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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    Yay Wonderland,

    I am glad you got to experience zumba. I tryed it about two years ago, and now I have been teaching it at the gym for 1 1/2 years. It is the most fun I have ever had working out, but do be careful, and don't hurt your knees, or anything else :O) I am a total dancer. I have been belly dancing for almost 6 years. I have hula danced in the past, and lined danced for 12 years. Pretty much any dancing to me is a blast. Yesterday I did a 6 mile pre walk/jog, with lots of hills, along with over 900 people in our little coastal town, of Coos Bay Oregon, and it was brutal, I am so sore today. I came in toward the back of the pack with a time of 1 hour 25 min. The best time was 30 min, and the last time was a little over 2 hours. I am glad I did it, even though, my legs are extremely fatigued today Laughing

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320
    edited September 2011

    I vacuumed and mopped almost the whole house yesterday (all tile). Does that count as exercise? My back & arm sure thought so!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2011

    I count housework as exercise!  I few years ago, I wore a calorie burn counter that I got from my work wellness center.  I worked out a few times during the week at the gym and on Saturday did power cleaning housework for 2 hours.  I remember them looking at my counter and asking what I did on Saturday bc I burned nearly 300 calories that morning.  It look me a few seconds to recall, and then I said...well I was running up and down the stairs picking up the house/changing around laundry, folding laundry, vaccuuming and mopping floors.

    If it burns calories similar or better than a workout--it counts in my book. :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Okay ladies let me tell you about yesterday. As you all know I go to the gym pretty much every day and do a class, mostly starting with the name Body - Body Combat, Body Step, Body Pump well these classes are owned by a company out of New Zealand called Les Mills and licensed to gyms around the world and every quarter they have what they call Quarterlies and they are held in different parts of the country and this one was in Anaheim so for us, local. They are for trainers to go and work out with the Les Mills Master Trainers and they had brought in Master Trainers from Spain and Singapore (as a lot of you know I pretty much follow the wonderful Eduardo from gym to gym and he is a Master Trainer) well at this Quarterly they allowed trainers to bring along clients, 6 people from my gym went so you know I'm not the only crazy person out there and what a day it was.

    We met in the gym parking lot at 5.30am so we could carpool and our first class was 7am Body Pump then Body Vive, Body Step, RPM, Body Jam and finally Body Combat - yes I exercised for 6 hours I actually did go into Body Flow and did my favorite part which is the Tai Chi part but then I laid on my mat and pretty much just shut my eyes for 45 minutes.

    I have to tell you it was the most amazing day, for those of you who see the infomercials for Zumba and see all the people doing it with Beto well that is what it was like, a massive hotel ballroom full of people, lights flashing, music blasting what an incredible atmosphere, and as we hobbled to the car for the drive home we all agreed that we had thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had a fantastic day, then I spent the evening with my boyfriend "Ben Gay".

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    Ruth..Just the fact that you turned on your furnace made those big letters explode on your post. lol! It hasn't been that cold here...but it's low 60's and our Culdusac party starts at 4:00 after the big Packer game. It's outside too. So we've been frying Brats and Burgers so the arm got some exercise ...flippin meat. Have a great day.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited September 2011

    Ruth we have had such a long hot summer I am jealous that you had to turn on the furnace. But it does seem that it just got warm in ND and not it is already getting cold again.  Living here in Texas i just can't get a grasp of that.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    It DID just get warm in ND, BOO HOO! The weather did a turn around and it  was very nice this afternoon, sunny and in the 70s. I went on a long nature walk with a friend.

    Cheryl, your day sounds like a blast. I would have been especially good at the lying on the mat for 45 minutes part Wink.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    Okay, today is the first day of the rest of my life so back to a program of some sort, somehow.

    Yes, housework definitely counts.  You get calories off on when you enter your housework, vacuuming, washing the car, mowing, etc.  I did housecleaning yesterday but have not been good on so that is starting up again today to get back on track. 

    Went out after church today, Olive Garden, so did some damage there but then came home and walked 4 miles.  Weather is nice but allergies starting up again.  Have to figure out how to get exercise in with working 5 days and 3 evenings busy every week.  Something's got to give.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited September 2011

    Hey Patoo, long time no "see"  how are you doing.  I am a slug right now, too hot to do anything this summer so gained weight.  I am starting a program of exercise and cutting calories starting tomorrow so will join you in that "program of some sort". lol  Have missed you a lot and hope your good.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited September 2011
    I walk with my husband and 2 dogs daily. Today was tough as I had my 3rd treatment of AC 2 days ago so I'm having a rough time of it.  The walk helps though, no matter how slow we go! Smile
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Ronna - the Undress event sounds like fun!  You'll have to share the link when the picture is posted.  Cheryl - sounds like a wonderful day!  I think I'd have practically bathed in Ben Gay after that!  Ruth - I admit, I put on the heat briefly this weekend when it got down to 65 in the house.  Artsee - I could almost smell those brats cooking from here!  Yum! Spar - check out - great to make you accountable for every bite you put in your mouth, but also gives you great credit when you exercise.  NW - Welcome!  Take care of yourself.  Two days after chemo was always my steroid crash day, and I hated those.  Do what you can, even if it's just walking around the block - and if you can't do that some days, so be it. 

    DH and I did our 5K on Sunday!!  If I'd been in the 60-69 age group, I'd have medaled.  But seeing as I'm in the 50-59 age group, I got positively SMOKED by my peers!  Tongue out  But it was fun, and I managed to do the entire 5K without stopping once so that made me feel good.  I kept "inspiring" younger people ahead of me who'd run out of gas and started walking.  Once the red-faced overweight 55 year old huffed past them, they'd suddenly get the energy to start running again!  The run was in a beautiful park near Annapolis.  Then we had a Nats game after that, so we drove down to DC, sat in our seats, and drank a well-earned beer!  (Lite, of course.)  And the Nats even won, so it was an extra good day!  One knee is really barking this morning, so I think that was a little further than I should have done at this point in my training routine, but we had a wonderful time and I'd love to do it again sometime.  

    Too sore to do anything this morning except a 20 minute Pilates and 20 minute Lebeds.  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2011

    Kudos to you NatsFan!  That's awesome.  And you still did 40 min today?  That's really impressive.

    I did 30 min of pilates this morning...but you are also insipiring me to start running again.  I wouldn't be able to do a 5K running only right now. :)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    Okay, allergy season has officially arrived for me.  Off to get some drugs and then to a home Bible study where they may ask me, politely of course, to take my sniffles and sneezes home!  So for sure there will be no exercise today.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011

    Congrats Mary!!!  Not something I ever see myself doing!

    Feel better Patoo!

    50 minute walk today and plenty of running in the rain as today was a shopping day.

    I too had to put on the furnace when it hit 65 in the house.  Embarassed

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    HUGS to all, and will catch up on individual threads later.

    Ruth:  Yes, definitely looking forward to a get-together some time in the future.

    Mary:  Thanks; we'll be participating in a 10K this weekend down in Long Beach.  I plan on running every foot of it.

    Ran 4.6 miles this noon; hopefully weight lifiting after my 7:30 p.m. appt tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2011

    Cheryl: Your Saturday sounded amazing!!!

    Julie: Have fun at your 10k this weekend!

    Patoo: Sorry about your allergies.

    Good evening all.

    Dh and I went to the park where I walked/ran 2 miles. It was nice and COOL!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Mary, congratulations on your first 5K, and may it be the first of many, you and DH deserved the beer. Patoo sorry your allergies have already kicked in. Now if any of you want to come over and vacuum for me it can count as your exercise, I think I'm going to watch DWTS and go clean my bedroom seeing as though I neglected cleaning duties this past weekend.

    Did a spin class tonight and the instructor had us close our eyes and "ride blind" for about 15 minutes and it was very mind/body experience, loved it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Congratulations to Mary and her basball team too! (my poor Twins this year Cry). Good job to all you runners!

    I walked for 45 minutes, ran into my neighbor and walked for another 30 just so we could catch up with all the latest gossip.It was 80 today, but it's suppose to be rainy, cold, and have high winds. So I am glad that I got out today. After walking, I went over to my dad's, where I forced him to watch DWTS with me. Does that count as 'Elder Abuse'? Undecided 

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I did zumba toning this morning, but still very sore from the 6 mile hilly walk jog on Saturday. Surprised
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Zumbagirl you need to be introduced to my boyfriend "Ben Gay" he works wonders on sore muscles :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    good morning all, welcome NWArtLady and hi spar2.

    Cheryl, you ROCK!

    Congrats Mary on your first 5K run!  

    Good luck Julie on your 10K this weekend!

    Housework definitely counts as exercise!  It started raining Sun afternoon before I could get out for my walk so I attacked housecleaning with vigor.  I was pooped by the time I was done but the hard work shows.  Made up for it by taking a half-hour walk at lunchtime and an hour-long walk when I got home from work yesterday.

    patoo, our TV weatherman said this is one of the worst years on record for allergens due to the wet spring so it's no wonder you're having symptoms galore.  Hope you get some relief soon.

    And that brings me to 5:30 a.m., time to start getting ready for work.  TTFN Tarts  {{hugs}}

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Julie - a 10K - now THAT'S impressive! Something about running the whole way on my little 5K really made me feel like I'd accomplished something.  During the last part of the run when I was running out of gas, I kept flashing back to those last weeks of chemo when I was so debilitated and had no energy or strength.  I k ept telling myself that if I could get through that, I could finish the #&*@% 5K! Cool 

    Ruth - I think forcing your dad to watch DWTS definitely borders on "Elder Abuse"! Wink  And, yes, your poor Twins - you really got bitten by the injury bug this year.  My Nats are battling it out for 3rd place with the Mets - 3rd would be so much nicer than our usual cellar.  Cheryl - I close my eyes a lot while on the elliptical and treadmill - something about that really concentrates me.  Can't exactly do that while jogging, though.  Badger - congrats on the clean house!  Patoo - I really feel for you and I used to have horrible debilitating Fall allergies until chemo cured them.  Every year I worry that they'll come back, but this is my 4th Fall since chemo and still no signs of allergies. Probably the one and only good s/e from chemo - oh, I love my new curly hair too! Cool

    My knee is still barking a bit after Sunday, so I just did a 30 minute walk with the dogs plus 20 minute Lebeds this morning.  Yoga tonight - hooray!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Mary:  You DID accomplish something with your 5K!  I did not have the challenge of chemo, so it is impressive that you finished it.  I think 10K is about 6 miles.  Since I usually go about 4.6 miles during the week and 5 miles on the weekend, I should be able to do 6 miles, no problem.  

    Badger and Wonderland:  Thanks.  Should be fun.  Don't like getting up at 5:00 a.m. to do it, but so it goes.  

    patoo:  HUGS, and I'm sorry about your allergies.  That just stinks.

    Cheryl:  Again, I am VERY impressed with your doings, VERY, VERY COOL.

    Ruth:  What is DWTS?  Sorry for asking; maybe I missed a previous post that told us.

    Ronna:  Sorry you are still dealing with health issues; I'll send you a P.M.

    Carol, Bobbie and Kim:  You are missed!

    HUGS to Everyone Else; in a tearing hurry to go to another building and get stuff done.  

    Last, but certainly not least, please don't forget to get your flu shot (if you usually get one).  Got mine last night; insurance covered it.

    G'night, TARTS!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    A slug again tonight.  Just no energy but allergy meds makes me feel a little better.  It takes a few days for them to really start working properly so should be able to do something before too long.  Get it all behind me before MN!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    Zumba tonight, Wii fit step and mastectomy exercises yesterday.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    DWTS: Dancing With The Stars

    30 minutes on the treadmill (pouring rain outside), and 30 of toning.

    They usually offer flu shots at school in October and I always get one, as does DH. I also threaten DS with disinheritance in order to get him to have one too.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011
    I forgot about the boyfriend name Ben gay who lives in my bathroom cubbard Laughing I had my labs today, and my white counts are borderline nuetrapenic, but they are still giving me my last chemo tomorrow. I was pretty tired tonight, but I did walk 30 minutes outside.
  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2011

    Ruth: you crack me up with Elder Abuse and DWTS! I made my dh watch it with me last night(and I'm not a regular watcher of previous shows). Don't think it was Husband Abuse b/c he was enjoying the comical responses from the judges.

    Julie: I got my flu shot last week. Our employee health nurse rolled her cart up to my desk. All I did is sign a piece of paper and rolled up my sleeve. I didn't even have to stand up. I feel so pampered!

    Good evening all!

    The county agricultural fair is in town this week. Dh and I did our walking there - strolling only. I love our fair. It's so small town! My favorite part is the exibition hall. County residents enter in crafts, canned foods, homegrown fruit and vegetables to be judged. And I love the animals: cows, goats, horses, chickens, rabbits, roosters. And the fireworks! Beautiful. Yes, I love our small county fair.

    Added: Zumbagirl - be careful with your white blood count. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days when mine bottomed out.  

  • rabbit
    rabbit Member Posts: 74
    edited September 2011

    Did almost 20 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and 25 today. 5th round of chemo tomorrow.... 

    Hi all :) hope everyone is well. I am surviving LOL

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Zumba, are you getting Neulasta shots? If you haven't been, maybe you should get one this time if your counts are low.

    Sounds like you had a fun fair, wonderland. I always like to stroll around at our fair too; and have some very bad for you 'fair food' and make a stop at the Beer Garden.................(one light beer only, of course!)