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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2011

    Actually went to a street fair yesterday, walked with no problems, was there for about 2 hours so in essence I did 2 hours of walking. Felt good. Orthopedic surg wants me to have another MRI on same surg knee just to check if any fluids are there. So tired of all this.

    But I walked and it felt great!!


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Hey, Everyone:

    Checking in . . . busier than heck, but glad to see all the posts!

    Ruth:  Glad you got a nice compliment, sorry you aren't feeling well.  

    Glad to see Everyone is active.  Will catch up ont he individual posts in a bit . . .

    I've done my usual 4.6 weekday and 5 mile Saturday runs, along with weights at home.  All of the effort is certainly paying off.


  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813
    edited October 2011

    I did a one-hour very gentle water aerobics class tonight for the first time. It was kind of scary at first since I can't swim,  but I had a flotation belt and I got used to the water pretty quickly. It was a decent workout!

    Only trouble is I don't have a prosthesis for a swimsuit, and I was very self-conscious at being flat on one side. The ladies were all a lot older than me, and no one said anything about it, but I think I'll get the proper attire if I am going to do this a lot.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Walked for two hours ( and ranted while I walked so more than my leg muscles were being exercized)..also read last night that if you are on heart meds, you should not be on echinecea...REALLY!! Well...too late now! I do feel better however so that can't be all bad.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Are you all really posting daily? I almost didn't exercise today but then ABC news had this piece on about how exercise could kill cancer cells by eliminating estrogen and insulin, both feed cancer. Apparently, women who exercise a lot had a 50% reduction in cancer over those who didn't exercise.

    Anyway, after that, I did 45 on the elliptical.

    Yesterday, 1 hour bike ride.  

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited October 2011

    Springtime: Welcome! I've read your comments on other threads and hope you continue to post your exercise here. It's always good to be accountable to someone - that's why I post here. That piece on ABC news is a good motivator!

    Sandee: Like you, I love to "talk it out" while I'm exercising. 

    windlass:Congratulations on taking a water aerobic class! I'm sure it took guts to go to the first class since you don't know how to swim. It's wonderful exercise!

    Good evening all! I had a meeting tonight so no activity for me. I arrived home at 7:45 and it was already dark. A month ago dh and I would start our walk at 8pm. Need to use the light while I can!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Busy here; we had conferences until 6:30, then stopped by and watched some of Dancing With the Stars with my dad (who is losing it; last week he thought Nancy Grace was my sister, tonight there was a 'Have you seen this criminal?' public service ad. and he thought the burglar being shown on the surveillance tape was my brother!).  I was all set to come home and take the rest of the night off, but when I checked in at 10pm, I found that Artsee had crowned me the 'Exercise Queen', and I was forced to go downstairs and do a half hour Pilate's DVD. Darn it! Wink

    Mum, I hope the beach walking will make you feel better.

    Windlass, Lands End has really good mastectomy swimsuits. They also have online and on the phone operators whom you can talk to and who will give you good swimsuit advice.

    Hi Springtime, I am sure that there is not one single day when at least a couple ladies haven't checked in with their exercise reports. It is pretty cool and motivating.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Windlass firstly congratulations on going to a water class when you're unable to swim and I'll let you in on a secret about older women we don't care about how people look, if you're in an exercise class with us, we're cheering you on, I can't remember what thread it is on but there is a topic called "swimming poofy" it's how to make a poofy to go in your swimsuit out of a bath scrubbie, cost effective and dries quickly.

    Welcome Springtime yes posting keeps you motivated, I didn't see that report but I know that exercise makes me feel better.

    Ruth you are our queen, but glad to know peer pressure works even on "the queen", sorry to hear your Dad is fading but at least he didn't think you were the burglarSurprised

    Wonderland it's officially fall - you see tonight I wore a hoodie to the gym it's the first night I've needed sleeves as it was a little chilly.

    Have fun in the sun Mum, are you off to Cuba or Mexico? whichever - enjoy!!!

    Tonight was my spin class, monday night instructor is one hour of crazy and I love her, she inspires me.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    good morning ladies, walked at lunchtime and after work yesterday but can't increase my miles walked in my sig line due to a glitch in the "update your profile" so will post it here, now at 1,594.

    welcome Springtime, I do try to post everyday here to stay accountable... we call it The Voices (of the other women here reminding us to get up and MOVE).

    windlass, one of the things I love about visiting my mom in Florida is the older folks care not what people look like.  Good for you for facing a fear and doing it anyway!

    Ruth, the last time I saw my dad, we had a lovely visit but according to my mom, he didn't know who I was.  They were watching TV in his room at the nursing home and Sex and the City came on and he thought one of the characters was me (the nice one with long dark hair - at least it wasn't the slutty one lol).

    Have fun at that beach, Mum!

    Would love to stay and chat some more but it's time to go get ready for work.  {{hugs}} to all

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813
    edited October 2011

    Wow, this has got to be the friendliest thread on BCO! (And there are some really nice ones out there.) I'm glad I found you ladies. You've already inspired me to do a little more exercise than I normally would, because I want to be able to post here. Smile

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Haven't posted in a few days, but that's cuz I haven't exercised since Friday.  I've been battling a nasty cold and have felt miserable.  I want to get rid of it ASAP - I'm worried that they'll cancel my surgery on Friday if I'm not better.  So I rested all weekend at the cabin and stayed home from work yesterday and today hoping to shake it off.  It doesn't help that we have tickets for Les Mis at the Kennedy Center tomorrow night - we got them months ago and I really don't want to miss that either!!!  I did start to feel a bit better last night, so I'm hoping one more day of bedrest takes care of it.  Of all times to get a cold!!!!!!  Yell

    Ruth and Badger - saw your post about your dads.  I'm so sorry - it's rough to watch that happen to them.  My heart goes out to you and your families.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the Welcome, "Voices" !!!    :)   

    Today is Yoga!  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Springtime...I try to.  This thread motivates me that I need to try to do something everyday.  Of course, I have skipped days, but when I do, its again, this thread that pushes me to get back into action.

    Like today...did 30 min of pilates this morning. :)

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Oh--and if you like this thread another motivating thread (IMO) is Today My Good Food Choice was...

    Similar where the voices help you step away from fried foods, sweets etc etc and help steer you to making healthy choices in your diet.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited October 2011

    The Voices told me to go to the park and walk/run. I didn't want to listen but thankful I did! And dh went with me - even better as he needs the exercise also.

    I just returned from there and in 5 minutes it will be too dark to go back.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Well, my voices sent me to the treadmill after work....only 20 minutes but on a big old incline and faster than ever YAY...waiting for chicken and veggies to finish cookin gso I can eat supper and then mark papers.!

    wonderland, the walk and talk did god the man is an ass...he really does not have a clue...not a clue....but it helped to walk and rant about it ...was still up until 4am though....silly mind!

    Ruth/Badger- so sorry about your dads. My dad died twelve years ago next 26 years ago next week....while it is incredibly sad that mom went so young and dad in his seventies, I have been watching my surrogate parents go through what you are both describing...soooo hard in such a different way. you are both very strong.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Well, I don't think being strong has much to do with it. You just do what you have to do because you don't have any other choices that would be better (something we all, unfortunately,  can relate to).

    They said it was 'Texas Warm' on the news. Walked with my neighbor for an hour and did 30 minutes of toning. After I post here I have to pry myself away from the site and do some school work.

    Mary, gargle with warm salt water.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Ruth...I agree that you do what you have to do...but many couldn't do it. in my opinion, you are strong....not a bad thing:)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Came home and got on the treadmill to walk/run but only did 20 mins.  Going to try, again, to increast my running on land - wish me luck.  In the water I can run for an hour but on land, HA!

    Wanto to ditto what others said about we 'older' ladies and exercise.  We don't really pay attention to what you wear or how you look.  I tip my hat to all who show up because they are taking care of their health. 

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    Had to stop by to get some motivation to keep me away from the food cupboards!!  Been walking daily during the week and clearing the garden on the weekend, but eating is still a major issue right now.

    This has always been my favourite thread, but I find I can't find the time to get on daily. It is great to know that you guys are always here!  Especially to get me to stop eating something stupid!  Will now head off for bed.... without stopping to eat!

    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Body Step and then 40 minutes of Body Combat then my feet screamed "get me out of this gym" and now my legs feel like lead, there is a new schedule and more cardio classes added so need to take 2 pairs of shoes to the gym and change between classes.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    This thread rocks and the people who post here are the best!  Maybe we're so friendly because we're all hopped up on endorphins?

    Thanks ladies for your kind words about my dad.  Just to give credit where credit is due, it was my mom who was the strong one.  It was very hard for her to put him in a nursing home.  But it needed to be done; with the Alzheimers he could not be cared for at home anymore and it was wearing her out.  He passed three years ago and we still miss him but he had been "missing" for a while before that.  Frankly, it's one of the reasons that chemobrain scared the cr*p out of me, knowing what my genetics may have in store for me.  Another really good reason to exercise.

    Walked at lunchtime yesterday, beautiful day, nearly 80- wow!  It's that time of year to have the heat on first thing in the morning but the A/C in the afternoon.  Up to 1,598 miles walked.  Have a wonderful day and {{hugs}} to all.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    I was able to make it to bed last night without any stops in the kitchen... YAY me!!  Am really trying hard to get serious about weight loss again, but find I simple do not care!! 

    When I see Ruth, Cheryl and Mary still posting regularly, I feel like a slug!! The 'voices' seem to be getting through..... I just have to LISTEN!!   Must check in to this thread more often to keep me motivated! 

    Thanks everyone!  Hope you are having great weather like we are here..... it does help to get me moving!  Now, I am off for my daily walk!!  Later Tarts!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    I am channeling THE VOICES, who say:

    "Check in every day, even for a second; and MAKE time for even a tiny bit of exercise. Do sit ups while watching the news, walk in place in front of the TV, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a little farther away at the mall. Think of it like brushing your teeth. You (hopefully) would never go a day without brushing because you were too busy or too tired. Do it one day (or one minute) at a time!"

    (Someone else has to channel the 'eat right' voices, because that is my downfall).

    Have a great day, All! Ruth

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Ruth--I heard you, or actually I hear the "voices" too. :)

    They came to me this morning and said...enough is a enough already.  Get out of bed and you have to do something today.  Slacker.

    Did the Crunch Workout for abs and ass today.  Love this workout.  Its a little less than 30 min, but wow do I feel it later on in the day.  I know I must be getting stronger bc the pain is a wee bit less and less each time I do it.

    Tomorrow, back to Butt Bible.  That is another one that kicks my ass.  But I suppose, from the title "butt bible" that is what it is intented to do.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Ruth the EAT RIGHT voices are at the "Today my good food choice was..." thread.

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited October 2011

    Hi ladies !  I am one of the slackers this week.  My excuse is a five day invasion of Danish teenagers.  I really could have exercised after work today but didn't.  I do like to post daily when I exercise.  I am glad that I am beginning to hear the voices when I don't exercise.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited October 2011

    Yoo-hoo, I'm checking in and giving my report. Walked for an hour in weather that is better than any summer day could be. Before that was an hour of YOGA. we did some meditation type thing at the end.....for our immune system. We were doing the 'fire breathing' (?) and visualizing different colors and roses as we thought about our core from abdomen to our chest then to the throat. Sounds hokey right?

    Ruth...I couldn't help but chuckle. I can relate to the parents when they loose it. We are keeping my mom home with care givers coming in every morning and night. She told me the other day she has NO help. She has to do everything. The day I walk in there and she thinks I'm Marilyn Monroe I will keel over. I mean...she's been dead forever!! :)

    Welcome Springtime...If you have nothing to report...MAKE SOMETHING UP!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited October 2011

    Corinne: I've never heard of Butt Bible. Sounds intense.

    JFV: I bet you have some good stories to tell about the Danish teenagers!

    artsee: your meditation sounds wonderful!

    Good evening all! Walked/ran the neighborhood tonight. Nice!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Came home and walked/ran on the treadmill for 34 minutes.  Eating is getting better or I should say I'm eating less but still not the right choices.  Baby steps!!!