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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    welcome misswim, it's beautiful here too and I got in a FAB 90 min walk this a.m.

    I started walking when I started chemo in March 2010, with a goal to walk 500 miles (inspired by that song by the Proclaimers).  Some days 15 mins around the block was all I could do.  But I got a pedometer and tracked all my miles.  It helps me to see my progress so I post it in my sig line.  Now I've gone 1,622.5 miles.  I also love yoga and have fall classes starting soon- yay!

    Have a good week Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Hey misswim . . . jump on in! Congrats on finishing up on your treatment (no easy feat) and wanting to get back into working out. I'm no expert by any means, but my advice to you would be to be kind to yourself and take it slow and easy. I was very active pre-bc too and one of my pitfalls was taking on too much too soon. My head would say, "Go, go, go!", but my body would say, "Nope, not so much". It took me so long to recuperate from a workout I would lose anything I had gained.

    I have a new strategy now, but I've had to pull back a LOT. For instance, it use to be nothing for me to take on a 35 mile bike ride, but right now I have to pat myself on the back when I can get 8 miles under my belt. Same with running, I started a new program last week where I run for 1 minute, walk for 2 minutes in a 20 minute window and slowly increase the running ratio each week.

    Hoping this method will work and my patience will pay off. Honestly, I've found that holding back takes just as much discipline and determination as going all out. Of course, everyone and every treatment is different so take this for what it's worth. Could be you'll bounce back much quicker (that's my wish for you :-)

    I did get a bike ride in yesterday (so thankful my guests are late sleepers). Took the same 8 mile route and felt sooooo much better than the previous ride. Got a little more confidence, was able to go a little faster, felt good . . . not great, but good. I think I'll stick with this route for another ride or two before I bump it up a notch.

    BTW - I saw the movie 50-50 yesterday and really liked it. I'm not much of a movie person but this one intrigued me. There were some very funny moments, some very intense moments, and of course a few "inappropriate" moments, but all in all a great way to spend a couple of hours.

    JVF, hope you get well soon . . . Ruth, thanks for the tip about The Firm. I think I have a couple of those DVDs in a drawer somewhere, use to love their workouts. Might give it a try.

    Take care everyone.


  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Quiche-I want to see 50/50 too.  I may do this on Sunday.

    This past Sunday I went to a mediation class.  It wasn't what I thought.  I expected yoga like mediation, but instead we sat in folding chairs listening to the "master" talk about how to interpret dreams for 45 min. Then he dimmed the lights and there was a breathing exercise/relaxation exercise, to which I was so relaxed (or was it bored?) that I fell asleep, sitting upright in my chair.  That all said, I am going to go back on Sunday to try again.  I didn't hate it, but not sure what I got out of it as I felt it was a little hokey.  I did speak to a woman there that had gone a few times, and she was a breast cancer survivor. She felt as if this gave her some inner peace and encouraged me to return.

    Today I did 45 min of yoga to make up for the yoga that I thought I was going to do yesterday and didn't.  Tonight I want to take a long walk around the neighborhood.  We continue to have very unusually nice weather in Chicago and I should have been taking advantage of this with evening walks, and have been slacking.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    I did it! I dug up my Firm workout videos and gave it a shot ha! It will be awhile before I'm up to speed on that again, but it was fun! When I couldn't follow along, I jumped on my mini trampoline and bounced along. Still worked up a sweat and think I hit some new muscles.

    Corinne: You are such a trooper! Good for you giving the "dream master" another chance.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Did a 4 mile hike in Catoctin Mountain Park on Saturday - it was the first time we've taken Mikey the Fat Min Pin that far and he did beautifully - it didn't even seem to tire him out. Of course he's only Mikey the Mildly Plump Min Pin since we've taken 3 pounds off him - just one or two more to go and he'll look good!

    Did 2 miles of jogging this morning.  It feels good to feel good again after feeling so lousy all last week.  Misswim - where in Vermont are you?  I have a dear friend in Richmond, and I spent a week with her last summer - we traveled all over, visited quaint little towns and shops, hiked parts of the Long Trail, and had a wonderful day following the Eastern Village Wine Trail in Quebec.  It's truly one of the best vacations I've ever had and it was so beautiful up there in August!  A little too nippy for me in winter, though. Tongue out 

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011


    I am not a runner but I need to start. I am going to try your run 1 walk 2 tonight:)

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2011

    good job everyone, and welcome, to our new gals. P90X is super intense. I have done the whole thing twice before, and just started in between zumba routines, doing just the plyo, and cardio x, which combines plyo, kempo and one other and is only 43 minutes, but intense. I needed some muscle confusion, to kick it up a notch . I did zumba toning this afternoon, the bank is closed so I had the day off. YAY

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Went to a benefit supper, so had to wait until the food settled to exercise. Did 35 minutes FIRM DVD 'Hard Core Fusion', 20 minutes on treadmill and 5 minutes of abs to round out the hour. ZZZZ

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011
    Being the fabulous hostess that I am, I handed Chrissy the remote control and said "be back just after 7pm" and off I went to spin class, now I'm not going to say anything about the Julian apple pie that I had when I got home cause my metabolism would have still been revving high from the class so those calories don't countSurprised
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    just a thought Cheryl, Chrissy may have liked a bit of alone time after being uber-sociable for the part month?

    Walked at lunchtime yesterday, so beautiful this week.  DH had the baseball game on after supper and we watched the Brewers get creamed.

    TTFN Tarts!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Absolutely calories eaten in exercise "afterglow" don't count, Cheryl!  Badger - ouch on the Brewers game last night!  I'm pulling for them, but dh wants the Cards, so it's been a spirited series for us.Tongue out

    Two mile walk with Mikey this morning, plus 15 minute Lebeds.  I withdrew from yoga class thinking I'd be on restrictions from surgery by now, so I'm going to have to do a Pilates tape or something.  Maybe I'll check out the On Demand stuff - I haven't looked there for a while for exercise videos.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Corinne: I LOATHE running! I'm a swimmer at heart and always say "swimmers can't run and runners can't swim". That's true in most cases and especially true for me, but at one point I decided I wanted to do triathlons so I had to make peace with it. Here's the link to the program I use. (Note: I add 5 minutes of walking on each side of it). Go for it!,7120,s6-238-520--2201-3-2X3X6-4,00.html

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Okay, and what about those (like me that don't do either?)...oh yeah, we do pilates. Wink.  I tried last night.  How pathetic I am.  I barely could run 1 min. Seriously.  But this is just the kick in the butt that I need to improve.

    Thanks for the link!

    This morning did 30 min of pilates and will try another sorry attempt at running tonight.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011
    Corinne - I started running after 30+ years this spring.  I'd gotten used to walking 2 miles or so every morning, and decided to see if I could jog.  I'd start where one house's driveway crossed the sidewalk, and jog till I passed two driveways, then I'd walk to the next driveway, then jog for 2 driveways, then walk for 1 driveway.  I live in a standard suburban neighborhood with quarter acre lots, so the driveways are pretty frequent!  At first I couldn't do that interval workout for the full 2 miles, but gradually I built up.  Then I started jogging for 3 driveways and walking for one, etc.  Now I can jog for 2 miles - no speed records (13-14 minute miles) but I love it!  Quiche - that Runner's World program looks great- much more structured than my informal 2 driveways on, one driveway off program!  Tongue out
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone, welcome all new gals: Sooo many new names. Well, my holidays are over, but on breakfast, Sat. night, my almost 2 year old grandaughter had me running up and down stairs, carried her around to my neighbors and I was done for the night. Sunday I did a model show for breast cancer at the local mall, which was fun, running between outfits.

    Well today I went back to the gym as per PS, except I cheated. He said nothing but walking on treadmill. Nooo, I jumped on eliptical, kept it at a low pace did about 6 minutes and saw the "class" room start to get filled. It was ZUMBA with my favorite instructor. I ran into the class, and did my beloved Zumba. My PS would kill me if he knew. I was very careful in there. I am now completely exhausted again, came home, walked my dog around the block. did a food shopping and will now relax.

    Happy Thanksgiving to northern friends and again, welcome all. I am not a daily person, but I try as much as I can.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    My apologies for not staying in touch; I'm having my last surgery (nipple reconstruction) tomorrow, and it's wigging me out a bit.

    Thoughts and prayers would be appreciated . . . I'll get to my PM's and then let all of you know how it goes.



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited October 2011

    Mary- inspirational jogging story!!!

    missswim- welcome

    I went to pump tonight...had to work off some I am po'd energy...and someone I worked with over 12 years ago came up to me and said ' did you used to work at phoenix house? Sandee right?" idea who she is...tried my darndest....but once i figured out i had no idea, we laughed and she went to get her weights and on the way said 'well anyhow, you look great!"....that felt good...and a nic esurprise that she recognized me from mid 30's to late 40's...phew! she ended up working out in front of me and we chatted some more so that was nice.

    Julie...loving thoughts coming your way. Last one lovely...last one!!!

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    I did an hour on the treadmill tonight. 30 minutes on my "run" and another 30 on a pre-set program where it changes incline and speed every minute. Waiting to see if I over did it.

    Natsfan: Love your driveway method :-) Best part is you don't have to keep looking at a watch.

    Ronna: You are one busy lady! Glad you got to do your Zumba.

    Julie: Positive, calm, caring thoughts coming your way.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Good luck, Julie. We will be thinking of you!

    Ronna, glad you cheated and had some fun doing it!

    Sandee, isn't it fun to get a (well earned) compliment?!!!!

    Still nice here; walked for an hour and then went to my Book Club, where I ate many more calories than I had to spend. Oh well.....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Julie thinking of you and sending you warm and gentle (((hugs)))

    Took Chrissy to LAX tonight for her flight to New Zealand :(

    I had a wonderful time with her she is a fabulous woman and it was like we were long lost friends and we've laughed and laughed so much over the past few days.  She got to meet a couple of my gym friends as after dropping her off we we going to our sister gym in Pasadena for the launch of the new Body Jam and we got there in time to also fit in an RPM class oh my I am now completely exhausted.  Nite all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    Julie, thinking of you and sending up a prayer right now!  Good luck with surgery today.

    Hi to everyone else, I got in a nice lunchtime walk yesterday.  Pot luck lunch at work today, I made pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting yum!  Will have to walk afternoon break and/or after work if it's not raining.  We're going to see the end of the summer-like temps in the 80's (which is OK with me, that's a bit too warm for Oct IMO).

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    Julie - sending thoughts and prayers your way today.  Keep us posted!

    Spent an hour Monday walking on the Beach (Lake Erie, not anything tropical!).  What a beautiful day it was.  I was unable to get to the beach all summer and at least got to just walk in the sand!  Today will probably be the last day this week for a morning walk, because rain is forecasted every day, but will definitely try to find a window.... otherwise, it will be the treadmill for me!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Julie, good luck today and yes, please keep us posted.

    Today woke up at 5:30 and did a run walk for 30 min.  Tried a little different way, based on Mary's driveway method.  I walked a block, ran a block.  I am going to try again tomorrow and build up from there.  Maybe walk a half block, run a block and a half?  The "voices" here kept me going today. Thanks all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Maybe I need to patent "Mary's Driveway Method to EZ Running" and make a fortune!  Cool

    30 minutes weights/resistance this morning, plus 15 minutes Lebeds.  Gained two pounds this past week, so I also hit the treadmill at work for 30 minutes at lunch.  I've been bad with eating . . . 

    Good luck Julie!!  Cheryl - if Chrissy had half the fun with you that I did when we went to the Padres game, then she had a wonderful time! Poor Blue Team on BL - there's not going to be anyone left on that team soon.  Sandee - great compliment!!!  Corinne - let us know how "Corinne's Block Method to EZ Running" goes!

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Corinne: I so admire your gumption! I always say when you try something new you have to do it at least 3 times before you can make a judgment. The first time's always clunky, the second time gets a little smoother and if the kinks aren't all worked out by the 3rd time you can make the call. Good for you for hanging in there! It sounds like you're finding your groove.  BTW - Pilates scares the bejeezus out of me! ha! BUT you're giving me motivation to get out of my comfort zone . . . not gonna rush it though.

    Natfan: I agree, I think you're on to something! Look what you've started :-)

    Julie: Still thinking of you . . . hope all went well.

    I was hoping to get a bike ride in today, but we're having a heat wave here in SoCal. (high 90's today . . . and just last weekend I was pulling out my sweaters!) So, the new plan is to pop in The Firm dvd and maybe do a little hula-hooping in the A/C.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2011

    Here is a shot of the beach I walked last week.Now it is back to the gym now that I am home.Yell

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    gorgeous mum!!! 

    cooler (yay) but rainy so no walk today BUT I wore my pedometer and logged 3.25 miles for the day!  Sometimes it amazes me how many steps I can take in a day.  Didn't sit down very much today except at lunchtime.  Then I sat for a good long while.  I really like the people I work with and there are some seriously good cooks among the ranks.

    Will have to transition over to walking laps at the oval running track at the school soon.  No running for me, given a crunchy right knee.  'night Tarts!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Still nice; took a long, fast walk on a favorite nature path, which was lovely with the trees all changing colors and crunchy leaves on the ground. Came home and dug out some annuals before it really does freeze. My school has a wall of windows in my hallway & everyone sets their plants there over the windows. The plants enjoy it and so do the humans. I am getting off the computer right now. I have so much paperwork to do that I will never get it all done! ARGH!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Another spin class tonight, I just told one of my friends I'm building a JLo butt but unfortunately I still have a Ralph Kramden bellyLaughing.

    Nats I did think of you on sunday, SoCalLisa took us on a fabulous tour of San Diego and we ended up on Coronado Island looking back at Petco Park and it brought back very happy memories of our day together.  Badger today it was 98 degrees here, wish it would make up it's mind, yesterday when Chrissy and I went down to the beach we wore sweatersCool  Julie sending you (((hugs))) hope everything went well.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    Julie, thinking of you and hoping it went well yesterday!