Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Got a bike ride in this morning before it got too hot. Did the same 8 mile route, but took a short detour and grabbed a hill! I think I'm ready to bump it up a tad (not quite a notch but maybe a tad).

    Mumayan: Thanks for the "ahhhhhh" moment . . . beautiful beach.

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Don't admire me too much Quiche.

    I woke up late and didn't do anything this morning.  I have to say I do feel the guilt.  Which I suppose is good right?

    I don't think I will be able to do anything this evening as I need to run home, make dinner for extended family that are staying for us for a few days, run to the school for a meeting and I won't be home until after 9.

    But I WILL get up and do the run walk tomorrow.  If you don't hear from me, its bc I feel too guilty, and I didn't do it. :)

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Wow.  That is just beautiful mum. Lucky you!

  • JFV
    JFV Member Posts: 341
    edited October 2011

    OOF !  I am way behind in the posts.  Keep up the good work everyone !  I have managed two Zumba classes this week and that's about it.  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    well ladies, I have a project to finish tonight so am limiting myself to only 1 post on BCO and this is it.  Got in a lovely afternoon walk around the Capitol square, in the nice crisp leaf-scented air.  Very enjoyable after the morning sprinkles stopped.  Have a great evening Tarts! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    45 elliptical Tues, 90 Yoga Weds, 45 elliptical tonight. So much for posting daily! :)

    I almost skipped tonight and then on the news they had this piece about diet and exercise and consitency. I guess that was my "voices" tonight!! :) 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Did two classes tonight first did RPM then an hour of Body Combat and I remembered to take a 2nd pair of shoes and change between classes and it made all the difference.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    I HAD to finish up two reports tonight, which I did at 9:15. Then did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 of pilates and now should go to bed!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Okay ladies. Run / walk is my new thing. I really dig this.

  • quiche
    quiche Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2011

    Planned rest day today. Heading to the beach with friends for the weekend. Will take my running shoes, but right now exercise isn't the first thing on my mind. I have visions of campfires and cocktails! May set me back a bit. Oops, wait a minute, I'm hearing voices . . . ok, ok I think I can manage a walk on the beach. At the very least, I will fit that in.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2011

    Julie, happy Nipple Day!!, Next month it will be one year that I got mine.

    Natsfan: I had asked you about scar reduction surgery, dumb me, with the four surgeries I have had that was one of them, I guess too much medication. I found my papers on that yesterday with my initials signing off on it. In fact, as of this past Aug, he did some revision, all was fine, however, I now have strips to put on them since my scar is getting a little thick and I hope will not give me anymore trouble.

    Well I went to PS yesterday, he said RESUME ALL ACTIVITIES and go back to wearing your own bras. Yippee..... Zumba for real now. Two year BC anniversary coming up 10-30.

    Volunteering at Breast Center this afternoon and tomorrow morning, then going into Manhattan to visit the Tenaments of Old New York on Sunday and doing the Lower East Side. Can't wait. 

    quiche and cheryl, you gals are so lucky to have beaches near you.

    Thank goodness for VOICES, always in back of my head. Keeps me motivated.

    Will be bz next few days, thinking of everyone,


  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    Quiche, we are going to the lake this weekend and I am hearing the "voices" too.  "Take your running shoes and walk around the lake in the morning---you are going to need it to burn off all of the bad meal choices that you are going to make this weekend". 

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2011

    I keep a calendar with stickers on it for everyday I exercise - and I looked today and it has been 3 days! So my "voices" get going slacker and fill that calendar!' You are all doing great - Doesn't it suck that BC is the only cancer that makes you gain weight? Not fair!Yell

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited October 2011

    I started tomoxifen almost 3 months ago and the menopause symptoms have really been building.  I feel like I'm in a constant hot flash....brain is sooooo foggy.....and my mood is scary flat.  I was exercising 2-3 times per week, but I decided I needed to kick it up a notch with how I've been feeling.  I made it to the gym every morning this week!  My little pink ipod has been helping me kick up the intensity and I think I'm almost looking forward to itLaughing 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers!  Came through the nipple reconstruction with flying colors (Sandee was sitting on my right shoulder throughout the process Smile); I now have a left nipple that looks like it should be on a baby bottle; it's that big.  No real exercise, though, right now - can't do anything that works up a sweat.  That stinks. 

    At any rate, thanks again, and I'm going to catch up on the individual threads and goings-on with all of you.



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Ah, one last thing . . . the breast cancer-related charity that I belong to, Evelyn's Breast Friends Forever, has the opportunity to receive a $25,000 grant!  If you are interested, please vote at http://www.pinkwell.org .  We are each allowed 10 votes.  The voting needs to be done today; the winner will be announced tomorrow.

    Evelyn dreams of providing breast cancer surgery to those who can't afford it some day.  She would also like to sponsor an event, such as a 5K race, some day. 

    Again, this is only if you are interested; please don't feel pressured to do so.



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited October 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Welcome to all Newcomers; this is a fantastic thread, and it keeps us all motivated.

    Romansma: Welcome! I understand completely about the hot flashes and menopausal symptoms. I didn't need to take tomoxifen, but got stuck with the darn symptoms just the same. Kicking up your exercise sounds like an excellent way to go.

    Ellie1959: Agreed, gaining weight with this disease sucks. Keep up the good work of exercising.

    Ronna: Glad you got the green light to exercise; Happy Zumba Days are here again! Enjoy your visit to the Old Tenements of New York. I envy you, being close to Manhattan; I've always wanted to live on the East Coast. Glad you are enjoying your volunteer work as well.

    Quiche: Thanks again for your thoughts. Enjoy your beach time. We live in Torrance (not sure if you are familiar with the South Bay?) An eight-mile bike ride sounds great! Happy exercising!

    CorrineM1: I read your post about meditation with much interest. I would think that falling asleep would be a good thing; at least, you were relaxed. Interesting story about your hubby catching the potential car thief. Good job! No, I don't think I'd worry about someone who was a wrestler and boxer.

    Ruth: Wow, flying boards? Glad nobody was hurt! Hope the paperwork wasn't too much; getting started, at least for me, is always the hardest part. Once I get going, I'm okay. Missing those Upper Midwestern fall colors and the segway into the Holidays.

    Cheryl: Glad you had some fun with ChrissyB; do wish I could have joined both of you! There will definitely be another time. I'm hoping the rest of you will be able to join us out here some day.

    Mum: Loved the sharing turkey pic.

    Sandee: Responded (finally) to your two PM's - hope you are doing okay today.

    Badger: Glad you are enjoying your walks back there. Love cream cheese and pumpkin bars!

    HUGS to Everyone Else; my apologies, but I'm still pretty wiped out from surgery (I think it's still the anesthesia), so I'm off for a nap.



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    hi all, I finished a big project today YAY but hardly left my desk all day.  So despite the windy conditions, the Voices got me out for a walk after work.

    welcome Romansma, exercise definitely helps with hot flashes, so does a folding hand fan!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    Hi all.  It's been a busy week withm what, I can't even remember.  I think I just ran on auto-pilot but I know I got in very little movement.  Tomorrow's another day and will get some in after eye doctor appt.  I'm also trying the walk/run method and also have trouble getting over 1 min on the "run" end.  You will know I've gotten better when I switch the words from walk/run to run/walk!

    Welcome all new joiners to this thread. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    50 minute bike ride! Beautiful evening out on the trails! Nice way to start the wkend.... :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Julie, glad you are on the other side of the surgery!

    Ronna, resume all activities....look out world! Smile

    Crazy day and too late at minute to give the blow by blow, but did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 45 of toning with Denise Austin between a whole bunch of other stuff.

    Happy Weekend, All!

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2011

    35 min today walk/run.   I too am looking forward to when I can honestly call it a run/walk.  I am signing myself up for upcoming 5K run / walk/runs. There is one in my area on Oct 29, and the next one is a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  My goal is to be able to run the Thankgiving one without stopping.  I have 5 weeks.  Experienced runners...is this possible? 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2011

    Good mornin' glories, it's chilly but sunny and I hear Voices saying get out there and walk.

    So out I go ~ have a good weekend everyone!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Another bike ride, gorgeous outside! Brilliant clear skies and no humidity, temps in the low 70s. Perfect.

    Earlier this morning we attended a Memorial Service for a 53 year old woman who just passed of Ovarian Cancer. So sad. :(  Felt good to get out and cycle and feel alive after that. 

    God bless all!! Enjoy every moment!! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2011

    CorinneM1, I'm going to join you and have to see if I can find a 5K.

    Went out today and did a walk/run for about 3 miles but was way more walk because I had a bag with phone, keys and wallet since CVS is on the route and needed assorted allergy meds.  Hopefully the weather tomorrow will be just a nice and I can go out with just my Ipod.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the warm welcome.  I got 2 games of raquetball in with my husband and finished with 30 minutes on the stationary bike.  Still hotflashing like crazy.....and tears are way too plentiful these days, but I'm still hoping that daily exercise can lessen the way I've been feeling.  If not, I know it can't hurt with keeping a recurrance at bay......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,527
    edited October 2011

    Romansma, hot flashes....blah!!!! You may already know all this, but here are some things that helped me: invest in a bunch of fans; big ones for by your bed, tower ones for by a desk, lap ones for watching TV. Also get rid of any turtlenecks and heavy pull over sweaters. Buy sweaters that zip or button in the front, so you can take them off quick and easily. If you can get your wrists cool, it will cool off the rest of your body. Have a cold water bottle or cold pop with you and you can sneakily roll your wrists over it to cool off. You WILL feel better if you get into a good, consistant exercise program, and it is THE big non-medical thing we can do for ourselves to lower our chance of recurrence. Sending a big hug!

    Did an hour FIRM DVD and 15 minutes on the treadmill.

    Here's something interesting I just read in a magazine today:
    Florida State universary researchers found that women who eat 6 to 10 prunes a day have significantly higher bone density than women who nosh on other fruit. "Prunes are rich in potassium and boron, which are known to increase bone mass," says study lead author Bahram H. Arjamndi.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2011

    Yesterday did Body Pump and Body Combat classes. We have a new young girl teaching Combat but she's not completely certified yet but she's really good (the wonderful Eduardo was her instructor so no wonder) last night she had to film herself teaching a class so she can submit it for certification and just to let you know I'm not the only fool out there 11 people turned up for her filming, and then I went back this morning for another Combat class, all I can say is my poor feet, they are really "feeling it".

    Ronna so glad you finally got your clearance to exercise again, those zumba ties will be swingin' and swishin' to the beat Kiss

    Romansma exercising will really help the mood and it won't be long before you find yourself craving your time at the gym, I also have one of those little battery operated fans that I keep handy cause you never know when a hot flash will overcome youSurprised

    Quiche hope you are enjoying your time on the beach

    Corinne I am NOT a runner but I believe that you can do it, just put one foot in front of the other and go go go

    Ruth I love prunes and I know I have some in the cupboard but they are pushed to the back, I need to have a little organization party in the pantry Tongue out

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Patoo - definitely find a 5K!  DH and I did the one last month just to join a co-worker's team, but we found we loved it!  We now have our eye on a 5K Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning.  I'm supposed to have my last recon scar reduction surgery on 11/2, so I'm hoping the ps gives me the OK for the Turkey Trot.  By the way, Ronna - you asked about my surgery a long time ago - my ps didn't say anything about laser, but she also needs to do a tiny lift on one side as the final part of the recon work, so it looks like a good old fashioned scapel for me. 

    Heading out to do a run right now . . .

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2011

    Woohoo - was only planning on doing 2 miles, but it's such a beautiful day and I felt so good I just kept going - ended up doing 3.2 miles - a bit more than a 5K!  OK - it took 40 minutes (people who win these things do it in 20) but who cares - what's important is that I can do it!!   

    I think about those dark chemo days when I was so fatigued it was exhausting just walking from one room in my house to another, and now I'm running 5Ks.  For those of you who are in or just finishing active treatment and think you'll never feel good again - it does get better - just keep plugging away. 

    Feelin' good today!!