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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

    Corinne - I was never, ever an athelete either.. then two months before my DX I totally got into running... and built it till I was almost to a 5K distance... then the first surgery... the I built up again til I was almost to a 5K... then the second surgery... now I am about 1/2 to a 5K - figure I will get there just before my next surgery, LOL!  But I agree - without the workout I feel exhausted (and a little bitchy.... )...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    mornin' glories, just a quick post as it's almost 5:30 and time to start getting ready for work.

    GORGEOUS here yesterday, walked nearly an hour over lunch, on my favorite bike/ped path.

    Artsee, I live in the southwest part of the state but commute in to Madison for work.

    gotta go gals, have a good one!  {{hugs}} to all

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    Zumba yesterday a half hour step on the Wii fit today.  

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2011
    Badger - I live in Dubuque - probably pretty near you -Cool Beautiful weather right now for walking. I did abotut 3.5 miles last night - I love not sweating so much! I want to go back to the gym but not until it is too nasty to be outside - The first miles is always hard - but after that I have "all day legs" and can go a long time - Door County is fun - I vacationed there as a kid - Have a great day everyone - E
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Sorry I haven't posted - I have been lurking so I'm keeping up with all the news. 

    DH and I did a very foolish thing - we signed up to run our first 5K this weekend.  I know for you real runners that's nothing, but we just started jogging a few months ago and 2 miles was our longest distance.  We weren't sure we could do a full 5K, so last weekend we hit a trail through a local park.  We'd walked that trail before (it's hard surface) and thought it was pretty flat, but it's a whole different story when you're jogging - I swear the Parks Department went in and installed hills EVERYWHERE along the trail!!!  Tongue out  But despite the newly-installed hills, we managed to get through our 5K practice run, so we're going to go ahead with the real 5K this Sunday.  It's an ovarian cancer awareness run in Annapolis.  I have a co-worker who has ovarian cancer and she has a team in this run.  As a pink ribbon gal, I want to give some support to a teal ribbon sister.

    The new dogs have been keeping us busy.  Fat Mikey is getting ready to lose his nickname - he's down .9 pounds this week and is in the 12 pound range.  He started at 15 pounds and we want to get him to 9-10, so he's over half way there.  You can really see the min pin athletic body starting to emerge from under that tubby little body.  

    Yoga started up again - hooray!  Yoga class last night plus the two mile round trip walk to the rec center.  2 miles jogging this morning, and it's lunch time yoga class at noon today.

    Happy Wednesday Everyone!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited September 2011

    Hugs to all. Exercise seems in order when there is stregth enough for it. For me, surgery wiped me out and so has the pain and swelling. Of course, I have to do the post-surgical required ones for arm and strength and posture. But other than that, mostly sleep -and lots of sleep- has been more in order than anything. But now, I am slowly getting back into it.

    I cannot say enough about an excersie called Callanetics though - the original one. It is very gentle and I have broken it down into ten minute segments:

    (Below is mostly a repeat from another thread, but in case it is helpful here too, I have included it.)

    The original Callanetics work to stretch you out gently and get you into great shape. I do the standing (on the feet) portion one day and the floor the next day. I do all the reps except for the 100 times ones that I lower to 50 reps-mostly because 100 is too much and too many also bores me. (I only do 100 for the thigh squeezing one at the very end of the floor exercises and then I feel so tension-free!)  This way, I am spending 10 minutes each day on these and complete parts 1 and 2 twice over the week. It doesn't hurt me and my body feels better and better for it. I know that a lot of folks think doing strenuous is more effective, but really, these original Callanetics are fabulous!

    Today, with a binder on, I started adding in 20 minutes of inside aerobic jumping, skipping and leg kicks. I know I will need it for my bones, especially through radiation and any hormone therapy that might affect my bone density later, so I wanted to get started again at least. I used to do 30 minutes 5 x a week and walk 3 miles 3-5 times a week. But that was all pre-surgery. The walking exhausts me still. But I thought I would try for the inside aerobics at 20 minutes 3 times a week to begin. I don't want to overdo it and I also don't want to hurt my inside stitches. So, to begin, I also held onto my breasts for more support. (Can't do that on the street non-challantly anyway. :-D )

    Speaking of binders, has anyone here used bandeaus? I am thinking about trying those. I hate shoulder straps on bras. Also, anyone try any support bras -the kind that go from waist up but are strapless? Any advice on how to buy and where to buy and cost would be appreciated.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited September 2011

    bbfair: When I don't want straps, I use the wrap from the hospital after surgery. It's tight and holds me up. I like to sleep in it.

    Zumbagirl: I too am a front row girl, the girls in my class know that when I was in class "Don't take my spot".First row at end on right.  Good for the little 80 year old lady.

    Went back to volunteer at breast center this morning, got there at 8:30 until 1. Exhausted but it kept my mind off other things. I go back Friday for the afternoon.

    Walked again yesterday just 1 mile.

    Enjoying the warmth, should be dropping 10 degrees tonight.

    Natsfan:(Mary)  Welcome back.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Reading the threads . . . . 

    Ruth:  Heard from WI relatives today; they, too, may be getting some frost.  'tis a bit early for THAT, in my opinion!

    Corinne:   Understand TOTALLY about restrictions on exercise making one cranky!  (I like the crabby appleton reference!).  That always drives me nuts as well.  My PS allowed me to walk about 3 mph; this was better than nothing, maybe you can do the same.

    artsee:  Welcome!  I was born and raised in Wisconsin (we now live in the L.A. area); I envy you living in Door County.  We plant to travel through there within the next few years.  

    Ronna:  Glad to see you!  I haven't checked Facebook lately, so I'm a bit out of touch with that.  Hope you are feeling okay.

    HUGS to Everyone Else; gotta run to a meeting.

    Keeping up with the running and weights and petting cats whilst exercising.  When I do my leg curls I try to read while on my stomach.  Robbie (one of our "kids") very considerately had one paw over the right-hand page so that the book stayed open.  Smart boy!

    Keep up the good work, TARTS.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    Hi Everyone...I'm amazed at all of you that know of Door County Wi. I live in Sheboygan (on the shores of Lake Michigan) but only 2 hours south of Door county. It's a beautiful place and those of you who would love to so! I'm heading up there for a week long watercolor work shop in Oct. The trees should be full of color by then. I was there yesterday for the day and the trees are actually turning orange. Tonight we are expecting VERY cold weather. The weatherman said to close our windows during the night. I'll have to cover my beautiful tomatoes.

    This morning walked my 3 miles and did the Yoga class......and.....I ate a salad for lunch and cabbage soup for dinner so I feel pretty good ...but this is probably more information that you want to hear.Wink Have a great night!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Artsee - Sheboygan!  My mom grew up just north of you in Manitowoc! She was born in one of those little rural crossroads towns where her widowed mom ran a saloon.  During Prohibition.  Surprised  She said some of her earliest memories was when they'd get a call that the revenuers were coming, and everyone would hide the liquor jugs in the basement. It's an Irish tradition for the widows to sell liquor (legally or otherwise)  - the community recognized it as a way for them to earn a living and support their families when they didn't have a husband to support them.  

    I still have family in Manitowoc and get up there every few years.  When I was a kid, I spent summers with "the cousins" in Manitowoc - I can still feel how cold it was to swim in Lake Michigan, even in August! 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited September 2011

    OY ladies....I am, once again, soooooo far behind Just returned from Florida (oh yeah RELAXED and then learned and walked my legs off) and jumped into a nother training course so am trying to catch up on all fronts of my life. gym today but I DID go to a lecture at the cancer care unit of the hospital tonight on Cancer and complementary therapies...and was told that melatonin is a no-no for ER+ breast the same category as flax seed and soya but not necessarily as bad as grapefruit. Ruthbru, I know you use it so check out the studies on it, ok? Apparently it messes with our estrogen levels....not what I wanted to hear..also did not want to hear that for ER+, I should eliminate flax from my diet. Apparently there are lots of studies being done on that but they hold opposing views so she suggested being cautious. ARGH!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    No, I don't use melatonin. I went straight to the hard drugs.....I'm an Ambien girl for sleep. I don't take extra flax, soy or any of the stuff that is controversial, because why take the chance? I am a dark chocolate/oatmeal/prune/molassas hopefully they don't come up with terrible studies about any of those things. SIGH!

    I was in Door County summer before last. Beautiful area!

    We are suppose to break the record low, set in 1899 tonight. I have all my flowers covered with blankets so I hope they survive. Of course, who is is rotten for is the farmers, who got a late start due to our cold, rainy spring.

    I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes because is was cold out, plus I wanted to watch the news and read a book all at the same time. Also did a little toning with Richard (Simmons). Julie, one of my cats always wants to sit on my stomach when I am doing ab and leg work. Makes it a little more challenging!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2011
    Ruth: you amaze me by walking on the treadmill, watching the news, AND reading a book all at the same time! Now that's talent!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Body Combat class tonight, I kind of pushed myself a little too much but I made it through.  Ruth/Julie if my Frank sat on you you'd be crushed, poor Frank he's started to sleep with me but he comes and "taps" me awake at 5am except his tap isn't really a tap it's all claw and hurts - told you he's not very bright, oh and he doesn't want anything at 5am I've offered him food and out but no he's just waking me up to wake me up.......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011
    My stupid cat, Henry, is running around the house MEOWING pitiously at 11 pm because he would like to go out and freeze his whiskers off. Born to be wild, and trapped in the life of a domestic house cat! Cry
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    If you let him out then go to bed he'll be sure to be tapping on the window and meowing piteously to let him in cause he's cold - or tell him the next door cat bully is out and he might change his mind!!!!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    I had herceptin before work, and was super tired when I got home, but I made myself do a 30 min power walk around my property. It woke me up, and I felt alot better :O)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Sandee - I'm a melatonin girl.  I've never heard that ER+ gals shoudn't take melatonin.  Did they give any citation to any studies?  Everything I've seen on melatonin and b/c indicates that it's either neutral, or might even be helpful.  My onc knows I take melatonin and has no issue with it.  Here are some of the articles on melatonin and b/c.

    One mile walk with Getting Skinnier Mikey (nee Fat Mikey) last night, and 30 minutes of weights/resistance plus 20 minutes Lebeds this morning.  

    Cheryl - have you seen this Cat Wake Up video?  I thought of it when you wrote about Frank's 5am antics:  I've had a cat like that, so I feel your pain! Yell

    Ruth - keep warm!!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited September 2011

    Good morning, got out early this am with a friend who had to go to work and we walked 2 miles.

    I am ER+, someone made muffine with flax seed, so is that bad for me??? I am cluecless as to this.

     Going to WW today for 2nd weigh in, hopefully ??? lost something. Ugh, dread it.

    Love to all,

    Julie, I am still on FB, hate the new boob, nothing else is new, same old, same old. Weather is still beautiful in Jersey.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Sandee I also take melatonin and my MO knows and is ok with it.  And he is the type that stays current on all the new studies and uses them like I am on Fosomax not because I have any bone issues but because the lasted study is that biophosonates help lower bc recurrence rates.  I am premenopausal and nowhere close to menopause. 

    Did yoga last night and it always feels great when I do it.  I had Dr appts in San Antonio and then my friend was teaching a free class in New Braunfels so I went home that way so I could catch the class.  Went to my PS yesterday and in three months I have only gained 1 poundYell I have been eating all kinds of snacks I just don't get it.  He said at the rate I am going it will be 2020 before I can have my MX with reconstruction.  He said I do have enough belly fat for one so if something were to happen and I had a recurrence and need to move quickly with a MX he could at least do that.  So he has now ordered me to drink milk shakes every night.  Also went to the endocrinologist because I don't have enough testosterone to even measure on a test.  So checking out my adrenal glands and pituitary gland.  If those are off that might explain some of my difficulty in gaining weight.  Will go back in two weeks for results.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Mary too funny all true except for the bat part ... I think!!!!!  Sherry when you make the milkshakes use a full fat ice cream like Haagen Daz and whole milk, I don't think we realize how important balanced hormores are to us, gosh I wish I would have paid more attention in science class as all this is fascinating to me now and Ruth/Mary I've just started reading The Emperor of all Maladies finding it fascinating and an interesting read.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Cheryl I have heard that is a good book.  I am reading the Anit Cancer book now will have to add that one to my list of reads.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011


    Anybody else out there ready/willing/able to join Cheryl, Badger and me in Minneapolis for a long weekend October 20 or 21 to the 23? We just have the date, no other plans yet. Think about it and let us know ASAP and we will start plotting.

    Why Minneapolis?

    a. it's in the middle of the county

    b. it has a major airport, shuttles to hotels and other good public transportation

    c. it should not yet be covered by snow (maybe)

    d. we could throw our hats up in the air like Mary Tyler Moore

    e. we could hang out together in 'real time'

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Ruth that sounds like such fun but I will have to pass this year.  I need to save my $$ for upcoming surgery if I ever get my weight gained. Hopefully I can make the next one.

  • nicholewilliams
    nicholewilliams Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for all the inspiration ladies....:)

    My aunt is following up a routine based exercise like like Deep-Breathing Exercise, Warm Up which helps increase the blood flow to the muscles to prepare them for further work. And specially, Yoga Exercises which bring relaxation and restoration to the body by stabilizing blood pressure, slowing breath rate, increasing lung capacity, improving digestion, lowering heart rate, and the body's demand for oxygen.
    This all can reduce the impact of side effects such as swelling, anxiety, depression, fatigue and changes to weight.



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Not to be a Debby Downer, but please all you newbies - be careful with any exercise program if you've had any lymph nodes removed whatsoever, because you are at an increased risk for lymphedema.  Many surgeons think that LE is rare or non-existant, or think that women who have only had an SNB are at minimal risk.  Therefore they give their patients the "all clear" to work out, and a number of those patients go on to develop LE beacase they don't take precautions.  Check out the LE section here on BCO.  Also, here's an excellent website put together by survivors who have LE: 

    Many LE cases are not diagnosed until months or even years after surgery, so you need to be aware of the signs of LE and aware of the preventative measures you need to take.  For weights/resistance training, start slowly and increase slowly.  STOP if you feel any heaviness or notice any swelling.  Avoid yoga positions like Downward Dog that put strain on your arms.  

    LE doesn't mean you have to stop exercising - it just means being aware that you are at risk and taking precautions.  Good luck!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2011

    Mary I use all the diferent machines at the gym for the arms but only do 1 set and use light weights. Have been doing this regularly after having BMX with node removeal on both sides.So far (touch wood) I have no signs of LE.My hope is that this will help prevent it. I even gave up my golf game as a precaution.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Yup I only use light weights - Body Pump I use 5lbs each side of the bar, and I think the bar is 2lbs I have been told by more that one instructor you can get just as good a workout using light weights just learn to do the move correctly.  (Before BC used to be 20lb).

    Mum you feeling better?

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2011

    Yes thankyou have been able to workout again. Just can't get too aggresive or I pay the price and can't go at all. Finished all my scans and xrays,results were no bone mets but lots of degenerative arthritis in most of my Joints. Whatever!  We move on forward  the best we can.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011

    Well this is the 2nd thread I am posting on.... I need to catch up!!! I am on page 211 on this thread, so I KNOW that I have missed ALOT!  Sorry.  

    Since my Dad had his tracheostomy in early June, my sisters, brother, mother and I have been his caregivers that left little time to check in.  Hope all is well with everyone!   Unfortunately, my Dad passed away on September 2nd and I am trying really hard to get back to some kind of normal.  I KNOW you guys will get me motivated again!

    I have been able to walk daily (past 4 days) and have started with again - but am finding it hard to get back into it.  Will have to check in regularly again, but want to go back to see what I have missed!  Pretty sure it might take some time though Embarassed