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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    hiya Tarts, got a flu shot today (my first ever) and by total co-incidence have a chicken stock simmering on the stove.  Smells wonderful!  Will make chicken soup tomorrow once the liquid cools overnight and I skim that beautiful layer of schmaltz off the top. 

    Walked around the Capitol square this morning while it was still cool (it hit 80 here today).  

    Still can't edit my profile so miles are up to 1,602.  Have a good night everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes (so I could watch the news) and (to keep up with Corinne's impressive sounding DVDs) did 'Rock Solid Abs', a 30 minute FIRM DVD.

    No matter how long ago she lived; if anyone mistakes me for Marilyn Monroe, I will be thrilled! Wink

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2011

    Hey Ruth,

    I also look at exercise like brushing your teeth. It is a daily thing, that is for life, and if you don't do it, it doesn't feel right.

    I finally took back my Wed. 7:45-8:45 a.m zumba class, that another instuctor has been covering for me for the last 5 months. This will be my first month, that I will teach 12 classes, instead of the random 3-4, I have been teaching since I got diagnosed, in April. It feels good to be back.

    I had 20 women in my Tues. 9 a.m class yesterday, and 12 today, super sweat, and super funLaughing

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2011
    Did a 45 min beach walk today but the intense heat almost did me in.(good english eehh)Laughing
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Good job, zumba!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Well we must have sent our heat east as is turned cold and rainy here. I did two classes tonight, went to the fancy gym and did Body Pump and Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo. After class he talks nutrition and tonight said something I'd never heard before so I'll pass it on. When you eat fruit do it separately, eat your fruit then wait 30 minutes before you eat anything else. If you have a meal don't have fruit for your afters, wait 2 hours to have fruit also when you have meat/chicken/fish do not put a starch with it have vegetables no pasta no rice no potato, oh of course he is a juicing fanatic, says carrot juice is top on his list, also told of us of a movie to rent from Netflix called "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead".

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    LOL Ruth.  Butt Bible this morning, (1 of 3).  Its on On Demand, not DVD if you want to try it. :)  Its good.  It hurts, but I suppose that's the point right

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone. I've been reading your posts and working out regularly, but not posting, so I'll try to be better about that.  This week I walked / jogged Sunday (2 miles), Monday (4 miles) & today (3.6). I shoot for every day, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. But...I'll remember that "the voices" are there and I need to be accountable! Cheers!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Welcome goldenmom.  Happy you are no longer lurking but have become a 'victim' of the voices as well.

    Allergies attacking me badly today so popped some meds and heading to bed early.  Going to miss my walk/run tonight.  It's only been 2 nights but was kind of liking it. 

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,850
    edited October 2011

    Goldenmom: Welcome! I also like to walk/jog.

    Cheryl: Did E. say why we need to eat fruit separately and then wait 30 minutes later to eat something else?

    Patoo: Sorry about your allergies! Hope you start feeling better.

    I walked/jogged my neighborhood under a beautiful blue sky with a slight cool breeze blowing on me. Wonderful!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    Got out of the office and walked 45 mins at lunchtime today - gorgeous fall day here!

    1,605 / 2000 miles walked (since starting chemo in March 2010).

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Feeling lousy wih this cold but stayed at work and got things done...that was exercize enough. A pal fed my curry for supper and I hav ebeen on the couch for an hour..did manage to walk ino th bathroom into a hot  lavender tub though...aiming for african danc etomorrow night...i will remember it starts at 6pm this time!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    AARRGGGHHH!  Got a call this afternoon from Hopkins - my surgery tomorrow has been postponed.  My ps has an emergency case she needs to take tomorrow and had to cancel her non-emergency cases.  The next available date is 11/2.  Oh well.  I've been fighting this horrible cold all this week - today is the first day I was at work.  Maybe it'll be for the best that it's been postponed.  But my pre-surgical workup will have to be done again since it will be more than 30 days since I had it.  Yell

    I wore my jeans and a black turtleneck to work today in honor of Steve Jobs - that's what he always wore.  I'm in IT so he's pretty much a god to us tech geek types.  

    Hope to start exercising again this weekend - I've been flattened all week - even had to skip Les Mis at the Kennedy Center last night as I was just too sick to go. DH went with our friends and said it was wonderful - oh well.  There's a nasty bug going around my office - lots of people are out sick.  Going to get my flu shot as soon as I feel better - I don't want to be this sick again!

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2011

    Mary - So sorry about the surgery being postponed, but it's probably better that you go into surgery healthy! Take care - you and Sandee!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    hey Mary, sorry about surgery being postponed, hope you feel better soon - you too Sandee!

    sleep well patoo, the right weather is coming to tamp down those allergens for another season.

    Steve Jobs, what an amazing success story.  We can only wear jeans to work on Fridays so tomorrow will have jeans but no turtleneck, it's supposed to hit 80 again.  

    Cheryl, is it tomorrow that Chrissyb arrives in California?  Please give her a hug from me!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Yoga last night, 1 hour bike ride tonight! :) The weather is perfect after work! 

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited October 2011

    Mary, sorry about your surgery, but glad you're not the emergency!

    I am being "forced" to walk by my friend who lives around the corner.  I moved near her recently and she is an exercise nut.  We walk 30-40 minutes each evening.  Plus I am babysitting an old blind/deaf standard poodle who likes to walk and I have to make sure he does his "business"  I wonder about the deaf part, he can't hear anything except the crinkling of the doggie poo bags, the leash being picked up and the can opener.  I like his philosophy of life.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Busy here with our second night of conferences (100% showed up, so I am very pleased). Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 with Denise Austin when I got home.

    Mary, I am watching the Tigers & Yankees at the moment. Sorry about the postponement, but you wouldn't want to go into it feeling crummy, so it is probably for the best even though it is more of a hassle and frustrating.

    Sounds like we are all taking turns with the crummy colds etc. Hope everyone is feeling better for the weekend! They are offering flu shots at our school next week, which I will for sure take advantage of.

    Love the 'deaf' poodle, or perhaps 'selective hearing' poodle Undecided story!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Did an RPM class tonight and I really felt it in my "behind" must be all that combat kicking coming home to roost.

    Wonderland he said it has to do with the way it breaks down and converts in your system, I guess kind of like my thyroid medication I have to take it on an empty stomach an hour before I eat or two hours after.

    Mary sorry about having to have the surgery rescheduled, at least you will have a chance to get over your bug and Sandee hope you feel better soon as well and Patoo hope your allergies settle down.

    Bedo he probably has "selective" hearing, whisper "would you like a cookie" and see what happens.

    Yes Badger she arrives tomorrow at LAX so I'm leaving work at noon to go get her, hopefully the traffic will be light on the way up and on the way back we can go in the car pool lane and I will certainly give her a hug from you.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone, it is true, this is my motivator to exercise and when I can't I think about it. However, I went to gym yesterday with my Release, getting ready for the holiday again, Yom Kippur, so cleaning the house and I actually vacummed myself for the first time since August. That was my exercise for the day, up and down the stairs and boy did I sweat. Went for my MRI for knee again, have the films, I go back to dr on Monday will know if anything is wrong. Can't wait to jump on treadmill and eliptical. I was told by PS not to use the arms yet.

    Yes, the Voices from this site are always in me.

    Ruth, I was a caregiver for my MIL who passed, but I remember speaking with her in nursing home. She thought I was a teacher and my husband unrecognizable. She passed at the age of 95. I just let her speak. Actually not being my mother, it was quite interesting, although heartbreaking for my husband. I actually did a report on the early stages of dimenta for a course that I had taken and used my hands on to provide me with some of the material.

    Anyway, welcome Goldenmom. The Voices are always with me even if I skip a few days.

    Hugs to all, have to vacuum one more room. No time for gym today. Will definitely go on Monday.

    Mary, sorry for the delay with your surgery.

    Hugs again,

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    Mary, sorry your surgery was postponed, but hopefully you will be feeling a lot better when you actually have the surgery! 

    Ronna, can you really count that kind of "skipping"??  If so, I was on FIRE a few weeks ago!!  Surprised

    Ruth, have you tried out the new "Firm Express"??  I am for anything that works in less time!!  Been thinking of ordering it.

    Cheryl, my dog has selective hearing.... I found out just by doing the whispering trick... Amazing how they can hear the word 'treat'!

    Mum - don't know where you went, but you left some pretty awesome weather behind!! 

    Sandee - Hope you are feeling better.  Hear the weather has been pretty lousy for you on the East Coast, but you are in for some better weather for outdoor excercise, if you get what we are having now!

    Am heading out shortly for my hour walk - we have been able to get out everyday (pretty well) for the past 3 weeks!  This weekend, though, we are yard and pond cleaning.  I am sure that I will be using lots of muscles that I never even knew that I had!! 

    In case I don't get to post over the weekend (due to being crippled up in muscular pain!) I want to wish my Canadian sisters on this thread a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy the long weekend and hopefully you are having the summerlike weather that we are experiencing this week! 

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    WOW! So excited to find this group! I've been reading the posts and have been inspired by all the positive support and motivation and kudos for keeping this going since 2009!!! Would love to join the party!

    I'm 10 months out of treatment (surgeries, chemo, rads) and am still working on seeing how far I can go with exercise. I was surprise how long it took my body to recuperate. Previous to bc I was very active (hiking, biking, swimming, triathlons, etc) and fully expected to return to that same level by now. I had the lymph nodes removed on both sides which has affected my range of motion and I also developed lymphedema in my arms and hands so I'm experiencing some limitations I hadn't planned on. None the less, I'm determined to get back at it to some capacity.

    I did get back on my bike yesterday and did an easy, flat 8 miler. Oh boy . . . not only did I feel weak physically, but mentally, too.  I got so nervous coming upon intersections and trying to remember where I should be, could I make the light, am I in the right gear. Hoping it's just a matter of "getting the rust out of the gears". I also helped my sister move yesterday and I'm sure feeling it in my arms, shoulders  and legs today! So I guess you can say I also did weights and lunges, too :-) Plan to make it a rest day today. Hopefully I will have something to share tomorrow.

    Looking forward to meeting you all and sharing in your exercise experiences.

    Hugs, health and happiness

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Welcome Quiche, this is a great group!

    Just checking in before the day starts. We are supposed to go to a out-of-town wedding tonight but the forecast is for winds gusting to 60 miles an which case we might not want to be out on the highway!

    O.K. I'm off to play 'Silent Ball' in the gym.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2011
    Its actually a bit too hot here so I do my power walks at 7am.Lots of people running on the beach at those hours. Yesterday after my exercise I just sat in the sand and let the waves flow over me.Probably looked like a goof but I no longer give a dam what anyone else thinks.LaughingI just love the ocean.
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Bummer getting my surgery cancelled, but as I said to my boss this morning, I'd rather be here than in a hospital with an IV in my arm, dressed in nothing but a gown with my butt hanging out, and with someone getting ready to cut on me!  Tongue out  And Bedo, I had the same thought about being glad the emergency wasn't me, and of course when I thought about it that way I'm more than glad to postpone if it means someone gets my ps's expertise when they really need it.

    Love the "selective hearing" pet stories.  It's amazing how they can't hear you calling them, but the smallest rustle of the Beggin Strips bag has them running over!

    Quiche - great for you getting back on your bike!!  I agree that it takes a lot longer to get back to full strength than you think it will, but good for you for getting started.  I have LE too and it really does get easier to manage once you figure out what works for you.  Ronna - you poor thing not being able to exercise for so long - you're holding up admirably.  Hope you get some good news soon! Ruth - be careful in those winds - yikes!  And I was thrilled that Detroit beat the DamYankees!  

    Yes, my mom also didn't recognize me before she died - she died of b/c. She was always very pleasant and nice to me as she was to everyone, but had no clue who I was.  At least she wasn't frightened.  My dad died of a series of small strokes, and at the end couldn't distinguish reality from his bad dreams, so was very frightened and paranoid because he thought everything that happened in his bad dreams really had happened.  There was no comforting him - that was rough.  

    On a happier note, we're off to the cabin this weekend - it's supposed to be beautiful so I want to get in some serious hiking.  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Hi all.  Still under the weather so resting up tonight and plan to put in lots of movement tomorrow and Sunday.

    Welcome quiche!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    welcome quiche, this is a great group and we're happy to add your Voice to the chorus.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  {{hugs}} to all

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited October 2011

     I am hopiing that things get better for those having a hard time. Patoo, Mary and all!

    Today I did nothing! The bad sister.  I came back from first boost at 11:00 slept till 3:00 then went out and changed my phone service.  I took one phone back and got another to save money.  It took till 5:30. Now I'm doing nothing!  Ahahhhahah! I have been babysitting my own 2 cats, 1 big deaf/blind poodle and my daughter's miniature poodle.  Send pizza.  I'm going to sleep  Those boosts can get to you.  I will make you proud another time. ..

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    bedo we're proud of you now! 

    forgot to post earlier, I got outdoors and walked at lunch break and also after work today.

  • goldenmom
    goldenmom Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2011
    Slow exercise day here...walked the dogs this morning, but we got rained out after just under a mile. It's supposed to rain all weekend here Frown. Looks like DVD workouts for me.