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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Good on you Sandee.....

    Julie just wanted to say good luck tomorrow, weather should be perfect.  Run Julie run...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    I glad you did it Sandee. Time to put some laughter and fun back into your equation!

    Good luck, Julie. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813
    edited September 2011

    Thursday I did 10-15 reps on each of the fifteen strength machines at my gym (only the second time ever). I set the weights at 10-30 lbs each. Then I did 10 mins on the treadmill at 4 mph. I know it's not much, but I'm mid-chemo, so it was something. Yesterday I walked just over a mile in my neighborhood.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Hooray Sandee!  You must feel like the weight of the world is off your shoulders.  You go girl!!!

    Julie - Atta girl!!  We're thinking of you today.  

    Windlass - pretty impressive to be doing anything during chemo, let alone a good workout like that.  That's great.

    OK, ladies - I working without a net now. You may remember a few weeks ago when I posted that I finally was able to fit back into my pre-dx size 10 pants.  Sooooo, I just bundled up all my size 12s - shorts, slacks, jeans and crop pants and am heading out later this morning to the local animal rescue thrift shop to donate them.  It's kind of scary not having any "fallback" pants, but a neat feeling too. No going back now!!!

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813
    edited September 2011

    NatsFan/Mary: Thanks for the encouragement! This was my first time posting on this scary thread, and it was so nice to feel welcomed. Congrats on giving those size 12 pants the boot. (You could have sent them here for someday when I can squeeze into them... *laugh*)

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited September 2011

    Didn't exercise yesterday, feeling really yucky. It is the typical chemo weekend. ,,upset tummy, no taste mouth, extreme tiredness and very sore nail beds, but I may try and go on a walk around my property tonight.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2011

    Patoo--yes, that's exactly what they do.  Scrub/vacuum the floors, empty and clean the fridge, scrub down the bathrooms,dust and make the beds.  With 2 kids (who always seem to have friends over), hubs and a large 125 dog, I need the help! Smile I have them come in every other week and they are done in 2 hrs in what would have taken me 6+ hrs.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited September 2011

    I'm all for housework qualifying as exercise.  Even cleaning for the cleaning lady counts ! I have to  pretend pushing that vacuum is slimming my thighs or the place will never get clean.  I was a slacker on Thursday and Friday.  Did Zumba this morning.  Daughter wants to try a new yoga class tomorrow.  I'll go with her.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    Walked 5.5 miles today and did some yardwork around the church.  Poor body not used to it anymore so I'll feel it tomorrow but it feels good and I love to walk.  Hopefully the weather will hold up through tomorrow so I can get out again.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    I walked and walked, ran into some friends who were walking, so walked some more. Gorgeous weather here, it won't last, so have to take advantage of it!

    Cleaning for the cleaning lady is a big job!! I have a cleaning lady every other week and I love her to death, she saves my sanity. In fact, she comes Monday, so I will be cleaning tomorrow. Tongue out

    Fantastic job, Mary!!!!!! Save just one pair of the bigger size. You can put them on once and awhile, see how loose and baggy they are, and be impressed with yourself all over again!!!

    Welcome windlass, great to see you here! Even light exercise during chemo will help you bounce back faster once you are done.

    Hang in there to everyone who is exercising through chemo. You are awesome!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    Hello Sunday...Boy some of you posting in the thousands is amazing in a year or two.

    Ruthbru..14,000 you must be on a lot of threads. I haven't hit the thousand mark yet and I've been hanging around since early '08.:)

    Not getting much done today...It's raining cats and dogs. Yesterday I shoveled 2 yards of wood chips. My back is killing me.

    Windlass..I remember during chemo I kept pushing myself on the treadmill and out in the elements to walk. sometimes I felt so weak but in the end it did make me stronger faster. Keep it up!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011

    artsee, you're at 1017 so on your way!

    Well yesterday's movement made me pay for it last night.  Joints screamed and kept me awake a good part of the night.  Finally gave in to advil.  Took it easy today by going to the gym and jogging for an hour in the pool after church.  Going to be a slug the rest of the evening.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011
    Oh about that. My mouth fingers must be going much faster than My brain. Last I looked I was way under 1,ooo. LOL.Laughing
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    I have so many posts because I am hooked on the fun and games section!!!

    I did 45 minutes of toning this morning before church. Instead of walking this afternoon, another gal and I kidnapped a friend who is having a tough time with chemo and took her to the Dairy Queen. Calories don't count it you are eating them as part of being nice, right? Tongue out

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    Absolutely, they go right through with out getting stuck, so there's no chance at calories making fat.

    ruth...I remember the days when I was doing the games...and the housework went to pot. I have no cleaning lady for the last 8 years, so I had to get off my butt and do it.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2011
    sorry ruth, that won't work because I'm always  Innocent  nice and the calories keep piling on.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    We have the cleaning ladies come once a month.  We don't clean before, but we do a de-cluttering -you know, finally clearing out those catalogs you haven't looked at yet, putting that old mail away, and de-junking the kitchen island where all the junk seems to pile up!  I will give up food and drink before I give up the cleaning ladies!!!!  Wink

    Yesterday was our 29th anniversary so we splurged and got club level tix right behind home at the Nationals game.  (Yes, other couples do romantic dinners and stuff - we head to the baseball game!)  It's the Nats final home game of the season Cry  but they won!!! Cool  Unfortunately dh had to head out right after the game to New Jersey for a business trip, but he should be home tonight.  Take care of him for me, Patoo!

    Absolutely, calories consumed by being nice don't count at all. 

    Lots and lots of walking yesterday at Nats Park - we walked all over the ballpark to soak it in so the memories could sustain us through the winter.  Then I took the dogs for a 2 mile walk this morning.  

    I'm still so impressed by those of you who are doing any kind of exercise during chemo.  By the end of chemo for me, it took everything I had just to drag myself back and forth to work.  No way I could have gotten on a treadmill or elliptical or taken a long walk.  You ladies rock!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011
    Congratulations on your anniversary, Mary! 29 years of hitting them out of the ballpark! Cool
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    hi ladies, I'm just back from a weekend in Shell Knob MO where I met up with some BCO sisters including Chrissyb from Australia.  Woo hoo what fun!!  Got in two miles walking Saturday at the "Shakin' in the Shell" festival and shopping/ sightseeing in Eureka Springs AR.  Also got in a lot of laughing and eating.  OMgosh on Sunday we went to brunch at the Keeter Center at the College of the Ozarks and had the most amazing food - all prepared and served by the students - and of course chatted and laughed the whole time.  It's raining here and looks like it will be all day so it's a good thing housework counts as exercise because I won't be getting out for a walk any time soon but do have plenty of chores.

    hi windlass - welcome!

    Congrats Mary on 29 years! 

    Julie, how'd you do Sat? 

    Sandee, I hope your laugh is back to full strength before you know it.

    artsee, I too racked up all these posts on the games threads.

    OK I need another cuppa joe so I'm outta here for now.  {{hugs}} to all

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    What fun for you all to meet up. For all you Door County lovers that should be a destination sometime. It's heavenly's own beautiful world. Lake Michigan is all around you. I live on the shores as well but 2 hours South. It is like being on the ocean because you can't see Michigan.....just beautiful water.

    badger....Eureka Springs is such a neat little town. Really enjoyed it...EXCEPT the hair pin curves that you have to take to get up there.Yikes!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2011

    artsee, you are not kidding, those roads were crazy!  But there were many highlights, including a truly talented banjo-picking street musician.  

    would love to meet up in Door County sometime, maybe next year?  I'm out of vacation time and funds for this year.  :-)

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2011

    We'll keep it on the back burner o.k.?

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Boy, have I got catching-up to do!

    We have Sandee to thank for the flu-shot reminder - she reminded me; thought I'd pass along a good thing.

    Thanks to all of you for thinking of me while running/walking.  Did the "Team Spirit" Breast and Ovarian Cancer 10K this weekend; ran part of it and then walked some.  The weather in Long Beach was actually misting, so it was excellent for exercise.  Quite a lot of fun.  I wore my teal and pink wig (I KNEW there had to be a good place to do so!), teal is the ribbon color of ovarian cancer and, of course, pink the color of breast cancer.  

    windlass:  Welcome!  

    Badger:  Did just fine, thanks,at the walk.

    Cheryl:  Bought some Oolong Tea this weekend; it has your name on it.

    Mary:  Congratulations on your 29th; congrats, also, on dumping the Size 12's.  

    Ruth:  Ahhh, Dairy Queen . . . you know, we have some of those around here; I miss the Buster Bars and Hot Fudge Brownie Delights.

    zumbaGirl:  Sorry you weren't feeling well.  Can't imagine what that is like; get better soon.  HUGS.

    patoo:  Hope your joints are better today.  

    Sandee: thanks again for the flu shot reminder; DH is at home today with something (could be flu!); he never gets sick.  I'm just getting on the boards now, will respond to your PMs.  

    HUGS to All; tearing off in a big hurry and will post pix of Saturday's event.  We are having the best time with those goofy wigs!  Think I'm going to recruit DH to wear one as well; saw guys in tutus and wearing T-Shirts stating "Tough Titties" Wink and one guy even had a wig.

    Keep up the good work, TARTS!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited September 2011

    badger: I've been silently reading Chrissy's travellog and was excited to see that you were going to meet her. Sounds like it was a fantastic time in a great location! I'll check her thread for pictures.

    Mary: Congrates on 29 years!

    Sandee: Way to take control - I'm so happy for you!

    windlass: so good to see you! Your exercise is amazing!

    Got some walking in this weekend at my daughter's college - it was parent weekend. Finally went to one of their football games (we won!). We were in the nosebleed section at the stadium and we definitely worked our leg muscles just getting to the seats!

    Walked/ran 2 miles at the park tonight. Cool but very humid.

    Edited to add: Julie - can't wait to see pictures of you in your wig!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited September 2011

    Walked 45 minutes; very gorgeous here in the 70s with the leaves changing colors. Also did 30 minutes of toning. Crazy day at work, one kid ending up in the emergency room with an allergy attack, and a poor girl who got her period for the first time....all before 10am!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited September 2011

    Dear all,

    Thank YOU for being a place I can share my news with..can't even tell the teachers until I am given the ok on Wednesday....I have told a few people anyhow..the ones who can keep it silent ,,fair enough..they want to have a plan in place for replacing me but seriously..did they think I was going to go into the meeting and let them dumpall this on me? well..probably yes ...anyhow, I am still employed as one of the two teacher trainers but this DOs thing has been a huge part of my life...huge....while I cannot relate to the mom's here when their kids go off to university and they have to rethink who they are etc., I think this is my version of it. 

    Walked a lot this weekend...well over 2500 steps!

    Thanks for reminding me about my reminder about the flu shot Julie! I have to call and make an appointment too.

    Met with my lymphodema therapist today and she said my breast felt great!(she rephrased it after we had a laugh) but it was good to know that the movement and scar tissue area are healing well and are not ight!) a weird but good day.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2011

    Julie I'll be taking you up on the tea, I'm going to be up and down the 405 as from Oct 7 thru 11 I'm hosting ChrissyB so we'll be all over the place, I thought of you on saturday as it was perfect weather for running, not so great for walking dogs which is what I did all weekend, got paid so I'm not complaining, really!!!  Ahhh Ruth poor kid she was probably wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.  Mary congratulations on your anniversary and I believe it was the perfect day for a baseball lovin' gal and her sweetie.  Badger sounds like you girls had a blast at Shell Knob and Door County is on my places I want to go list, so looking forward to our get together.

    Did a fantastic spin class tonight my poor heart - I know it's there in my chest cause it was going boom, boom, boom and hey when did this happen, came out of the gym at 7.15pm and it was dark, huh I honestly didn't notice the days drawing in but wham it was like overnight.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2011

    Just a 20 min abs and back program today.  Will try to fit in some evening yoga.  At the very least will be doing a bit of house cleaning this evening--vaccuuming, light mopping, to help keep active.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2011

    Sandee - congrats on the LE improvement!  Cheryl - I'm also noticing the dark - when I walked home from yoga class last week it was dark by the time I got home. Last year I bought some reflective velcro arm bands to wear - I'll guess I'll have to dig them out tonight before class!  Corinne - so you're joining the housecleaning group - good calorie burner. Ruth - our leaves are just starting, but we won't be at peak for another 3 weeks probably.  Julie - the run sounds fabulous.  Sunday at the Nats game there was a community group whose mission is to publicize the hereditary link for the reproductive cancers - breast, ovarian, and fallopian - the BRCA gene info.  I talked to a previvor in her late 20's - once she found she was BRCA positive, she had a pbmx with recon.  She said she preferred that to being tested and biopsied and worried for the next several decades - amen to that!  Their logo sounds like your group - a ribbon with one side pink and the other side teal.  I went to talk with them and they even gave me one of hats with the ribbon logo! Cool  

    30 minutes elliptical this morning.  It's yoga night tonight - hooray!