I was wondering just how they went out of the world.  I'm SO glad to know there are people like you who have helped and I'm hoping others are helping out as well.

    Just_V:  Glad you are getting a break in the weather and are enjoying your running/walking.

    badger:  Yes, we had a REALLY good time and traded much fun and mischief.

    HUGS to Everyone Else.

    Ran my 5 miles today and will sculpt and tone tonight.  Watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" for the nth time; our cable company always runs the good stuff on holiday weekends. 

    Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day, TARTS!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Great picture, and you two do look like you are up to something tartly!!! Cool The girlfriend finally took her car to a garage. Whether any lesson was learned, I do not know! I am a big 'Lord of the Rings' fan too. Legolas, take me away!!!

    Wonderful story about the horses, Zumba. I think we are an animal loving group.

    I walked for an hour & did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin. A beautiful day here today.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    walked the girls around the block last night... tomorrow, in the (yes - in Dallas I am saying this!) 60 degree weather, I will run again!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Julie and Cheryl I love the picture.  So glad you guys got to meet up.  Julie may have to take you up on your offer one of these hot Texas summer days. 

    I had gained weight with my kids here and today got on the scale and I have lost again.  I am beginning to think It is the tamoxifen that is keeping me from gaining weight.  I am eating like a little piglet and with the hot summer I have not worked out as much.  As much as I don't like the idea of gaining weight I also know it is the only way for me to have reconstruction surgery.  I have an appt with the PS next week so I'll see what he thinks so far. I have put a few lbs but not much.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    I taught zumba at the gym, this morning, and it had me sucking air, but it was so great to be back there, with all the happy zumba ladies, singing smiling and busting a move together. Tonight after work at the bank, I will go to belly dance practice. It has been a few weeks, and if I'm not too pooped, might do a very short walk around the property tonight. Happy Tuesday everyone :O)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Good job, zumba!!!

    Walked and did a little toning between school and a night meeting.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Body Step class tonight but I didn't give my all, someone turned the heat on here in So Cal and I'm really feeling it, at least I showed up and that's what counts!!!!!!

    Sherry I hope you aren't anywhere near all the fires. Zumba I love the expression "sucking air" when that happens you really know you've given your all. Christina where are you from in TN, one of my BF's lives in Monteagle and I love TN.  Sandee how great that you're meeting up with Barbee, I know you'll have a wonderful time together. Ruth we have lots of teachers in my classes and they are all awol because of all the back to school meetings, if I could give you an apple I wouldInnocent. Julie I thought of you running in that heat at lunchtime so be careful and don't forget to hydrate.  Goodnight my tartly friends.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2011

    Back to the gym today after 5 days at our favorite music festival.  Even though I walked miles each day I still gained 4 lbs.  Oh well.  2 steps forward, 1 step back.

    I did 35 minutes on the eliptical, 325 tummy crunches and some arm weights.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Cheryl I am not close to the fires but two of my brothers are.  Luckily the wind died down yesterday so all is good right now and it looks like it may not be windy today which will be even better. The only bad thing is we were in the direction of the wind so we got all the smoke here where I live.  It has really been nasty outside with with smoke an ashes falling from the sky.

    It was cooler yesterday so I went for my 3 mile walk.  I figured if I have not gained all that much I can at least feel better by exercising.  I may be being too hard on myself.  I have gained 5 lbs in the last three months.  So maybe I'll be OK by the time surgery comes along.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2011

    Oh my stars.  I think I found my new favorite at home work out video.   On Demand's "Ass and Abs" workout by instructors from Crunch gym.

    I was sore (still am) 5 min after the workout.  I know that I will be feeling this later...but its a good pain. :)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Yoga started last night - hooray!  Did 30 minutes jogging in the rain this morning - the radar looked like I had time to jog when I left, but half way through the heavens opened!  Oh well - I felt really rugged and dedicated and virtuous jogging in the poring rain.  The new foster dogs are still keeping us busy, but they're getting a bit better with housebreaking, so that's some progress. 

    Went up to the cabin for the Labor Day weekend and got in two 3 mile mountain hikes and took Mikey along.  He surprised us by how well he did - we worried we'd have to carry him down the mountain if he got too tired!  But at the end of the hikes, he was still trotting energetically along, and seemed to enjoy all the new scents and smells. For a small dog, he's becoming quite the little athlete.  

    Julie and Cheryl - great picture!  Cheryl - we should have taken a picture of ourselves at the Padres game!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited September 2011

    Yesterday, I went on a 3 mile walk with my husband. I took 2-1/2 times longer to do it - a very slow walk- but managed it by going slowly with no bouncing.

    I miss dancing and jogging, but am just not there and may not be for awhile.

    But hopefully, this is a gentle start up.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    I've been a slug for the last 2 days; just not motivated.  I think I turned down the 'voices' - should have at least put them on vibrate!   Will try and get in a walk before choir rehearsal tomorrow night and maybe a little marching before the TV for a bit tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Welcome, bbffair. It's OK to go slow. It's the 'going' that's the important thing (nudge to patoo Wink.)

    A sad day here. I found out that a former colleague, who had struggled with depression for years, has ended his life, and at lunch another colleague told us that the appendix cancer, which she has so valiantly fought, has returned. Took a long walk tonight and pondered the profound mysteries of life. No answers, but a big hug to all! Ruth

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    ah, geez, Ruth, sorry to hear that.  Good you could walk and think and walk some more.

    welcome bbffair, this is a wonderful supportive group of women who will motivate you to move.

    It's been absolutely gorgeous here the past few days, 50's at night & 70's during the day.

    Been walking at lunchtime and also after work, I just want to soak it all in!  {{hugs}} to all

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2011

    DH is having the WORST time w/his allergies.  Kept him up sneezing all night long, so I got the girls ready and took them to school.  Consequently I only had 25 minutes to work out.  Did 600 leg lifts w/ resistance bands, 400 tummy crunches, 40 of those backside sit-ups and some arm weights.

    My day off of school tomorrow.  Yay.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    ruthbru, sorry about so much bad news.  Walking does tend to help the emotions so glad you got out.

    packjen, my allergies are also about to kick in.  I start with like 3 sneezes a day and then one day it's full blown misery.  Enjoy your day tomorrow. 

    I so enjoyed the long weekend - working surely puts a damper on my quality time with self.  Getting darker earlier which I hate.

    Night all.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    had my herceptin this morning and they always give me benedryl before it, so I was way too sleepy all day. I never could snap out of it to get a walk in tonight, so today was a bust, but tomorrow will be a double, my girlfriend comes over every Thurs. morning, and we weigh on the Wii, then do a zumba toning dvd, and I teach zumba tomorrow night at the gym,  Smile